How the appearance, facial features of a person with age are changing: physiology, change of female and male persons by age, examples, photos

How the appearance, facial features of a person with age are changing: physiology, change of female and male persons by age, examples, photos

Every morning, approaching the mirror, we look at our face and are unlikely to notice those tiny, but, alas, constant changes that happen to us. And only when old acquaintances cease to recognize us on the street, whom we have not seen for a long time, we understand that not the young and recognizable.

In this article you will learn what is happening with our appearance with age. Perhaps you already notice such changes.

How does appearance change over the years?

  • 0-14 years. The skull is fully formed upon reaching 14 years. As they grow older, he acquires “adulthood” and his face, its features are tightened and brighter, losing a pleasant children's roundness and softness of the lines. Male teenagers notice that their face begins to be covered with first vegetation, it is also noted increase in the size of the kadyk.
  • 14-20 years. The jaw and frontal lines, along with the outlines of the chin, acquire clarity, the rounding of the nose leaves. In more directly drawn the strip line is converted, The skin becomes denser. In this youthful period, there is often an initial stage for the manifestation of facial wrinkles - small, but already quite distinguishable.
  • 20-30 years. How does appearance change over the years? In the period, starting from 20 to 30 years, the final formation of the oval of the face occurs. Cheekbones, chin and jaws Big convex. The face is somewhat rinsing, a sharp outline of its contours is manifested. The wrinkles practically not noticeable before are now more vividly and clearly expressed. The formation of a person has a decisive effect on which a large extent depends on facial expressions And indirectly - features. Eyes become more deeply planted, and some men in these years are already starting to bald.
Age -related changes
Age -related changes
  • After 45. It is at this age that the face is aging. Wrinkles appear on the forehead, centuries, nasolabial folds deepen. The skin begins to sag jaws, the facial oval is softened. But areas of temples and eyeballs, on the contrary, become more pronounced. The hair begins to gray (this applies to both men and women), vision becomes worse, farsightedness can develop.
Deepening nasolabial folds
Deepening nasolabial folds
  • To 60 years. Wrinkles are pronounced, as well as the presence under the eyes of dark circles and swelling. The hairline is thinner, and in men by this time it can already be completely absent. The outlines of the bridge of the nose, superfluous arcs and the site near the eyes become more acute, while even more strong sinking of the eyes themselves. The skin lose their elasticity and volume, sag and sophisticate so much that this allows you to determine the relief of the cranial box. The fleshyness of the earlobes, cheeks and upper eyelids increases.
  • After 80 years old. Wrinkle grid covers the whole face, sag the upper eyelids, visually reducing the eyes, sophisticate and wrinkle the lips. The cheekbones are sunk, and the cheeks become sagging. The nose is sharpened and lengthened, acquiring a bony silhouette. Deep wrinkles resemble furrows, and the hair becomes completely gray and thin.
Changes in men
Changes in men
Changes in women
Changes in women

How does the appearance of an elderly man change?

With the onset of the elderly, the person’s face undergoes cardinal changes. How the appearance of an elderly person changes:

  • Face soft tissue, a distinct manifestation of bone structures.
  • The skin loses elasticity, the chewing muscles weakenThe teeth fall out, which becomes the reasons for the murmur of the cheeks.
  • Clear allocation on the face of the cheekbones.
  • It moves forward and the chin rises.
  • The volume of the lips is reduced, they become more subtle and spilled (this is especially pronounced if the front teeth are lost or erased), many vertical wrinkles appear on them.
  • The distance from the tip of the nose to the chin is getting less and less, The location of the nasolabial folds is clearly visible.
  • The rotary gap seems more compressed, since the circular and other labial muscles are weakened, there is also an omission of the corners of the mouth.
  • The nose becomes thicker in the tip of the tip and is inclined, and inside it there is a massive hair growth, it also loses the clarity of the outlines, since by this age already significantly weakened the cartilage structure.
  • Significant An increase in the number of folds, wrinkles, age spots.
  • The temporal muscle is atrophy, making the temporal area of \u200b\u200ba flat, sometimes hollow, with the outlines of blood vessels, visible under thinned skin.
  • Increase in the rigidity of the hair of the eyebrows, their bushiness.
  • The sagging of the upper eyelid, The loss of its elasticity and the acquisition of the centuries of transverse wrinkles, a decrease in the fold of the century that has lost the elasticity of muscles.
  • An increase in the number and length of near -eyed wrinkles.
  • Eyelashes become rare and shapeless.
  • Appearance meshkov under the lower century, as a result of the accumulation of liquids and fat deposits
  • There are fewer fat cells in the eye area, so they become sunk, which changes the entire shape of the eye.
  • Reducing the pupil, Due to the fact that the pigment of the iris becomes less and less, it changes color.
  • The conjunctiva is covered with capillaries, the sclera turns yellow, and the cornea becomes more and more dull, since the content of such a component as tear fluid is minimized.
  • It is compacted, at first it turns yellow, and after that the lens begins to mutter compared to an earlier age becomes more dense, yellowish and the protein of the eye is gradually clutching.
  • Lose elasticity of cartilage, This is especially manifested in the example of ear shells, which become longer, the growth of hairs, hanging the lobe begins in the ear.
  • It is seen many wrinkles behind the ears.
  • It becomes a thinner hairline, the loss of the hair that has gray -haired by this time begins (usually from the forehead and temples, as well as in the parietal area).
  • The appearance of hair in a nasolabial triangle, perhaps on a chin, after the onset of menopause.
  • By the aggregate of the above changes, the degree of aging is determined.
Changes in appearance
Changes in appearance

Why does appearance change?

  • Why does appearance change? This is due processesthat occur in all tissues and vessels, in cells and organs. The most clearly in the appearance of a person is manifests itself on the face and neck. At what speed do such changes occur depend on the general physical and psychological state.
  • Increased emotionality, For example, it affects the vessels and is one of the reasons for the early aging of the face, on which earlier than the peers, folds and wrinkles appear. The external factors, the environment, the environment have also been affected, the teeth have survived or fell, whether the muscles involved in facial and chewing processes are active.
  • Affects the appearance with age and distribution of subcutaneous fat layer. So, in his youth, it is located mainly in the cheeks, as it ages in the process of atrophy - on the chin, lengthening the face. The more muscle tone weakens, the more muscles atrophy, Making the face with wrinkled, plastic inexpressive.
Many factors are affected by appearance
Many factors are affected by appearance

At what age does the appearance change in men and women?

  • Code is changing your appearance? The appearance of nasolabial folds occurs in the period from 20 to 25 years old, After another 10 years, they become a furrow, which after another 10-15 years becomes pronounced.
  • Wrinkles under the eyes begin to appear already after reaching 25 years, the same applies to wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, which we call goose legs.
Changes in men
Changes in men
  • Concerning pre -sized wrinkles, then they are visible on male faces after 30 years, on female-after 40.
  • In the neck, wrinkles begin to appear after 25, and between the eyebrows-much later, after 50. At the same age, the face changes in the profile, becomes wider.
  • Eyelids can begin deformation in 30 years. So The appearance is changingby age.
  • Age (senile) changes are, in addition to the signs listed above, the appearance of age spots, skin seals of yellowish color, bruises or bruises, nets of vessels often located in the cheek or nose, vascular nodules.

How does the appearance of women with age change?

  • Let's start with the eyes. They change their species due to the hanging of the upper eyelid, the appearance of edematous bags, wrinkles. At the same time, the eyes themselves do not change their shape and magnitude, but sagging the skin around makes them visually smaller in size and expressiveness.
  • Brows They may begin to change at a fairly young age-after 30, if the condition of the muscles is unsatisfactory and can lead to sagging tissues, as a result of which the eyebrows fall, making the eyes tired.
Changes in the appearance of the eye
Changes in the appearance of the eye
  • Nose modifies very strongly due to fabric atrophy, Making wider and larger, and the tip gradually sags more and more, losing elasticity.
  • Lips are also characterized by early aging -After 30 above the upper lip, the appearance of vertical folds is possible. Changes do not affect the shape and size, refer only to the total volume.
  • Chin, Even if it was originally clearly expressed and acute, over the years, due to loss of fabric elasticity, it changes its shape, folds and “dents” often appear on it. This is how the woman’s appearance changes with age.

How does the appearance of men with age change?

  • Blood circulation in male skin is much more intense than in the female, therefore, after the final formation of the oval of the face, and up to 40 years, changes in it are practically not observed.
  • After 40 years, the changes become noticeable because deep wrinkles appear, having a relief, and a face called "Swims." It is noticeable on it by deformation of the oval, the appearance of films, begin to form herbies on eyelids and bags under the eyes. The skin becomes more dry, the level of testosterone decreases and, as a result, seal and sweat glands perform their functions worse.
  • The vessels also weaken by the age of forty - they begin to form a vascular grid of a reddish or purple shade. If a man also abuses alcohol, this process is especially pronounced and has the name Rosacea. So the appearance of men changes.
The appearance of a man is changing
The appearance of a man is changing

At an older age, the skin on the face acquires loosen and sagging, Flapping appears due to the fact that more and more fluids are delayed in the body. The appearance of the second chin is also a phenomenon inherent in this particular age. Plus, all the processes that began earlier are strengthened.

Video: How does a person change with age?

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Comments K. article

  1. The condition of the skin immediately gives out age. Therefore, careful care is required for it. And the basis is moisturizing. After 30, I began to take hyaluronic acid without fail (I take Evalarovskaya, because the dosage is good and the price is acceptable. I usually order a, it is very convenient). I drink much more water. No wrinkle on my face ... and no one gives me my age))

  2. In the figure “Changes in men”, everything is old, except for the lips. ) But it is written both here and in life can be seen very clearly, as with age the lips become much thinner. And then in your drawing a person is all wrinkled, and the fullness of the lips is the same as in youth. Does not fit.

  3. There are quite a few people and 25 people in general, actually with a common thinness. In 20 faces, many are semi -children's. I am 19, my face was still not formed, it is already quite elongated, but there is no cheekbone, stupidly cheeks.

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