How to sculpt manti correctly and beautifully: step -by -step guides, different sculpting methods, photos, videos. Manti: modeling with a rose, pigtail, round, triangular, from squares, fish? How classic, Uzbek and Uyghur manti are sculpted: instructions, tips, photos, videos

How to sculpt manti correctly and beautifully: step -by -step guides, different sculpting methods, photos, videos. Manti: modeling with a rose, pigtail, round, triangular, from squares, fish? How classic, Uzbek and Uyghur manti are sculpted: instructions, tips, photos, videos

From this article you will learn how to sculpt manti in different ways, including unusual ones.

Manti - a dish of Asian cuisine from dough and chopped meat, mainly lamb, with onions, sometimes other vegetables. Whether we want it or not on how the dish looks like a dish. How to sculpt manti beautifully, in what ways can you sculpt? We find out in this article.

How to roll the dough on manti?

Roll the dough on manti with a thickness of 1-2 mm

By the principle of preparation, manti resemble dumplings or dumplings, but only manti are larger in size, and sculpt them differently. It is known that in the east, housewives know a lot about the preparation of manti.

To prepare delicious and beautiful mantles, you must first knead the dough, knead it well, let it brew, thinly roll it out, cut out squares, circles, and sculpt manti.

To make the dough subtly, there are subtleties:

  • We knead the dough on warm water.
  • The dough on the manti should be very thick, for it we take 2 parts of flour and 1 part of the water.
  • We knead the dough with the hands until smooth, 15-20 minutes.
  • We wrap the dough into the film, and let it brew from half an hour to 1 hour.
  • Permissible dough thickness for manti is 2 mm, ideal - 1 mm.
  • So that the dough is not torn when modeling, it is kneaded from the flour of the highest and first grades in half.
  • Eggs also need to be added to the dough: 2 eggs per 1 kg of flour.

How to fix it correctly, pinch manti: tips, instructions

Preparing manti, so that the filling through the dough is visible is art. Skills are acquired for years.

The basic principle of making mantles:

  1. Roll out of the dough a thin large circle, cut into squares.
  2. You can go the other way: we divide the dough into small lumps, and roll out subtly each lump into a circle.
  3. The size of a circle or square in a diameter of about 10 cm.
  4. We lay out on a circle or square 1 tbsp. l. minced meat.
  5. For a square test: Raise all 4 corners above the minced meat, and pinch them tightly. Then we tightly pinch the space where the filling peeps, but you can not cling, but leave it open. As a result, we have formed new corners - we lay them down 2 together.
  6. For a circle: Raise the dough above the minced meat and connect the opposite sides in the middle with each other, then raise the edges of the dough over the filling from the remaining 2 sides and pinch from the middle dough. We connect 2, the new corners formed.
  7. Mantoux are ready, but they are still raw. They are boiled only for a couple, and since there are a lot of fillings, they will have to cook too long-40-45 minutes.

How classic manti sculpt: step -by -step guides, photos,

Classic manti

In the classic way to sculpt manti in the form of a bag. This is a very simple way, and is most often used.

We sculpt manti bag:

  1. We roll out a large dough layer very thinly, cut out the same circles, you can make a large mug.
  2. On the middle of the mug we put the minced meat, and collect the dough with folds above the minced meat.
  3. We connect all the folds together, pinch tightly so that they do not disperse.
  4. Manti are ready, steam them, a special pan is suitable - a mantic or a double boiler.

Manti - modeling rose: scheme of modeling, description

Pull manti with a rose Also quite simple. We sculpt:

  1. We roll out a thinly large round layer of dough.
  2. We cut out a special device that makes a corrugated edge (can be knife), long stripes.
  3. Put the minced meat on the strip, fold it in half and pinch over the minced meat (the rose will be closed). You can not pinch the edges, then the rose will be open.
  4. We twist the strip with minced meat in the roll.
  5. We straighten the rose petals.
  6. Mantoux roses are ready, cook for a couple of 40-45 minutes.

Video: manti - roses! Surprise guests

Manti - modeling with a pigtail: modeling scheme, description

Mantis with a pigtail
Mantis with a pigtail

Placing manti with a pigtail is simple. There are still them call dumplings in Asian.

We sculpt manti braids:

  1. We skate the dough thinly in small circles.
  2. On the circle we lay out 1 tbsp. l. filling, form in the form of an oblong cutlet.
  3. On one and the other, over the filling, we take small folds of the dough from the very beginning, and cover the filling with them, first one side from above, and then the other, as if weaving a braid.
  4. We put the pigtail to the end, tightly fasten the folds with each other so that they do not part.
  5. The pigtail is ready.

Round manti: modeling scheme, description

Cooking manti from dough circles:

  1. Cut the dough into pieces.
  2. We roll the buns from them and subtly roll out a rocking chair.
  3. In the center of the circle we put 1 tbsp. l. minced meat and fasten up above the minced meat, in one place.
  4. Then we raise another 2 edges and fasten them.
  5. We still look out the filling in 4 places, pinch them.
  6. We have formed new 4 corners, connect them 2.
  7. Manti are ready, you can steam. We remind you that they cook for 40-45 minutes.

Video: How to sculpt manti?

Triangular manti: modeling scheme, description

Mantoux with a triangle

For triangular mantles Roll the dough in small circles. Then we do the following with a circle:

  1. In the center of the circle we put the filling.
  2. 2 edges we pinch with each other, over the filling, to the middle.
  3. We raise the edge of the dough from the other side of the dough, connect it to the middle with the middle of the pinned edge.
  4. We pin 2 sides of the dough with the edge raised up.
  5. We got manti triangles. We form a beautiful rubber. You can cook steamed.

Square manti: modeling scheme, description

Mantis from dough squares

Mantis from the squares of the dough we sculpt as follows:

  1. Roll out the dough with a thin large circle.
  2. Cut the squares, its side is 10 cm.
  3. In the middle of the square we put 1 tbsp. l. filling.
  4. We connect all 4 corners above the filling.
  5. We got 4 more corners, we also connect them for 2 together.

Manti - modeling with a boat: scheme of modeling, description

Manta with a boat

It’s very simple to blind manti with a boat, the main thing is that the minced meat is not liquid, since these are open manti.

We sculpt manti boats:

  1. We roll the dough into a thin large circle.
  2. Cut the squares, the side of the square from 5 to 10 cm.
  3. We lay it on squares (in the center) of the minced meat.
  4. We tie up a little edges up, connect 2 corners on one side and the other, fasten them tightly.
  5. We tightly lay out the boats in the double boiler so that they do not spread, and cook for a couple of 40-45 minutes.

Manti - modeling fish: scheme of modeling, description

The manti in the form of a fish is original, of course, to sculpt them, but you can surprise the guests.

We sculpt the manti of the fish:

  1. We roll out a thinly round layer of dough.
  2. We cut out of it an oval with a special device for the corrugated edge.
  3. On the edge of the oval we put the minced meat in the form of an oblong cutlet.
  4. The rest (large) of the dough will be the tail of the fish. We make out the tail: cut in the same device in the middle, squeeze the oblong lines with a toothpick.
  5. We pinch the edges of the dough above the body of the fish, press the edges with a toothpick.
  6. In small fingers, we make the fish scales, straighten the tail, sculpt your mouth, pierce small holes on the sides with a toothpick - the eyes.
  7. The manti fish is ready, you can steam.

Video: Original way of modeling dumplings, manti

How to sculpt Uzbek manti: scheme of modeling, description

Uzbek manti It is prepared from fresh dough and from yeast. The fillings are also different: lamb with lard and onions, fatty fat with sugar or pumpkin, lamb with radish, potatoes.
Mantoux are sculpted in Uzbekistan in different ways, we will talk about one of them:

  1. We roll out a large lump of dough as thin as possible.
  2. We cut the dough into squares approximately 10 cm.
  3. We lay out for each square of 1 tbsp. l. Finely chopped lamb minced meat.
  4. Raise 4 corners above the minced meat, pinch them together.
  5. The formed again 4 corners we get 2 together.
  6. Cook manti for a couple of 40-45 minutes.

Video: Uzbek manti home

How to sculpt Uyghur manti: scheme of modeling, description

Uyghurs are a native people living in the east of Turkmenistan, China. It was the Uyghurs who brought a manti recipe from China, and began to cook on it. In this ancient recipe, lamb and fat needed not to be crushed, but finely chopped. Then add chopped onions and cilantro in the minced meat.
Should be sculpted uyghur manti In a simple way:

  1. We roll the finished settled dough into a thin sausage.
  2. We tear off small pieces from the sausage of dough, roll them into the bun.
  3. We roll the dough into thin circles, with a diameter of at least 10 cm, with the edges thinner than the middle.
  4. On each circle we put 1 tbsp. l. minced meat, we pinch two edges of the dough together, first on one side to half, then on the other side.
  5. We steam the finished mantles.

Video: How to cook real Uyghur mantles?

What are the forms of modeling manti: photo

From ordinary squares and mugs of dough, you can blind unusual manti.

Mantis from dough cut into squares:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Mantis from dough rolled in circles:

Option 1

Option 2

If at the top 2 sides of the mantles represented in option 1, to cast together, you will get flower mantles

Option 3

Option 4

So, we learned to sculpt manti in different ways.

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  1. I already want to eat them.)))

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