How to treat hemorrhoids with folk methods? 7 effective methods of treating hemorrhoids at home

How to treat hemorrhoids with folk methods? 7 effective methods of treating hemorrhoids at home

How to cure hemorrhoids at home? Ointments, compresses, baths and decoctions of herbs from hemorrhoids.

A sedentary lifestyle, constant malfunctions in nutrition, one -time excessive physical activity - few people can avoid this. And all these factors lead to a disease such as hemorrhoids. If you have a suspicion that this trouble has visited you and you should not guess and delay the treatment for a long time. With the initial stage of the disease, you can cope yourself, folk methods. But in the last stages only the operation will help.

Folk remedies for the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids

  • Hemorrhoids are stagnation of blood in the anus. We can see a similar phenomenon on our feet during varicose veins. Blood stagnates in the veins, stretches them, and can even form inflamed nodes. From the anus, these nodes sometimes fall out
  • At the initial stages, they easily come back. But with a long course of the disease, they are constantly outside the anus. It is useless to treat such a situation at home
  • It is better to try not to bring to this. There are many harmless funds that traditional medicine can advise you. With internal hemorrhoids, it is better to use ointments, candles and enemas. If the nodes are located outside, then more benefits will be from sedentary baths
  • Commenting on folk remedies for hemorrhoids, doctors note that local funds are much better than common. This means that there will be no special effect from decoctions, infusions and juices. Official medicine also believes that all these funds are good only as an addition to the main treatment

The first means: oak bark for hemorrhoids, use

Oak bark is a means that is widely used in the medicine of many countries. It will relieve inflammation, kill microbes, will contribute to the healing of wounds and cracks, stop blood and relieve itching. It is used as part of ointments, enemas, decoctions. Here are a few recipes.

Pain for removing pain

  • 50 g of oak bark
  • 30 g of horse chestnut seeds
  • 30 g of chamomile
  • 30 g of sage
  • 2 l of water

Pour the herbs with boiling water, let it brew for 3-4 hours. You can wrap it up. After strain and make enemas with the resulting liquid.

Digestive collection

Hemorrhoids can cause constipation and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. You can put the digestion in order with this tool.

  • 3 tablespoons of oak bark
  • 3 straps of flax seeds
  • 4 straps of chamomile
  • 2.5 liters of water

Pour the grass with boiling water. Let it brew for 10 hours. Drink 3 times a day after eating.

Sitting bath

  • 50 g of oak bark
  • 20 g of field horsetail
  • 20 g of valerian root

Pour hot water. After the tool is infused, strain. Now it can be added to the baths for the treatment of external hemorrhoids. The same tool is suitable for compresses.

Remedy second: ice with hemorrhoids

Folk remedies are recommended to use ice candles for hemorrhoids. The cold will cause vascular spasm. Due to this, bleeding will decrease, and pain will pass. But doctors do not recommend resorting to such extreme measures. However, if you still decide to try, you can use such a recipe.

Ice candles with hemorrhoids

Make a decoction of chamomile. Pour into an attack and put in the freezer. When the decoction turns into the ice, the candle needs to be freed from the "packaging". You need to use at night, and no more than once every two days. The time of the first procedure is 30 seconds.

Some recommend taking sedentary baths with ice. But this can poorly affect reproductive health. An ice compress will be safer. For him, a small piece of ice is wrapped in a bandage and puts on an inflamed node.

Third remedy: sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids, how to use

Sea buckthorn oil is a tool that can be used as long and often. It is not able to harm with hemorrhoids. The sea buckthorn contains vitamin C. Due to this, the walls of the vessels of the anus will strengthen, and new nodes will not arise. In addition, this oil has an antibacterial and wound healing effect.

It can simply be applied to the skin around the inflamed node, you can put candles from a swab moistened in this oil. There are more complex recipes.

Sea buckthorn bath

  • 10 branches of sea buckthorn
  • 2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil

Fill the leaves with boiling water and let them brew for a couple of hours. Now this tool can be used for a sedentary bath by adding oil there.

Microclism with sea buckthorn oil

Sustain 50 ml of sea buckthorn oil. Cool to room temperature. Now it can be inserted into the rectum. After that, you need to lie down so that the product does not flow out. The duration of the procedure is half an hour.

Ointment for the treatment of external hemorrhoids

  • 1 stip of sea buckthorn oil
  • 1 stip of honey
  • 1 stip of ghee

Heat all the ingredients to a liquid state, mix and take it into the refrigerator. When the product froze to the consistency of the ointment, you can lubricate the external nodes.

Fourth remedy: Candles from potatoes with hemorrhoids

Candles made of raw potatoes are a remedy for hemorrhoids, the effectiveness of which is recognized even by doctors. It not only enhances regeneration, but also has an antispasmodic effect. The starch envelops the affected mucosa, which contributes to treatment.

Raw potato

  • 1 potato
  • ointment made of sea buckthorn oil (see the recipe above)

Cut a small candle the size of a little finger out of the potatoes. Lubricate the anus with ointment (or any vegetable oil) and enter it. It is advisable to carry out the procedure after an evening enema with herbs. Leave it overnight. In the morning, the candle will come out with the feces.

Enema with potato juice

Grate one potato with a peel on a fine grater. Squeeze all the juice from the mass. With the resulting liquid, make microclism. Leave the product at night. By the way, with hemorrhoids, potato juice, drunk on an empty stomach before meals, helps. It must be taken half a glass.

Vegetable "Inhalation"

Collect potato, carrot, beetroot and onions, fold in a three -liter pan. Pour everything with water and boil everything. Pour the mixture into a vessel like a night pot. Sit on it for 15-20 minutes. Then be sure to wash with cold water.

Fifth means: compresses for hemorrhoids

Compresses for hemorrhoids have proved their effectiveness. Widespread recipes for compresses with onions and garlic juice. Doctors do not advise using them, as they have an annoying effect.

Berry compress

Collect the berries of mountain ash. Explaint them in the gruel. Squeeze the juice. Wrap the resulting mass in gauze and apply on an inflamed node. By the way, the juice of mountain ash can be taken inside. This must be done 3 times a day. Dosage - half a glass.

Compress from smoke juice

  • 1 stip of a spoon of medicinal smoke
  • 4 tablespoons of vaseline

Mix the ingredients. Put the resulting ointment as a compress on the anus area.

Cabbage compress

Grind 1 cabbage sheet in a blender. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Drink gauze in it and apply to an inflamed place. By the way, sauerkraut juice is also suitable for this.

Means Sixth: Tax for hemorrhoids: how to treat hemorrhoids with tansy

Tansy has a venotonic effect, which is very good for the prevention of hemorrhoids. In addition, this plant is a good antiseptic. It contributes to the healing of wounds and cracks.

Hemoostal infusion

  • 1 stip of tansy flowers
  • 1 stip anise
  • 1 tbsp a spoon of nine
  • 1 tbsp
  • 1 stip of black poplar kidneys
  • 2 l of water

Pour the grass mixture with boiling water. After it is infused, strain and drink a third of a glass half an hour before meals. The product can be taken 3 times a day.

Top for hygiene anus

Freeze the infusion of tansy in small molds. This tool can be processed anus every time after the act of defecation.

Sitting steam bath

Collect the plants of tansy. Rinse them and lower them into a bucket. Then pour boiling water and sit on a bucket. Covered with a blanket, sit like this for about 15 minutes. The procedure can only be carried out in the absence of bleeding.

The seventh product: how to use a dump of nettles for hemorrhoids?

Nettle decoction is often used as a hemoostal product. It struggles with inflammation. In addition, nettle helps to resolve the nodes that have already arisen.

Soft laxative with nettles

  • 1 tbsp of nettle
  • 1 tbsp
  • 1 l of boiling water

Boil the herbs over low heat for 10 minutes. Then let it brew for another half hour. Having strained, take a glass 3 times a day.

Mesh ointment

  • 1 tbsp of nettle
  • 1 stip of pepper leaves
  • 4 tablespoons of vaseline

Grind the dried leaves to the state of the powder. Then mix with ointment. The resulting tool can be applied to inflamed areas.

Vitamin tea with nettles

  • 1 tbsp of nettle
  • 1 stip of currant leaves

Brew herbs in the tender. Drink like tea, diluting with boiled water.

How to treat hemorrhoids with folk methods: tips and reviews

“He did not go to the doctors, since they had a continuous pumping of money. Simple gymnastics helped. Each time after I go out of great need, I go to the sofa, raise my legs and make squeezing movements. The nodes left themselves. "

“Cold helps only on the first day after the exacerbation has passed. After that, on the contrary, only dry heat can be used. In general, you need to strengthen the vessels. ”

“You can’t sit in the toilet for half an hour, relaxing. I was helped by charging on the toilet. When emptying, I always strain the buttocks and muscles of the problematic place. ”

Video: What physical exercises will help from hemorrhoids?


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Comments K. article

  1. When hemorrhoids appeared with me, I could not believe that this happened to me. At first I didn’t bother very much, but over time it became simply unbearable, well, you understand what I mean.

    I went to the hospital, prescribed medications that only slightly relieved all the symptoms. Well, then the exacerbation began, began to cring. I also turned to paid doctors, all the unauthorized, that only I did not try, different ointments, relifa and other candles, sea buckthorn, pills, different traditional medicine, nothing helped, but only a little relieved, and especially useless drugs with advertising on the case.

    Already desperate, almost resigned, I think, well, people live with this, complained to her friend, and she advised me one remedy.
    It turned out that her mother also had hemorrhoids, and even worse than mine, also experienced a lot of things on herself, and only this tool helped.

    I look, something new, and I think there is nothing to lose, in general I took it. I began to use. Strong inflammation passed in two days, and the knot dragged over in a week and a half, the pain almost disappeared, and after 3 weeks it completely ceased to hurt.
    At the moment, hemorrhoids do not make itself felt at all, pah pah pah, and almost a year and a half has passed.

    Be sure to look, good luck to everyone.

  2. What is this tool? I am afraid to come to all sorts of links, write just the name, so read about it. And then the problem is relevant for me now.

  3. Svetlana, if the problem is relevant, then you have to go to the doctor and not to pull time. At one time, I was also disturbed by hemorrhoids, discomfort, pain, fear. Who was sick, he understands what I mean. The doctor at the appointment prescribed several drugs to me, not one, I took a phlebof from venotoniks, I remember that. The composition is good, there are no harmful fillers. As soon as I began treatment, I felt improved well -being quite quickly.

  4. I tried a bunch of everything, relieves symptoms, it becomes easier. Then the constipation, again inflammation and everything is new. Therefore, the main thing is to prevent these constipation. Water helps well in the morning on a carder, there is more slaughter foods. And Fibrallax, settles the work of the intestines, there are no constipation. For the third year now, I have not known what hemorrhoids are.

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