How to beautifully lay curly hair in women? How to choose a hairstyle for curly hair, depending on the shape of the face?

How to beautifully lay curly hair in women? How to choose a hairstyle for curly hair, depending on the shape of the face?

How to properly care for curly hair, how to choose styling products, and which haircut is suitable for your curly hair depending on the type of face - you will learn about all this by reading the article.

Girls, having from nature direct hair, all ways trying do them lush, wavy, give form curls or curls. Owners curly hair, against, it is necessary collide with beside difficulties, related with features care and laying. it absolutely not contradicts nature female charmus characteristic a wish to be different. Important learn to be in love their hair, to try do them beautiful.

Peculiarities laying curly hair

Watching hair requires special care, since they often have a foggy structure, subject to fragility, confused and damaged faster. Curly hair can also be too rigid - such hair is considered the most difficult in terms of hairdressers, so hair styling of this type requires a certain skill.

  • For easy everyday laying choose stepped haircut and regularly cut off serving tipsthis is visually will reduce volume hair and will give hairstyle accuracy
  • Drying curly hair is recommended naturally, giving fingers the shape of curls and curls. At drying hairdryer, hair lost moisturism, they become excessively lush and more difficult amenable laying
  • For curly hair choose comb and brushes with antistatic coating, comb hair carefully, beginning with tips, to excessively them not injured
  • At wet weather better not spend time on the complex laying, after all hair fluff and will be to look like sloppybetter bind it braid or collect hair in knot

Funds laying for fluffy curly hair

To effective put curly lush hair, recommended use cosmetic products in form creams and lotions. Such funds intended for styling, a also simultaneously provide additional care and protection curls from external negative influencesultraviolet rays, chlorinated water and drops temperature.

  • If a you want to a little straighten hair, choose cream with smoothing effect, if hair damaged and overdrybetter suitable restorative, moisturizing cream
  • For creation effect « wet» hair, use gel for laying, a for the best fixations kudrey use mousse (foam)
  • Apply funds need on the clean, slightly wet hair, a then put with help round brushes and fena or use curlers
  • After any laying slightly sprinkle hair varnishthis is fix kudri and will allow longer save hairstyle
  • Home and pharmacy masks and balmsrinses for food,  recovery  structures and smoothing surfaces hair must to be present in quality funds constant care. Apply balms need after everyone washing heads, a masksnot less 1 times in a week

How put short curly hair?

To do stylish hairstyle from short hair need:

  • wash hair, break them towel
  • apply on the wet hair means for laying - for short hair, it should have an average or high degree of fixation
  • with help fena and comb give form strands, pulling and directing them slightly way down, to decrease volume
  • in dependencies from case and mood you you can create on the head mischievous mess or put hair soft curls

How put curly hair medium lengths beautiful?

Curly hair medium lengths create difficulties at laying, because the them difficult collect in hairstyle or brave, a in loose form they can to look like inaccurateFor such hair suitable laying in form soft curls ala 20e. For this necessary:

  • on the clean wet hair apply cream for laying
  • comb hair comb with rare teeth and fix strands at help clamps
  • dry hair natural way or with use fena, remove clamps and comb

Long curly hair: methods laying

Long curly hair look feminine and a little romantic, that's why good suitable young girls. Pick up hairstyle for this type hair not always simply, so how without thorough laying yours hair can to look like disheveled and haughty.

Natural kudri will be less confused, if straightaway after washing apply spray for relief combing and guide comb against growth hair. Refuse from frequent use carrians and ironing for straightening - These products aggressively affect the structure of the hair, dry in length and burn the tips.

The most simple options hairstyles will be braid and collected in knot hair in different variations. Such laying not demand special preparation, enough wash hair, apply cream or mousse light fixations, to hair not falled, and collect them so, how to you more fitsin knot on the the back of the head or high tail, brave or wrap with help hoop for hair.

Fantastic curls: how do curls, if hair curly

For feminine large curls or waves use large curlers.

  • Divide wet hair on the the same strands
    Apply indelible means for laying and win each strand in the same direction, trying not pull u roots
  • Formation curls on the long hair start on the middle lengths, for medium lengths step back near 10 cm from roots
  • After drying carefully remove curlers, not leave them on the nightthin hair will be confused and to break

Professional funds for laying curly hair

Specially developed series on care and laying curly hair from world leaders professional cosmetics for hair give yours curls healthy shine and elasticity, they will help reestablish damage and serving tips.

  • Curl Definer Conditioning Lotion Londa Professionel - indelible cream for deep moisturizing and nutrition of hair, prevents confusion and restores normal shine of weakened hair
  • The Enrich Reparing Mouse Muset from Wella Professionel - contains natural silk extract, vitamins, panthenol. Hair will acquire lightness and softness. An indispensable tool for thin hair, which is difficult to amenable to combing and laying. Dry clean hair is applied and does not require flushing
  • Curl Contour from L’Oreal Prefessional - a nutritious, caring mask for curly hair. Gives elasticity curls, fills the hair with force, restoring damage, prevents brittleness and loss, contains UV filters

Simple hairstyles for curly hair on the each day

If a u you short hair, daily laying not take it too much a lot of time:

  • wash head, slightly dry
  • apply means for layingfor short hair better suitable wax or mousse strong fixations
  • raise up strands, a little clutching them in hand, and dry each strand hairdryer


For hair medium lengths and more long good suitable laying with raised lateral strands:

  • apply on the washed wet hair styling means
  • dry with use nozzlesdiffuser
  • collect strands on sides and with help hairpins or clamps fasten them on the the back of the head, creating additional volume on the crown
  • the lower strands can be left free or twisted into a knot at the base of the neck

The bang-wrapped-in-general-hairstyle-bosom-out-and-flood-fucked-and-fingered-cone-convexes

How fast do laying, if hair curly?

Laying with help elastic hoop will become real salvation for girls with curly hair. Creation hairstyles occupies minimum timeat this laying appropriate in workers weekdays, on the walk with friends and for evening output.

Put on hoop on the wet hair, to ahead he located on lines growth hair. Taking one strand, carefully wrap her under hoop, then take it next strand and, capturing the previous one, also wrap them together. So way consistently twist all hair.

How choose hairstyle for curly hair in dependencies from forms and type faces?

Choice hairstyles and lengths hair directly depends from forms faces. FROM help successful haircuts can adjust limitations and emphasize winning peculiarities.

Hairstyles for round faces on the curly hair


Visually « lengthen» round face they will help haircuts and hairstyles, creating volume on the crowngarson, elongated square, bean with open forehead or elongated long spit bangs. Falling face strands must to be length below lines chin and not add volume in areas cheeks and sculpting. If a hair very lush, then in this zone them specially outbursed, leaving thin stepped strands.

Video: Haircuts for a round face

Hairstyles for oval faces on the curly hair, video

For classic oval type faces suitable cascaded haircuts, square, pixie, aurora, fuete. If a u you large kudri, good will be look asymmetric options. Bang maybe to be elongated or the same straight before lines growth eyebrows.

Video: How to choose a hairstyle for an oval face?

Hairstyles for curly hair and square faces

Square the form faces expressed in nearly equal width chin, cheeks and areas forehead. Often lower part it has enough sharp outlows, what gives image excessive massiveness. For such type faces choice harmonious haircuts will be have resolving meaning.

Asymmetric the form on the any basis haircutssquare, elongated bean or cascade, successfully looks and masking heavy line chin. At this wavy hair visually softened lower part faces, attracting attention to cheekbones. Length bangs maybe to be any, more elegant looks spit parting.

Video: Hairstyles for a square face

What kind hairstyles not do for curly hair?

Excessive splendor curly hair often maybe turn around sloppy view, if selected unsuccessful hairstyle.

  • Owners long hair with tough small curls should avoid loose hair and high hairstyles with comb
  • Hair medium lengths should at laying raise u roots and maximum smooth volume on the ends
  • Curly hair it is forbidden cut too much short, otherwise at the slightest wind you you risk turn in dandelion

How do curly hair more obedient?

  • Care about beauty hair in form regular careful care give to you luxurious kudri, iridescent silkov shine. Not sorry time on the courting proceduresconstant moisturization and food will do it hair more smooth, silky and obedient
  • For dry curly hair regularly use home masks on the basis vegetable oilsolive, burdock, castor, persian, almond. Such procedures strengthen hair, they will help restoration fat balance skin heads, they will save from dandruff, brittleness and dryness hair
  • Choose care and styling funds from lineec organic cosmetic products, containing  natural natural componentsextracts healing plants herbs, vitamins, nourishing and etheric oils

Video: Caring for curly hair

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