How beautiful to put a men's scarf in a pocket of a jacket: methods, tips. How to beautifully put a handkerchief in the pocket of the groom's jacket? How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?

How beautiful to put a men's scarf in a pocket of a jacket: methods, tips. How to beautifully put a handkerchief in the pocket of the groom's jacket? How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?

Ways to fold a pocket -shaped breast.

The scarf itself was invented a few centuries before the creation of a classic costume. Initially, it was used by nobles and nobles. A handkerchief for hygiene purposes was used. A little later, he turned into a stylish accessory and now no Hollywood actor can handle without such an accessory.

What is the name of a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket, what is its size?

The product is called a bundle-foil. In size, it is somewhat different from a regular handkerchief. The dimensions of such a scarf are different, it all depends on the size of the jacket pocket. A stylish and expensive accessory made of silk fabric has a size of 33*33 or 40*40 cm.

In Chinese stores, you can find very cheap paste scarves, but their size is just tiny, about 20*20 cm. If you fold such a flap of fabric, you get something unintelligible. Although on Aliexpress There are good options for pocket scarves made of pretty fabric. But the quality of processing leaves much to be desired. This is usually a standard machine overlock. Designing shawls are handed manually.

What is the name of a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket, what is its size?
What is the name of a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket, what is its size?

Ways to put a scarf in a pocket of a male jacket beautifully

There are several options to beautifully fold a pocket handkerchief. Therefore, if you want to come up with a beautiful pattern, get a fairly large and high -quality scarf made of dense fabric.

Ways to fold Pasha:

  1. Presidential. One of the simplest options. In this case, the fabric is folded into a square, and the lower part is bent. A small strip of fabric remains on top.
  2. One corner. This is the easiest and classic way. To do this, add a segment of the fabric by 8 times. As a result, you get a small square. It is necessary to fold it with a triangle, holding the corners one to another. Now connect the side corners to make a figure resembling a triangle on a square. Now put the scarf folded in this way in your pocket.
  3. Two corners. Fold a large scarf eight times to get a square. The fold should be below. Now shift the corners. Bend the side corners and lower part. As a result, something like a crown with two peaks will turn out. Put the handkerchief in your pocket with corners up.
  4. Four corners. It is necessary to fold the scarf as usual by eight times. Now put the square in a triangle by shifting the corners a bit. The corners that have formed below, pull up. Thus, 4 corners will turn out.
  5. Cloud. It is necessary to straighten the scarf and take it in the center. Shock the scarf and corners turn inside. Put the handkerchief in the pocket in this way.
  6. A loop. A simple and extraordinary way to fold a scarf. Fold the handkerchief eight times, and then make a triangle. Take your fingers in the center of the base of the triangle and lower the edges down. You will get something like a loop.
Ways to put a scarf in a pocket of a male jacket beautifully
Ways to put a scarf in a pocket of a male jacket beautifully
Ways to put a scarf in a pocket of a male jacket beautifully
Ways to put a scarf in a pocket of a male jacket beautifully
Ways to put a scarf in a pocket of a male jacket beautifully
Ways to put a scarf in a pocket of a male jacket beautifully

How to beautifully put a handkerchief in the pocket of the groom's jacket?

To decorate the groom's jacket, use more sophisticated ways to put Pasha. The handkerchief can be uncomplicated. Most often they prefer volumetric options.

Options to put a scarf in the groom's pocket:

  1. Aster. Straighten the scarf by the middle and shake it. After that, tighten up the received corners, you get a crumpled loop with corners. A very original option. It looks great with plain and classic jackets. In this case, it is better to choose a scarf with ornaments.
  2. Cooper. A voluminous option that looks great in a jacket of the groom. It is necessary to straighten the scarf and take it in the center. Shake the fabric and wrap the resulting cloud inward. You will get something similar to a flower.
  3. KARIE. Fold the handkerchief several times to get a square. After that, make a triangle, with two peaks, by sweeping the corners. After that, pull the side corners up. Put their overlap them one on one. After that, fold the side parts again. It will turn out many corners at the top.
How to beautifully put a handkerchief in the pocket of the groom's jacket?
How to beautifully put a handkerchief in the pocket of the groom's jacket?
How to beautifully put a handkerchief in the pocket of the groom's jacket?
How to beautifully put a handkerchief in the pocket of the groom's jacket?

How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out of his pocket?

Fold the handkerchief - half the battle, it is necessary to correctly and very carefully put it in the pocket. To do this, usually the design is clamped at the bottom and at the top. The folded scarf is neatly lowered into the pocket. Below are a few options for laying a pashe plate.

How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out of his pocket?
How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out of his pocket?
How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out of his pocket?
How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out of his pocket?
How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out of his pocket?
How to put a scarf in a jacket pocket, how should it stick out of his pocket?

How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?

The most basic rule is that the ensemble should be completed and in harmony with all parts. There is no need for a scarf and tie are made of one fabric.

Basic rules for the selection of a pashea scarf:

  • For a plain jacket, select shawls with curly patterns
  • Do not select fabric similar in color and ornament
  • The handkerchief should stand out against the background of a jacket, shirts and tie
  • The simpler the jacket, the more intricate the pattern and the method of laying the handkerchief should be
How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?
How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?
How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?
How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?
How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?
How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?
How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?
How to choose a handkerchief for a men's jacket in a breast pocket?

How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips

Tips for laying a scarf and its choice:

  • If you go to an official meeting, you should choose simple styling methods. Ideal options will be the presidential method and methods with corners.
  • If you have chosen a matte tie, then the scarf should be silk from smooth and iridescent fabric.
  • If you are going to a wedding, choose an intricate way to fold a scarf. It can be a “cloud” or “loop”.
  • Some men have a warden select accessories. Sometimes incompatible goes well. For example, a piece of woolen fabric with a silk jacket. The difference in tissue texture complements each other.
  • If the segment of the fabric does not want to keep the shape, try to stain it a little during ironing. This applies to linen or cotton fabric shawls. Silk scarves never starch.
  • If Pasha is too small for the pocket and constantly slides down, try to put a piece of fabric or a paper cloth on the bottom of the pocket. Put it exactly as much so that the scarf holds well, and there are no irregularities from the outside
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips
How to wear a scarf in the pocket of a male jacket: tips

As you can see, a scarf is an excellent accessory that is suitable for complementing classic ensembles consisting of a tie and a business suit.

Video: How to fold a pocket scarf?

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