How to feed a child at 9 months? Menu, diet and diet of a child at 9 months

How to feed a child at 9 months? Menu, diet and diet of a child at 9 months

The scheme of the introduction of cottage cheese and kefir for kids at 9 months. The approximate menu of the child is 9 months old.

At 9 months, the child’s menu is already quite diverse. In his diet there are already cereals, fruits and vegetables. The amount of feeding breast milk or mixture is reduced to two times a day. Although many pediatricians believe that there is no need to limit the amount of breast milk techniques. If the child asks for his chest, then do not refuse him.

The diet of 9 months of the child: what products can be given?

Usually, at this age, most babies are happy to savor fresh and boiled fruits and vegetables. Usually vegetable and fruit puree are given in lunch or during a afternoon snack. In addition, cereals are also already present in the diet. They can be safely boiled with the use of cow's milk, especially if the baby has no allergies, and mom no longer feeds.

Products for administration of 9 months:

  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Cottage cheese and fermented milk products

It is best if the fish is not sea, but river with a minimum amount of bones. The meat is given in the form of meatballs or boiled and dull mashed potatoes.

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena at the recording of complementary foods at 9 months

The norm of cottage cheese at 9 months

At nine -month -old age, you can safely enter cottage cheese on the menu. It should not be an ordinary fermented milk product, homogenized. It is sold in the department of baby food. There are no grains in it, and the child will not choke on him. The daily rate of cottage cheese is considered 50 g. Do not rush at first to give the child all 50 g at once. Let the baby get acquainted with the new product.

Do not rush to purchase cottage cheese with taste additives. Choose products that are stored for no more than a week. This suggests that there are no preservatives in them. Give the baby to a sample half a teaspoon of cottage cheese. Every day increase the amount of product. Only a week later it is allowed to give a portion of cottage cheese in 50 g. Never give a new complementary food in the evening or in the morning.

How to give cottage cheese a child 9 months old?

If you decide for the first time the dates of cottage cheese to a child, it is better to prepare it yourself using a yogurt. After the milk of milk, pour it into a pan and put it in a water bath. After separation of cottage cheese, throw it on gauze and squeeze it. If the mass is very dry, dilute it with breast or cow's milk.

The result is a jumper zoneen after a reckoning feeding of a child

Feed the child early in the morning with a mixture or milk. At 10 in the morning, offer the child half a teaspoon of cottage cheese. Continue to increase the amount of product. If the child does not have a rash, diarrhea, chair is normal, continue to increase the amount of cottage cheese. Typically, 50 g of the product is given at 18 hours, instead of the next use of breast milk or a mixture. The fat content of cottage cheese should be 4-8%.

How many kefir in 9 months can you?

Opinions about the introduction of kefir from pediatricians diverge. Previously, they advised to introduce this product from 6 months, but now most doctors have agreed that the body of a half -year -old baby is not ready for a huge amount of protein. Accordingly, 9 months are considered the optimal age for the introduction of complementary foods. In no case do not purchase an adult kefir, purchase a product in a dairy kitchen or on shelves with baby food. The bottle should have the inscription "From 9 months."

Features of the introduction of kefir:

  • In general, many doctors recommend giving kefir in the evening, before bedtime. But this is appropriate if your child is already used to this product
  • If you give Kefir for the first time, it is better to do this before lunch (but not on an empty stomach)
  • A single dose is 20 g, that is, a tablespoon. Enforce the amount of kefir every day
  • 200 ml is considered the norm at a time (once a day)
  • Do not pour kefir into a bottle with a nipple, give the child a impotion or eat from a spoon

The result is a jumper zoneen after a reckoning feeding of a child

What fish can be in 9 months?

At this age, it is allowed to introduce river fish into the menu, which contains a minimum of bones. It must first be cleaned and viewed for the presence of bones. The most useful can be considered: Mintay, Hyk and Sudak.

How to cook fish for a child 9 months?

There are many ways to cook fish for the baby, but you must try to preserve the maximum of useful substances.

Pisces cooking instructions:

  • Put a saucepan with water on the fire and wait for boiling. Do not salt the liquid
  • Dear a piece of fish peeled from the bones and boil until cooked
  • Put the fish in a blender and chop, enter a little salt and decoction, so that the mashed potatoes are not very thick

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena at the recording of complementary foods at 9 months

The child's diet at 9 months

A child at this age should eat 5 times a day. Typically, the earliest reception falls at 6 in the morning, but it all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby. Some children do not wake up early and sleep until 8 or 9 hours. Do not rush to wake the baby, if he does not wake up, then not hungry.

After the first appointment, the child is fed at 10 in the morning, then at 14, then at 18 and 22 hours. If the child wakes up at night, you can give him a mixture, but ideally it is breast milk.

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena at the recording of complementary foods at 9 months

Child menu 9 months

Approximate menu for a child 9 months:

  • 6.00: 200 ml of a mixture or breast milk (you do not need to express anything and check how much the child has eaten. Feed until saturation)
  • 10.00: 180 g of porridge in milk or water + 50 g of fruit puree. If there is no allergy, give a half yolk
  • 14.00: 180 g of mashed potatoes or soup. In addition, you need 50-70 g of fish or meat and 70 ml of fruit juice. A piece of bread 10 g is invested in the child
  • 18.00: 100 g of kefir + 50 g of cottage cheese or 200 ml of kefir. In addition, you can give 50 g of fruit puree. You can get an apple or banana. It is allowed to give one dry cookies (for tea or Maria)
  • 22.00: 200 ml of a mixture or breast milk

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena at the recording of complementary foods at 9 months

Recipes for feeding a child 8, 9, 10 months

At this age, you can safely acquaint the baby with meat dishes, but if earlier the meat was given exclusively in a dick, now you can prepare a steam cutlet or a meatball (we are talking about children who have more than 4 teeth). If your baby has no teeth, you can’t give whole cutlets and meatballs, they should be ground before serving.

Teftelek recipes:

  • Take chicken fillet and chop it in a blender or on a meat grinder
  • Enter a little grated onion and salt, pour a spoonful of cow's milk and knock the minced meat on the table
  • Roll up the balls and boil them steamed or in water with carrots and onions

Suffle from chicken:

  • Boil a viscous rice porridge
  • Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and load it into a blender, add porridge and 20 ml of milk
  • Turn on the blender and chop the fillet. Add the yolk and beat again. Enter the protein and mix gently. Do not forget to salt
  • Lay the souffle in molds and cook in a double boiler for 20 minutes. Serve with butter

The result of Zhuku Zhotzhena at the recording of complementary foods at 9 months

The child has 9 months diarrhea: from what could it be?

If you have just begun to enter kefir, cottage cheese or fish into the child’s menu and found diarrhea in the baby, wait for the introduction of complementary foods. Most often, diarrhea occurs due to the introduction of sour-milk products. It's okay if the diarrhea is only 3 times a day and has no strange smell, mucus and pus. But with the introduction of kefir and cottage cheese, wait. Perhaps the digestive system is not ready for new products. This often happens in babies who feed on breast milk.

Causes of diarrhea:

  • Dysbiosis or lactase deficiency. It is often found in infants, which are introduced into the kefir and cottage cheese menu. In this case, the feces will be gruel -like, have a sour smell and contain gas bubbles. In addition, it may include white inclusions. These are undigested particles of milk or kefir
  • Enterocolite. Watery chair with a pungent odor. The baby may have a temperature or vomiting. Often occurs due to the use of non-stitched dairy products or stale and undercooked meat
  • Intolerance to some product. Usually these are cow's milk or fermented milk products

The result is a jumper zoneen after a reckoning feeding of a child

The child’s nutrition at 9 months should be varied and balanced. Do not rush with the introduction of new products.

Video: introduction of complementary foods at 9 months

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