How to boil yourself in CS Go through the console in competitive mode: what teams, what to call the vote?

How to boil yourself in CS Go through the console in competitive mode: what teams, what to call the vote?

Need to leave the game, but do not want to be blocked? You can boil yourself in CS GO through the console. Read more in the article.

All players have such a situation when, at the most crucial moment, during the fight, you need to exit the game. But just to go out and leave everything as it is is not the best option, since in this case the enemy’s sight will be placed on you and thus substitute your team. Of course, emergency circumstances can have every player, but you need to understand that for such actions you can get a lock. What to do - read in this article.

How to boil yourself in CS Go through the console in competitive mode: what teams, what to call the vote?

We throw ourselves in CS GO
We boil ourselves in CS GO

You can turn to your Soogroki so that they have a vote, so that you will be kicked out of the site. But it happens that it cannot be consulted with comrades, and the exit from the game needs to be completed right at this moment.

Such a dilemma may occur when during the matchmaking match, you are thrown to the site of someone else's game. If you get out on your own, you will be blocked, and in order not to spoil the statistics of your account, you can make you to be expelled from the server.

Use a small trick: Let your comrades make a choice and drive you out of the Constitutional Court, and for this you should throw yourself in the CS GO.

Thanks to such manipulations, you will have good statistics and you will not be sent to the ban. This unique method is equally good for both the usual mode and the competition mode. All manipulations are carried out through "Consol". If this tab does not open, then check the tuning table of the KS:

  1. Go into the tab "Parameters of KS".
  2. Opposite the lines "Turn on the developer console" Put "Yes".

Then do the following:

See your serial number
See your serial number
  • Write in the console window and complete the command "Status".
  • When the list of all the players who play at the moment opens, find your nickname and remember its number, that is, at what number you are registered.
  • Now in the console window write down the following command: "Callvote Kick ... .."Where instead of points, put your number “No.” in order from the list of players.
Write the command
Write the command "Callvote Kick ..." with a serial number
  • After these manipulations, your comrades will open a window with which they will have to make a choice - to drive you out of the server or not. But remember that players can say “no” or “against”, and then you will have to play to the finals or go out on your own.
The voting process began
The voting process began

To prevent such situations, guess the time for the game to be able to play from beginning to end.

Video: [Hyde] How to boil yourself in CS: GO?

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