How to change the date of birth, year of birth VKontakte: Instruction. How to hide your age, the date of birth of VKontakte?

How to change the date of birth, year of birth VKontakte: Instruction. How to hide your age, the date of birth of VKontakte?

Each VKontakte user during registration indicates his date of birth, if this is not done, then you can specify it later. We will tell you how to correctly change or indicate the date of birth, as well as how to hide it.

Despite the fact that all VKontakte settings are very simple and understandable, users still have questions about the work of the social network. Today we will figure out how to correctly establish our date of birth or change it.

How to add a date of birth?

  • To write your date of birth in Vkontakte profile, you need to click under your avatar "Edit"
  • Further on the tab "Main" Looking for a line with the date of birth
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
  • Select the necessary parameters from dropping lists. First there will be a day, then a month and a year. Click on the arrows and choose the necessary information
  • When everything is indicated, select exactly how the date will be shown on your page and click "Save"

How to change the date of birth of VKontakte?

To change the already specified birthday, you need to do the same. That is, we go to the page editing and change the parameters to others

How to delete the date of birth of VKontakte?

If you previously wrote the date of birth of VKontakte, but now you decided to remove it, then go on the page editing menu.

  • In line "Birthday" Set the display settings.
  • Click on line and select "Do not show the date of birth".
Do not show the date
Do not show the date
  • After that, keep the changes and the date of your birth will not be visible to anyone.

How to hide your age VKontakte?

Sometimes there are situations when you want your friends to know your birthday, but at the same time you want to leave age secret. To do this, you can indicate just a month and a day, but without a year.

Again, we go to the page editing menu and select in the display settings already "Show only a month and a day".

Show a month and day
Show a month and day

This will allow social networks to show your date of birth, but at the same time, and accordingly your age, no one will know.

How to add or delete the date of birth from the phone?

If you need to change VKontakte data from the phone, then the date can be changed as follows:

  • First open the application menu and click on the avatar
  • We click on the page "Edit"
Edit the page
Edit the page
  • In the field with the date of birth, indicate the necessary data and a little below also configure the privacy
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
  • Click to save "Ready"

By the way, here you can indicate a suitable way to display the date. If you want to completely remove this data, then select the corresponding line and save the result.

Video: How to change the date of birth of VK on the phone?

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