How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment once and for all: drugs and folk remedies for cockroaches. How to buy poison, reputational devices, traps and effective means from cockroaches in the Aliexpress online store: price, catalog

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment once and for all: drugs and folk remedies for cockroaches. How to buy poison, reputational devices, traps and effective means from cockroaches in the Aliexpress online store: price, catalog

If cockroaches appeared in the apartment, they can be removed with the help of store and folk remedies, as well as professional disinsection.

Cockroaches in the apartment are vile, disgusting and non -hygienic. It is believed that they are starting in where there are no proper sanitary conditions: cleaning is not often carried out, the products are stored in disorder, the dishes are extremely rare. Cockroaches are a sign of uncleanness of the owners. But uninvited guests can appear even where the purity is perfect. Why are they starting to the apartment? And what to do to get cockroaches once and for all?

What cockroaches live in apartments and houses? Why are cockroaches appear in the apartment: reasons. Where do cockroaches hide in the kitchen?

Cockroaches are creatures that tend to adapt. Some types of these insects of this detachment found the conditions of apartments and houses favorable for habitat: they are warm, and there is always something to eat.

Important: in the conditions of apartments and houses in central and eastern Europe, several types of insects from the Tarakan (Blattodea) detachment can live: red cockroach (or Prusak), black cockroach, furniture cockroach, Turkmen cockroach, and others. These species are called synthropic, that is, those that are not domesticated, but in the process of their life they are directly related to a person.

Red -haired cockroach with Ooteku.
Red -haired cockroach with Ooteku.

All types of home cockroaches have common features:

  1. In the process of their life, they pass several stages of development: an egg - a larva (nymph) - an adult individual (imago).
  2. Home cockroaches are small. An adult individual of a red cockroach reaches a length of 1.5 cm. Black cockroaches are somewhat larger - up to 8 cm. The whole body has flat and oblong, which allows them to successfully hide in places that are inaccessible to humans.
  3. Home cockroaches have three pairs of legs and a developed touch organ - paired antennae.
  4. Male cockroaches have wings. They are developed, and insects thanks to them are capable of short -term planning.
  5. Females of cockroaches lay up to 40 eggs at a time. Eggs are in a dense capsule - ootek. Females carry an ootek on themselves for two to four weeks, until the larvae hatch from it.
  6. After 2 months, the cockroach larva turns into an Imago, whose life expectancy is up to six months.
  7. During her life, the female can postpone up to 9 OOTECTs. This means that it gives the life of several hundred cockroaches.
  8. The cockroaches are very mobile, on the day they overcome a distance of several kilometers.
  9. An interesting fact is: Prusaki successfully replace black cockroaches. They are smaller, it is easier for them to hide. At the same time, a black cockroach is less resistant to insecticides.
Black cockroach in the sink in the kitchen.
Black cockroach in the sink in the kitchen.

Important: cockroaches like to populate apartments more than at home. The fact is that in multi -storey buildings they have all the conditions for migration: among hundreds of apartments, they can choose those in which the most favorable conditions are for them. It is more difficult to wander from home to house, for this insect has to overcome an open area.

So how do cockroaches get into the apartment? They have several ways:

  • through ventilation
  • through tap and sewer communications
  • with bought furniture and household appliances
  • in the bags of guests
  • in boxes with products
Stages of development of home cockroach.
Stages of development of home cockroach.

Whether the “Vyletny” cockroach will remain in a new apartment, whether it will divorce a whole population in it depends on what conditions for him will be in the home. Since the cockroaches are not eaten, so that they get bred, enough:

  • it is rare to clean
  • rarely take out garbage
  • leave unwashed dishes
  • cake
  • keep cereals open
  • keep open containers with water or wiped dishes after washing

Important: previously it was believed that cockroaches live only in the kitchen. This is not true. Home furniture cockroach feeds on starch with substances, for example, wallpaper glue. He can live in a room on the shelves of cabinets and books.

Brances and food thrown on the table are baits for cockroaches.
Brokes and food thrown on the table are baits for cockroaches.

Prusaki, as the main inhabitants of apartments, live in the kitchen and show activity, mainly in the dark. It happens like this: you turn on the light in the kitchen at night, and dozens or even hundreds of tiny red-brown bodies scatter in the cracks and corners. Where are they hiding?

  • for skirting boards
  • in furniture and for furniture
  • under the washbasin
  • under sewer pipes
  • in household appliances
  • in the slots on the walls
  • in the hood
  • behind the ventilation grill
Favorite places for cockroaches in the kitchen.
Favorite places for cockroaches in the kitchen.

Obviously, the war with cockroaches is a difficult matter. Surface treatment will clearly not be enough. How to be? It is necessary to develop a strategy of action.

VIDEO: Reasons causing cockroaches in the house

Damage to cockroaches

After cockroaches on the surfaces, the droppings remain.
After cockroaches on the surfaces, the droppings remain.

Cockroaches are obviously not the best "pets." In addition to disgusting feelings from the type of these insects, they cause significant damage to the economy and the people with whom they live.

  1. Prusaki and other insect detachments spoil the products.
  2. After insects remain: droppings, particles of chitin, corpses.
  3. Cockroaches can crawl into the ears and nose of a person.
  4. The insects themselves and the products of their life can cause allergies. It is known that in people whose apartments Prusaks live more often bronchial asthma develops.
  5. Cockroaches bite. Their bites are often infected. The victims of parasites are primarily young children.
  6. Cockroaches are carriers of bacteria and a cockroach tick, which also does not disdain a person.
Cousins \u200b\u200bof cockroaches in a child.
Cousins \u200b\u200bof cockroaches in a child.

Preparation for the withdrawal of cockroaches in a house or apartment

First, it is necessary to decide which of the three main methods of combating cockroaches is better to use:

  • invite professional disinfectors
  • purchase and use store disinfectants
  • take advantage of folk remedies from cockroaches

Important: there are also prayers and conspiracies from insects - parasites. Many say that they act no worse than chemical poison.

Herring of cockroaches should be preceded by thorough cleaning.
Herring of cockroaches should be preceded by thorough cleaning.

Preparation for disinfecting cockroaches in any way is to carefully clean the premises:

  1. Food must be taken out of the room. If any of them were open for a long time, there are traces of cockroaches (discharge, empty ooterts, insect corpses), they must be thrown away.
  2. All textiles in the room and in the kitchen must be washed in hot water.
  3. Household items, kitchen utensils, dishes, kitchen accessories are checked for insects, wiped, washed and taken out of the room.
  4. Cabinets, shelves, tables and chairs, walls, floor and ceiling are thoroughly washed and treated with disinfectants.
  5. The leaks of the water supply and sewage are eliminated.
  6. Indoor plants are also taken out of the room. If possible, it is better to transplant them into new ground.

Personal protection measures should also be taken:

  • it is better to take away from the house of disinsection of children and pets from home
  • to protect the hands and respiratory tract, gloves, mask or respirator are purchased
  • prepare work clothes and a headdress

Important: for disinfectors or in the instructions for store poison, you should clarify how long it will be impossible to be in the room or the entire apartment, and what to do later, upon return.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment with drugs and poison from the store?

When choosing a remedy for disinsection, it is necessary to evaluate the following parameters:

  1. Efficiency. The tool should really kill insects.
  2. Safety. The tool should not be too aggressive and dangerous for people and pets.
  3. The speed of exposure to parasites. Usually, the owners of apartments in place with cockroaches are allocated from several hours to several days to disinsection. It is unlikely that it is unlikely that it will be possible to use a separate room or the entire dwelling.
  4. Ease of use. The product must be prepared for use. The housewife struggling with Prusaks will not arrange a chemical laboratory at home to prepare poison in several stages or from several components. Also, the product should have an instruction that intelligibly explains how to use it.
  5. Affordable price. The poison from the store should cost at least less than the services of the disinsection service.
Hel from cockroaches.
Hel from cockroaches.

Poison for cockroaches from the store may have the appearance:

  1. Gel. This tool is the easiest to use. Applying it, to leave the apartment, as a rule, is not required. The taste and color of the gel attract cockroaches, the use of an insecticide that is part of it kills insects gel is applied locally, in the habitats of parasites. The most effective insecticides in the gels are: Raptor, Capcan, Clean House, Sturm, FAS, Global, Dochlox, Absolute, others.
  2. Powder. Insecticides in this form are very effective, but, at the same time, very toxic for humans. It is impossible to live in the apartment they treated for several days. They are used in extreme cases when there are too many cockroaches, other funds did not work on them. The most popular powder disinfectants are: tornado, phenaxin, clean house, FAS - double.
  3. Aerosol. A very quick poisoning agent affecting insect respiration. The most easy to use. With the help of aerosols, for 6 hours it is possible to kill all the nymphs and the imago in the apartment. At the same time, aerosols are not safe for people and animals. They should be sprayed using personal protective equipment. Effective insecticides - aerosols - these are: dichlofos, raid, varan, cobra, raptor, others.
Aerosols from cockroaches.
Aerosols from cockroaches.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment with a cockroach?

Not so long ago, special traps began to use special traps to combat cockroaches. These funds have a lot of advantages:

  • simplicity of use
  • the long -term use of use
  • safety for humans

Traps lure insects, neutralize or kill them. Unfortunately, with the help of them it is impossible to influence all cockroaches living in the apartment.

By the method of exposure of the trap, there are:

  • adhesive - insects falling into them are glued to the sticky surface with paws
  • with poison - an insect falls into a trap is a product containing a disinfectant
  • electric - trap kills cockroaches with electric discharges
Tarakans traps.
Tarakans traps.

To kill as many insects as possible, in the kitchen or in another room settled by them near their habitats, several traps should be placed.

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment using reputational devices?

If insecticides and traps kill cockroaches, scarecases with ultrasound or electromagnetic waves, unpleasant odor simply drive them out of the apartment, forcing them to go in search of new housing.

A significant advantage of the repapels is their safety for humans. On the other hand, there are disadvantages:

  1. In fact, the effects of ultrasound, electromagnetic repellers and fumigators on the human body are little studied.
  2. They often turn out to be ineffective.
  3. The price of replacements is significant, plus for this, their operation requires the cost of electricity.
Electromagnetic reprioter of insects.
Electromagnetic reprioter of insects.

How to buy poison, reputational devices, traps and effective means from cockroaches in the Aliexpress online store: price, catalog

Interior enthusiasts can buy effective products from cockroaches, from aerosols to ultrasound repulsioners, on Aliexpress. A whole large section is dedicated to them on the website of the Chinese trading platform.

Important: to buy insecticides and other goods, Ali needs to register. This will help the article " The first order for Aliexpress" and instructions On the site itself.

Tarakans in the catalog Aliexpress.
Tarakans in the catalog Aliexpress.

View sentences by categories funds from cockroachessimply:

  • in the catalog on the right on the main page, the section "For home and garden" is chosen
  • moving into the subsection "Fighting pests"
  • further in the filter "Pests" on the right on the page they choose "cockroaches"
Tarakans with Aliexpress.
Tarakans with Aliexpress.

The price of funds from Prusakov on Ali depends on their shape:

  • gel - insectecide will cost $ 1.5
  • powder - from 1 dollar per bag
  • an ultramodern, safe trap for people - at $ 10 or more

VIDEO: Two remedies for cockroaches with AliExpress

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment with folk remedies?

Along with advertised chemical stores from cockroaches, they still use a homemade poison that proved their effectiveness. It is prepared on the basis of:

  • boric acid
  • wormwood
  • bay leaf
  • ammonia
  • vinegar
  • kerosene
  • lapipidar
  • boers
  • flour with alabastr
Folk remedies for cockroaches.
Folk remedies for cockroaches.

Important: such funds are affordable, easy to use and are relatively harmless to people. But it must be borne in mind that cockroaches adapt to environmental changes very quickly: what was dangerous to generations to the previous ones does not carry out harm for the current.

Recipes of a mixture from cockroaches with boric acid. Cockroaches drill: recipe

Boric acid is sold in a pharmacy for a penny. Having used it, the cockroach is, as it were, drums, at the same time paralyzes its nervous system.

Folk remedy for cockroaches: boric acid.
Folk remedy for cockroaches: boric acid.

The task of the owners of the apartment is to prepare a mixture and boric acid, which will be attractive for cockroaches in smell and taste. They take for her:

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of boric acid
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar

The mixture in small heaps is sipped on the lids from cans or small leaves of cardboard and placed near the habitats of cockroaches. Traps can stand for several days. It is important that at this time insects do not have access to water.
You can also make a steep dough from flour, starch and water, mix boric acid into it, roll balls and lay them out where cockroaches run.

Folk remedy for cockroaches: Bura.
Folk remedy for cockroaches: Bura.

Similarly affects insects and drill

50 g of tetranet sodium is mixed with 50 g of starch, 50 g of powdered sugar and a small amount of vanillin. A dry mixture is diluted with water to turn out a thick, attracting cockroaches by the smell of a paste.

Recipes of balls from cockroaches with boric acid and egg

Throughout their lives, cockroaches were poisoned with balls of eggs and boric acid. They make them like this:

  • boil eggs, for balls, only yolks will be needed
  • the yolks are kneaded with a fork and they are connected with boric acid in powder (1 yolk - 30 g of powder)
  • add vegetable oil to the mixture
  • the mixture should receive a consistency of dense dough, after which balls are rolled from it with a diameter of 2-3 cm
  • they lay out in the kitchen or in a cockroach in a room as many such balls as possible
Folk remedy for cockroaches: boric acid and egg.
Folk remedy for cockroaches: boric acid and egg.

Boric acid from cockroaches: a recipe with potatoes

Balls from cockroaches are also made with boric acid and potatoes. Take:

  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • boric acid - 80 g

Potatoes are boiled until cooked, after making it puree. When the mashed potatoes cooled slightly, boric acid is added. Balls are made from the dried mixture - traps.

Folk remedy for cockroaches: boric acid and potatoes.
Folk remedy for cockroaches: boric acid and potatoes.

Important: using traps for cockroaches with brown or boric acid, you need to make sure that the cockroaches do not have other food.

VIDEO: How to get rid of cockroaches at home?

Disinsection and destruction of cockroaches in the apartment: Specialized services

If the store and folk remedies from the Prusakov are ineffective, it makes sense to seek help from the disinsection service. It is completely confidential, at a time convenient for the owners, the disinfectors lead to the address and conduct professional processing of the home.

They should prepare for their arrival:

  • to remove food from the room
  • remove dishes and household appliances
  • eliminate the leaks of water and sewer pipes
  • streaming joints between furniture and walls, walls and skirting boards, slots on the walls
  • bring out children and pets from the dwelling
Disinsection of cockroaches in the apartment.
Disinsection of cockroaches in the apartment.
  1. The disinfecting service uses modern effective means to persecute cockroaches. Its employees must provide the owners of the apartment or house with quality certificates.
  2. As a rule, these funds are divorced in water and sprayed in the room.
  3. After the time indicated by disinfectors (usually at least 24 hours), cleaning should be done in the room. A thorough ventilation is done in front of her. The surfaces are treated with water with soda or a detergent containing alkali.
  4. Cleaning is mandatory in gloves and a mask. The walls, ceiling, facades of furniture, plinths are not washed: a disinsectant agent that has settled on them will work for another 10-14 days.

Important: professional disinfectors recommend re -processing the room after 21 days to kill the larvae hatching from the eggs.

Tarakans: reviews

  1. Marina: “I ran to the pharmacy for boric acid, when the first uninvited guests appeared in the apartment. We are always clean, but the neighbors have chaos, cockroaches "walk". So they got to us. I rolled balls with an egg, laid out in all corners. The corpses of cockroaches began to appear after a couple of days, the activity of the living decreased. In the end, everyone died out. ”
  2. Anastasia: “I bought an expensive trap with poison from cockroaches in the store. We rent an apartment, the neighborhood with the Prusaks was not surprised. Literally a week later, the mustachioed friends disappeared. But a month later they appeared again. The use of these traps is some kind of vicious circle. ”
  3. Mark: “Once in the office, we poisoned cockroaches with a“ cold fog ”, etched everyone at a time. When small parasites appeared in the house, he immediately called the service. They signed the contract, received a guarantee. After processing, the cockroaches were quiet for a couple of weeks, then they began to crawl as if nothing had happened. In the service, they told me that they were crawling from the neighbors in order to bring it out for sure, they need to carry out processing. For two apartments, a discount was promised. "

VIDEO: How to get rid of cockroaches forever?

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