How to get rid of red and black home cockroaches in the apartment once and for all: conspiracies, prayers, rites, rituals. The rite to bring cockroaches to the waning moon, prayer from cockroaches and bugs to Trifon

How to get rid of red and black home cockroaches in the apartment once and for all: conspiracies, prayers, rites, rituals. The rite to bring cockroaches to the waning moon, prayer from cockroaches and bugs to Trifon

Find out how to get rid of cockroaches in the house and apartment with prayers and conspiracies.

They try to fight insects and expel them from their home. The modern industry came up with various means to combat cockroaches, bugs, ants and midges.

About what they are and how to use them can be read in the article " How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment once and for all: drugs and folk remedies for cockroaches. How to buy poison, reputational devices, traps and effective means from cockroaches in the Aliexpress online store: price, catalog«.
In the old days, when there were no industrial-produced insecticides, people used improvised and available means. One of these can be considered prayers and conspiracies, the basis of which is concentration, faith, and the concentration of energy. Why not try such a way to get rid of cockroaches in apartments and houses today?

How to get rid of home cockroaches in the apartment forever with the help of prayers, conspiracies?

Prayer means an appeal to the highest spiritual forces, to God or deities, the spirits of the surrounding and otherworldly world. Turning to prayer, a person entrusts himself to these higher spiritual forces. Prayers have very great power if they are uttered with faith. It seems that it is hardly worth praying for the sake of such a trifle as cockroaches in the house. However, there are such prayers, we will talk about them later.

Important: prayer is an instrument of the Orthodox religion, while the conspiracy is more characteristic of remnants of paganism in our minds.

Many believe that prayer will help get rid of cockroaches in the house.
Many believe that prayer will help get rid of cockroaches in the house.

If we are talking about the removal of cockroaches, which are part of nature, the conspiracy can be a very effective tool. This word is called spells, special magic words addressed to the spirits of nature, urging them to help.

By the way, in the old days, our ancestors often used conspiracies to destroy domestic insects - bugs, worms, and so on.
Everyone can utter special words, however, so that it is effective, it is still worth observing ancient rules and requirements:

  • concentration on the words of conspiracy, concentration.
  • it is necessary to read a conspiracy in a whisper or a muffled voice, you need to read the conspiracy, without being distracted by any external stimuli, putting the energy force into the words pronounced.
  • a solid belief in what a person does gives a greater effect.

Looking at the conspiracies, you can see that they are built according to certain laws. If suddenly when making a conspiracy, you forgot any of his words, this is not scary. The main thing is that you clearly adhere to the structure of the conspiracy.

For help in getting rid of parasites in the house, you can ask St. Nicholas.
For help in getting rid of parasites in the house, you can ask St. Nicholas.


  1. First, there should be an appeal to the highest forces that you appeal to. For example, God, Lord, saints, the forces of nature - wind, rain, sky, sun.
    Often they turn to Nikolai the saint: “Nikolay is a reague, an assistant to God! Attraffiture, help, protect from all evil! ".
  2. Next, there should be a description of the action and what you want to achieve, for example, leave, perish, disappear and so on.
  3. The next element of a conspiracy or prayer is a description of the hated bugs in your house with the most negative words and comparisons. For example, filthy, hated, nasty creatures, parasites.
  4. The final element of the conspiracy or prayer should be the consolidation of the said, the word “on the castle”, fixing the word. As a rule, this is Amen.

Conspiracies from cockroaches are simple and effective

Here are examples of some conspiracies, simple and effective:

Conspiracies from cockroaches.
Before conducting the ritual to remove cockroaches, the house should be removed and cleaned with holy water.
Before conducting the ritual to remove cockroaches, the house should be removed and cleaned with holy water.

The pronunciation of these words is accompanied by rituals or follow immediately after them.

  1. It is necessary to clean the house, wipe the surfaces in the room, spray the corners of baptismal water. In this case, you need to wait when all surfaces become dry.
  2. Only one who reads a conspiracy or prayer should be present in the room.
  3. It is worth carrying out the ritual either at dawn or at sunset, but not in electric light, but with a candle purchased in the church.
  4. The conspiracy is pronounced for a container with water 3 times or 7 times, then with this water they once again wash the floor in the room.

Ritual to withdraw cockroaches to the waning moon

The waning moon is considered a favorable time for various rituals, including those that are aimed at getting rid of cockroaches in the house.

If you carry out the ritual of getting rid of cockroaches on the waning moon, the effect will certainly be.
If you carry out the ritual of getting rid of cockroaches on the waning moon, the effect will certainly be.

Here is an example of one of them:

  • it is necessary to catch a cockroach
  • it is put in a matchbox
  • the words of the conspiracy are pronounced 3 or7 times over the box
  • open the box above the sink and wash off the insect into the sewer
The words of the conspiracy on the waning moon.

Prayer from cockroaches and bugs to Trifon

The holy martyr Tryphon Apamey was known for helping to save crops from malicious insects, and thereby saved people from hunger. The Trifon Apamey is an intercessor before the Lord, and the fee for his intercession is a true faith.

To get rid of cockroaches, they pray to the holy trifon.
To get rid of cockroaches, they pray to the holy trifon.

Prayer The First Martyr to the Trifon Apameisky:

Prayer to St. Trifon.

The second prayer to the martyr to the Trifon Apameisky:

Conspiracy from cockroaches for money

If you want to believe it, you want - no, but it used to be that cockroaches of the house is a sign of wealth. Therefore, it is possible that cockroaches are starting where there is an excess of food, the remnants of which they get. Or just because they used to follow cleanliness and hygiene before, as they do now. Conspiracy on cockroaches to attract money, it will now seem absurd, but he was:

  • it was important to quietly catch a cockroach in a prosperous family
  • the insect brought to their house
  • held an insect in his left hand and read a conspiracy over it three times
  • the words were as follows: "" Aki in that house of the barns break and good is found, so in my house let the barns burst, good and wealth accumulated. Amen»
It was previously believed that cockroaches could attract wealth to the house.
It was previously believed that cockroaches could attract wealth to the house.

You can also read the conspiracy during the holy week.

  • turn off the light everywhere
  • light a church candle
  • pronounce: "" How many cockroaches there have crawled out, let us have so much money!»

Conspiracies Natalia Stepanova from cockroaches

The people's healer Natalya Stepanova knows such a conspiracy from cockroaches:

  1. The ritual uses baptismal water and black Thursday salt.
  2. The removal of cockroaches is carried out from Thursday to Friday, at midnight.
  3. Salt is poured in the corners, three pinch in each.
  4. Pronounce the words of the conspiracy.
  5. Then again pass throughout the corners, sprinkling them with holy water.
  6. Salt is left in the corners for 9 days, then sweep out with a broom.
  7. Again they light a candle purchased in the church and pass with it in the corners.
Conspiracy from the cockroaches of Natalia Stepanova.
Conspiracy from the cockroaches of Natalia Stepanova.

Conspiracy on Thursday to get rid of cockroaches on soap

Conspiracies on Thursday have a special magical force.
To get rid of cockroaches, you need to take the wash of the soap, wash their hands, catch a living cockroach and also wash it with the same soap, then put it in a matchbox, take it out and bury it somewhere in the ground. No one should see the performance of the ritual and no one should be present with him. The words that need to be pronounced are: "" I’m buried cockroaches, covering the land. I urge the conspiracy for good luck. Amen».

Simoron rituals to get rid of cockroaches

Simoron rituals are invented so that it was easier to get rid of existing failures and problems, including the presence of cockroaches in the house. They are good in that you can improvise yourself, while putting significant faith and energy into the ritual.

For example, in the case of cockroaches, you can come up with any ritual destruction of one individual, while thinking about all the populations settled in the house. At the same time (not everyone can withstand) the insect corpse should lie in a prominent place for five lunar days.

The ritual from cockroaches will work if you put faith and energy into your words and actions.
The ritual from cockroaches will work if you put faith and energy into your words and actions.

You can also try one of the ancient rituals, but to accompany it with the figurative energy to get rid of unpleasant and hated animals in the house.

VIDEO: Folk methods of combating cockroaches. Death to cockroaches!

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