How to get rid of papillomas on the body, on the face, on the human neck at home, medicinal and folk remedies: tips, recipes. Human papilloma virus in women, men, children: types, causes, treatment methods

How to get rid of papillomas on the body, on the face, on the human neck at home, medicinal and folk remedies: tips, recipes. Human papilloma virus in women, men, children: types, causes, treatment methods

In the article you will learn everything about seemingly minor cosmetic problems - these are papillomas. Let's talk about the reasons for their appearance and ways to get rid of them.

We know all our moles and freckles that we know and are very scared, finding a new one that is not like other education. In particular, when this formation begins to change color, grow and multiply. Only the doctor can determine exactly what it is, but we will try to help to recognize the papilloma.

Types of papilloma and the causes of the appearance of the virus

This disease has a viral nature, this explains the ways of infection by contact in everyday life. With the smallest injuries and microcracks, the virus has the opportunity to penetrate the body.

Papilloma virus in children

In some cases, the papilloma virus can be transmitted by intrauterine method for the baby or in sexual contact. It is dangerous in that when you get into the body, the virus may not cause the disease and not show itself and indicate only after a few years.
Thanks to some nervous stress or shock, malfunctions in the immune system, stomach and intestinal diseases, smoking, alcoholism or chronic diseases, to identify itself.

You can often get infected by visiting public saunas or baths, pools and the like. Since infection occurs by contact, it is very important to use personal hygiene products.

Children are most susceptible to infection with the virus, as a result of not formed immunity, allergic diseases. These reasons do not allow to adequately react to the invasion of the papilloma virus.
Education differs in shape and color. They can have from bodily color and darker, like moles.

The virus causes various skin manifestations of the disease, read about them further.

Papillomas are plantar

Papillomas are plantar - They are located on the sole, as evidenced by the name itself. In color, it can be slightly different and have a yellowish tint, in shape to resemble a callous seal, but inside there are small black dots.

Vulgar warts

Simple or vulgar warts - has a rounded shape, its surface is rough, keratinized. It can occur on any part of the body, but most often in children they are found in the hands or buttocks of the child.

Papillomas are filamentous

Papillomas are filamentous - located more often on the face and neck, in the axillary cavities, in the groin. Outwardly, it looks like a small mole on the leg. In color, it usually does not differ from bodily. In contact with clothing, they can come off on their own.

Papillomas are flat

Papillomas are flat - A little rises above the skin and does not differ in color. In children, such warts cause itching, which leads to irritation of the damaged area and often to inflammation.

Some types of viruses have oncogenic activity and have a high or low degree of risk.

It is important when such symptoms appear to undergo complete diagnosis of the body.

Where and how to hand over the analysis for papilloma: the name of the analysis and diagnostics

This neoplasm may appear unexpectedly in both the child and the adult. Typically, papilloma does not bother, but children often comb the elevations, infection gets into them and they become inflamed, they can tear themselves away and bleed.

Note that it is not categorically to be torn off, torn off, bite or cut out. This threatens the spread of the virus throughout the body and, accordingly, the appearance of new formations.

Most often papillomas are diagnosed with visual examination, however, in this case it is necessary

take an analysis for the oncogenicity of the virus and determine its appearance. This analysis is called the reaction PCR -polymerase-concept reaction. It allows you to detect a virus in a scraping or smear. Then, if traces of the virus are detected, aimed biopsy is performed and papilloma removal.

A similar diagnosis is carried out in hospitals of oncological profile, or in private clinics and laboratories.

Papilloma treatment: drugs

To treat the disease, complex therapy is used.

Local destructive treatment includes:
• Surgical removal
• Remote removal
• Laser removal
• Electrocoagulation
• Cryodestruction
• Destination of local use drugs

Removal of papilloma

Removal surgically Recently, they practically do not use. It can be appointed a doctor in exceptional cases.

Removal of papilloma radio -short A rather modern method. In this case, not only the surface part of the papilloma is removed, but also the epithelium deeper. Interventing local anesthesia. This method guarantees the lack of relapse.

Removing papilloma with a laser

Laser removal is used around the world. The procedure is painless, short -term, after removal there are no scars or scars. The skin, after recovery, remains smooth and does not differ in color.

Electrocoagulation of papilloma

Electrocoagulation is removal using high -frequency current, while there is no bleeding. During removal, small vessels are immediately sealed.

Cryodiography of papilloma

Cryodiography is cauterization using liquid nitrogen. After the procedure, a small number of complications are observed.

Werrukacid drug for papilloma

Local drugs.
There are a lot of such substances for destruction in pharmacies. As an example, we will consider Werrukacid. This drug is applied pointwise on the neoplasm of the applicator, but not touching a healthy tissue. It has cauterizing properties and chemically destroys papilloma. The substance does not hurt healthy fabrics if it does not apply to purposefully. As with other methods, this one does not leave a cicatricial fabric or skin defect.

However, the location of the papilloma matters. This substance cannot be used in intimate areas (groin, mucous membranes), in the area between the fingers and in places with severe sweating.

Removal of papilloma at home

There are a lot of ways of treating papilloma, we will consider some of them.
There are many ways to cure the external manifestations of the virus, we examined only a few of them. Remember that this is a viral disease and, having removed a cosmetological defect, you will not be cured. We need a complete diagnosis of the disease, checking the virus for oncogenicity and complex treatment, in order to avoid its relapse.

How to bring papillomas on the human body: folk recipes

RECIPE: Draw a neoplasm - Papilloma is covered with cotton wool and sealed with adhesive plasterer for 3 weeks, changing after each bath.
RECIPE: On the same trailer are applied eggshell. It is pre -dried in the oven for half an hour, applied to formation with a cotton wool and sealed with a patch. Change it once every 3 days.
Cleaning treatment. There are several ways to use it.
RECIPE: Prepare an extract- grind the celandine, squeeze the juice, then evaporate it and grease papilloma 3-4 times a day until it disappears completely.
RECIPE: Lubricate the destruction place with fresh celandine juice 4-5 times a day.
RECIPE: Potato juice Take half a glass for 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day for 2 months. Do not use this method with Diabetes mellitus.
RECIPEOintment on walnuts and kerosene. Grind walnutsin a meat grinder that have already been formed, but have not yet been resolved (dairy). Fill two third liter jars. Pour the mass with purified kerosene and, closing tightly, put in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain and squeeze out, lubricate the mass of papilloma 2-3 times a day.
RECIPELaundry soap. A soap application is made for the whole night with a rather dense layer for 3-4 weeks. Lotions and compresses are also used.
The formation is moistened with water and 72%soap is applied to it with a thick layer, washed off only in the morning.

Video: How to quickly cure the papilloma virus?

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Comments K. article

  1. From papillomas and warts, I use the pharmacy vehicle of Werrukacid. Removes from easily. And for the price it suits me entirely.

  2. It is difficult to remove such multiple papillomas. Yes, and besides, they can return. You need to fight the virus from the inside. I was prescribed as therapy Alpha Alpha No. 6. Papillomas did not even have to remove, they themselves gradually dried and fell off. The main thing is not to start this process, to begin to be treated as early as possible. Such drugs are prescribed, therefore, in any case, you can not do without consultation with a doctor.

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