What is treating celandine grass in folk medicine? Treatment of celandine warts, papillomas

What is treating celandine grass in folk medicine? Treatment of celandine warts, papillomas

The celandine fully justifies its name with many useful properties aimed at healing and treatment of the skin. If you use the grass correctly, you can achieve amazing results in gaining healthy skin, hair, getting rid of warts and gaining good health.

The medicinal properties of the grass of celandine. The benefits of the grass of celandine

Celandine is one of the most useful medicinal herbs. It is successfully used in medicine both inward and externally. The celandine contains a lot of alkaloids, essential oil, carotene, tannin and resinny substances, and even ascorbic acid.

The celandine has:

  • anti -inflammatory property
  • diuretic
  • choleretic
  • antitumor (slows down the growth of cancer cells)
  • the property of cure scabies
  • antibacterial property
  • cleansing property for the whole organism

Doctors often prescribe celandine as a bactericidal agent. But it is no less effective as an analgesic, since Helidonin, which is part of the composition, has the ability to exert spasmolytic effects.

The grass is celandine
the grass is celandine

It is not rarely prescribed celandine to those who have the initial stage of cancer. The components of the grass are able to slow down the division of cancer cells and the growth of neoplasms.

Outwardly, celandine is used to treat the oral cavity and inflammatory gum diseases as rinses. So regular rinsing with a decoction cure stomatitis and candidiasis. And if you use the infusion of grass, then they can successfully get rid of diseases in the nasopharynx.

The role of celandine in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not small. They drink a decoction of celandine to get rid of:

  • gastritis
  • colitis
  • gallstone diseases
  • salt deposits
  • renal sand

Video: “Celandine. Treatment and contraindications "

Reception and treatment with folk remedies of celandine grass

It is safe to say that the name fully justifies the healing properties of this grass. Hundreds and thousands of years ago, people used it as a cure for many skin diseases, whether it is scabies or rash.

Remember, perhaps in childhood you had a wart and seeing bright yellow flowers in the grass, broke the stalk and smeared the wart with juice. But you should be very attentive to how your body will react to celandine. All because except for useful ones, it also has toxic properties.

Cherce flowers and stems
cherce flowers and stems

When self -medication, remember that excessive or improper use of celandine can not cure but only aggravate the situation.

Depending on the problem, celandine is taken as a decoction, tincture or simply bright yellow juice of grass. To prepare a decoction, you need to pour the required amount of grass with boiling water and leave alone for insisting for an hour.

Only after this time can a decoction be considered a complete medicine. It is best to insist celandine in the thermos because he can brew more and remain warm.

The course of treatment with celandine is usually no more than two weeks, since then you should take a break for a while.

Celandine juice
celandine juice

If you do not observe the dosage of celandine use, you can easily achieve a negative and side effect of treatment. When brewing celandine, do not try to use more than one spoon of dry grass on a glass of water. You can use celandine three times a day but no more than one or two small sips.

Most often, celandine is used for treatment:

  • warts
  • fungus
  • pain in the legs
  • cough

Video: "What treats celandine?"

How to drink grass of celandine? What are they drinking celandine from?

Each time, using celandine for treatment, remember that in addition to the healing properties, it contains toxic compounds. Carefully observe the dosage of the celandine decoction, because its excess leads to poisoning. Doctors prescribe celandine inside with:

  • diseases of internal organs
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx
  • headaches and neurosis
  • increased pressure
  • inflammation of the joints and rheumatism
  • oncology
Cleaning decoction
cleaning decoction

The celandine has contraindications. It is categorically impossible to take:

  • pregnant and nursing mothers
  • epileptics
  • people suffering from heart disease
  • reduced pressure

You can take celandine inward only strictly dosage:

  • juice and tincture should be taken starting with a minimum dose (from 2 drops) and gradually increased by drop
  • a decoction of no more than two or three spoons
  • do not use pure celandine juice
  • with the slightest symptoms of poisoning, stop the use of the product
  • do not drink celandine in any form longer than two weeks
Western infusion
western infusion

Celandine juice in its pure form is squeezed, diluted with vodka or any other alcohol solution. The maximum amount of tincture that can be used in Dun is no more than twenty drops.

After reaching the maximum amount, it should be taken to reduce it. They use celandine in any form no longer than the course of two weeks.

Video: “Celandine. Instructions for use in folk medicine "

What is a bath with celandine grass?

Baths with celandine are used so that the skin is always in perfect condition. It is useful in cases where you have any skin diseases and when you want to give it a healthy and radiant look.

Bath with celandine
bath with celandine

The bathroom with celandine relieves all inflammatory foci on the skin. Be careful that when taking a bath you can not use various soap products, so forget about soap, shampoos and all kinds of gels.

In order to make a bathtub with a celandine, brew a pack of pharmacy grass in the pelvis with a water kettle. After an hour of insisting, add the decoction to the battered bath. The celandine does not have restrictions for the adoption of baths, the main thing is to check your reaction to the grass in advance in advance.

How is the grass of celandine from warts used?

Treatment of warts with a celandine implies the direct application of plant juice to the skin area. Chistotel grass grows everywhere: in flower beds, under bushes, in gardens, parks and wild nature. To apply juice, it is necessary to break the blooming stem and a drop of juice to apply to the wart.

Treatment of warts
treatment of warts

It is recommended to apply juice four times a day on a wart. The course of treatment should be carried out no longer than three weeks. When applying the juice to the wart, swing it with a patch so as not to stain clothes and underwear with unreasonable spots.

Video: "Celandine and Warts"

How is the grass of celandine from the fungus taken?

The unique properties of grass allow treating nail fungus with clean juice, infus and oil. The most effective way is to apply fresh juice. You can use this tool no longer than the course of three months.

In order to get healing juice, you need to collect the leaves and stems of the plant, chop them finely with the help of a knife. Skip the whole mass through gauze. Ready juice is applied to the affected area.

Nail fungus
nail fungus

Important: before applying juice, it should be steamed in a hot bath with a leg or arm affected by a fungus.

Effectively treat the fungus with celandine oil. To do this, the grass is poured with any refined oil, put in a steam bath and languished for about three hours. The nail affected by the fungus is steamed and the moistened cotton pad is applied for half an hour. The course of such treatment must be carried out within three weeks.

Video: "Treatment of the fungus of celandine"

How is celandine grass used in gynecology?

The grass of celandine is successfully used to treat gynecological diseases:

  • with inflammation of the appendages
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes
  • ovarian inflammation
  • damage to the mucous membrane of the female organ
  • uterine mucosa
  • cysts and oncological neoplasms

If you feel acute pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum area, these are obvious symptoms of “female” problems. Pay attention to what you feel when urinating. Rubber and if they speak of a clear inflammatory process.

A decoction for douching
a decoction for douching

It happens that drug treatment does not have the proper effect. In this case, traditional medicine comes to the rescue. It is useful from time to time to do the celandine infection.

For cooking, you can use both fresh grass and dry. Prepare a liter jar, a floor of fresh grass (a quarter of dried) pour boiling water and leave alone to cool. After the water darkens, do douching. Treatment should last no more than three weeks.

Video: "Celandine kills cancer cells"

How effective is the grass from acne?

The celandine literally “cleanses” the skin, saving it from any problems. The juice of this plant is a poisonous substance, so you need to immediately understand that it is necessary to use it only in a minimal amount and not allow entering the mucous membranes. In the struggle for perfect skin, celandine juice is an excellent anti -inflammatory agent.

You can use it in different ways:

  • as a mask
  • in the form of a decoction
  • wiping with pure juice

The most dangerous of the listed species is precisely wiping with pure juice. All because the toxic properties can put a burn on the skin and provoke peeling. It is much more effective twice a day to wash your face with a concentrated decoction of grass or make a mask:

  • celandine decoction (rich)
  • egg
  • honey

All components mix and hold on the face for half an hour such a mask can be done regularly, once every four days.

Video: "The best remedy for acne is celandine"

Celandine grass for skin diseases, use

Different skin diseases can occur for various reasons. In any of cases, you can treat with celandine.

  • Rash:regular washing the rash with a decoction or infusion of grass helps to reduce it
  • Skin diseases:baths with celandine and wiping with a rich decoction of fresh flowering celandine will help
  • Warts and lichen:you can lubricate the plant with fresh juice, you can make oil and applied to the affected area
  • Eczema:wiping a decoction of celandine with a dandelion
  • Dermatitis:the use of celandine ointments (decoction, lanolin, petroleum jelly)

How is hair celandine used?

Like any medicinal plant, celandine has an excellent effect on the condition of the hair. Hair of any type can be regularly rinsed with decoctions of grass to achieve:

  • the softness of the hair
  • silkiness
  • amazing shine
  • getting rid of itching and dandruff

The concentrated infusion is diluted with the necessary amount of water into the pelvis and exposing the head washed pre -shampoo, rinse several times from the bucket. You can use hair masks with celandine oil, which is simply added to your favorite cosmetic product.

How to use celandine grass for treatment: tips and reviews

The celandine grass has many positive reviews from those who regularly carry out cosmetic procedures and tries to get rid of all kinds of diseases. If you do not have any allergic reactions to the product, feel free to use it for your own purposes in strict observance of all proportions.

Like any medicine, celandine requires periodic "rest". To prevent poisonous substances from accumulating in the body, arrange a break of treatment with a celandine of one to two months.

Celandine grass is easy to purchase at any pharmacy and its cost will pleasantly surprise you. If you have the opportunity, always give preference to a fresh plant, since it is saturated with a large amount of nutrients, which means that it will rather have its positive effect.

Video: "Celandine"

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