How to get rid of hiccups to an adult and a child? Ways to quickly get rid of hiccups at home: Description

How to get rid of hiccups to an adult and a child? Ways to quickly get rid of hiccups at home: Description

How to get rid of hiccups? How to help infants with hiccups?

Hycota is one of those minor troubles that can poison the existence of any person. Fortunately, it passes quite quickly. And in order to speed up this process, you can use the methods from the arsenal of traditional medicine.

Everything helps: from saying like “hiccups-Job, go to Fedot” to massage of the ears. After all, the main thing is to distract from the annoying reflex. A separate topic is hiccups in infants. Moms are worried: perhaps young children are not just a nuisance, but a serious ailment? It turns out that in the infantry hiccups, hiccups after eating by dry -haired and hiccups from excessive alcohol libations are the same reasons.

Causes of hiccups

Why is a hiccup for a person? Even doctors have an unequivocal answer to this question. They suggest that this is a reflex that has remained with us since prehistoric times. Perhaps the hiccups were useful to our ancestors. Now there is no sense for her.

The mechanism of the occurrence of hiccups is this. A diaphragm is located between the chest and the abdominal cavity. Managing her, we breathe, expanding the volume of the lungs. But if the diaphragm begins to frantically and uncontrolled to decline in itself, we have hiccups. At the same time, we do not have time to open the voice gap and let it into the lungs of oxygen. It turns out a short convulsive breath without air.

A woman holds onto her stomach

How to get rid of hiccups in adults?

In order to understand how to get rid of hiccups, you need to understand what provokes it.

  • Binge eating. A large amount of food, especially drying and in a hurry, can make you suffer from hiccups for a very long time. If you are often tormented by hiccups, refuse a snack on the run. Eat a little, but often. Be sure to drink a glass of water before meals.

The man eats driving

  • Carbonated drinks. Doctors do not recommend drinking a lot of soda or mineral water at all. Gas bubbles irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach. Hence the heartburn, irritation, severity in the stomach. It turns out that the choice of correct drinks helps to get rid of hiccups.
  • Frequent swallowing. For example, when you are hungry and look at food. This causes plentiful salivation, you constantly swallow, and then start and hiccup. The same happens when the mucosa is drying out in the mouth. For example, when you were out of breath.

How to get rid of a long hiccup and alcohol hiccups?

There are several ways to get rid of hiccups. Their effectiveness does not depend on why you started to suffer from it: you surpassed, drank excess alcohol or simply out of breath. Some methods look quite comical. And not all of them act in 100% of cases. Try them and choose the one that is suitable for you.

  • Leo pose. Yoga arsenal method. This exercise is considered effective not only with hiccups, but also as a purification practice. It helps to get rid of toxins, toxins (accumulated, including in the form of gas). Sit with a straight back. Take a deep breath. On exhalation, sharply stick out your tongue as far as possible and bulging your eyes. Without linger in this pose without breathing, as much as possible. Repeat if necessary.

Yoga pose Leo Simhasan

  • Breathing holding. Inhale deeply and slow down for a few seconds. If the first time did not work, repeat the cycle.
  • Hands to the stomach. If you press your hands tightly, then we can influence the diaphragm. Some of this are enough for hiccups to stop.
  • Cold sweet drink. To increase efficiency, you can throw a couple of ice cubes into a glass. You need to drink small sips, making them as often as possible.
  • Lemon, or something sour. Take a slice of sour citrus in your mouth and suck while it retains the taste. If the fruit is acidic enough, then one -piece is enough.

The child eats lemon

  • A piece of ice. You can dissolve the ice cube until the hiccups pass.
  • Sugar. In America, it is customary to take a teaspoon of sugar and eat it at once, not drinking anything.
  • Vinegar. Of course, it does not need to be taken inside. Just smell it. The sour smell will help remove the hiccup.
  • Paper bag. This method is based on the fact that a high concentration of carbon dioxide is able to influence the functioning of the diaphragm. Therefore, you need to take a paper bag and breathe into it. Gradually, you will consume all the oxygen that was there. The concentration of carbon dioxide will increase, and the diaphragm will begin to work correctly.

A woman breathes in a paper bag

  • Massage of the ears. The ear is a zone where there are a lot of reflexogenic points. Perhaps the impact on some of them will make the hiccups leave.

How to get rid of hiccups in a child and infants?

One of the specific icon options is hiccups in newborns. As a rule, for mom, this becomes a real tragedy. Ikit means frozen. This is really possible. But in very rare cases.

Breed baby

  • More often, the baby hits just because it is hot, he was dry in his mouth, he often swallowed and began to hiccup. A long cry or crying of a baby are also able to provoke a hiccup.
  • Another common reason is overeating. The kid cannot control the feeling of saturation, and often eats more than he needs. If the baby has already left the newborn age (the first 28 days of life), then do not feed it more often than once every two hours. Having discovered signs of dehydration (dry lips, hot dry and inelastic skin), do not be afraid to finish it with water.
  • By the way, the untimely intestinal liberation can also cause hiccups. The inflated tummy presses to the diaphragm, causing this reflex.
  • What is effective for adults helps children. For example, the pose of the lion described above. But the baby cannot stand the tongue far away. In this case, you can take the baby by the tip of the tongue and slightly pull it. Hold it as much as the baby will allow you. Usually one minute is enough.

How to get rid of hiccups with folk methods?

Official medicine folds weapons, saying that he does not know how to get rid of hiccups. Therefore, healers, conspiracies, and folk remedies effectively help from this problem. Of course, their effectiveness directly depends on how much we inspire.

If a person is very distracted, then the hiccup will pass by itself. People's medicine makes a bet on this. The healers read conspiracies, involve you in rituals, force you to perform rituals - in general, distract. And you will forget about the ailment by willy. The belief is based on the same thing that if someone hits, you need to scare it very much.

Frightened girl

So they think in our country. Other nationalities have other ceremonies: slightly hit the hiccuping on the head, suddenly bury his eyes and shout loudly, suddenly pour something on his head.

In general, distract. If one of your loved ones hiccups, try an alternative method: give flowers, invite you to a movie, admire a beautiful sunset. If a person is very distracted, the effect will be achieved.

How to get rid of hiccups?

Usually we cope with hiccups at home. But there are situations that come out of the ordinary. When is it necessary to resort to medical help?

  • if the hiccups do not pass 3 hours or more
  • if it is accompanied by a sharp pain of the abdomen

In itself, hiccups are not a disease, but a symptom. Therefore, you will not get rid of it medication. It can be a sign of stomach ulcer or cirrhosis. But in this case, your doctor will select the medicine from these diseases.

White coat

  • Most often, doctors use antispasmodics hiccups to treat, because the uncontrolled reduction of the diaphragm is precisely a spasm. They lower its excessive excitability.
  • Other drugs suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and accelerate its emptying. This is how excessive pressure at the diaphragm is removed. Only a doctor can prescribe a specific combination of drugs.
  • However, in most cases, medical intervention is not required. It is enough to adjust your lifestyle and diet. And hiccups will pass by itself.

Video: hiccups and itching - emergency care - Dr. Komarovsky

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