How to fix posture in a child? Causes of violation of posture in school and preschool children

How to fix posture in a child? Causes of violation of posture in school and preschool children

Why does children have a stoop? How to deal with improper posture, and what to do to avoid it?

Proper posture is the key to the healthy development of any child. Moster disorders can lead to the most serious complications and diseases. Sometimes such violations become the cause of rapid overwork and depressive mood in the baby.

What can provoke such changes in the child? What are the consequences of improper posture? What to do to prevent or eliminate incorrect posture? This article will try to answer all these questions.

Causes of violation of posture in children. What to do if a child has a stoop?

Studies in children
Studies in children

There are a number of factors affecting the installation of improper posture in a child. They are divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital reasons include:

  • dysplasia
  • torticollis
  • problems with the formation of the spine
  • birth injury

Acquired posture disorders occur due to:

  • the underdevelopment of muscles
  • lack of physical exercises
  • the consequences of rickets
  • incorrect mode and daily routine
  • the workplace for study does not correspond to the growth of the baby
  • insufficient lighting of the workplace
  • wearing a training bag in the same hand
  • wearing uncomfortable clothes (too tight a belt or a narrow shirt)

As soon as relatives, teachers or parents themselves noticed the child’s signs of stoop, they need to immediately seek help from the doctor. Such diseases are engaged in an orthopedist. Only a qualified doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment.

How to determine the violations of posture in a child?

Signs of posture disorders in children
Signs of posture disorders in children

The first harbinger of the fact that the baby has problems with posture will be his following complaints and observations of parents:

  1. The child looks constantly tired and sluggish
  2. He is not interested in active games
  3. The baby has constant complaints about back pain, neck or head
  4. Long walks exhaust him, and his legs hurt
  5. When sitting on a chair, the child rests his hands on his seat
  6. The little one has long been in one pose for a long time
  7. When moving in children after two years, a distinct crunch is heard

All these observations should alert parents and push them to the diagnosis of posture of their baby.

Diagnosis of posture disorders in children

Diagnosis of improper posture
Diagnosis of improper posture

In order to independently identify the child’s problems with posture, you must ask him to undress to his underpants and stand evenly (legs shoulder -width apart). Now it is necessary to examine his body from all sides. Proper posture is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • the head is in an upright position, the chin is slightly raised
  • the line of the shoulders should be exactly horizontal
  • the corners formed between the line of the shoulders and the line of the neck on both sides should be equal
  • the chest should neither sink nor stick out
  • if we draw a conditional line in the middle of the child’s body, the navel is obliged to be on it


  • shoulder blades should be at the same distance from the spine, and their angles
  • horizontal line
  • the horizontal line should also be observed between the gluteal folds and the popliteal pits


  • the breast should be slightly raised, and the stomach - on the contrary
  • the legs should be straightened
  • the spine must have smooth small bends
  • the tilt of the pelvis should be about thirty -five degrees in boys and fifty -five in girls

Any insignificant deviations can be natural and provoked by fatigue. However, a visit to the doctor even in this case is better not to ignore. If most of the indicators do not meet the norm, parents of the child need to urgently take measures.

Types of violation of posture in preschool children

Types of violation of posture in children
Types of violation of posture in children
  1. The lordosis of the cervical spine is the bend of the cervical spine forward
  2. Kyphotic posture is characterized by stooping and rounding of the back
  3. The flat back is distinguished by the absence of physiological bends of the spine (straight spine) and protruding behind the blades
  4. Slouch
  5. Scoliosis - curvature of the spine

Moster disorders in primary school children

Violation of posture in primary school children
Violation of posture in primary school children

The main reason for the appearance in children of primary school age is the wrong posture to decrease the level of mobility of the child. Starting to go to school, the baby is forced to sit in one place in the same position for most of his time. Activity falls by almost fifty percent. And if you take into account the huge addiction of modern youth and young children to the computer and TV, then here you can count all eighty percent.

In the first years of study, the child also changes his daily routine, the regime of eating and rest. Therefore, the organization of a balanced diet, loads and breaks is important.

All these changes entail a decrease in the development of the muscles of the back and chest, which inexorably leads to one or another disorders of children's posture. Problems with posture can only be avoided by additional playing sports, regular exercises and all free time in the fresh air in motion. This task is primarily either to teachers, or before coaches and educators, but to the parents of the child.

Massage in violation of posture in children

Massage for posture disorders in children
Massage for posture disorders in children

Such therapy as massage can be used in case of improper posture in combination with special gymnastics and other rules of conduct of the child and his parents. The use of massage can have two directions:

  1. General massage of the back and abdomen
  2. Massage of individual parts of the body and muscle groups responsible for changing posture

Massage, as you know, is a very useful manipulation. It improves blood flow and lymph flow, helps the muscles get stronger due to an increase in their tone during the movements of the masseur.

However, it is worth knowing that massage can harm. The diagnosis and determination of the type of therapeutic massage should only be done by a doctor. Also important is the qualification of the masseur. In order to perform massage, it is worth contacting only trusted specialists.

A set of exercises in violation of posture in children

Exercises for proper posture
Exercises for proper posture

Medical and preventive physical education in the fight against improper posture in children is the most important and effective tool. You can perform such gymnastics at home in any free minute. Here is a list of the most elementary exercises in case of posture in children:

  1. Walking in place for about fifteen minutes with a flat back
  2. Walking on socks with hands on the belt for about ten seconds
  3. Walking with high knees and hands on a belt ten seconds
  4. Ten squats with a flat back and hands extended forward
  5. Alternate tension and relaxation of all the muscles of the body in the position of "standing" with a flat back
  6. Reduction and breeding of the blades in a sitting position ten times
  7. Extending forward hands with dumbbells in a position sitting with a flat back and fixing them for five seconds
  8. Raising and fixing in the raised position alternately for five seconds in the position of "lying" on the back. Ten repetitions
  9. Raising the head from the position of "lying" on the back in the "Soldier" pose (arms and legs extended along the body)

Consultation for parents of children with impaired posture

Proper lighting for good posture
Proper lighting for good posture

The best way to avoid impaired posture is its prevention. Parents should exclude all of the above factors that contribute to the appearance of the acquired improper posture. In other words, they need:

  1. Provide the baby with full -fledged healthy meals
  2. Introduce him to sports and active games
  3. Organize the baby’s workplace so that it comes under his height (when he sits at the table, the feet should completely stand on the floor, the elbows are conveniently lying on the table, bending the legs at the knees at an angle of ninety degrees, and the back be even)
  4. Provide good coverage of the workplace for the child
  5. It is desirable that the baby sleeps on a solid mattress, on his back with a low pillow
  6. Make sure that the load on the hands of the child is evenly distributed (the portfolio is carried in different hands alternately, do not pull it to school in the morning or in the garden for the same hand)
  7. Carefully monitor posture and gait

In the case when the violation has already occurred, parents should be patient and strictly observe the recommendations of the doctor. After all, the process of correcting improper posture is a very long and responsible business.

The consequences of impaired posture in a child. The relationship of posture disorders in children with osteopenia

Scoliosis in children
Scoliosis in children

Poster disorders in children can provoke the most diverse and very serious consequences:

  • violation of the location of internal organs, leading to frequent diseases of these organs
  • regular microtrauma of the spine
  • reduction of lungs and shortness of breath
  • memory deterioration, constant headaches and back pain due to impaired blood flow

Another rather complicated consequence of impaired posture in children can be osteopenia. This disease is characterized by a weakening of the bone structure. As a rule, osteopenia is observed in elderly people. However, some scientists argue that the cause of osteopenia at an earlier age may be banal incorrect posture. Violation of metabolism and incomplete assimilation of calcium caused by the displacement and pinching of some internal organs provoke the fragility of bone tissues.

Causes of violation of posture in school and preschool children: tips and reviews

How to sit at a table correctly
How to sit at a table correctly

Doctors advise parents to follow their child from birth and try to create conditions for him under which the opportunity to acquire improper posture would be absolutely excluded. After all, it is always easier to warn the disease than to fight it.

An active healthy lifestyle, properly selected clothes and furniture for the baby, as well as constant parental control will provide him with good posture and development.

Video: Causes of incorrect posture in children

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