How to look for groups in VK - records, messages? Search by entries in the VKontakte group: Instructions

How to look for groups in VK - records, messages? Search by entries in the VKontakte group: Instructions

In this article we will discuss how to look for entries and messages in VKontakte communities.

Many large VKontakte communities have thousands of records on the wall in stock and if you decide to find any specific, it will be extremely difficult to view everything. So we must learn to look for them. Just about this we will tell in our article.

How to find a VKontakte group or message on the wall?

To date, the search algorithm is very simple:

  • First, click on the group page button "Community entries"
Search for records
Search for records
  • Immediately above the list of all available records there will be a field for entering keywords, by which the search will be carried out
  • Enter the desired phrase and start the process

That's just effective it will be if there is a text in the record. What if he is not?

In this case, you will be helped by a filter by date of publication.

Search by date
Search by date

So it is desirable to know when, at least approximately, a post was published. Install the filter on the desired number and you will be displayed all notes for that day.

As you can see, the search itself is quite simple, it remains only to learn how to use it, which will take you only a couple of minutes.

Video: how to quickly find a record made on the wall of the VKontakte community?

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