How and how much to sterilize empty banks in the oven?

How and how much to sterilize empty banks in the oven?

In this article, we will consider how to correctly sterilize empty banks in the oven.

Every year there is a time when housewives begin to harvest various conservation for the winter. Basically, the time for twisting falls in August and September. But everything falls into the banks from the garden or garden. But you always need to remember that it is not enough to have only a recipe and the availability of products, and you need to properly prepare the container in which conservation will exist.

Therefore, in this material we want to talk about how to properly sterilize empty banks in the oven. After all, not everyone knows about such a convenient way. And some even miss this step with disinfection, which is simply necessary for high -quality conservation.

How to sterilize empty banks in the oven: how much and how to do it correctly?

Through trial and error, many of the hostesses know that banks incorrectly prepared for twisting can lead to unsuccessful conservation. In most cases, not quite properly sterilized banks do not stand for a long time with conservation. They simply “tear off” the lids, and this leads to damage to the products themselves. To prevent this from happening, cans for twisting are subject to mandatory sterilization before the canning process. One way is to sterilize empty cans in the oven. Since the hostess is not always the opportunity to carry out such manipulations.

In the oven you can sterilize several cans and different sizes at once
In the oven you can sterilize several cans and different sizes at once
  • Be sure to check the banks for chips and cracks. Gently, in order not to damage your hands, we just run your fingers on the neck on both sides. Or you can take a rag, if there is a chip, then it will catch. The neck of the can be whole so that the cover does not pass air, and therefore harmful microorganisms.
  • Banks carefully with the help of soda or detergent. The first substance will not only help cleanse and get rid of the smell, but will also carry out a little disinfection.
  • Now we take prepared clean jars and place them in a turned off and cold oven, without clutching each other. Otherwise, in places of contact, Tara may burst.
  • Also note that the oven should be clean. If fat pre -escaped, then the unpleasant smell can be on the bank. Therefore, check the oven for cleanliness.
  • If banks are only after washing, then you must definitely place them upside down. This will allow a couple to evaporate faster from the surface. Place dry jars down.
  • The temperature on the oven we withstand at the mark of 150 ° C. This limit is enough for high -quality disinfection. If you set the temperature less, then it will take more time.
Just use a clean oven
Just use a clean oven

Important: do not turn on such a temperature sharply, because banks can burst. First set the mark to 50 ° C, and after 10 minutes increase the temperature by 10-15 ° C. And so continue to increase every 5-7 minutes.

  • In order to stoop the banks in the oven, you need to withstand them in accordance with the volume:
    • half -liter jars must be kept 10 minutes;
    • liter containers - 15 minutes;
    • up to two liters - 20 minutes;
    • three -liter containers - 30 minutes;
    • the lids need to be kept a little less time - only 10 minutes.
  • Get out the banks one at a time and be very attentive so as not to get burned. Be sure to use a tack or towel, but only dry. It will also help to avoid the appearance of cracks on banks. Also do not take up the neck of the jar. It may break off.
Wet wet jars upside down
Wet wet jars upside down

Important: do not immediately get banks from the oven. Turn off the oven and wait another 10 minutes until the temperature subsides a little. And do not try to put the banks on the table! It is cold, and from a sharp temperature difference, a glass container can burst! If you get hot jars, then you need to put them exclusively on a towel.

  • After that, you need to immediately fill them with prepared products, which is subject to conservation, and roll up a lid. Closed banks must be re -sterilized, Therefore, it is also impossible to overestimate them in the disconnected oven.

As you can see, it is quite easy and fast to sterilize empty banks in the oven, because you can immediately subject the sterilization of several cans. Which is very convenient for housewives who make large reserves, because in the process of conservation not one bank is involved, but not less than 5. Try it - you will definitely like it. Just always remember safety precautions. After all, sterilized banks are quite hot, and they can easily burn yourself.

Video: How to sterilize empty banks in the oven correctly?

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