How and what to strengthen the heart - the tips of the cardiologist. Strengthening the weakened heart with complicated heart ailments: medication technique

How and what to strengthen the heart - the tips of the cardiologist. Strengthening the weakened heart with complicated heart ailments: medication technique

The heart is the most important organ that needs to be protected. We learn about how to strengthen the heart from experienced cardiologists.

In recent decades, cardiovascular diseases have become the first cause of mortality. And every year their number only grows. This disease is very common among young people.

Despite this, doctors offer different ways of struggle and prevention with a severe ailment. Develop a number of useful habits to maintain your health and prolong life.

What to do to strengthen the heart: cardiological tips

It is important to comply with the following rules:

  1. Control over food.
  • For stable and rhythmic heart function, this is extremely important: proteins serve for the structure of muscle tissue, carbohydrates fill with energy and complement all this with vitamins. Exclude products containing high cholesterol from the diet.
  • Animal fats and fried products are best removed or consumed in small quantities. Also do with salt and sugar.
Strengthening the heart
Strengthening the heart
  • The cause of clogging of blood vessels is the deposition of excess cholesterol. And this already causes various problems: from obesity to atherosclerosis and more serious diseases. Check and monitor the following indicators - HDL and LDL.
  • Bring healthy and fresh vegetables and fruits, sea fish in your diet, replace the salt of sea cabbage and eat what will make it possible to clean and strengthen the vessels. Plant food, seafood, dairy products, fats (olive, sesame, linseed oil) are useful.
  • Overflow contributes to a strong load on the heart and gradually this can lead to an attack. Do not load your stomach and stay a little hungry after a meal.

IMPORTANT:There are 5 rules of a healthy heart: physical activity, rational nutrition, weight control, rejection of bad habits, lack of stress. Adhere to them and you will feel excellent, and you will be full of strength.

  1. Control your weight.
  • At risk, there are often people who have excess weight. Fat accumulates on the stomach and envelops internal organs.
  • This phenomenon is very dangerous, because getting rid of this kind of fat is much more difficult than from the subcutaneous one.
  • Obesity several times increases myocardial dysfunction.
  1. Refuse bad habits.
  • This is one of the rather important points, to strengthen the heart. Smoking causes an increase in blood pressure and stimulates the destruction of the walls of blood vessels.
  • During this bad habit, the vessels narrow, and oxygen starvation occurs. The risk of thrombosis and blockage of arteries is increasing. When drinking alcohol, the heart is poisoned by toxic substances and the load on it grows. Scientists urge people to abandon such pleasures.
  • Especially with a combination of these two components, there is a strong stress for the body. Smoking causes vessels narrowing, and in the meantime, alcohol expands them. In lovers of these habits, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases by 2-3 times.
  • People who consume a large amount of coffee per day are also more often subjected to heart attack. If you combine this aromatic drink with cigarettes, then the risk of diseases will increase even more. There are sharp jumps in pressure, which adversely affects the heart.
Important rules
Important rules
  1. Leisure.
  • Physical activity is considered quite useful for the heart. But remember that they should be balanced. Both overload and hypodynamia can adversely affect your health. Systematic exercises are tempered by physical education.
  • Do not forget about a full and calm dream, to strengthen the heart. Choose, the option of loads that will appeal to you, and regularly engage in.
  • You should not exhaust yourself with training that you don’t like, because it will not bring a result and you will quickly give up charging.

If you do not know where to start, to strengthen the heart, then the recommendations of a cardiologist will help you.

Important: you need to start training gradually, each time increasing the load. Even the minimum load is good for health and reduce the risk of myocardial diseases.

  • Aerobic training. In the morning, a small exercise will help to become cheerful. Do the same exercises that you once did at school. This will “charge” your body. Little by little, start increasing charging time and try to do more difficult exercises 2-3 times a week. Run in the morning, sign up for dance classes, aerobics or ride a bicycle. Do everything related to cardio load. At the present time, the elder people, Scandinavian walking is welcomed. She trains the endurance of the body, improves the coordination of movements, the effectiveness of ordinary walking is lower by 46%.
  • Aerotrenceers in Scandinavian walking possess all the necessary knowledge to strengthen the health of the heart. But do not forget to follow the three rules: monitor the pulse (norm 120-130 beats/min), the time of physiotherapy exercises of no more than 30-60 minutes, the frequency of not more than 2-3 trays a week.
  • Try to be more mobile, to strengthen the heart. It is recommended 130-150 minutes of aero-circuits and 60 minutes of strength exercises per week.

With the help of such regular classes, you can strengthen the cardiorespirator system, stabilize blood pressure and normalize the level of harmful substances in the blood.

  1. Try to get rid of stress the body, less nervous.
  • Remember a good rest to strengthen your heart. Stress and frequent experiences will only harm the cardiovascular system. Cardiologists recommend in any way to get rid of emotional overstrain. Due to severe anxiety, myocardial activity is violated and this can lead to a deterioration in health (heart attack, arrhythmias, etc.).
  • Be sure to make sure that blood pressure does not increase. If you notice that your pressure often “jumps” contact a cardiologist. Hypertension entails a compaction of myocardial walls and can provoke myocardial infarction.
Take care of your heart
Take care of your heart
  • Remember that you cannot improve your health without changing your life. The weakened heart is very difficult to maintain with the help of medicines. Until you get rid of the negative sources that affect you and your condition, you cannot fully breathe. The advice of doctors will help to take care of your heart and keep it strong and healthy.
  • Normalize your lifestyle and then you will feel that you are full of strength and energy.

Strengthening a weakened heart with complicated heart ailments: Cardiologist tips

It is especially important to adhere to the advice of cardiologists to people who have transferred or have light forms of pathology.

The following recommendations should be added to the above:

  1. Visit a specialist in this profile.
  2. Periodically undergo an examination of the cardiovascular system. Sort the necessary tests and undergo examinations (ECG, ultrasound and echo, tests). The attendance of the doctor depends on your disease, but at least once a year. The cardiologist will monitor the dynamics of changes, and adjust the treatment.
  3. Check other organs, since any other disease can disrupt heart function.
  4. Be sure to adhere to the doctor’s prescriptions. Self -medication can negatively affect the myocardium and only aggravate the course of the disease.

Irreversible cardiac changes are very difficult to prevent, sometimes even impossible.

With complex forms of heart disease (myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, etc.), it loses the ability to overtake blood. Therefore, it is necessary not only to adjust the lifestyle, but also to take cardioprotectors and additional drugs for the treatment of the whole body.

In severe form
In severe form

Medication technique that will strengthen the heart

  • Cardiologists prescribe various drugs to maintain stable heart function. They restore the functional abilities of the myocardium-pacemakers (1 m/ 1-2 p. Per year).
  • Improvement occurs gradually. They accumulate after a systematic reception.
  • The injections are more effective, they act better and faster than tablets. Therefore, often experts prescribe several injections, and after the accumulation of the drug in the body, they transfer the patient to tablets. By the complexity of the disease, one drug or combination of several is determined and prescribed.

Remember, do not take any of the drugs without consulting a doctor. Try to adhere to the advice of cardiologists so that your heart is healthy!

Video: Tips for leading cardiologists for heart health

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you for good advice, now heart diseases are younger, you can fall with a heart attack even at 20. I drink, for strengthening, cardioactive hawthorn. Previously, I just made a decoction, but it is troublesome, but then I drank a pill.

  2. In my opinion, in this list there is not enough vitamin cardioactive production of Evalar. They contain all the main components necessary for maintaining the health of the heart: coenzyme Q10, folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12. And also this drug helps to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

  3. Thank you very much for your interesting and useful article! I emphasized several useful things for myself, although I did not fully agree with some points) for example, I especially liked thoughts about rest and physical exercises. Well, alcohol, I think, can be consumed in moderation, because It is proved that wine improves digestion and dilutes blood, but of course you should not abuse. In general, I really like one principle that I use as a reminder in life, it is recorded in parables 13:12: "From a long expectation, the heart hurts, and the fulfillment of life is a tree of life." Thanks to this, I understand that you should not worry too much about something, since it affects both my physical and emotional health.
    Thanks again for the article!

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