How and what to increase the upper systolic pressure at home? Low upper blood pressure: causes and treatment

How and what to increase the upper systolic pressure at home? Low upper blood pressure: causes and treatment

How to raise low systolic pressure?

In this article you will learn about how to increase low systolic pressure. This problem is quite frequent, so the topic and its clarification will be quite relevant.

Low upper pressure: what to do and how to help yourself?

Blood arterial pressure is considered to be the pressure that comes from blood and affects the walls of blood vessels. The pressure level depends on the following indicators:

  • What is the vessels elasticity.
  • What is the power of heart contraction.
  • How much participates during the process of blood itself.

If the pressure moves away from normal indicators to the upper and lower lobe, but at the same time the person himself feels normally, many people do not consider such deviations to the disease. But doctors claim that such deviations can very often cause a huge number of diseases and lead to poor consequences.

Arterial pressure is the indicator that you must constantly monitor. Since it depends on the following values:

  • From the frequency of your breathing.
  • From your pulse.
  • From your heartbeat.

Remember, blood pressure is not a constant value. There are two varieties of pressure:

  • Systolic pressure - This is the upper. It manifests itself when blood is thrown into aorta.
  • Diastolic pressure - This is the bottom. During it, blood enters the hollow veins.

If you want you to always have pressure within the normal range, then it is advisable to regularly monitor its indicators. Any person has his own specific norm, and this norm depends on a large number of factors, for example, on body weight, diseases, genetic indicators, and so on.

The magnitude of the pressure can change from weather conditions, stressful situations, and physical activity. Doctors determined the framework of normal blood pressure:

  • The upper indicator is 120 mm Hg
  • The lower indicator is 80 mm Hg

Although many experts say that the most ideal blood pressure is equal to - 115 mm Hg at 75 mm Hg. When this indicators are reduced, hypotension is detected in humans.

What does low upper pressure mean?

The upper pressure can decrease completely at any age. The reduced pressure of the doctor is called hypotension. Hypotenia is a disease during which normal indicators decrease by 20% or more. That is, systolic pressure is 90 mm and below.

Hypotonics often respond to weather conditions and atmospheric pressure. During inclinations, sharp jumps and other changes in the body, patients are dizzy, they are poorly oriented in space. From a long stay in the sauna or bath, from long walking, such people can suddenly lose consciousness.

A person who has a reduced upper pressure, standing in public transport can begin to suffocate and fainted. At such a moment, it is advisable to sit down so that his head lay down on his knees.

With low pressure, people feel fatigue in the morning.

Interruptions during night sleep are also a sign of low pressure. In the afternoon, hypotenses want to sleep very much, they get up hard in the morning, they have an irritable condition, and after waking up they feel as if they had not rested at all.

Low blood pressure
Low blood pressure

Low upper systolic pressure with normal diastolic: reasons, what to do?

The reasons for which the upper pressure may decrease:

  • Constant fatigue and overwork.
  • The initial period of pregnancy.
  • Fatigue from physical exertion.
  • An unexpected change in the weather.
  • Acclimatization of the human body.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman increases the volume of blood that circulates. As a result, during the first 24 weeks, in rare cases, the upper pressure is reduced by several units. For pregnant women, this is dangerous, as it can cause a loss of consciousness. Accordingly, at this time, you need to monitor with special attentiveness and regularly for pressure indicators.

Low systolic pressure in active people and athletes occurs due to overloads. After that, he goes into a more calm regime, heart contractions are reduced, and at the same time the pressure itself drops.

If a person enters the mountains, in the hot area and in the temperate climate, a decrease in the upper pressure occurs due to an unusual climate for humans, low or elevated ambient temperature.

These were listed the simplest reasons for lowering the upper pressure. But there are more serious ones, and you definitely need to know them:

  • Incorrect functioning of the heart valve.
  • Diabetes.
  • Bruises and injuries of the brain.
  • Intoxication.
  • Due to low pressure, you can feel constantly tired.

If you are affected by such a problem as reduced systolic pressure, contact the doctor without slowing down, go through a comprehensive diagnosis. If the cause of low pressure is a disease, then you need to eliminate it first. After that, your pressure is normalized.

When do you start looking for a reason for lowering pressure?

  • As a rule, hypotension in an adult shows the following indicators: the upper 100 mm, the lower - 60 mm.
  • If your pressure has decreased only once, it may have happened due to a spoiled mood or from bad weather.
  • There are situations when hypotension is transmitted from parents to their children.
  • Notice, low pressure that does not reach a critical line does not pose threats. But do not neglect this signal. Take measures immediately - consult a doctor so as not to start the onset of the initial stage of a possible disease.
Survatory massage to increase low blood pressure
Survatory massage to increase low blood pressure

What to do if systolic, upper, pressure is low, and diastolic, lower, high?

The upper systolic pressure shows blood pressure when the heart is reduced. The lower indicator shows the pressure when the heart muscles relax. With a normal rupture, the tonometer can show from 30 mm to 40 mm.

In some cases, this can be indicative more or less. But if such a difference is very small, then a person has strong pathological changes in his body.

Basically, women up to 35 years old complain about such a disease. But even with a low upper pressure and normal lower, the following pathological deviations can be observed:

  • Kidney diseases.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Reduced activity.
  • Disrupted diet.
  • Constant lack of sleep.
  • Regular nervous shocks and stressful situations.

If a person has the upper pressure, and the lower one remains normal, he has the following symptoms:

  • He begins to poorly concentrate on a particular subject.
  • He is constantly pulling to bed.
  • Apathy manifests itself to everything.
  • A person becomes irritable, he has a short -term memory.

If your upper pressure has sharply decreased, and the lower one remains normal or you are doing this periodically, then follow the following rules:

  • Never panic or worry.
  • Do not treat yourself.
  • Be sure to visit the doctor. He will help you find out the reasons and prescribe an examination.

If you decide to visit a cardiologist, he can appoint you:

  • Balanced diet.
  • Daily walks in fresh air.
  • Sleep a duration of at least 8 hours.
  • Rest from work for 1 hour.
  • Follow the state in which the muscles located in the cervical spine are located.

In general, you will need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Hypotony: Reasons, First Aid
Hypotony: Reasons, First Aid

Low systolic pressure and high pulse: what does this mean?

Sistolic pressure and pulse are very important factors. Thanks to them, you can find out the general condition of the whole body and the cardiovascular system. In the event that changes occur in the human body, the upper pressure and pulse indicators will be shown this.

You can understand immediately if something happens with the upper pressure and pulse, since such symptoms appear:

  • Heaviness, abdominal pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach.
  • Pain behind the sternum.
  • The head will begin to spin.
  • Drowsiness and weakness will arise.

Low systolic pressure and high pulse can occur due to tachycardia and hypotension. Often the problem is the large use of drugs. It can negatively affect the heart and the entire vascular system the following medicines:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Diuretic medicine.
  • Therapeutic drugs that lower the pressure.

In addition to medicines, this condition can cause:

  • Big losses of blood.
  • Strong bleeding.
  • Dehydration.
  • Shock condition.
  • Excessive use of nicotine and alcohol.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Inflammation of internal organs and many others.
Products for hypotension
Products for hypotension

These products can be consumed at low pressure if there are no contraindications (pregnancy, obesity, diabetes, etc.

How to raise the upper blood pressure, what can be taken?

You can increase blood pressure at home thanks to drugs and traditional medicine.

Hypotonic advice
Hypotonic advice

Drugs that increase blood pressure:

If you have nausea, vomiting, violation of consciousness, you feel very weak, then your hypotonic crisis progresses. This condition is very dangerous, but you can warn it. Of the drugs, doctors recommend first of all to take:

  • Citramon
  • Aspirin
  • Dobutamin

Follow the instructions, take the medicine strictly following it. If you don’t have pills at home, then traditional medicine will help you. Use medication and folk remedies.

B vitamins Buy active forms. This means that instead of folic acid, there was methylphulate (5-methyltetrahydrofolat) or folinic acid, and instead of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), methylcobalamin or adenosylcobalamin was. This is especially important when planning pregnancy and those who have homocystein higher than 7. In Russia, these are vitamins of Evalar (see photos below), as well as look for such vitamins in the Aigerb online store.

Vitamins of the company Evalar in active form with methylphulatory and methylcobalamin
Vitamins of the company Evalar in active form with methylphulatory and methylcobalamin

Folk remedies that increase blood pressure:

In order to increase the upper pressure, take one of the following compositions:

  • A product made from ginger root, natural honey and lemon juice.
  • Tea made from a narrow -faced coupling. Drink this drink by adding a little honey. It neutralizes the ability of this tool - the thickening of blood.
  • A tool prepared from lemon juice, honey and coffee beans.
  • A remedy prepared from the root of celery.
  • Juice from aloe leaves.
How to raise low pressure at home
How to raise low pressure at home

Prevention and treatment of low systolic pressure

If you have low systolic pressure, you must comply with the following rules:

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day, you can even 10 hours. Arrange in the daytime the "quiet watch".
  • Never leave the bed after waking up sharply. Wake up and get up gradually. Stretch this pleasure for 5 minutes. Otherwise, your head will be spinning.
  • Do easy gymnastics daily. Let it become a kind of ritual for you.
  • Take a contrast shower every day.
  • Eat in small portions, at least 5 times. With a strong overeating from the brain, there is a lot of blood that goes to the stomach. In such situations, dizziness and pain in the head often appear. Eat only full foods with all the necessary vitamins and useful elements, such as: fat, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Provide your workplace with good lighting. Put a powerful lamp if you can’t be next to the window.
  • Improte the room as often as possible. Fresh air plus moderate humidity will help you bring to normal, as well as maintain pressure.

Treatment, of course, is always prescribed by the doctor. And it can be as follows for you:

  • The doctor will prescribe plant adaptogens. These drugs normalize the nervous system and stimulate the cardiovascular system. Also, drugs of this category over time eliminate strong drowsiness and increase performance. A good drug from this category: a product prepared from Eleutherococcus prickly. Take it 3 times a day before eating 30 caps.
  • The doctor will prescribe alpha-adrenosimetics. Basically, such drugs are prescribed for fainting and antihypertensive crises, for example, Gutron.
  • If necessary, the doctor can still prescribe treatment with drugs that stimulate the nervous system. Such drugs include “these Mizol” and “acrinor”.
  • You can use these folk recipes, you may find suitable for yourself.
Folk recipes for low blood pressure
Folk recipes for low blood pressure

Video: How to increase low pressure?

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Comments K. article

  1. Did the doctor write the article?

  2. Thank you for the article. Briefly, informative. I learned for myself absolutely everything I needed.

  3. Thank you! Very necessary and useful for me!)

  4. Valocordin helps me to increase. True, I do not quite understand why, how does it act on the bloody and cardiovascular system? Maybe someone will explain?

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