How and what to treat, strengthen the eyelashes for density and improve their growth at home after building: the best means, folk recipes

How and what to treat, strengthen the eyelashes for density and improve their growth at home after building: the best means, folk recipes

In this article we will talk about how best to strengthen eyelashes at home.

Modern cosmetology offers beauties a scattering of services in order to make eyelashes magnificent and longer. This is an extension, chemical curling, lamination. Yes, and do not forget about ordinary carcass! Sometimes the result is the opposite - the cilia begin to look worse or even fall out. How to restore them?

The best means for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes: a list with names and the method of application

For those girls who can’t mix components in the right proportions, or there are simply no time for such procedures, the care cosmetics industry has released a lot of funds. They already contain minerals, vitamins, oils in the right amount. Here's what you can recommend:

  • Balm from the Latvian company Dzintars - They can strengthen both eyelashes and eyebrows. Due to the fact that the product does not glue the eyelashes and colorless, it is quite acceptable to use it as a base for mascara. The composition is rich natural oils, aloe extract, vitamin E, keratin.

Important: it is preferable to apply a tool at night. So the roots of eyelashes are better strengthened.

Dzintars eyelashes
Dzintars eyelashes
  • "Careprost Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution" - Initially, this tool is intended for relieve the eye pressure. However, as it turned out, one of the consequences of its use is the growth of eyelashes. Thus, these drops are just a find for those who are concerned about both eye pressure and the unimportant condition of the eyelashes. If you want to process only eyelashes, it is recommended to process the growth lines with a cotton swab, on which a drop of the product is previously applied every other day.
  • "Queen Lash" - The product is enriched plant extracts, peptides. About a month after use, you can observe not only a more active growth of hairs, but also their darkening. Apply "Queen Lash" you need once a day, Performing one movement with a brush on the eye. If the girl wears contact lenses, you need to remove them 15 minutes before the eyelash processing. You can return the lenses to the eyes 15 minutes after the procedure.
Remedy for acceleration of Queen Lash eyelashes
Remedy for acceleration of Queen Lash eyelashes
  • "Almea Eylash Serum Xlash" -Serum, which has proven itself as express tools for eyelash updates. The composition is characterized by ingredients such as extracts of coral, black caraway seeds. There are vaida and Tannin Activator. The remedy is applied along the line of growth. Small layer enough. The first results can be seen about a month after the start of use, and the best effect is acquired after 3 months.

Important: the best time for the procedure is before bedtime.

  • "Advanced Lash Line" - This air conditioner refers to expensive cosmetic products, but the result fully justifies the costs. The effect becomes noticeable enough and lasts long. Ginseng root extract, biotin, panthenol, prostagdlin, and biological peptides - All this can be seen in the composition. The product needs to be applied exactly on a line of growth of cilia. Does not require flushing.
  • "Lash Lash Renokin" - A professional drug that can be purchased in pharmacies. He contributes to a rush of blood to hairsthereby stimulating their active growth. In addition, eyelashes become stronger, which means they are protected from brittleness and falling out. Apply along the growth line before bedtime.
Lash Lash Renokin eyelashes
Lash Lash Renokin eyelashes
  • Serum from "Alerana" - applied in the same way like ordinary mascara Thanks to a comfortable brush. Not only Stimulates growth hairs, but also protects them from pollution, dust, smog. It can also be used at night. Wonderful moisturizes, helps retain moisture, nourishes the bulbs, prevents premature aging. It is recommended to pass three -month courses twice a year.

Important: a wonderful solution for sensitive people, since the product is hypoallergenic.

  • "Platinus lashes" - This tool is therapeutic and belongs to the category professional. The emulsion well strengthens the roots, prevents brittleness and loss. Contains castor oilguminic acids, extracts of coniferous plants. It does not cause allergies. Can be applied in one layer On the eyelashes and, if desired, on the eyebrows. After about 2 months, you can notice the result.
Platinus lashes eyelashes and eyebrows
Platinus lashes eyelashes and eyebrows

How and what to treat, strengthen eyelashes for density and growth after building: folk recipes

Despite the variety of finished means, many women prefer folk recipes proven for centuries. For example, as follows:

  • Castor oil - An extremely popular remedy that is easy to purchase at any pharmacy. Using it is very simple: you need to apply a small amount of funds using the remnants of the mascara brushes On the cilia. Some girls prefer to use as an alternative tool a brush made of natural wool.

Important: despite all its benefits, castor oil sometimes provokes barley. And when it enters the mucous membrane, it forms a safe, but unpleasant film.

  • Burr oil - Unlike castor oil, the film does not form. Apply preferably only on the ends of the eyelashes. As in the previous case, a brush for mascara is perfect. This is oil healed, stimulates growth.
Burdock oil for eyelashes can be bought at any pharmacy
Burdock oil for eyelashes can be bought at any pharmacy
  • Vitamins E, A - The last option can be found in fish oil. It is also easy to get vitamins in pure form in a pharmacy. For example, vitamin cocktail is contained in capsules "Aevit". If you mix capsules with burdock in a proportion of 1: 5, you get an excellent tool that will have a beneficial effect on the work of bulbs. Despite the fact that we are talking about bulbs, the means are applied on the ends of the eyelashes before bedtime.
  • Almond oil - capable of enriching eyelashes vitamins, mineralswhich help to renew the cells. Most often it is diluted with boiled water. You need to proceed from the proportion 1: 2, where 1 is water, 2 - oil.

Important: a good effect gives this oil connected to the castor.

  • Peach oil - In the same way as the almond, it helps the cilia grow, minimizes the risk of their loss. However, this is oil the only one of all is 100% does not cause allergies. It is noteworthy that it is prevention of skin diseases on eyelids Thanks to its anti -inflammatory properties. The product is needed heat And apply on a disk or a tampon made of cotton. From such impregnated pieces of cotton wool you can make a compress on the eyelashes by putting on top parchment paper and bandage.
Persian oil is very useful for eyelashes
Persian oil is very useful for eyelashes
  • Olive oil - Nuts hairs, helps them grow faster. Preferably connect with parsley or aloe juice. The proportions of fundamental importance are not. Such a tool will help cilia find elasticity.
  • A good remedy is considered Compress from decoctions of cornflower, chamomile, sage, calendula. The compress should be warm.
  • Also often used as a compress Tea bags. After tea drinking, they can be attached For 15 minutes a century. Suitable both black tea and green, chamomile.

Important: bags should not be hot.

  • Slices from cucumber, potatoes - Simple and effective fulfill for the eyelids. They relieve swelling well, restore health to the skin. But only such skin can nourish the hairs of eyelashes as it should. Of course, they are suitable exclusively raw vegetables.
  • Pink oil - Continuing the theme of healthy eyelids, we must recall it. It helps the skin perfectly with stress, fatigue, negative consequences of building. The aging slows down the eyelids, thanks to which the cilia also hold better.
Pink oil helps to restore the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes after stress, building
Pink oil helps to restore the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes after stress, building
  • Sea buckthorn oil - Another good folk remedy. After a month of treatment, they can hope for the result. You can use how in its pure form, and in mixtures. For example, 50 ml of sea buckthorn oil need to be combined with the same amount burdock and s crushed rosehip. The tool should be infused - and you can begin a daily course of treatment.

Important: to infuse the medicine for eyelashes in a dark place for about 10 days.

  • Camphor oil - Help out with abundant loss and increased fragility of eyelashes. The next mixture is good: a few drops of the indicated oil with a teaspoon of castor. Such a medicine needs to be held on the cilia two hours.
  • Avocado oil - Contains Vitamins B, E, D, F, as well as microelements. Thanks to them, the cilia are strengthened in the root, become nourished and shiny. Healthy in tandem with other oils.
Avocado oil is very useful for eyelashes
Avocado oil is very useful for eyelashes

Is it possible to strengthen eyelashes?

Gelatin is recommended to be used for home lamination of eyelashes. This procedure will help them strengthen And also will do it voluminous, shiny, saturated in tone.
Gelatin is an excellent alternative to salon lamination if there is a distrust of keratin. Or if there is an allergy.

Important: the disadvantage of the dwarf with gelatin is the fragility of the effect. But then it can be done often. Moreover, regularity is even needed.

  • If the fragmentation does not scare, you can proceed to lamination:
  • You need to mix 15 g of gelatin with 50 ml of water room temperature.
  • The container with such a blank is put on the stove and holds there for 5 minutes.
  • Next is added 15 g of any hair balm.
  • Eyelashes Pre -need clean From cosmetics and dust, degrease washing tool, nourish cream.
  • The eyelashes need to be placed on special silicone lining. But perfect and cotton pad, cut in half.
  • Brush the solution is applied On the eyelashes.

Important: the product is removed using warm water after 30 minutes.

Gelatin really strengthens eyelashes thanks to the procedure for their home lamination
Gelatin really strengthens eyelashes thanks to the procedure for their home lamination

Many girls will agree that the natural beauty of the eyelashes will not replace any overhead, extended. I would like to hope that any of the above methods of strengthening is suitable for readers.

A review of budgetary facilities for eyelash and eyebrows:

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Comments K. article

  1. The eyelash growth activator and wanders from Hors Fors helped me to strengthen my eyelashes. There is a two -way remedy in the morning and evening, not only strengthens and nourishes the hairs, but stimulates their growth

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