How to do your neck massage: basic techniques and self -massage techniques

How to do your neck massage: basic techniques and self -massage techniques

In this article, we will consider how to properly do an independent neck massage.

Large loads are laid on our neck not only during long -term seated work, but also add an incorrect landing by an unknown letter, but even during walking. Moreover, the muscles of the neck and shoulder department are less than the rest. After all, performing even different types of work, most often the neck is in tension.

Yes, and few pay due attention to the massage of the neck, which can be easily performed independently. And the neck is responsible for many important functions in our body. Therefore, we propose to consider the basic methods and techniques for independent neck massage.

The main techniques that are used in self -massage of the neck

In general, any massage consists of three components - this is the preparation of the skin and upper fabrics, the main part or warm -up of deeper areas and a calming completion. The neck massage also consists of basic complexes, which are very easy to carry out on their own. By the way, the main thing at the same time is the requirement is a convenient pose that can be sedentary. Therefore, you can knead the neck even during a working day.

  • Stroking It occupies an honorable place at the beginning and end of the neck massage session and not only. Movements are made without onslaught or crush, with light touches of the fingertips or the whole palm. They are directed exclusively from top to bottom. First you need to work with the back of the neck, smoothly moving to the front side.
  • Trituration Promotes the heating of the muscles, which makes them more supple. It also serves in order to minimize the unpleasant sensations that are possible when performing the following techniques. It should be performed quickly and combined with stroking movements. You need to rub the back of the head with the whole palm, moving in one direction, working alternately with each hand. You can immediately warm up your neck with both hands. But then, moving from your ears to the middle of the throat, you work with your fingertips, and exclusively in the direction of the jugular hollow.
  • Kneading They go to the next position and include a whole set of various movements. The neck can be crowned with one hand or two, capturing the muscles. Start with the back of the head, and then smoothly pass through the ear and begin to gently knead the sternum-key-shaped muscle. Finding it is very simple. To do this, tilt your head to the side. You do the kneading in this area with plucked movements, trying to “crush” the muscle.
    • The complex also includes stretching, squeezing in the rear area. Circular movements of your fingers or even a clenched fist pass along the spine from the base of the skull to the shoulders themselves. Captures should be carried out with the thumb and forefinger, dropping strictly down.
  • After such active actions, proceed to shake or vibrations. Such movements can be performed with fingers or hands. The back side, of course, “break” with the edge of the palm, but the front part gently pass your fingers.
Self -massage of the neck includes three main stages
Self -massage of the neck includes three main stages

How to do your neck massage for yourself: views and technology of self -massage

It is impossible not to mention that it is precisely the massage of the neck that helps to fight insomnia, frequent headaches, pressure surges, as well as with nervous breakdowns. The neck massage is simply necessary for people with sedentary and intense work. It is noted that only 15 minutes of kneading will already raise performance by 2 times. In addition, such self -massage increases immunity and improves skin condition. But let's move from positive aspects to direct practice.

IMPORTANT: Massage of the neck or any other parts of the body should only be carried out on a clean body! Yes, you can slightly knead the cervical department in the breaks between the work, but the full massage is carried out only after the shower is taken. And for a rush of energy, experts recommend doing the neck massage in the morning. Also for better sliding and exposure to deep muscles, use oils. Creams, even fatty, are absorbed very quickly, and massage becomes not just uncomfortable, but even painful to do.

Types of neck massage:

  • classical massage scheme implies the use of all techniques in generally accepted priority. We indicated the approximate plan of movements and their sequence;
  • cosmetic neck massage It is specifically aimed at tightening the skin and the elimination of wrinkles. Also helps to fight with the second chin;
  • acupressure It is done by a certain press to the necessary points that are responsible for certain organs. It is a little dangerous to perform it at home. Since even a millimeter deviation or improper compliance with combinations can cause undesirable consequences;
  • relaxing massage It is a preventive measure. It also helps to remove muscle hardening, overvoltage or salts;
  • therapeutic neck massage It is performed using all kinds of auxiliary tools. For home and independent use, they are suitable:
    • any plastic or bamboo massager in the form of a roller. It is convenient for them to massage their neck even behind watching the TV;
    • bamboo sticks are suitable for tapping on the neck with various intensity;
    • a glass bottle that is suitable for smoothing;
    • terry fabric that is used for rubbing;
    • a ribbed or ordinary ball, which will help to get to deep points.
Neck massage can be done with one or two hands
Neck massage can be done with one or two hands

Scheme of independent classic neck massage

  • We sit on a chair, the back should be even, and the legs are bent at the knees, we put the feet on the width of the shoulders. It is important that you feel relaxation.
  • We begin to stroke the back of the neck on our own, smoothly moving to the front. 1-2 minutes enough. Just make your fingers from top to bottom.
  • After that, enhance the rhythm and power of presses, so to speak, warm up the muscles. We use rubbing and massive circular actions for this. This should take about 2-3 minutes. Movements are performed very quickly.
  • After warming up, you can proceed to the main elements. That is, you start with an edge of the brush near the thumb to perform some presses on the back to the spine and from it. You do not touch the spine yourself.
  • After passing with pressing movements from the hairline with the thumbs. Ahead, reduce the intensity and turn all the lines to the jugular hollow, which is located at the junction of the clavits.
  • Holding your head evenly, massage the protruding parts between the hollow along the ridge and the ears with thumbs.
  • Tilt your head forward and work out the hole on the occipital part. It passes well from the ear to the ear with top-down movements, and after from the center of the base of the neck you sink through the ears to the base of the collarbone. Do your fingers.
  • After moving on to pinching and gripping. On the back, grab the skin and sink to the shoulders themselves. In front, only lightly pinch your neck.
  • After moving to rhythmic pathetic movements, that is, vibrations. Take out 1-2 minutes on it.
  • After that, sharply only with your fingertips, you begin to gently stroke your neck.
On the front of the neck, reduce the intensity of pressing
On the front of the neck, reduce the intensity of pressing

Relaxing neck massage by express method

  • It is this massage that will help resume strength throughout a hard working day. Moreover, you can perform it in any convenient position.
  • Start with ironing. But you need to completely press the palm to the neck and walk through the entire circle with a little force.
  • The edge of the palm is to make lowering movements with an already stronger onslaught.
  • The fingertips with circular motions need to be massaged from the upper part of the back of the head to the clavicle, gradually dropping down. Approximately 3-4 approaches will be released.
  • Make small captures with the whole palm, moving from the back of the head to the kadyk. During such movements, try to pull the skin a little.
  • Calm the skin of the neck with stroking movements.
Literally 10-15 minutes of self-massage will help to 2 times increase vigor
Literally 10-15 minutes of self-massage will help to 2 times increase vigor

How to do the cosmetic massage of the neck?

  • This type of massage differs from all other techniques in that it is performed in the opposite direction. That is, all movements are directed up.
  • Massage begins with stroking fingertips. You need to start with the collarbone, rising to the very chin.
  • After you need to move on to circular movements, again only with your fingertips. You pay special attention to the upper part.
  • On the back side, go with the edge of the palm, moving up. The head is very bent forward.
  • Indicated fingers, verner than the side or edge, make alternate movements with your hands from below-up. The pace should be fast. You, as it were, "break" the second chin. The neck should be elongated.
  • After pathetic movements, go through the entire neck, working with your fingertips.
  • Make stroking your fingers from the clavits to the chin, and in the end, again pass the "pianist movements". It is more convenient to cross your arms, massaging the opposite sides.

As you can see, make the neck yourself quite easily and simple. Moreover, it is enough to allocate 10-15 minutes a day to significantly improve your well-being. By the way, it is noted that after 2-3 weeks, frequent attacks of headache pass, pain calms down even in the back, and the skin looks more tightened and fresh.

Video: How to do your neck on your own?

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