How to do speech therapy massage when stuttering and dysarthria? What are the methods, techniques and tools for speech therapy massage?

How to do speech therapy massage when stuttering and dysarthria? What are the methods, techniques and tools for speech therapy massage?

Description of the procedures for the prevention and treatment of stuttering and dysarthria. Effective methods of treating the baby.

How do speech therapy massage at stuttering and dysarthria?

Photo: at the reception at the masseur

Development everyone child passes ondifferently. One baby without special problems starts talk, anothercollides  with difficulties at pronunciation sounds and words. Some children generally refused speak and silent before defined age.

  • Reason such children's behavior  protrude diverse physical deviations, problems psychological, postpartum injuries and postpartum diseases
  • Such situation must explore specialists, so how problem violations speech not will disappear simply. Go away consultation with doctorspeech therapist, decide with most effective complex treatment
  • Today most effective way cure protrudes massage from speech therapist. Such means treatment in priority at stuttering, dysarthria and  defective difficulties

What such speech therapy massage?

Photo: speech therapy massage in a lying position

Massage speech therapistexercises, with influence receptions mechanics on the condition nerves, fabrics in speech apparatus, where located vessels bloody. it technique on treatment and  normalization states speech pronunciation, emotionality child.

Such massage apply successfully at dysarthria, stuttering. He wonderful improves circulation and conditions activation lymph systems, general  organism condition on the physiological level.

The main ones tasks such massage protrude:

  • activation apparatus speech, muscles with small ability contractile
  • bringing in tone articulation
  • active stimulation proprioceptive sensations
  • technique fortresses swallowing reflex
  • stimulation head brain in speech zone afferentation

Massage speech therapy must pass in warmth and ventilated room. Cycle consists from tentwenty everyday sessions. Break should do interval in onetwo months.

Kinds speech therapy massage at stuttering and dysarthria

  • Pointacts in active biological points. Passes  in zone Hair cover
  • Classicmassage practices  stroking, vibrational actions
  • Segmentedreflex: segmented receptions classic reception in certain zones. Performed exercises in vorotnikova zone, in shein department faces
  • Massage probe. Performed per check use toolsunder

Can lee on one's own fulfill speech therapy massage? Language massage

Such specific view massage necessary trust qualified and specially trained man, for security and the best effectiveness conducted procedures.
For use in home conditions maybe usage the following exercises:

  • Massage lips carried out with help not workers stroking and tricking lips u baby
  • Massage language carried out with usage electro dental brushes. FROM her help we spend impact on the tip language in myself center
  • Massage hands child we accompany tender movements masage limbs fingers

Efficiency anyone from methods speech therapy massage will be released even at heavy forms in violation speech.
Necessarily conduct all procedures  in established neuropathologist and pediatrician term. Watch the video below how to do such a massage.

Video: Logopedic massage of the language: master class

What kind exist methods, receptions and tools for speech therapy massage?

Speech therapy massage consists from whole complex methods and receptions. Exists three complex, targeted in zone  symptoms pathological.

  • The first collection exercises is happening at high tone
  • Second -at dystonia, ataxia and appearing hyperkineses
  • And last complex suggests  massage at low tone

Example massage suggests:

  • rationing  tone muscle masses in organs articulation
  • normalization motor apparatus
  • establishment reflexes accuracy, rhythm, switching

Professional masseur in the course conducted receptions must define:

  • subsequence work cO sounds; work out and bring before automation basic articulating liden sounds, which need in adjustment
  • develop hearing phonemics
  • work out the words complex soundsyllabic structured

Diagnosis dysarthriaoften meeting disease in speech therapy. To initial symptoms on the disease related: terrible diction, incredible replacements sounds in structure syllable, slurred speech.

The main one speech therapy program planned so:

  • N a ordinary exercises with children study material, which the directed on the overcoming underdevelopment speech reflex
  • On the classes individual character is happening correctional actions pronouncing parties speech, passes elimination  dysarthria
  • Therapeutic process passes in some defined stages. On the initial stage provided normalization muscle tone. Here speech therapist  conditions massage, and plans lessons leading to normalization motorics articulatory apparatus
  • Enters specialized exercises for fortifications vote and breath. Fundamental element all classes with speech therapist is development small motorics

The main view specialized massage protrudes massage  on the language.

  • Here enters in a business meeting actions physical, which defined on the recovery sites bodies child, which amazed
  • Duration procedures  not less six minutes and not more twenty on the the latter classes session
  • Contraindications to to this massage protrude: eve calls, disease dental cavities, diseases virusoinfectious groups
Photo: tools for use in speech therapy massage

Tools speech therapy massage

Speech therapist it has auxiliary elements in his work. To him related sundersShared they on the two subspecies: developed from metal  and from plastic. The form them enough diverse:

  • Ball, snail, a hatchet, mustache, fungus

These devices safe for child.

Rules conducting massage with tools

Distinguish two safe poses for execution  massage exercises:

  • Location  — lying on the back with use pillows under neck
  • AT posesitting on the chair, with use the headrest (maybe usage children's devices: chairs, strollers). For success in procedure muscles must to be relaxed and to be in sour. First performed gymnastic exercises for stretches

Exercises, conducted at dysarthria:

  • Gain longitudinal and transverse muscles per check squeezing plastic probe points on the language. Motor processes Aims from roots to tip language
  • Conducting probe in form ball on longitudinal muscles, for them fortifications. An exercise perform ten once
  • Ironing muscles transverse probe
  • All perimeter language we glue it umbrella in flow ten seconds
  • We spend pointed motor turns against arrows hourly
  • We massage all language fingers. For fortifications muscles
  • We aim pressing and shocking language, hold his per tip
  • We spend vibrational body movements probe on to the edge language

Quantity conducted massage depends from individual features organism child.

Benefit from speech therapy massage at stuttering and dysarthria will be released only at regular conducting classes.

Children, having smaller degree diseases faster restore development speech.

Video: speech therapy massage when stuttering and dysarthria

Video: Making a child with a speech therapist

Video: Home speech therapist


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