Ear cleaning adults and children: how to do this and what can not be done? How and what to clean the ears to an adult and child correctly?

Ear cleaning adults and children: how to do this and what can not be done? How and what to clean the ears to an adult and child correctly?

In this article, we will talk about how and what to clean your ears correctly.

As you know, everything in our body is not just. The ear sulfur, for example, protects against bacteria and various external factors. But at the same time, it is simply necessary to clean your ears from time to time! How to do this right? And what?

Human ears: how can this be done?

First of all, you need to remember how to clean your ears is not recommended:

  • Pointed items cannot be used Even if there is nothing more at hand, they injure a sensitive eardrum. For the same reason they are not suitable poorly wrapped with cotton sticks, brushes And other items that can prick, scratch.

Important: if a sulfur cork has already been formed, it must be removed from the doctor. Even an ordinary soft wool of cotton wool can be accidentally deeper to put a cork from sulfur into the ear canal.

A cotton wool in the process of cleaning the ears is able to drive a sulfur plug even further into the ear
A cotton wool in the process of cleaning the ears is able to drive a sulfur plug even further into the ear
  • If an injury has already formed drum membrane or even it broke, you can’t clean your ears yourself. The beloved hydrogen peroxide, for example, in a particular case, will only aggravate the condition.
  • Strong pressure, large pressure of water - They will damage even a healthy ear. Given this fact, you should not use, for example, irrigators for the mouth. What is suitable for the oral cavity can be detrimental to the ear. Therefore, if there is a desire to buy an irrigator, then you need to choose one that is created specifically for the ear.
  • Cold water is basically undesirable. Even if the pressure is small. The fact is that rinseing of ears with cold water often leads to dizziness.
  • It is impossible to clean daily. As stated at the very beginning of the article, sulfur in reasonable quantities is useful. Too frequent cleaning will make the ears defenseless.

Important: but, even having tuned in cleaning your ears infrequently, it is worth keeping in mind that you should treat children's ears especially carefully. Up to 12 years of age in babies, the body is more sensitive.

Despite the fact that girls pierce their ears early, like adults, they need to be cleaned very carefully, because the child's body is gentle
Despite the fact that girls pierce their ears early, like adults, they need to be cleaned very carefully, because the child's body is gentle

How and how to clean your ears to an adult?

The main mistakes took into account - it remains to deal with the fact that How and what to clean the ears correctly. Let's talk about adults for starters:

  • Salted water - It is considered one of the best means for softening and subsequent output of sulfur. It is only necessary to stock up half a cup of water and a teaspoon of salt. Water is heated to a warm state, after which salt dissolves in it. Then a cotton swab is dipped in the solution. In a slightly inclined ear from the tampon is squeezed out a pair of drops of solution. After the expiration 3-5 minutes The ear leans in the other direction - so the solution will clean the outer part of the sink. After that, the ear wipes the ear with a clean flap of the fabric.
  • Alcohol and vinegar solution useful if the presence of infection, fungus is suspected. The last component perfectly copes with them, and the first is good as a drying substance. So, you need to take the ingredients in proportion 1: 1, Mix them and instill them in the ear.
  • Ordinary warm water It will also wash off well. It should be dialing in a syringe equipped with a rubber tip. A little water is poured into an inclined ear. After a minute, a simple tilt of the head, water merges. The remains are wiped with a cloth.

Important: exclusively filtered water is suitable.

The ears can be cleaned with ordinary filtered warm water
The ears can be cleaned with ordinary filtered warm water
  • Children's oil - only 3 or 4 drops This product is undiluted soften sulfur. After which it can be removed quite conveniently.
  • Baking soda - From it you can create a fairly effective solution. The proportions are as follows - for 2 hours of warm water accounts for approximately ¼ h.. The cleaning algorithm is the same as in previous cases.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - They are extremely useful in that their deficiency is, as it turned out, the cause of excessive production of sulfur. Nothing needs to be drunk anywhere - it only follows include foods rich in acids in the diet. That is, sardines, salmon, avocados, oil liver oil, herring, mackerel, walnuts. You can take Omega-3 dietary supplements.
  • Olive oil - It softens the sulfur properly, and has antiseptic properties. It is enough just to drip a few drops Preliminary oil to room temperature - and the problem with cleaning the ears was solved.

Important: if there is no olive oil at hand, you can replace it with almond or mustard.

Olive oil is great for ears cleaning
Olive oil is great for ears cleaning
  • Hydrogen peroxide - A fairly popular remedy. Necessary ½ cup of water Dissolve room temperature small  the amount of hydrogen peroxide. Next, the resulting solution should be typed using a pipette or a small syringe. Then you need to lie down and instill a solution in the ear. The head must be tilted so that the excess fluid leaks, and the ear itself should temporarily close the cotton pad. To lie in this position preferably 3-5 minutes. After a while standing rinse the ears with ordinary warm water.
  • It is recommended to use and a special heating padwho softens sulfur. The heating pad is made simply: hot water is poured into the usual plastic bottle. A bottle is attached to a problem ear for 15-30 minutes.
  • Decoction of chamomile Also helps. It is necessary to fill in approximately 2 tbsp. L dry gathering with a glass of boiling water. After the decoction has cooled to room temperature, it needs strain. Then the product is dripping in the ear with a pipette or syringe.

Important: it is recommended to drop a little olive oil before filling the chamomile decoction in the ear. Oil should be left for 5 minutes.

Decoction of chamomile will help to clean your ears qualitatively
Decoction of chamomile will help to clean your ears qualitatively
  • Massage - Good in quality prevention of traffic jams. It is easily done: the back of the ear is massaged with neat movements, after which the auricle is slightly pulled in various directions. At the same time, you should not forget to open and close your mouth.
  • Soap - They can process their ears while taking a shower. You just need to soap your finger and take it outside the auricle. Then the soap from the finger is washed off. On the ear, now you need to carry out just with a finger moistened with water.
  • Cotton wand - The usual remedy for many. Despite the fact that the risk of pushing the already formed cork is great, all the same, many people prefer out of habit to walk along the ear. Well, you should not refuse the habit if there are no problems with the ear.

Important: but you need to remember that a cotton wool should be inserted into the ear sink by a maximum of 0.5 cm.

A cotton wand should be introduced when cleaning the ear is shallow
A cotton wand should be introduced when cleaning the ear is shallow

How and how to clean your child's ears?

Separately, it is worth talking about how to clean children's ears. As mentioned earlier, they are more tender, are more easily injured. Here are the basic rules:

  • Cleaning should be carried out once a week - This is quite enough. With such cleaning, processing should be subjected to Only the auricle outside and the very beginning of the auditory pass. You should not advance deep into it.
  • It is preferable to clean immediately after bathing. The water that fell into the ears has already softened the sulfur, due to which it becomes much easier to get it.
  • If water procedures have not yet been carried out, you can twist a flagella from a cotton wool, Moisten it with warm boiled water, and then walk on the ear on the ear. If the child is redeemed, there will be enough dry flagella.

Important: if the baby has grown up and it seems that it is more convenient to clean his ears with sticks, it is recommended to purchase special sticks with limiters. They will not penetrate too deep, and the parents will definitely remain calm.

This is what cotton sticks with limiters for cleaning children's ears look like
This is what cotton sticks with limiters for cleaning children's ears look like

Video: How to clean the ears of an adult and a child?

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