How to quickly cure scabies at home with drugs and folk remedies: recommendations, folk recipes, a list of drugs, reviews

How to quickly cure scabies at home with drugs and folk remedies: recommendations, folk recipes, a list of drugs, reviews

Random or short -term interaction of the skin with scabies tick leads to a dermatological disease called scabies. Different age categories face a similar diagnosis, so this issue should be considered in more detail.

In children, the body's reaction to scabies is more pronounced. The key symptoms are redness, accompanied by severe itching. A more detailed description of scabies as diseases can be found   in this article.

Scabies: treatment with medications

  • When the first signs appear infection with scabies tick You should immediately begin treatment. Parasites have a short incubation period and quickly provoke serious complications.
  • An infected person needs limit contact with othersand exclude the use of their personal things. During the treatment period, a disinfection of the premises, bed, clothing, etc. is carried out.
  • Scabies quickly diagnosed And effectively treated with drugs, folk remedies.
  • Scabies - treatment includes preparations for a person based on gasolbenzoate, sulfur ointment, piperonil and other antiparasitic substances.
  • When infected with scabies tick on the human skin, point foci with pus or embossed scratches appear. Drug drugs are applied to sore areas and are not in contact with healthy skin. The rashes are accompanied by itching and exacerbated at night. The mechanical effect on the rashes significant exacerbates the treatment of scabies.
  • Ticks are able to penetrate deep into the fabric, so when the first symptoms appear You need to seek a doctor’s consultation. Aggressive mechanical effect on rashes leads to complication. Self -medication is not always effective.
  • Scabies rash It is concentrated on wrists and palms, elbows and forearms, side parts of the body, on the face and head. Purulent inflammations are a complicated shape of scabies.
  • Strong itching Over the course of a long period of time, it often causes nervous disorders. A simple scraping allows you to quickly make a diagnosis and eliminate the problem in a few days. The decrease in discomfort after the first day is not a sign of complete recovery.
  • The use of antiparasitic agents in combination with disinfection They allow you to eliminate the scabies in 2-4 days. In this case, itching remains for several weeks.

Ointments, gels, aerosols from scabies

The treatment of rashes is carried out pointwise, using ointments, gels and aerosols. Medicines for the treatment of scabies include:

  • Bensokryl.Basilbenzoate -based drug. Dosage form - ointment, gel, emulsion. Genskocryl is sold in tubes with different concentrations.
  • It has an effective antiparasitic effect with external application. The intoxication of the scabric tick begins after 10-30 minutes. After the use of the medicine. The chemical effect is detrimental to adult ticks and for larvae, but is useless for laid eggs.

Effective treatment of scabies Requires to comply with hygiene rules. Before lubricating the focal areas with the help of a hot shower, peeling of the surface layer is eliminated, which further facilitates the penetration of the cream under the skin. Depending on the scale of skin lesions, the course of treatment is from 2 to 7 days. It is necessary to process all areas without exception.

  • Spregal. A drug in the form of an oily -based spray. Spregal is applied to the entire surface of the body, with the exception of the scalp and face. Increased attention is paid to various bends of the body.
  • The effect of the drug remains up to 12 hours, after which it is necessary to take a shower.
  • School treatment is better to carry out before night sleep. After each day, you need to change bedding and clothes.
Salvation from the tick
Salvation from the tick
  • The safe effect of active substances allows you to use spregal from scabies Both adults and children. Preservation of itching within 2-3 days after the course of treatment is the norm, with longer terms of discomfort, re-consultation of a doctor is required.
  • Sulfuric ointment.One of the most affordable drugs with a pronounced unpleasant odor. The course of treatment with sulfuric ointment should be at least 7 days. With advanced infection, the drug can be used again. Long -term use of sulfur ointment can provoke an allergic reaction.
  • Medifox.Antiparasitic solution based on permetrin. It has a depressing effect at all stages of the development of scabies. The drug is applied with cotton pads using wiping. The effective effect of the drug lasts for several days. Forbidden for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • In combination with ointments, anti -allergic drugs are prescribed Claritin and Suprastin. The drugs carry out internal treatment against the background of external effects. The treatment of scabies in an advanced form includes a course of antibiotics.

Scabies in children: treatment, drugs

Drugs for treatment scabies It is made from toxic substances. Modern drugs have different concentrations based on several age categories. Ointments based on gasolbenzoate and sulfur for children should contain no more 10 % active substance.

  • For the treatment of children under the age of a year, they use aerosol Spregal and emulsion of Medifox. After a year you can apply Permetrin. If the child combs wounds, then ointments with antibiotics are connected to treatment - Levomekol, penicillin. The inhibitory effect on bacteria has Tetracycline ointment and lamizil.
  • Bath procedures are carried out using a personal washcloth, which will help partially destroy ticks and improve the penetration of ointments for treatment. Shower is taken before the application of the antiparasitic agent. In the future, for 3 days it is not recommended to swim.
Save the child from scabies
Save the child from scabies
  • After the disappearance of tick -borne moves It may still have a feeling of itching for some time. Any moisturizer is used to reduce discomfort in a child.
  • Toys with which the child contacts is necessary process with soap-liner solution. The source of infection of young children can be infected people and their household items. In contact with the animal, infection with a tick is excluded.

Scabies: treatment at home

Drugs for scabies can be replaced with ointments and decoctions of your own preparation. Local treatment of scabies is possible according to the following recipes:

  • Celandine juice. Celandine grass must be chopped. Through gauze, or with the help of the press, squeeze out 1 tbsp. l. juice. Lubricate the foci on the body with the resulting liquid.
  • Celandine ointment.The bush of celandine is dried in the sun. Grind in dry powder. 1 tbsp. l. Mix dry grass with two spoons of cream and leave for a day in a cool place. The ointment is ready for use.
From celandine
From celandine
  • Ointment from Elevil.Grind the root of the nine in the gruel. Pour pork fat on fire. Mix with a herbal workpiece. Add liquid tar soap at the rate of 30 ml per 100 g of the mixture. Mix well and apply to rashes. After drying out, wash off the crusts with household soap.
  • Ointment of gunpowder.To prepare the ointment, 3 tbsp. l. fat sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. gunpowder. Mix until smooth. Close and wrap the container with ointment in heat. For several hours, stir the ointment every 30 minutes. After applying the ointment, you must wait until it is absorbed. Then wash off with household soap.
  • Lapipidar -based tool.Take 30 ml of refined vegetable oil to a boil. Attach 1 tsp. Lapipidar. Process foci of infection with ticks.
  • Lauren sheet.Grind the bay leaf into the powder. Mix 50 g of soft butter with fragrant powder. Apply to rashes.
  • During the treatment period, bath procedures are carried out using household and tar soap.

Treatment of scabies folk remedies

Consider several folk remedies that have a favorable effect on the treatment of scabies:

  • Grind 0.5 kg of tomatoes. Assume 1 cup of vegetable oil. Fry the resulting mixture well in a pan. After cooling, apply to the affected areas.
  • For bath procedures, prepare garlic soap. Grate the bar of the soap on a grater, pour into a saucepan and melt on fire. Attach the gruel of one onion and two cloves of garlic. Mix thoroughly, pour it into a mold and let it freeze. After the first washing, track the skin reaction for allergies.
  • Prepare bread kvass. Snake it and slightly heat it. Moisten the affected areas with a cotton swab.
  • Cup mustard oil Connect with the gruel of half the head of the garlic. Bring to a boil and hold a quarter of an hour over low heat. Strain and cool. Lubricate the rashes. Store the remaining mixture in cool temperature.
  • 2 cloves of garlic Grind into a slurry and attach 1 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar. The resulting agent is applied to the foci of infection until itching is completely eliminated.
Garlic from scabies
Garlic from scabies
  • 100 ml of lotion For the body, mix with 25 drops of tea tree oil. Apply to the affected areas of the body.

Effective treatment of scabies with medicinal herbs

It is recommended to wipe the infection with scabies with scabies with scabies with grass tinctures. At home, you can use several scabies:

  • Tablespoon of crushed grass dummies Pour 100 ml of vodka. They give it to brew for a week. Wipe the affected areas.
  • 100 g fruits Pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Let it brew to cool. Moisten a cotton swab in a decoction and wipe the affected areas.
  • Take 2-3 nuts In the green peel and 5-7 young leaves, pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Wipe the lesion with chilled tincture.

Carcasses at home can be started by taking a bath of medicinal herbs. A concentrated broth is prepared from therapeutic grass and poured into a filled hot bath. For therapeutic purposes, a crossman, verbena, burial ground, juniper are used.

Scabies prevention

  • If you detect scabies In one of the family members, it is necessary to prevent subsequent infection using preventive measures. The patient needs to organize a separate berth and personal hygiene items.
  • Carpet surfaces and upholstered furniture It is necessary to vacuum. Wash the garbage bag in soda solution.
  • The clothes of an infected person soaked in a soda solution Or boil in a washing machine with a lot of powder. Wild things they are ironed and steam With the help of an iron. Outerwear and furniture items are treated with a disinfectant.
Need to steal
Need to steal
  • Children who spend a lot of time in the team require the control of parents with a periodic examination of the surface of the skin.
  • Young people should consider that infection with scabies tick Perhaps with random sex. Methods of contraception do not save from infection.
  • School treatment In a person in combination with preventive measures, it takes no more than a week.

Scabies treatment: reviews

Reviews about the treatment of scabies:

  • Maxim, 25 years old. Gaotein oil helped to get rid of scabies. He took a bath with him and applied to the skin mixed with a moisturizing lotion. At home he carried out a complete disinfection of furniture, bed and clothing. The carpet and sofa treated with a vacuum cleaner with a pair function.
  • Tatyana, 36 years old.Infected scabies with her husband. Spregal helped to get rid of ticks. The whole body was treated and did not wash for 4 days. External signs disappeared in a week. And the itch lasted about two weeks. Disinfection in the apartment was not carried out, only they were reassembled clothes.
  • Oksana, 32 years old.She cured the scabies in her husband with a cream and a gas -based spray. Inexpensive and effective preparations for scabies. Already on the 5th day he returned to the usual lifestyle. Sulfuric ointment in our case turned out to be ineffective.


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  1. She herself recently treated herself and the child from scabies. The emulsion of gasolbenzoate helped us very well. Unlike the ointment, it is absorbed faster, and accordingly helps faster. In just a few days they cured.

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