How to quickly drop, upload a video in VK in good quality - to the page: from a computer, from phone, to android, iPhone, from YouTube, remote video. What video does VK upload: how to upload a video more than 5 GB, without loss of quality, why can't do this?

How to quickly drop, upload a video in VK in good quality - to the page: from a computer, from phone, to android, iPhone, from YouTube, remote video. What video does VK upload: how to upload a video more than 5 GB, without loss of quality, why can't do this?

If you do not know how to upload VK video in good quality, read the article.

Want to share your video story with friends in VK or upload a video to your page of this social network? Do it without loss of quality - fast and simple. You will find detailed instructions in this article.

How to quickly throw off, upload a video in VK in good quality to your page from a computer?

To get started, let's download the video from the computer to our VKontakte page. Here's the instruction:

  • Go to your account of this social network. On the left in the menu find the tab "Video".
Click "Video"
  • Then click on "Add a video", On the left on the page above.
Click "Add Video"
  • In the window that appears, click "Select a file".
  • Please note that you can also upload a video from another site by clicking on an active link in the same menu, which is located below the blue button.
Click "Select the file"
  • When you made a file selection, you will have a window in which you need to enter the name of the video and its description.
  • Pay attention to the safety of viewing this video.
  • You can put up who will see the file - only you, friends or all VK users.
  • After that, click "Ready".
  • Everything - now the video is added to your page and will be in the tab "Video".

If you do not want to view it to everyone, then put in the previous step "Only I" In the column "Who can watch this video".

How to quickly throw off, upload a video in VK in good quality in a personal from a computer?

After you downloaded the video to your VK page, you can send it to some of the friends. To do it is simple:

  • Open the dialogue with the right user and write a message.
  • When the text is already written, press the icon on the left "Masters" And choose "Video recording" or on the right of the camera icon and click on "Add a video".
Click on the left of the
Click on the left of the "paper clips" icon and select "Video" or on the right of the camera icon and select "Add Video"
  • When the video downloads into the message, press "Send" or "Enter".
Click "Send" or "Enter"

That's it - you sent your video in a personal message to a friend.

How to quickly throw off, upload a video in VK in good quality with YouTube?

YouTube channel is a popular "vault" of videos. On this site, almost every person has his own account on which he loads videos for personal viewing, universal access, or in order to make money from every thousand views on this video. But how to upload VK video from YouTube? Here's the instruction:

  • You don't even need to go into your profile. Under the video you like that you want to send a friend VK, find the icon "Arrows" - Click on him.
Find the icon of the
Find the icon of the "arrow" - click on it
  • A menu will appear, select a social network in it "In contact with".
Select VKontakte
Select VKontakte
  • Then VKontakte will be opened and you will be preceded to choose friends that you want to send a video.
  • Click "Send drugs"and choose a friend.
  • Then click "Send". This button is at the very bottom of the screen on the right.
Click "Send"

Ready - now your friend will receive a video that you sent him.

How to quickly throw off, upload a remote video in VK in good quality?

If you decide to download VK video, but then remembered that they had already deleted it before. Do not be upset, the situation can be corrected and your friend will definitely receive the desired video from you in the drug. Here are the ways:

The first way

Write a message with a request to restore the video in the technical support of VK. You can do this in the section "Help" In the menu on your page on the right, from above.

Click "Help"

The message may be simple, in free form or just describe your problem. Then click the button "Send". Usually the site administration responds quickly. Perhaps in a few minutes your problem will be solved.

Write in support
Write in support

The second method

Enter the name of the video
Enter the name of the video

If you threw a video from the VK website - from the group, from the search, from the list of video files, then it is still on the site. Just enter the name of the video or a few words about it in the search bar, and re -pour it on your page.

The third way

If the video was downloaded through YouTube, then follow the following:

  • Go to this video hosting.
  • Find the right video through the search engine.
  • Download it with the button with the arrow "Share"As described above in the text.
  • Send a video to the PM or save on your page.

The fourth way

Click the
Click the "saved copy"

If the video was loaded in format GIF, WeBM, COUB, then his copy is stored in your browser. The fact is that this is an inferior video, and its short low -quality copy. But such a document saved in the browser cache can be useful. To restore it, do the following:

  • Enter the address of the personal page of VK in the search page of your browser.
  • To the right of the link there is an arrow in the form of an inverted triangle - click on it.
  • Choose "Saved copy".

After such manipulations, the main page of your account will open as it looked a few days ago. You cannot go to the sections, but you will be available from the wall. If you posted the video on it, you can easily restore it from the browser cache again. Save the video first on a PC, and then download it to VK.

How to quickly throw off, upload a video in VK in good quality from the phone: on android, iPhone

First download videos from the phone to the social network. To do this, perform such simple actions:

  • Open the application on your smartphone.
  • Click on the icon on the left "Video".
  • After that, the videos will begin to load. While they load on the site, right, at the top click on the icon «+».
Click on the
Click on the "video" icon and click on the "+" icon
  • Then, in the drop -down menu, click on "Choose the existing".
Click "Select existing"
  • Now choose the right video from the memory of your gadget.
Select the video
Select the video
  • Wait until the video is loading and click "Attach".
Click "Attach"
  • Come up with the name of this video and click on "OK».
  • This uploaded video will appear in the list of your VKontakte videos, and you can send it to your friend in drugs at any time.

Go to the dialogue to the desired user and follow the following actions:

  • Click on the icon "Masters" On the left in the line for a set of messages. A menu will appear, click on "Photo/video".
Open the menu
Open the menu
  • Select the right video and click "READY"When it is completely loaded.
Click "Ready"
  • Now the video has already appeared in the line for typing the text of the message.
  • You just have to click on "Send" And the video will appear in a message from the interlocutor.
Now send a message
Now send a message

That's it - now you can download the video from your smartphone - quickly and simple.

What video does VK upload: how to upload a video more than 5 GB without loss of quality?

If you do not pre -process a heavy file before sending it to the page, an unpleasant surprise may expect you. The video will eventually be blurry and it will be unpleasant. Therefore, the video file is tedious first to convert into the desired format. There are many different converters for this.

One of the most popular converters is Any Video Converter. Install this program with official site at this linkAnd choose one of 30 proposed formats. VKontakte can be downloaded by video to 2 GB. This is a lot, since other hostings allow you to load video carpets weighing only no more than 300 MB. When you reformat the video, you can fill it with VK.

Why can't you upload VK video?

All of the above processes are simple and you can download the VK video file quickly and without problems. But sometimes situations may arise when the video is not added. This is due to these problems:

  • Low Internet speed.
  • Copyright for video. For this reason, you cannot add a file. Often this happens with only recorded series and films. In this case, you will have to look for such content with a changed name.
  • Application error if you download the video from the phone. In this case, you will have to try to download the file through time or restart the device.
  • Temporary malfunction of the VK site. Contact Support. Usually such problems are fixed quickly.

Before downloading the video, make sure there is no copyright violation. Often the owners of the rollers block the ability to share content in social networks. The good speed of the Internet is also important for downloading. Therefore, use the high-speed connection of Wi-Fi or 4G.

Video: How to upload a video on VKontakte from your computer?

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Comments K. article

  1. A good article, everything is described in detail. Now I know how to add a video on VKontakte!

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