How to quickly teach a child to competently write dictations: 5 secrets of competent writing. What needs to be done so that the child writes correctly without errors: the recommendations of an experienced teacher

How to quickly teach a child to competently write dictations: 5 secrets of competent writing. What needs to be done so that the child writes correctly without errors: the recommendations of an experienced teacher

You can learn to write correctly and correctly in a couple of months. Read about methods in the article.

There is an opinion that in our age of modern technology, the main thing is to be able to quickly print. After all, both work and life outside it are connected with computers and smartphones.

  • We communicate on the Internet and try to quickly gain search requests on the Internet or print messages.
  • But experts, on the contrary, are sure that you need to learn calligraphy. Indeed, by competent and beautiful writing, one can judge not only of accuracy and perseverance.
  • Especially in children, this indicates the good development of fine motor skills of the hands, so you can judge excellent intellectual development.
  • This article published techniques that help to competently write a child and a student of secondary and high school and adult tips.

How to quickly teach a child to competently write dictations: Secret No. 1

Learning to write competently dictations
Learning to write competently dictations

Parents are pleased to hear when their baby begins to abuse and pronounce the first words. Also, mom and dad are happy after a while, when the baby's speech becomes clear, and the answers to questions are meaningful.

  • When the child grows up a little more, parents give their child to kindergarten, where they begin to teach him to write.
  • Almost all parents demand to write down the letters without exciding, despite the fact that the child is only 5 or 6 years old. This is a big mistake!
  • In order for the child to learn how to write correctly, it must go and come.
  • Scientists have found that the formation of the level of correct spelling ends in grade 4.
  • But intensively you need to begin to engage in a letter already in the 1st grade. So, how to teach the grammar of the Russian language of a first -grader?

Secret No. 1: The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

  • Hands and fingers training - This is important in the process of teaching a competent and beautiful letter. This is especially true for first -graders.
  • Stoop helps to develop fine motor skills.
  • Manual For training modeling from plasticine or clay mass, you can find in any bookstore.

The first stage, which helps to develop calligraphic handwriting, is the proper organization of the children's workplace. It is important to teach the baby to sit at the table correctly. Pay attention to the following:

  • Back It should be straight, with an emphasis on a chair.
  • Elbows They must lie on the surface of the table, in particular, the elbow of the hand that is working during writing.
  • Breast It must be slightly pushed away from the table. From the edge of the table to the chest of the baby sitting on the chair there should be a distance of one fist.
  • Head should be slightly tilted.
  • Legs It is necessary to put on the floor, knees bend at right angles.
  • Notebook It should lie at an angle of 45 ° between the upper angle and the edge of the table. In this case, the lower angle of the notebook is directed to the center of the chest.

Be sure to prepare everything you need for training: a handle with three faces for a convenient capture, a special prescription and a notebook in a braid line.

How to quickly teach a child to competently write dictations: Secret No. 2

Learning to write competently dictations
Learning to write competently dictations

To learn how to write calligraphic handwriting without errors and blots, you need to make a lot of effort. Parents and the teacher's composition should find an approach to the child. The next secret will help to teach the grammar of the Russian language a second -grader and third -grader. This method is also suitable for high school students.

Secret No. 2: regular spelling of dictations

  • At first it may seem like an unnecessary occupation, but two texts per weekWritten for dictation is excellent results after 2-3 months.
  • Be sure to disassemble errorsAnd do the analysis with the child. Thanks to this, he will better remember the structure of word forms in which inaccuracies are allowed. Repeat complex words during the dictation 2-3 times. It is permissible to even prompt if the baby is difficult to write a particular word.
  • During the analysis of errorsRepeat the rules that will help to remember the spelling of complex word forms. It is important to indicate to the child at inaccuracy. You can invite him to write a word with an error by writing it correctly, and prescribe this word several lines. Thanks to this technique, the baby will think about where he made a mistake and remember the spelling of the word.

Of great importance is the graphic image of words that is remembered by a person forever. Therefore, it is important in the child to develop the ability to memorize the word, and prevent errors in it.

How to quickly teach a child to competently write dictations: Secret No. 3

Learning to write competently dictations
Learning to write competently dictations

Everyone knows that the letter and reading are closely connected. If a person reads a lot, then he will write competently. Therefore, the next secret is associated precisely with reading, but some nuances should be taken into account.

Secret No. 3: Systematic reading aloud

  • Independent reading develops memory and attention. But you need to read aloud, since young children perceive the information that they say better.
  • Pick up books that are interesting to the baby. But remember that the correct literary language is represented only by some writers of the classics: Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bunin, Turgenev.
  • First let the child read, as he writes - According to syllables, pronouncing each letter. Then you can proceed to reading, as we say.
  • Reading by roles - It is interesting, entertaining and will help to better remember individual words.

Teach the child to read every day for 30 minutes. This will help to instill a love of reading and making conversational speech and a letter more competent.

How to quickly teach a child to competently write dictations: Secret No. 4

Learning to write competently dictations
Learning to write competently dictations

Little children like to play. Even big girls and boys better remember some knowledge gained in the game. Therefore, we continue to reveal secrets for successful training in competent writing.

Secret No. 4: Teaching in the form of a game

  • For kids, you can make cards with wordsIn which the child most often makes mistakes.
  • Dear them above the table or play the game, in which you first need to write a word, and then a card with it will appear. You can offer to pull out the card and explain the spelling of a particular word.
  • It is better to offer older children to be a teacher for some time. Let your child present himself at school, but as a teacher who explains to his students a new topic of spelling. The child must also conduct a dictation, and mom or dad should write it and preferably correctly.

Thanks to this technique, the child will learn to write correctly, but for this it will be necessary for a while. Do not demand everything at once. The child should not have a aversion to the learning process. It is important to instill a love of books and study, this will help to do only a positive mood of teachers, parents and the child himself.

How to quickly teach a child to competently write dictations: Secret No. 5

Learning to write to the dictations with my mother correctly
Learning to write to the dictations with my mother correctly

The child must see the interest of parents in his good results. If the baby observes that mom and dad do not care how he studies and what he does at school, then most likely such a child will not achieve high results. A game that will be described below will help teach the grammar of the Russian language of a fourth grader and fifth grader.

Secret No. 5: Mutual check

  • Sit with your child at different tables And dictate small texts to each other.
  • Parents need to specifically make several mistakes.
  • Then exchange the child written dictations with your childand check them for errors.
  • If the child does not see inaccuracies on his ownThen you need to tell him how many words there are incorrectly written letters.

Such a game helps to develop memory and attention. The child better remembers the spelling of words, will correctly put commas and other punctuation marks.

How to teach a younger class to write correctly: recommendations and advice of an experienced teacher

Education for elementary grades to write competently
Education for elementary grades to write competently

If you have a question of how to teach the grammar of the Russian language a student of a younger school, then the advice of experienced teachers will help you. Here are the recommendations by which the child will be able to achieve good results after 2-3 months of zealous classes:

Motivate your children

  • Teenagers and children of a younger school do not yet understand why they need to study well and write competently.
  • Parents and teachers must convey to the children that the competent writing of the words of the Russian language is the basis of life by which they judge the growing up of the child.
  • Let the baby come to work and see how important it is to be able to write correctly in business papers, when drawing up contracts and various legal securities.

If the child has dysgraphia

  • Contact the speech therapist. Often parents cannot distinguish whether the child’s distraction or serious disorders of speech reproduction on paper is dysgraphia.
  • If the child changes the syllables in places, invents his endings in words, does not write title letters, goes beyond the fields, does not pay attention to the line, then you should contact a speech therapist and psychologist.
  • Experts will give recommendations and help to cope with this children's ailment.

Buy a special collection with texts

  • For each class there are words necessary for memorization.
  • Ask the teacher a list of these words and ask him to recommend a collection for dictations.

Dictations should not be a daily occupation

  • Enough 2 times a week in the first 2 months, and then 1 time every 7-10 days.
  • The dictation should be a control test, and not the daily flour of the child.

Remember: Children do not study the same. Someone starts to write right away correctly, while others need several months and even years to teach good literacy, and this is normal.

How to teach a middle -class child to write correctly: the recommendations of an experienced teacher

Teaching a child's middle classes to write competently
Teaching a child's middle classes to write competently

If the child has already graduated from a younger school, and he has a problem with literacy, then it is worth starting to deal with him right now. The later you will postpone additional classes for a later date, the more difficult it will be for your child to learn how to write correctly. Here are a few recommendations of an experienced teacher how to teach the grammar of the Russian language a sixth grader and a seventh grader:

  • Teacher or parents should dictate texts several timesIn which gross errors are made. Complex words - pay attention to them separately. If errors are made, then you need to disassemble them with a detailed analysis.
  • At this age, children are also interested in learning in the form of a game. For example, you can offer to make a crossword puzzle.
  • Carry out preparation in front of the dictation: Repeat the rules, words from the dictionary, complete tasks the same as they will be in the classroom.
  • During the dictation, listen carefully to the teacher, and pay attention to the punctuation marks. No need to spy in someone else's notebook, since you can write off other people's mistakes. Do not write ahead, even if it seems that you remember the text.
  • Congenital literacy - This is the term we are used to. But in fact, this term is understood as a good visual memory for spelling words.

Lovers usually have good literacy to read a lot, as they see examples of correct writing words. When reading, give preference to classical literature.

How to study high school students and adults correctly write: recommendations of an experienced teacher

Learning a high school student to write competently
Learning a high school student to write competently

High school students need to be able to write correctly, since it is important to pass the exams well to enter the university, and the Russian language is a mandatory exam after the 9th and 11th grades. How to teach the grammar of the Russian language of a ninth grader and a tenth grader? Here are some tips:

  • Memory of hands. It has long been proven that our hands have memory, that is, we can do with our hands what seems to have forgotten the brain. Also with the words, the hand will write the word itself. But for this you need to train a lot - write, write and write again.
  • Buy a spelling dictionary. If there are doubts about the correctness of writing a word, you can always see its spelling.
  • Write a dictionary of hardly memorable words. This will help to have a notebook at hand, which you can look at at any time and see the correctness of writing a complex word.
  • Stop regularly. High school students can at least every day write dictations, unlike kids. You need to understand for yourself that literacy is not an innate person of a person, but the result of persistent training. It is important to write a lot and not lose interest in such activities, then the words will be easy to remember.

Many people believe that in the eleventh grade it is too late to start learning literacy if it has not been learned until this time. But experienced teachers assure that it is never too late to studyAnd if you try, you can increase your literacy in one year and pass the exam well.

Now you know how to teach the grammar of the Russian language a student of a younger school, an eighth -grader or an adult. The main thing is to do this with interest, tuning in a positive wave and an excellent final result.

Video: Dictation. How to write a 5 dictation? Why is it difficult to write dictations?

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Comments K. article

  1. I think we need to pay more attention to the education of the child, to deal with him, our boy had problems at school in his studies, he was very inattentive and therefore could not absorb the information normally, they even went to the doctor, we were advised to give the child to sports and give a multi -vitamins, And as a result, the child became more attentive, all unnecessary energy comes out in training)

  2. Here I think the point is not so much to do all sorts of developers ... It is very important to approach this comprehensively. We have noticed that the speech became more literate, and the child became better to write, and in general, the assessments increased after they began to drive him to sports sections, to give the beam the Mishka formula for multivitamins, and play intellectual games, by itself. After 3 months later, such a diligent “therapy” has increased academic performance ... Now there are no problems in the school in general))

  3. Of course, you’ll come home after work - the brain has not yet settled down, food, lessons, wash, take a walk with a dog and fall. When to engage in developers

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