How to quickly get rid of a suction on the neck, how to remove, hide? The girl’s suction on the neck of the girl, the guy: what does it mean?

How to quickly get rid of a suction on the neck, how to remove, hide? The girl’s suction on the neck of the girl, the guy: what does it mean?

How does it appear and when the holler passes around the neck. How to disguise it and remove it. Than the suction are dangerous.

It sounds surprising, but some girls and guys are delighted with suction. Moreover, in all places visible. For example, on the neck. They consider those applied intentionally or inadvertently subcutaneous bruises by sign, with a stigma of love, sometimes they themselves ask to leave them. And on the Internet you can read about the suction technique. But most of these “symbols of passion” are not to their liking, they cause a feeling of shame. Urgent measures are being taken to eliminate the suction or, at least, its disguise. About them, as well as about the danger of suction, can be read in this article.

What does the suction on the neck look like: photo

A suction is, in fact, a bruise, a hematoma, subcutaneous hemorrhage. He can remain on any part of the body because of:

  • a bite that did not entail a violation of the integrity of the skin
  • too intense kiss
  • sucking

Under the pressure, the capillaries under the skin or mucous membrane burst, the blood that came out of them turns off. In a damaged place, it is formed:
a hematoma in the form of a red-violet spot, which over time, like any other bruise, turns yellow, green and gradually disappears
Red rash

Important: the suction is called “bruise on the contrary”, since at the time of damage the skin area is not pressed, but stretched during sucking.

Blocking on the girl’s neck: photo.
Blocking on the girl’s neck: photo.

Blocks are deliberately or accidentally left on the neck of guys and girls, since the skin there is delicate, under it there are a large number of blood vessels.

The suction on the neck of the guy or the girl looks beautiful, so many people think. He eloquently demonstrates the presence of a “half” in a person and a passion in a relationship with her. Is it so? Like any trauma, and such a suction is from the physiological side, it can be unpleasant for both its “owner” and others. Therefore, if you deliberately put this mark of a lover or lover, take into account that the reaction to her can be extremely negative.

A suction on the neck of the guy.
A suction on the neck of the guy.

How long does the suction on the neck go?

Depending on the degree of damage to the subcutaneous vessels and the characteristics of the body of a guy or girl, the suction passes within 5 to 15 days.

The girl’s suction on the neck of the girl, the guy: what does it mean?

Many ignorant and not too experienced lovers believe that the suction on the neck has a clear or hidden meaning. Mark signals that:

  • the guy or girl is busy ("half" put his stigma)
  • between partners, passionate love (bright sex or, at least, passionate petting)
  • a guy or a girl with a suction allows a partner to dominate
  • the holder of the suction and does not think to hide from others his bright sexy life
A suction on the neck is a margin that not everyone finds attractive.
A suction on the neck is a marked that not everyone finds attractive.

In fact, this hematoma is not a symbol of something specific. In fact, it denotes rudeness or inaccurate from the partner, some kind of disrespect.

How to quickly get rid of a suction on the neck?

So, it happened, a suction on the neck was left. What to do to get rid of it? Or will it take a week, or even two, make up or walk in a scarf?
Firstly, you must immediately attach years. Depending on the depth and area of \u200b\u200bdamage, the characteristics of coagulation in a particular person, the suction “blurred” for 5-30 minutes. If there is ice in the freezer, fold a couple of cubes in a plastic bag, wrap it with a handkerchief and attach to a damaged place. If there is no ice, any frost is suitable, even meat. It should also be folded in several packages and wrapped in a clean natural cloth. Make a cold compress for 20 minutes. Repeat it 3-4 times a day for the first two days.

Cold compress from a suction on the neck.
Cold compress from a suction on the neck.

If there is neither ice nor frost, cool a spoon, a large coin, another metal object under a stream of cold water, apply to a damaged place.
Secondly, you need to saturate the body with substances that accelerate the regeneration processes, primarily vitamins. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, berries, as well as nuts, sunflower and linen seeds. You may need to drink a complex drug containing vitamins C, E, K, and P.
Also, the drug Askorutin will help you quickly get rid of a suction on your neck.

A remedy for a suction on the neck: ascorutin.
A remedy for a suction on the neck: ascorutin.

They help to resolve the hematoma for external use with a regenerating effect: heparin ointment, liotone, rescuer, troxevazin. Carefully read the instructions for a single drug to know how often and in what quantity it is used.

A remedy for a suction on the neck: Rescuer.
A remedy for a suction on the neck: Rescuer.

Every day draw a iodine net on the site of the suction. Just know that the method of this has dubious effectiveness, but it is likely to burn the delicate skin of the neck.
Make lotions of calendula tincture.

A remedy for a suction on the neck: tincture of calendula.
A remedy for a suction on the neck: tincture of calendula.

Video: How to quickly get rid of a suction?

How to hide the suction on the neck?

Within a week or two, while the holler passes, those who find it are vulgar and unacceptable, are required to learn the disguise:

  • use the foundation
  • if the weather allows, wear clothes with a high collar
  • buy a scarf, it will not only hide the suction, but also complement your image
  • the desire to hide the suction is an occasion to visit the solarium (of course, if you have no contraindications)
  • if you have long hair, dissolve it and lay it so that it hides your neck
  • make a temporary tattoo, better, translated
Hide the suction on the neck under a beautiful scarf.
Hide the suction on the neck under a beautiful scarf.

How to smear the suction on the neck, how to remove the trace from the suction?

The suction can be made using tonal cream and powder.
You will need:

  • tonal cream of two shades - to match the skin and tone lighter
  • sponge
  • powder
The suction on the neck can be made using tonal cream and powder.
The suction on the neck can be made using tonal cream and powder.
  1. Degrease the skin with a lotion.
  2. Apply to the neck, face and neckline of the tonal remedy that you usually use.
  3. Apply a light foundation in place with a suction.
  4. Use powder.

Important: for good masking of the suction, it is better to use a fatty fatty and thick foundation cream.

Video: How to cover the hung?

Docks from sucks on the neck

To suck faster, use folk remedies.

If the suction site hurts, you can drink paracetamol or ibuprofen. As local anesthesia, use a gel or cream with Arnika.

A remedy for sucks on the neck: Arnic.
A remedy for sucks on the neck: Arnic.

Make a stretching compress: weld 1 potato in the uniform, trample it in mashed potatoes, add 1 teaspoon of vodka to mashed potatoes, 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 teaspoon. Wrap the mixture of compressed paper and attach to the bump.

Take a sheet of cabbage, scald it with boiling water, bleach, grease it with honey, apply to the hematoma.

A remedy for suction on the neck: compress from plantain, honey and onion juice.
A remedy for suction on the neck: compress from plantain, honey and onion juice.

Take a sheet of plantain, explain it into a slurry. Mix the gruel with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of onion juice. Make a compress to the skin area with a suction.

Strong sucks on the neck: what to do, what are they dangerous?

Blocks on the neck are not just ugly, but also dangerous. And deadly!
The case is known: in Mexico, a 17-year-old teenager died from a suction. The suction led to the formation of a blood clot, in turn, led to a stroke.

A suction on the neck can cause thrombosis and stroke.
A suction on the neck can cause thrombosis and stroke.

Important: if you have a tendency to form blood clots, you definitely do not need sucks. If such a mark still appeared on your neck, consult a doctor. Perhaps he will prescribe to you blood thinning drugs.

Video: A teenager died after a girlfriend put him a suction

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