"Personnel solve everything": the meaning, origin of the phrase

“Shots solve everything” is a phrase, which many do not understand the meaning of. Read the article, everything is described in detail.

Previously, many phrases, which are now by ear, loved to pronounce different politicians. For example, words "Personnel decide everything" - This is the crown phrase of Stalin.

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What does the phrase "personnel decide" mean? Why did Stalin like to pronounce her and when he said her more often? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article below. Read further.

What are shots?

Personnel in production
Personnel in production

By "personnel" is almost always meant a human resource. But this is not so much about the “common mass”, about the gray crowd of the townsfolk, but about the people of creative, important and valuable people - about professionals of their field. It is such personalities that contribute to the development of the state and society, they move forward history. What are shots?

  • Valuable personnel are present in any field of human activity: from politics, culture and art to the production sphere.
  • They are of the highest value for leadership, show excellent labor results and are one of the necessary prerequisites for success.
  • In the modern world, much has been automated. But, nevertheless, any machine, any mechanism, is impossible without human intervention.
  • Much of what is on earth is now, created the human mind, created the same “personnel”, which are discussed. Moreover, a person not only creates - he also controls all this. Without valuable personnel, mechanisms are just “pieces of iron”, unworthy attention.

The word "personnel" is used in two meanings:

  1. From the point of view of military affairs, these are the military, which make up the regular military units: that is, ordinary and commander's composition.
  2. As for the “peaceful” definition, the term “personnel” was used and is used in relation to employees of the highest qualification.

However, the word "Personnel" Apply to other types of specialists. It is without reason that state enterprises still exist departments of personnel that are engaged in documentation related to people entering the service. Also, personnel are working and engineering-technical, administrative-economic and leaderships, scientific and creative.

The simpler meaning:

  • "Good employees are always needed"
  • "Professionals of their business are most important etc.

By the way, in Soviet times, the basic principle was the words "Study, study and study again". It was believed that success can be achieved solely thanks to professionalism. And in order to become a professional in something, it is necessary not to stand still, but to constantly develop.

It is worth knowing: There is another version of the occurrence of a quote. According to some sources, the pioneer was not Stalin, but Bismarck. Dzhugashvili only repeated the existing truth. One way or another, in professionalism and talent of both it is impossible to doubt.

Who was the first to say the phrase “personnel decide everything”: origin, why did Stalin say that?

"Personnel decide everything"

If you do not take into account the facts of some sources that Bismarck was the first to say this phrase, then for the first time people heard the phrase "Personnel decide everything" From Stalin in May 1935. It was he who first told her to the broad masses when he made a speech to graduates of military academies. Subsequently, as it spreads, the quote began to be used in relation to civilian. The leader often used such words, so they attribute their origin to him. Why did Stalin say that?

  • The leader was a pretty good speaker.
  • In the process of his monologue, he led the audience to the conclusion that a lot of money in the country was saved through tough restrictions.
  • It would seem that they could be spent on the manufactory and completely unnecessary things. But Stalin did not listen to his opponents.
  • He invested in the development of mechanical engineering, heavy industry, metallurgy, etc.

Why did he buy machines and tractors? Everything is simple. Dzhugashvili was aimed at the widespread development of the USSR. He threw all his strength to education and industrialization. That is why the personnel, in his understanding, decided everything. In order for the industry to develop, prepared, high -class specialists are needed. No wonder the profession of an engineer in Soviet times was very appreciated and had a decent wage.

  • However, Stalin warned that nothing happens quickly. The results will come only after a while. Just do not wait, fold back. Everything possible to do so that expectations are justified.
  • But there was a problem. After the lack of equipment was updated, the country was faced with a lack of personnel.
  • That is why for Stalin the human resource at that time was much more valuable than machines and mechanisms.
  • If combines, tractors, installations and equipment will stand “idle” (only because no one knows how to manage them), then their price is a penny.

That is why Stalin And he said that the personnel decide everything. These were not high -half words, but confirmation of the problem that existed in reality.

"Personnel solve everything": meaning  

The meaning and meaning of the phrase "Personnel decide everything": There is no resource in the world more valuable than people. The country needs qualified specialists who could help its comprehensive development. Indeed, even a state with powerful potential will not be able to occupy a dominant niche in the world if there is a shortage of trained workers, advancedists who could establish a “high bar” in their work, and thereby bring benefits to their power.

"Personnel solve everything": an example of use

"Personnel decide everything"

To understand what this or that phrase means, it is worth considering its examples of use. This will help to delve into the essence of the phrase. Here is an example of using a phrase "Personnel solve everything":

  • “Still, personnel solve everything " - said Eugene - As soon as Vasily came to our office, this new programmer, so immediately the general results in the enterprise increased. What to say? Master of his business.
  • What is the difference between the producer of the group and a simple concert organizer? It is important not only to promote the project, but also to form the so -called "gold composition". After all the personnel decide everything - And not only in production or politics.
  • Did not pass the trial period? - What to do? They took another instead of me. But I'm not offended. A person really has a decent experience in this area, he has a specialized education. A personnel, as you know, solve everyone.
  • I understand perfectly well that the personnel decide everything. But sometimes you can take banal impudence. So that break through, try. If you yourself do not take care of yourself, then you will live in poverty, working for a penny.
  • Personnel, of course, decide everything. But if the technical base is frankly weak, how to show high results?
  • You know, the leaders are different. One said that my philologist’s diploma is valuable only by the fact that it can be used as a cutting board for sausage. But the other carefully looked at him, studied all the marks, then looked at my labor and said that from next week I can go through an internship, because the personnel decide everything.

By this principle, you can make proposals yourself. Thanks to this, you will understand the meaning of the phrase. You can also choose synonyms. Read further.

 Synonyms for the phrase "Personnel solve everything"

Synonyms are similar in meaning. It’s easy to pick them up. Here, for example, synonyms for the phrase "Personnel decide everything":

  • Professionalism in any business is most important.
  • The human resource is the most important thing in the country.
  • In order to show high results, qualified specialists are needed.
  • Cars are a pile of trash if there are no people who can manage them.

You can come up with other associations to this phrase. So you can better understand the meaning of a well -known slogan. It is worth noting that writers also used such a phrase in their books. Read further.

The book of Roman Zlotnikov “The elite. Shots solve everything ”: Who said the phrase, description of the hero and why did he say that?

The book of Roman Zlotnikov “The elite. Personnel solve everything
The book of Roman Zlotnikov “The elite. Personnel solve everything "

The well -known quote from Stalin in Roman Zlotnikov In the book about the elite, this is how:

  • “Judging by the fact that the local leader in one of his speeches stated:“ The personnel decide everything ”.

Speech on behalf captain Kunitsyn, Main character. Here is his description, as a person and why he said so:

  • Kunitsyn seems to the reader a bold and fair commander.
  • Moreover, this person himself is focused on the constant training of fighters and the development of the unit entrusted to him.
  • Indeed, in the war, often, not technology wins, but people. And the more intelligently each of the ordinary and officers will be, the easier and more likely the victory over the enemy.
  • Kunitsyn wants to show the command that he did not in vain spent so much time preparing his battalion.
  • The commander believes that staff training is a very important aspect for victory.

This phrase says a lot. It doesn’t matter who said it and said for the first time. Previously, there were no personnel or equipment, then there were many cars that they could not handle. Any production owner settles issues related to both one and the other at the same time. After all, it is important that the equipment does not idle and make a profit. If you solve only one of the problems, then there will be a shortage. Therefore, the personnel decide everything, but the technique should be at the level. This is the only way production will work and benefit.

Now you understand the meaning of this phrase, and how it was used in the past and how it is used now. To consolidate the material, make several sentences, select synonyms. It's simple. Good luck!

Video: Personnel solve everything. Stalin

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