Iodine - instructions for use

Iodine - instructions for use

Iodine is one of the most important elements necessary for our body for normal work. It supports the function of the thyroid gland, ensures the correct operation of the immune system and the brain. The deficiency of this element can lead to the fact that nutrients will cease to be distributed correctly, the nervous system will begin to fail, the condition of the skin, nails and hair will worsen.

Important: the lack of iodine is very dangerous during the development of the child's body. The disadvantage of this element will worsen the mental development of the child and his physical activity and can even provoke anemia.

Iodine is a rather rare substance. But, in nature is found in every living organism, in sea water and plant products. The largest source of iodine for humans are seaweed.

Forms of release

Iodine is sold in the form of an alcohol solution and in a tablet form. If it is diluted in alcohol, then in such a solution you can disinfect wounds. Therefore, it is with cuts and inflammations on the skin. For the prevention of atherosclerosis, iodine is added to milk and taken 1-2 times a day.

Iodine in tablets is used to replenish this element in the body. Also in each pharmacy you can buy various dietary supplements in which this element includes.

Alcohol solution of iodine

Wound processing
Wound processing

To treat the edges of the wounds and damaged areas of the skin, an alcohol solution of iodine is used. When administering inward, the dosage of this drug is prescribed individually.

Use iodine in liquid form for washing gaps and supereonsyillary spaces. They are washed nasopharynx, buried in the ears and used in surgery.

Yoda tablets

Iodine in tablets is used to prevent iodine deficiency, as well as in order to make up for its reserves in the body. The tablet form contains an active substance, dry milk and lactose monohydrate. In one package there can be 40 - 200 tablets.

Iodine in tablets is taken while eating. The daily dosage is 1-2 tablets 1 time per day.

Important: you can restore the required amount of iodine in the body without the help of pills. To do this, it is enough to diversify your diet due to such products as: walnuts, seaweed, faikhoa, cod, lobster and bananas.

Indications for use


Most often, iodine is used as an antimicrobial and antiseptic drug. Local use of iodine is carried out at:

  • Purulent otitis media
  • Chronic tonsillitis
  • Atrophic rhinitis
  • Infected burns

Use iodine to reduce the consequences of mercury poisoning and some heavy metals.

Iodine contraindications

  • You can not take drugs containing this element with its intolerance. As well as with tuberculosis, nephritis, acne, hemorrhagic diathesis, urticaria, furunculosis and other health problems
  • Children under 5 years of age to use iodine inward contraindicated
  • When using alcohol -containing iodine solutions, it is necessary to take care of their eyes. Long -term external use of iodine -based preparations can lead to activation of allergic reactions of the body of manifested acne, increased salivation, urticaria
  • An overdose of iodine when taken orally can provoke tachycardia, increased sweating, insomnia, skin reactions
  • Iodine cannot be used simultaneously with ammonia solutions and essential oils

How to use?

If iodine is used externally, then it is necessary to lubricate the affected part of the skin with cotton swabs moistened in a solution of this drug. If the wound bleeds, then treat the wound itself with an alcohol solution of iodine, but the place around it. If the drug enters the wound, then this can lead to a burn that will reduce the healing rate.

This medication is used for the procedures for washing supereonzyllar space. For this, 4-5 procedures are prescribed. At least 2 days should pass between each procedure. You can use this substance for treating the ears and nasopharynx. To do this, it is used 2-2.5 weeks with the above interval.

Iodine is also used in the treatment of burns. To do this, they moisten gauze dressings and applied to the affected area.

Use in folk medicine

Iodine is widely used in folk medicine. It can be used for sore throat. To do this, boil a glass of water and after it has cooled to 45 degrees, add 2-3 drops of iodine alcohol solution. With this tool, the throat is caressed.

With a runny nose, you can use such a tool. In 2-3 cups of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve 1 spoon of salt and 5 drops of an alcohol solution of iodine. The resulting product is drawn with nostrils. To facilitate the process, you can use a saucer. It is necessary to use this method of treating a runny nose 1-2 times a day until a complete recovery.

In diseases of the pulmonary system, “dry” mustard with iodine are shown. To do this, a piece of fabric is wetted in a 20%-spire solution with the addition of iodine (5 drops per 20 ml of alcohol). The fabric is applied to the break -in and right subclavian chest areas.

How to make iodine grid properly

Iodine grid in the place of injections

The iodine mesh is very widely used to treat various problems. Its effect lies in the irritating functions of iodine. After applying such a grid, blood flow to the processed place is carried out. Using such a grid, you can treat:

  • Bronchitis and tracheitis
  • A cold and angina
  • Stretches and bruises
  • Neuralgic diseases
  • Arthritis and radiculite
  • Muscles pain
  • Bruises and bruises

When using iodine nets, it is necessary to make sure that the absence of allergic reactions to iodine. For the described procedure, an iodine concentration solution of not more than 5%can be used.

The iodine grid is applied using vertical and horizontal lines. Between them should be 1-1.5 cm. The grid is applied to the place that bothers. If it is used to treat cough, then applied to the back between the shoulder blades.

Iodine or green

  • Both drugs in their composition have alcohol. Therefore, when processing open wounds by them, painful sensations appear. It is especially difficult to treat the wounds with green and iodine in young children. Zelenka, unlike iodine, contains less alcohol, which means that the sensations when using it will be less painful. That is why the green can be used on open wounds, and iodine is not recommended
  • Iodine, unlike green, can dry the skin and has a warming effect. Thanks to the increase in blood flow to the damaged place, iodine allows you to accelerate the processes of tissue regeneration. That is why after bruises and bruises “draw” iodine nets
  • If the wound is too deep, then iodine and green cannot be applied. Firstly, there are special drugs to treat such wounds. And, secondly, before processing such wounds, the specialist should examine them. If you pour them with iodine, and even more green, it will not be able to completely see the nature of the injury
  • Experts believe that the greenhouse is best used for bleeding wounds, and iodine for bruises. A good alternative to alcohol -containing drugs for the treatment of wounds is hydrogen peroxide. When used, it does not develop tissue necrosis around the wound. So, the process of its healing will pass faster

Analogs of iodine

Lugol solution
Lugol solution

"Antijustin". Tablets, which include potassium yodit. Used for the treatment and prevention of endemic goiter.

  • Dosage: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Course: 2-3 times a week for 20-30 days

"Yox". Spray based on allantoin and polyvidon-iodine. It is used for diseases of the oral cavity and in ENT practitioners.

  • Dosage: 2-4 times a day

"Yodinol." A drug based on iodine diluted in polyvinyl alcohol. It is used to process wounds, burns and varicose ulcers. It is taken inside with atherosclerosis.

  • Dosage: depending on the disease. Course: established by the attending physician

"Solution of Lugol." A drug that is used externally for lesions with yeast fungi and the treatment of diffuse forms of endemic goiter.

  • Dosage: 1-6 drops depending on the disease. Course: Depends on the disease

"Betadin." A solution with an antiseptic effect for external use. Active substance: Povidon-iodine.

  • Dosage: used in the form of lubrication

Iodine: tips and reviews

Irina. I use iodine to check the quality of cottage cheese. The thing is that if you drip this tool on cottage cheese and the place turn blue, it means that starch has been added to it. And it is added only to low-quality sweet and milk products. I will not name the brands of this product, but even in some expensive varieties of cottage cheese add starch. I found for myself a brand in which there is no starch.

Maria. Of course, I use iodine. I make nets from it after injections. And not so long ago I found out that it can be used to strengthen nails. Now periodically I make baths for nails with iodine.

Video: iodine in the body. Symptoms of deficiency and excess. Simple test

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