From the postoperative seam, liquid oozes, what to do? Wet the seam after surgery, how to treat?

From the postoperative seam, liquid oozes, what to do? Wet the seam after surgery, how to treat?

The causes of the appearance of liquid in the field of postoperative sutures.

The accumulation of fluid in postoperative scars very often appears after extensive interventions. These are usually operations in the chest and abdomen. Respectively, most often occurs after cesarean section,abdominoplasty And operations on the chest. In this article we will tell you what to do if the seam is wet after the operation. 

Why does liquid oozed from the seam after surgery?

In medicine, this liquid is calledseroma. It mainly is a liquid with a protein and lymphocytes. Many believe that this is lymph, or a product of blood decay, that is, plasma. It is a transparent water without smell, with a yellowish tint. It is mainly formed on large scars, due to the fact that there is an extensive defeat of capillaries and lymph nodes.

Why does the liquid oozed from the seam after surgery:

  1. Appears in the area of \u200b\u200baccumulation of serous tissue of edema, redness, hyperthermia. Accordingly, if the scar after the operation is red, swollen, hot, this means that the liquid accumulates in it. The liquid itself is not dangerous, but it can delay the process of recovery after surgery. Often the seams, due to the accumulation of a large amount of serous fluid, are re-cut, cleaned to remove it.
  2. Accordingly, in many clinics, after extensive interventions in the seams, they leave tubes, that is, drainage, which allow you to come out of accumulated fluid. This avoids edema, redness, and complications after surgical interventions. Usually this liquid accumulates 3 days after surgery.
  3. That is, if the seam is very large, extensive intervention was carried out, then on the third day you can notice the edema, and the hyperthermia of the seam. This does not mean that there will be a complication without fail. The liquid usually leaves 14-21 days after surgery.
  4. That is, three weeks after the intervention, there should be no edema and moisture in the seam. Accordingly, if the seam is wet, it is necessary to resort to measures that prevent the penetration of infection into the wound.
The seam

A viscous fluid oozes from the seam, what to do?

Preventionseroma, accumulations of fluid, is the use of antibiotics, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, as well as the corresponding antiseptic treatment of the wound. Because often it is precisely due to infection that can be formedseroma.

A viscous fluid oozes from the seam, what to do:

  • Scientists have proved that after the collapse of pus and blood, Seroma is necessarily formed. What to do to avoid accumulation of fluid in the seam area? First of all, the surgeon evaluates STthe lesion is much dependent on the competence of the doctor.
  • The cleaner the seams, the wound is better, the less likelihood of liquid. That is, too large gaps between the seams can provoke the accumulation of fluid.
  • It is also necessary to pay a lot of attention to the processing of the wound after suturing. Be sure to wound with green, and treated with special antiseptics. 
A neat seam
A neat seam

Seam after cesarean, the liquid oozes: reasons

But not everything depends on the surgeons, the patient’s health is important. That is why, before conducting surgery, a number of studies and analyzes are assigned. The probability of occurrenceseroma rises in such cases.

Seam after cesarean, fluid oozes, reasons:

  • Diabetes 
  • High pressure 
  • Excess weight 
  • Poor blood coagulation 
  • The presence of a large amount of fat, subcutaneousfiber  

In approximately 70% of cases, complications arise in people more weight. If the quantity and thickness of adipose tissue is more than 5 cm, most likely in the section of the cut will be formedseroma, and the release of a large amount of fluid. That is why, in some cases, patients recommend losing weight before surgery, a diet is prescribed, or liposuction is carried out in emergency cases. If a person has high pressure, taking drugs that reduce blood pressure is also recommended.

Why does a liquid with blood oozing from the seam?

Surgeons believe that a high degree of damage to blood and lymph vessels leads to the formationseroma. That is why it is necessary to try to ensure that the area of \u200b\u200bintervention is as low as possible. It is for this purpose that many operations on the abdominal cavity are now practiced by laparoscopy.

Such an intervention makes rehabilitation fast, and reduces the deadline for the patient in the hospital. But there are times when it is impossible to perform an operation by laparoscopy. This happens in emergency cases when there is a rupture of appendicitis, spleen, trauma or cesarean section. 

Why does a liquid with blood oozed from the seam:

  • Often serous fluid appears in the case of cesarean sectionabdominoplasty abdomen. In this case, the seam is usually very large, which provokes the occurrence and accumulation of fluid in the section.
  • If you do not pump the liquid in time, then a fistula appears through which it goes. Very often, such a fabric causes suppuration, it is an excellent environment for the development of infection. The serous fluid itself does not contain infection, but the seam is the entrance gate for pathogenic microorganisms. Accordingly, improper care for the postoperative seam often causes suppuration and sepsis.
  • If a wet wound does not pass within 20 days, it is necessary to contact a doctor for surgical treatment, or vacuum fluid execution. Usually it is removed with a syringe under pressure, which allows you to pump out about 600 ml of liquid at a time. Usually manipulation is carried out after 3 days until the entire serous fluid ceases to stand out. 
Seam after surgery
Seam after surgery

Wet the seam after surgery, how to treat?

Doctors recommend properly care for the postoperative seam. Many ignore tips with the acquisition of compression linen, bras and panties. You should not do this, because linen allows you to not only reduce the stomach after cesarean section, but also prevents the developmentseroma. It is necessary to pressure on the seam area in order to prevent the accumulation of fluid. 

Wet the seam after surgery, how to treat?

  • Very often they are advised to ventilate the seam after cesarean section. Do not close it with a large number of bandages, and even more so seal with a adhesive plasterer. Similar manipulations provoke the occurrence of the effect of the sauna, as a result of which the seam sweats, a secondary infection is possible.
  • Therefore, in the breaks between the toe compression linen, it is recommended to walk without clothes, or at least with a raised T -shirt, so that the seam dries, ventilate. In addition, it is recommended to wash the wound with household soap twice a day. This tool dries the skin well, disinfects it. It is recommended to carry out antiseptic treatment using hydrogen peroxide or ordinary alcohol.
  • Some experts advise ointmentSolcoseryl orBepanten. ButBepanten on a fat basis, therefore it can also provokeinfectionThis is important if it is already very hot outside. It is necessary to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations, not to raise anything difficult.
  • After all, it can also contribute to the divergence of the seam and its wetting. Usually after 2-3 weeks the seam is completely delayed, heals without traces. The wound stops getting wet. Often one or two holes can be found on the surface of the seam. These are peculiar fistulas through which excess fluid comes out. There is nothing wrong with their education, but keloid scars, the growth of fibrous tissue may appear. Subsequently, this can cause the formation of seals. 

If the seam after surgery is wet, what to do?

Often the seams are wet after surgery to enlarge or decrease the breast, plastics for form correction. The fact is that the armpits are lymph nodes, the chest is very close to them. That is why all the lymph, which are formed in these nodes, is directed to the section of the cut. In this area, the risk of developmentseroma It is approximately 15%. It increases in case of excess weight, high pressure and diabetes.

If the seam after surgery is wet, what to do:

  • Please note that there is no reason for concern if the liquid is yellow, transparent, straw color and does not differ in an unpleasant odor. If a large amount of blood is released in the seam, the fluid is quite thick and is distinguished by an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to contact the doctor.
  • Perhaps a secondary infection was connected in the seam, which is fraught with the accumulation of pus, and the occurrence of sepsis. Therefore, it is better to go to the doctor once again than to sacrifice your own health.
  • Many mothers, after cesarean section, complain that there is no one to leave the child with or the baby on breastfeeding, constantly hangs on the chest. In this case, it is recommended to scode milk, leave the child with a grandmother or husband, and go to the hospital. Within 30 days after childbirth, the woman in labor has the right to contact the maternity hospital to assess the condition of the seams. 

Usually, after the operation, the doctor leaves drainage for several days in the area of \u200b\u200bscars so that the liquid flows and does not accumulate, does not provoke swelling. The thing isvolume, that the presence of a large amount of liquid can cause tissue deformation, and the whole meaning of the operation will come to naught. 

Video: Wet the seam after surgery

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  1. Very cognitive. Thanks

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