What is the baking powder for the test based on soda: Composition. Baking powder for dough - food soda, ammonium carbonate, air

What is the baking powder for the test based on soda: Composition. Baking powder for dough - food soda, ammonium carbonate, air

In this article you will find out what the baking powder consists of, and what chemical baking powers are in the stores that we use for the test.

If we want to bake cookies or cakes on the cake, and we want the dough to be loose and soft, we can’t do without looser. Ready -made baking powers on sale several types. Which of them is better to use to make the finished product lush and tasty? We learn about everything in this article.

What is the baking powder for the test based on soda?

Baking powder for the test based on baking soda

Most often on sale is breakers for the dough Based on baking soda. Products with such baking powder are lush. In addition to soda, flour or starch and food additives with an acidic environment are added to the baking powder: wine stone, citric acid, calcium monophosphate or sodium pyrophosphate. If the first two additives are possible and not harmful, then mono- and pyrophosphates can lead to the following unpleasant consequences for the body:

  • Allergies, possibly with serious consequences
  • Problems with digestive organs
  • Poor assimilation of phosphorus and calcium, and in the future - kidney stones, osteoporosis
  • Increased cholesterol in the blood
  • The risk of cancer

Before buying a baking powder for the dough, carefully read what it consists of.

The shelf life of the baking powder is small, usually 12 months. In addition, liquid can enter the bag. If the water got to the baking powder, then the reaction occurred earlier, and the dough will not rise. Therefore, the baking powder for the test can be done at home.

To make a baking powder for the test yourself have to take:

  • 12 parts of flour of any
  • 5 parts of baking soda
  • 3 parts of citric acid


  1. We have the same size flour and soda, and citric acid in granules - chop it in a coffee grinder or rocking rock for dough.
  2. Now all the ingredients of the same size - mix them.
  3. Pour into a dry jar, and tightly close the lid.
  4. When you need to bake the pie, we take 1 kg of flour 4-6 tsp. Our baking powder, mix with flour and other bulk products (sugar, starch), and then only pour the liquid components of the pie. We quickly mix and put it right away until all carbon dioxide disappeared, bake.

Baking powder for dough - food soda

Baking soda

Sometimes we read in the recipe that for loosening the dough is taken baking soda. And very often the housewives in the test are extinguished with soda vinegar. And this is wrong. After repayment of soda vinegar, carbon dioxide is released, moreover, it is released into the air, and it remains very little in the test, and, as a rule, the pie rises weakly.

Soda can be added to the dough boldly without worrying about the further taste of the pie, if it includes one of the products:

  • Sour cream
  • Kefir
  • Lemon juice
  • Honey
  • Sour jam

Soda can not be added to acidic foods, but you need to mix with flour and sugar, and then add all liquid products, mix quickly, and immediately bake. If the sour product is not enough, vinegar can be added to the dough.

Note. Soda is not the best of baking powers for the dough. She has such a feature: if it was not completely repaid, her taste is felt in the finished product, and it becomes grayish in color.

Baking powder for dough - ammonium carbonate

Ammonium carbonate

Ammonium carbonate It is also sold in our stores, only it is more popular in Western Europe than in the CIS countries. But there is one but: you need to buy bags not paper, but plastic ones, since this baking powder for the dough is very unstable, and when air gets away, it disappears.

Add ammonium carbonate to the dough, stirring it with a liquid not higher than 25̊c. The reactions are not immediately observed. It begins during baking, already at 60̊c.

There is an opinion that ammonium carbonate is harmful to health, and therefore its housewives are rarely used. Judge for yourself: ammonium carbonate powder in the dough decays completely into carbon dioxide, ammonia and water, the gases disappear, leaving more than from soda, and the water remains in the dough.

Baking powder for dough - air

During whipping, the eggs are saturated with air and after adding to the dough, lift it

In the biscuit, protein, custard, sand doughs, no baking powder needs to be added, in this test the baking powder serves air.

How does this happen? Beating eggs, proteins or thick cream in a lush foam, we saturate them with air, and then, carefully adding food saturated in the dough, we and saturate it with air. Now you just need to quickly put such a dough into the oven heated to the average temperature, and you get lush baking.

So, we learned what the most frequently used baking powers can be used for the dough so that the finished products are light, lush and soft.

Video: Secrets of baking powder. How to make a baking powder, baking powder?

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