The ASOS online store - a promotional code and a discount coupon: where to get discount codes?

The ASOS online store - a promotional code and a discount coupon: where to get discount codes?

Internet purchases are becoming more and more popular, but not everyone knows how to use all bonuses of such shopping. Today we’ll talk about bonuses and special offers from the ASOS trading platform.

Where to get a discount code?

ASOS has a fairly strict system for the spread of promotional codes.

Information about them is subject to:

  1. Thematic banners located on the main page of the site.
  2. Email newsletters:
  • congratulations of the client happy birthday;
  • compliment to the client from the administration in connection with long cooperation;
  • bonuses for students who can confirm their studies at one of the universities of the United Kingdom, filling out the corresponding questionnaire.
  1. In the profile of a store on social networks: VK, FB, Twitter.

The administration of the trading platform draws attention to the following features of the use of promotional codes:

  1. Each promotive code has certain conditions and validity periods. After expiration, promotional code does not work.
  2. The discount on cosmetics cannot exceed -2% (even with promotional code).
  3. The promo code cannot be used post factum, i.e. Put an order, and the next day try to get a code discount on this order.
  4. The administration is not responsible for the lost promotional code and does not provide it with a replacement.
  5. The administration reserves the right to cancel, delay the action or change of the promotional code in case of fraud, technical errors, etc.
  6. The promotional code can only be used in the personal account of the client. The code cannot be transmitted to other customers. Otherwise, the administration reserves the right to close the client’s account without warning.

You can find detailed information about gift certificates and promotional codes by crossing link.

How to apply the code for a discount in the order?

  1. Select your favorite product and take action Add to Basket.
  2. Go to the placement of the order by activating the green button Pay.
How to apply the code for a discount in the order: Step 1
How to apply the code for a discount in the order: Step 1
  1. After activation, the window will open Ordering of the order. Fill in all the necessary fields following the instructions. After that, activate the window Promo codes and certificates.
How to apply the code for a discount in the order: Step 2
How to apply the code for a discount in the order: Step 2
  1. In the window opened, select the desired bookmark Promo code or Certificate.Fill in an empty line by inserting the corresponding code combination. To confirm the action, activate the black button Apply the codeor Add a certificate.
How to apply the code for a discount in the order: Step 3
How to apply the code for a discount in the order: Step 3

Important: be sure to check if the amount has changed in the line In total to pay.

Is it possible to apply several discount codes in the order?

No. The site administration repeatedly reminds of this in the process of placing an order. The answers to this and other frequently asked questions can be found by going to the page Support.

Video: “How to order?”: (instruction)

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