Aspirin cardio tablets: release form, instructions for use, pharmacological action, dosage, indications, contraindications, side effects, interaction with other medicines, reviews, video

Aspirin cardio tablets: release form, instructions for use, pharmacological action, dosage, indications, contraindications, side effects, interaction with other medicines, reviews, video

The article has information on how to properly use Aspirin Cardio. You will also find out what contraindications and side effects of the drug are, can it be drinking to pregnant women, children?

Aspirin Cardio is an antitrombic drug that is used for preventive purposes. In the modern world, pathology of the cardiovascular system is very common. And, unfortunately, it is these diseases that pursue humanity for more than one decade, and are a common cause of mortality of the population of the entire globe. Most often, diseases are found, which contribute to the formation of blood clots, so it is already necessary to introduce preventive measures ahead of time in order to avoid deaths.

Aspirin cardio: composition, output form

This tool is produced in the form of tablets. They are covered with a special shell that can dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract. White pills packed in pretty blisters. For the convenience of using pill with patients, the manufacturer on the reverse side of each indicated the day of the week, so as not to get confused when to take them. In one box there can be 28 pieces of pills or 56.

The form of release of tablets
The form of release of tablets

The main active component of the drug is ASK (acetylsalicylic acid). One pill may contain 100 or 300 milligrams this substance.

The predecessors of heart disease and vascular system are an increased viscosity of blood, which contributes to the occurrence of blood clots. That is why doctors for therapeutic purposes are prescribed a long intake of anti -depthrombotic agents.

Small dosages of ASK up to 300 milligrams slow down platelet production. After a one -time administration of such a dosage, the effect lasts over a week. The process of action of the product comes down to the fact that ASK cuts blood, thereby stimulates the processes of fibrinolysis and inhibits the production of thrombin.

Aspirin Cardio - when the tool is used: indications for use

Tablets are used for all ailments, which are accompanied by thrombosis or in the danger of their occurrence.

Aspirin Cardio - What do pills look like?
Aspirin Cardio - What do pills look like?

From the end of the eighties, experts began the use of aspirin as an antitrombotic drug. Also, this dosage form has found application as a symptomatic drug for removing heat for various types of inflammation.

In the field of medicine in the last century, a number of tests were carried out. Thanks to them, the effectiveness of the drug was proved in relation to the prevention of diseases that arise against the background of blood clots. Doctors also established a minimum therapeutic dosage, which is needed to achieve positive dynamics in these diseases, it composed - 100 milligrams of ASK.

Is there some more a number of medical prescriptionsat which aspirin cardio is effective:

  • For preventive purposes, therapy of various types ischemic heart pathologies.
  • If the patient has set The diagnosis is unstable or stable angina pectoris.
  • For reducing the danger of stroke manifestations, heart attacksif there is a risk factor.
  • For preventive goals As a prevention of blood clots with a disease such as atherosclerosis.
  • For elimination probabilities thrombosis after planned operations.
  • For preventive purposes with thrombophlebitis And preventions of thromboembolism.
  • If the patient has violation in cerebral circulation, They prescribe ASK to prevent the development of such a dangerous disease as a stroke.
  • Also, the drug is used after postponed heart attacks and strokes.
Dosage of the drug. Aspirin Cardio
Dosage of the drug. Aspirin Cardio

IMPORTANT: During many practical research, it was found that the regular use of aspirin cardio leads to reduction in development such pathologies as diabetes second type, malignant tumors in the chest among women, oncological diseases of the prostate, intestines, skin tissues.

Aspirin cardio: instructions for use, dosage

If a specialist does not prescribe another scheme for using tablets, then use one pill of ASK per day. It is advisable to drink pills before eating food, be sure to drink them with a lot of water.

By average standards are recommended drink no more than 100 mg of medicine per day. But often at the beginning of therapy you need to use aspirin cardio in the amount of 200-300 mg In one appointment to establish a stable health state patient. Only after the symptoms of cardiac pathologies are relieved to switch to the average administration of the drug.

The duration of use of the product should be installed by the attending doctor.

Aspirin cardio: contraindications, side effects

If the patient has allergenic reactions When using ASK, that pills you can’t use it. Also they contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • At gastritis, stomach ulcer, gastrointestinal disorders: heartburn, nausea, vomiting. Others disorders of the work of the stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas.
  • With all types of manifestation bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, in the oral, nasal cavity, in the urinary system, and uterine bleeding in women.
  • If available violations V kidney work.
  • At headaches in the occipital part, migraines, noise in the ears, dizziness.
  • In the presence of bronchopulmonary pathologies - asthma, hemorrhagic diathesis, heart failure third or fourth type.
  • At use of metatrexate.
  • During breastfeeding, pregnancy, children Until the age of eighteen.

If necessary, the attending specialist can prescribe the use of tablets to patients with a stomach ulcer, intestines, during pregnancy, in case of violation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys. Patients who are preparing for surgery with exacerbations of gout should not be used by aspirin treatment with aspir.

How to drink Aspirin Cardio, so that there are no side effects?
How to drink Aspirin Cardio, so that there are no side effects?

In some patients, cases of an overdose of the drug were noticed. It manifests itself in acute And chronic stage of development. At chronic An overdose of the following symptoms arise - pain in the abdominal abdomen, noise in ears, dizziness, migraine. The first thing to do in this case is to cancel the use of aspirin cardio. Next, the doctor appoints the use of enterosorbents, flushing the gastrointestinal tract. After that, the water balance in the patient’s body is restored.

IMPORTANT: When an acute overdose occurs, the following symptoms appear - disorders in the work of the heart, kidneys. Big more gastrointestinal cord, heat, confusion of consciousness, drowsiness may appear. Sometimes there are convulsions and even a coma. If the above symptoms appear, then urgently call an ambulance. Hospitalization of the patient is required.

Aspirin Cardio: How does it interact with other drugs?

These tablets are not recommended to be prescribed yourself, especially if you also use other dosage forms. Pill can strengthen or reduce and even block the effectiveness of other means.

  • When using Heparinmerbs may occur, the functions of platelets are most often impaired.
  • With integrated use Metotrexatethe frequency of the manifestation of side effects in patients is enhanced. There is a danger of bleeding.
  • Joint use Aspirin Cardio and agents with anti -group, anticoagulant, thrombolytic properties can provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • When applying Aspirin cardio and digoxin There are risks of kidney pathologies.
  • Using selective inhibitors, NSAIDs, alcohol -containing agents- There is a danger of violation of the digestive tract and the risk of bleeding.
  • At  application Walproic acid with ASKthe toxicity of the first drug may increase.

The tool also reduces the work benzrobomaron, ACE inhibitors, diuretics.Ibuprofen reduces the activity of Aspirin Cardio.

What tablets can not be drunk with ASK?
What tablets can not be drunk with ASK?

IMPORTANT: If the patient uses ASK with system GSK,then, with such complex therapy, weakening of the action of aspirin occurs. But after the reception of the GKS, the danger of an overdose of Aspirin Cardio may appear.

How to use the drug to pregnant women?

In the period of the first trimester, future mothers should restrain themselves from the use of salicylate. There is a danger of developing a child's heart pathologies and the breakdown of the sky.

The use of the drug during pregnancy
The use of the drug during pregnancy

At a later date of the development of the fetus, if the pregnant woman will use ASK, then bleeding, difficulties in the process of labor, and the closure of the child of the arterial duct may appear. There is also a great risk of intracranial hemorrhage. Such processes occur when using large dosages of the product and prolonged use.

Aspirin cardio: user reviews

The advantages of the action of this drug can be ranked that it is highly effective, convenient to use, almost safe if you choose the right dosage and adjust its use. It is still better to drink tablets half an hour after taking food, if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the others are better to drink to the meal.

Cons of funds -high price for tablets, many side effects, a large list of contraindications. Further in more detail.

Evgeny, 47 years old

After my doctor diagnosed - hypertension, drank Aspirin Cardio. It became noticeable to me better, I did not find the minuses at the product, the only thing that the high price, but also the quality is excellent. My doctor advised drinking tablets after eating after an hour and drinking water (in large quantities) so that there are no problems with the stomach.

Ivan, 52 years old

I have been drinking this drug for a long time on the recommendation of a cardiologist, even my legs stopped hurting, I noticed noticeable improvements in the work of the heart, it began to ache less. Previously, I could not tolerate the heat, now I will calmly tolerate - there is no such shortness of breath that it used to be. My body tolerates the effect of the drug well, I use only 100 mg per day and this is enough. Yes, the price is higher than that of ordinary aspirin, but it is easier to tolerate.

In our turbulent time of stress and various experiences, unfortunately, ailments associated with disorders in the work of the cardiac, vascular systems affect not only the elderly, but also the younger patients. Therefore, in addition to abandoning bad habits, it is also necessary to engage in preventive measures. At the slightest problems of the cardiovascular system, visit a doctor, it is better to drink cardio aspirin in advance and prevent the development of serious consequences than to treat the disease later. Be healthy!

Video: Aspirin Cardio - Instructions for use

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