Injections for the joints: review of funds. Chondroprotectors, hyaluronic acid, glucocorticosteroids for introduction to the joints

Injections for the joints: review of funds. Chondroprotectors, hyaluronic acid, glucocorticosteroids for introduction to the joints

Review of joints for joints.

Joints for joints help improve the condition of patients, and also accelerate recovery. The fact is that joint diseases are treated for a long time, using conservative therapy, as well as physiotherapy. In this article, we will tell in detail about the joints for the joints.

Why do you need injections for joints?

The fact is that drugs that are administered through the stomach or intramuscularly are not completely absorbed and absorbed by the body. Accordingly, you will have to wait until such a treatment works. Some joint diseases provoke the occurrence of very severe pain. Accordingly, the patient is not able to endure, so anti -inflammatory and painkillers are often prescribed.

In order to accelerate recovery as soon as possible put the patient on the feet, use injections that are made directly in the joint. There are a lot of funds that are introduced directly to the sore spot, that is, into the affected joint. All of them differ in their action, as well as from the disease that the patient suffers.


Most often, injections in the joint are prescribed at:

  • Arthrosis
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Gout
  • Bursites

But the fact is that such treatment is carried out not only using injections. Most often this is a great addition to conservative methods. It helps to reduce the amount of the drug that is used orally or in the form of injections. Accordingly, such injections will be necessary for people who suffer from liver and kidney diseases, and they cannot be used by a huge number of drugs oral or intramuscularly. Enters a similar substance into the joint directly a orthopedic doctor.

Despite the misconception that this is a very painful procedure, in fact it is not. Patients confirm that the pain in such interventions is almost the same as with ordinary intramuscular injection. The fact is that during the manipulation, very thin needles are used that penetrate between the joints and do not cause any pain.


Freast corticosteroid injections

Such drugs are not drugs, that is, they do not treat the disease, but help improve the condition of the joints. This is just active anesthesia and removal of inflammation. Glucocorticosteroids are introduced directly into the joint cavity. Thanks to this, severe edema, a painful sensation, improves blood circulation in the joint.

At the same time, the drugs are very dangerous, they are quite often prescribed orally, due to the fact that they have a huge number of contraindications. Intra -articular introduction solves this problem because it has fewer contraindications. Such drugs include flosterone, hydrocortisone.

Chondroprotectors for introduction to the joints

Since the previous group does not treat diseases, but only eliminates the symptoms, injections are needed that will really restore the joint and prevent the further destruction of cartilage or bone tissue. In this case, chondroprotectors are often used quite often.

These are substances that improve the production of elastin, and also contribute to the restoration of the lubricant inside the cartilage tissue. Preparations are administered directly into the joint in whole courses. Often such chondroprotectors are combined with intramuscular administration. But the injection of chondroprotectors directly into the joint, accelerates regeneration, and also contributes to the rapid recovery of patients.


Injections with hyaluronic acid into the joints

The substance at a young age is in large quantities in the lubricants in the joints. In people with age, the amount of this substance decreases, respectively, the joints creak, crunch, there is a lack of lubricant fluid. The introduction of hyaluronic acid helps to increase the viscosity of the fluid inside the joints, respectively, sliding improves, the pain decreases.

Over time, inflammation decreases, because very often the joint is inflamed precisely due to the lack of lubricating fluid inside. Hyaluronic acid solves these problems and is quite effective. It is introduced into the joint with courses of 5 injections. Repeated injection is carried out after 12 months. Such treatment is often used for arthrosis, the destruction of cartilage.

One of the varieties of injections in the joints is carboxytherapy. It is the introduction of a small amount of carbon dioxide into the joint cavity. Due to this manipulation, blood circulation in this zone improves and tissue healing occurs. You can find out more about this procedure here.

Sore feet
Sore feet

Plasma injections in the joints

For the treatment and administration into the cavity of the joint itself, not drugs are used at all, but a blood plasma. For this, the patient is selected 20 ml of his own blood, passes through the centrifug and the plasma is separated. It is inserted into the knee joint or into another sore spot. Thanks to this introduction, it is possible to increase the amount of platelets in the affected area, which stimulates tissue healing, a decrease in inflammation, as well as a decrease in pain. This is a fairly effective procedure that does not require large material costs, because there is no need to purchase expensive drugs.

The list of drugs for administration directly into the sore joints is quite wide. It all depends on the disease itself and the rate of process. Mostly with severe inflammation, corticosteroids are pricking, in order to relieve pain. If the joint is destroyed, then substances such as chondroprotectors are used. In order to restore the elasticity of the fluid in the joint, hyaluronic acid is used. In order to relieve inflammation and stimulate metabolic processes inside the joint, they often use plasma, which is obtained from patient cells.

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Pain in the legs

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Comments K. article

  1. I am very afraid of injections, so if something begins to hurt, then the maximum ointment or tablet begins. In general, it is better, of course, to carry out prevention in a timely manner. Move more for the joints, eating right, very jelly is useful. Dr. Kurkumin also appointed me, I bought Evalarovsky, an excellent remedy relieves inflammation well.

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