Individuality in human life: the concept and constituent individuality, what is manifested in, examples from life

Individuality in human life: the concept and constituent individuality, what is manifested in, examples from life
The personality of a person is a definition and how it manifests itself.
To show your individuality means to challenge society. Their personality brought some people to the peaks, doomed to others to repression and poverty. Do I need to develop and show your individuality? And whether there is a middle ground between “be like everyone else” and “to be special”. We will talk about all this in this article.

Individuality - This is a unique combination of human characteristics. Moreover, individuality is visible in different planes of life: there is an external personality, there are individual character traits, there are individual hobbies and interests. For example: sports, music or chess. But the unique interaction of the individual with society is already functions personalities man, not his individuality. When they say the word "individuality" usually want to emphasize that all people are different and each in their own way is unique.

The concept of individuality is in basic textbooks on social studies and psychology. It is put on a par with some other concepts: individual, individuality, personality. And look at how clearly a certain conflict is drawn in these dry terms themselves on the pages of textbooks.

  • Individual - This is any individual representative of mankind. This term is simple and everything is clear with it.
  • Individuality - This is a unique set of human qualities.
  • But personality - This is already a person with his individuality, who interacts with other personalities and is able to change this world. It turns out that we all bend under others in order to successfully get along with people.
Individual individuality personality
Individual individuality personality

Personality of a person and pressing rules of society

Be yourself! Stay the way you are. Self -expressed. They say people from all sides. And in the meantime, they themselves think how to make it good to look good in the eyes of others, and so that they live comfortably. The fact is that the personality of a person is a thing for society is not very convenient. And some pressure begins from early childhood.

Moms explain to their daughters that going to kindergarten with a crown on their heads is not a very good idea, and the princess’s carnival dress is also better to leave at home. Some boys do not lag behind the girls, and want to visit the children's community, in the image of Betman or, for example, Katboy. But there is its own measure, and the individuality of a small person can be successfully expressed by beautiful bows on his head or a bright T -shirt with a beloved hero.

Our next example of how the personality of a person suppresses society is no longer so joyful. Someone invented that at a school or institute, where they actually study such concepts as an individual, individuality, personality, there should be so many hours of mathematics. Someone decided that all graduates of schools should know chemistry at such and such a level, and pass just so many laboratory work on biology. Of course, the state cannot provide each child with an individual educational program and is so easier.

School, army, work in municipal bodies and other public institutions, very strongly suppress the personality of a person. What can we say about situations where people are forced to live under dictatorship: dictatorship of government regimes, or under the influence of not too good street company or even their own relatives of the house in the family.

In small communities and families, individuality can also be suppressed
In small communities and families, personality of a person can also be suppressed

Constituting personality of a person

The personality of a person can be considered in several planes at once. All people stand out in them:

  1. External personality. This includes the natural data that a person inherited from his parents and his way to express himself in clothes and other details of the image.
  2. The level of intelligence and character traits. Perhaps you will be surprised, but scientists argue that a person owes to their levels of intelligence by 60%. And only 40% depend on education and education.
  3. There is still an emotional personality of a person. There is a mysterious concept of “charisma” or the ability to attract people to themselves. We will talk about him and other components of individuality further in this part of the article.

External personality

The external personality of a person often calls him a "highlight." Let's try to find the same highlight in the images of stars.

Lolita Milyavskaya I would not be that very Lolita without her lush forms. Even, despite the fact that the singer is sometimes very losing weight. Lolita began her career in the image of a magnificent young lady in a duet with Alexander Tsekalo, and in this image she still likes her to the audience.

External individuality of stars
External individuality of stars

The singer Coins Light blond hair, blond eyelashes and eyebrows. The girl has a thin elegant figure. All this complements a delicate voice, and a light air image is gathering together.

Singer Monetochka
Singer Monetochka

Agree, it would not have turned out very well if these two singers tried to change images. The personality of a person is better to show emphasizing his own virtues, and not trying to try on other people's qualities for him.

  • How to show external personality?

Some believe that the personality of a person is manifested in the most screaming and rebellious images. For example, a girl’s head, trimmed under zero, or a long pink bang of an emo guy. This can be called differently: a rebellion against society, the search for your image, problems with nerves. You can name this individuality.

Teenage riot is not an individual
Teenage riot is not an individual

Leave your red hair alone, if nature awarded you with them, and not try to repaint it in black or white is a bright manifestation of your natural personality. From a red -haired girl with her golden skin and freckles, a cold Nordic blonde or burning brunette is unlikely to get. The thick layer of cosmetics on the face will look unnatural, and demand constant attention.

Individuality is what nature awarded us
Individuality is what nature awarded us

Another complex issue of appearance arises. What to do if a girl, for example, a gypsy, but she lives in a country where negative stereotypes relative to gypsies have developed in society? Should she emphasize her personality? It is unlikely that she will cause at least some sympathy of others if she puts on massive earrings and five rings per hand. She herself will be a victim of a neglect. But here the personality of a person in appearance borders on character characteristics. On the other hand, stereotypes are evil.

It happens a little differently. A quiet home girl enters the company of friends, where it is considered a good tone to wear causing clothes and the same makeup. Do I need to obey the will of the community?

Your individuality may not be to the liking of others
Your individuality may not be to the liking of others

Individuality of character

The individuality of man and his character is partially laid by his genes. We all have their own unique structure of the brain, their own structure of the nervous system. And also features in autonomic regulation and metabolic processes, which also affect our mindset.

The fact that the level of human intelligence is more than half depends on his genes was told by research on Gemini. You can find out more about this and other physiological features that affect the personality of a person in the video at the end of the article.

Individualism in psychology

Interestingly, in psychology, in addition to the concept of individuality, there is a similar concept of individualism in meaning and sound. This is one of the many personal characteristics that a person can have along, for example, with impulsiveness or anxiety. Individualism means human creativity, freedom, flexibility and independence of his mind. But there is also the reverse side of the coin. Some people who are particularly highly of individualism are schizophrenics. Very close to them in the processes occurring in the brain can also be called cocaine drug addicts.

In particular, cocaine used Salvador Dali. At that time it was fashionable in high society. Thus, genius and bright individuality are always something on the verge of madness.

The picture was given
The picture was given

Individuality and society

One of many sad stories about how the personality of a person was unfairly punishable by society concerns Alexander Green. Author of "running along the waves" and "scarlet sails." This is a writer beloved by many and revered in our time, survived a lot of persecution and ended his life in a house with an earthen floor.

Nowadays, Alexander Green, probably, would be called a pacifist. He was a man who despised the dictatorship and war in any of their manifestations. He did not consider it possible to hide his personality in views. Unfortunately, the writer had to live at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when the collapse of the tsarist empire occurred, and two large -scale revolutions occurred. He had to survive the civil and first world war.

Photo from the Festival Scarlet Sails
Photo from the Festival "Scarlet Sails"

At first, Alexander Green became an enemy of the state because he did not want to serve in the king’s army. He joined the socialist party. But later he was disappointed in it, when he realized that socialism gives rise to even greater dictatorship than the royal regime. And he fell into disgrace already from this party, which came to power.

After the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks took the post of the country's helm. But Alexander Green was not pleasing to them. Just because the policy of the Bolsheviks said that whoever is not with us was against us. He was forbidden to publish more than one book a year. This is despite the fact that literary activity was the only source of writer's income. He was forced to obtain food for himself in any affordable ways. And even hunt birds in order to somehow get food for yourself. He asked for a pension from the Union of Writers, but he was refused.

The payment for individuality is very high. But one who refuses his individuality burns his talent into the ground.

Video: individual, individuality, personality

Video: the giftedness of a person and his physiological characteristics

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  1. Reason forms quality in understanding relationships, nature. The world is spiritual and physical. Even in a short time, only quality can exist as a whole, as an individual. Even on one tree there are no identical leaves, they are united by the likeness. These laws were formulated by Hegel, any whole typical, any type can have an infinite number of individuals.
    Therefore, only individuality can maintain itself consciously if such awareness has achieved in conditions of aspirations to comb the collective requirements. There is no collective mind, people left work and he disappeared, went into their apartment and all forms of behavior in public places disappeared. The family forms individuality and is individual itself - all in the world of the family have their own individual mind.

    The disappearance of the family leads to the disappearance of individuality with the naturally natural normativeness of the mind. Serafim Sarovsky warned "state will disappear with the disappearance of the family"

    In society, there is only labor products of an individual mind-all tools, buildings, enterprises are a way of individualizing someone through someone. This is the personal influence of the teacher, educator. If these people are not individuals, then the honor, conscience and even responsibility disappear, honor. Now even writers, poets are no longer able to talk about these laws of the mind. In the media, some squabbles on clarification who better expresses collective or public opinion.

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