The name that ruined the man life is life stories: the sacredness of the names

The name that ruined the man life is life stories: the sacredness of the names

What name can ruin a man life: male names with difficult energy

Hard fate - who is to blame? There may be many reasons, but one of them is the name given at birth. In this article we will talk about a name that ruined a man’s life and what names should not be called sons.

The name that ruined the man life: the sacredness of the names

The appearance of a son in the family is great happiness! And parents have a question, what name to give his son so that he lives a long, happy and no less important, successful life. Someone names in honor of his father or grandfather, someone calls the Orthodox Christmas time, and someone pays tribute to fashion, and there are people who choose the male name, focusing on the fate of the strongest world.

In this article, we raise the most difficult one - the name that ruined the man’s life, his sacredness and energy connotation. We all know that our own name is a set of sounds that we hear most often, but it is also a set of vibrations that are in resonance with the world. Moreover, here the full name plays the role, and its affectionative-smart variations. There is a fairly extensive list of male names that are adjusted if you call a man with reducing variations. But we will consider only those names that ruined their lives to men, as well as give real examples.

Knowing the sacredness of the male name is the key to the happy fate of the son
Knowing the sacredness of the male name is the key to the happy fate of the son

Each sound of the Russian alphabet in itself carries positive energy, but in combination it can form controversial combinations, which in turn carry a complex fate. Also, the fate of the named media complements the name of the name as a whole, delivering luck and happiness to the new owner or opposite grief and suffering. Therefore, we will immediately move on to the details of the most complex and unhappy names that brought the owners a lot of negativity.

The name that ruined the man life: Anatoly

The energy named after Anatoly is very difficult. Many note that Anatoly is a name that ruined a man’s life and, moreover, no one. Anatolia in their warehouse impulsive, unrestrained, curious and prone to excesses. One of the largest disadvantages is alcoholism. Of course, in world practice there are many anatolians that have achieved certain heights, but as the same practice shows - exclusively in strict education and subsequent control.

Freedom -loving Anatolia often break out from order networks into the world of permissiveness, and the first glass follows the first cigarette. The name of the name adds the desire for permissiveness to the rebellious and a couple of years before the parents is a bully, an alcoholic or a strongly drinking man who often gets involved in fights and does not know how to stop at all.

As an example of a lost fate, it is worth citing the fate of the famous Anatoly Serova - One of the best pilots, a great military leader and rebel of his time. His stormy disposition, an inquisitive mind and the ability to be at the right time in the right place played a cruel joke with him. After marriage with the beauty, the actress said evil tongues that their life was reminiscent of a storm in a glass, and together with his wife he began to abuse alcohol, which was constantly in the house as a reconciliation.

And in one of the visits to the exercises and, being without a couple for piloting, he and Bravada said that he was ready to fly with any pilot. The first training flight where the Osipenko pilot ruled, and Anatoly corrected, passed successfully, but in the second flight, where the pilots changed places, and the control went to Anatoly. A brave pilot with many orders and merits, wanting to show improved indicators, lost control, which led to the explosion of the aircraft and the death of both Anatoly himself and his partner.

To display a complete picture, it is worth considering the fate of the Anatoly Serov family, where his son was also called Anatoly. The boy grew up almost without his father, and, accordingly, could not repeat his father’s habit, but, despite this by the age of 18, he actively abused alcohol, and a few years after the thirty years he was gone, the reason is alcohol poisoning.

Name that ruined a man life: Vadim

Thinking what name to your son? Vadim is a name that ruined a man of life, beautiful, talented and, as many are sure of undeservedly. And this will not even be about one, but about two Vadimas, who were so close to fame and general recognition, but the energy of the name played a cruel joke with them.

And the energy of the name is such that Vadim from childhood creates the appearance of naughty, insidious and eccentric children. But they seem to be drawn into dubious companies and dangerous things. If the parents do not go a step away, Vadim has a chance to grow up with a successful and good person, but here he is in wait for a difficult fate. Well, without Vadim’s “hedgehogs”, potential prisoners, alcoholics and drug addicts.

Vadim Gabrielevich Shershenevich - The great poet, who was inspired by Mayakovsky himself. A beautiful syllable and a confident pen. In addition to this, Vadim Gabrielevich had a chance for a comfortable life and a chic PR in a literary environment after a marriage with the daughter of the most famous pianist David Solomonovich Shor. But the intricacies of fate (as they say the magic of the name) pushed Shershenevich into the background, and the failure as a professional gave a split in the family.

The second marriage was even more profitable - Julia Sergeevna Dijur and the daughter of the jury tried to advance her husband in the literary element and received a certain approval. But the fateful energy named after the poet played again in her insidious game, and after a quarrel with her husband, beautiful Julia committed suicide. It is not surprising that Vadim Gabrielevich was accused of everything, and his father made his maximum effort to eradicate all the advancements of the hated son -in -law. Vadim found real peace only in his third marriage, but the recognition bypassed him and only literary critics know about a wonderful syllable.

A man named Vadim can achieve fame, but not achieve happiness
A man named Vadim can achieve fame, but not achieve happiness

Another famous and unfortunate fate opens the energy of the name - The fate of Vadim Spiridonov. Beautiful, smart, charismatic. He played, as if reincarnated. But as you call the ship, so it will float. Vadim easily entered the institute. But Vadim did not work out with the institute, as he actively defended the girl and flared up so much that he beat the guy so that the victim went to the hospital bed. And Vadim was expelled from a higher educational institution.

Vadim fell in love with a beautiful Valentine, and this love was mutual. But the couple did not have children, and on this occasion Vadim was very worried. An indicative family could take the baby from the orphanage, but here he was haunted by failure, the adoption was refused. Despite the fact that he was a magnificent actor, he often played negative characters, and this caused considerable anger of the public who did not distinguish, where the actor’s game is and where the real person is. Vadim tried to find a way out and plunged into magic and astronomy, but this only aggravated the problem, and he died of a heart attack. Vadim Spiridonov was able to achieve popularity, but fate deprived him of happiness.

The name that ruined the man life: Adam

The roots of the name Adam go into antiquity, and for many centuries it symbolizes a man who succumbed to female vices. It is not surprising that the energy of the name is very complicated, because during his life the first Adam did not change his mind, and did not deserve the forgiveness of God. Therefore, Adam - a name that ruined a man life, may not be the first, but subsequent for sure.

And the reasons are very simple - the energy of the name of each owner emotionally repels to the original source, who had a very great affection for a woman who pushed him on a vicious path. And there were no others at that time, which gives a feeling of alien in the male company and the vision of other men as competitors.

Adams usually have been trying to establish a woman with a woman all their lives. But it is not possible to establish, since fate sends them wayward, crafty and selfish women who think exclusively about their benefits. Since all the energy is thrown to establish personal relationships, it rarely manages to succeed in the career.

And bright an example of this is Adam Freedomwho was able to make a career in hockey, but never find his soul mate. Despite all attempts to establish personal life, Adam always came across self -interest and misunderstanding of his seemingly ordinary human desires. All this led to alcoholism, the result of which was an accident. But this only exacerbated the problem, and in the 42nd year of life, Adam committed suicide.

Insidious woman - the spirit that has haunted Adams for centuries
Insidious woman - the spirit that has haunted Adams for centuries

But strong spirit of Adam Mitskevichhe was able to partially break the machinations of the name of the name and turned it for the good. But was Adam Mitskevich happy? He never talked about personal happiness, and we can only guess what a storm was in his soul. The first, strong, strong, and how insidious fate, mutual love with Maryle Vereshchako forever filled his heart. But the girl preferred the established life, the love of her family and, of course, wealth and married at the command of her father for the count.

Adam Mitskevich had a heavily experienced loss and carried his feelings for Marylah all his life, but he let him into creativity all his energy, not allowing himself to stop for a second. This was not enough, and he plunged into bright political and social activities. Family and friends tried to bring him to his senses and even convinced him to marry the virgin lands of Shimanovskaya. He was an exemplary husband and even made six children, but Maryl lived in his heart and therefore Adam, as soon as the opportunity appeared, left the family nest and set off. He also met death on the way, far from those who could support him in the last minutes.

So, from this article you can summarize that the name that ruined a man does not have to have insulting or simply funny associations. Most often at first glance, the usual name carries heavy energy, which is better, of course, to avoid. And in conclusion, we propose to get acquainted with another 5 male names that carry only grief and suffering.

Video: These 5 male names bring suffering and problems

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