The names for the shrines for boys in October: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in October for church calendar - a complete list

The names for the shrines for boys in October: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in October for church calendar - a complete list

How to call a baby born in October? The choice of names is huge! Take a look at the holy.

How to choose the right name for a child in the shrines?

There is nothing complicated in this. Look carefully to the infographics below, and then study the tables with names.

How to choose the right name for a child in the saints
How to choose the right name for a child in the saints

The names for the shrines for boys in October: meaning, origin, patron saint

 We will also tell you what names are suitable for children born in november, december, january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september.

October 1

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexei from Greek protective Holy Martyr Alexy Kuznetsov, Priest (New Martyr)
Arkady from Greek a resident of Arcadia Saint Arkady Novgorod, bishop
Boris from ancient Slavyansk. Borislav glorious in the struggle Holy Martyr Boris Bogolepov, Priest (New Martyr)
Benjamin from Hebrew Beniyamin son of the right hand, beloved son Holy Martyr Veniamin Blagonadezhdin, Priest (New Martyr)
Vladimir from Old Russian who owns the world Saint Martyr Vladimir Chekalov, Priest (New Martyr)
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Saint Martyr John Vasiliev, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Illarion from Greek happy Rev. Hilarion of Optinsky
Konstantin from Greek constant, persistent Holy Martyr Konstantin Tordivlov, Priest (New Martyr)
Michael biblical who, like God Saint Martyr Mikhail Skobilev, Priest (New Martyr)
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Dyakonov, Priest (New Martyr)
Sergey from Etruscan highly respectable Saint Martyr Sergei Vedernikov (New Martyr)

2 October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexei from Greek protective Rev. Alexy Zosimovsky, Jeroschimon
Gabriel from the biblical Gabriels God is my power Saint Blessed Igor Chernihiv, prince (in baptism - George, in monasticism - Gabriel)
George / Egor from Greek cultivating land
Igor from Scandinavian. Ingvar the warrior of God Inga
David with Hebrew. darling Saint Blessed David Yaroslavl, Prince
Konstantin from Greek constant, persistent Saint Boar Konstantin Yaroslavl, prince
Makar from Greek blessed, happy The Monk Macarius is highly -cheers
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Saint Martyr Nikolai Finder, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Trofim from Greek breadwinner Holy Martyr Trofim Frigian (Sinadsky)
Fedor from Greek god's gift Saint the Blessed Theodore Smolensky (Yaroslavl), prince

October 3

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Saint Martyr Alexander Tetyuev, Priest (New Martyr)
Basil from Greek regal Rev. Oleg Bryansky, prince (in monasticism - Vasily)
Oleg from the Scandinavian Helg sacred
Ivan from the biblical John God's mercy Rev. John of the Enjoy (Egyptian)
Illarion from Greek happy Rev. Hilarion
Michael biblical who, like God Saint Besweight Mikhail Chernigov, prince
Ostap from Greek Eustathius stable The Great Martyr Eustathius of Roman (Plakida)
Fedor from Greek god's gift Martyr Theodore Chernigov

The 4th of October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Saint Martyr Alexander Belyakov, Priest (New Martyr)
Alexei from Greek protective Holy Martyr Alexy Serebryannikov (New Martyr)
Andrew from Greek courageous Saint Martyr Andrey Ephesian, presbyter
Valentine from Latin strong, strong Holy Martyr Valentin Nikolsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Basil from Greek regal Holy Martyr Vasily Krymkin, Priest (New Martyr)
Vladimir from Old Russian who owns the world Saint Martyr Vladimir Pravdlyubov (New Martyr)
Daniel with Hebrew. My God is the judge Rev. Daniil Shuzhgorsky
Dmitry from Greek belonging to Demeter Saint Dimitri Rostov, Metropolitan
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Saint Martyr John Bystrov, Priest (New Martyr)
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Rev. Joseph Vologda (Zaughnikievsky)
Kondrat / Kondraty from Greek square, broad -shouldered Apostle from 70 Kondrat
Konstantin from Greek constant, persistent Holy Martyr Konstantin Shirokinsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Lavr, Lavrenty lauren tree Rev. Lavrenty
Nestor from Greek returned home The holy martyr Nestor
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Sakharovsky, Priest (New Martyr)

October 5

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Righteous Alexander
Benjamin from Hebrew. Benyamin son of the right hand, beloved son Holy martyr Veniamin Voskresensky (Romanovsky), bishop
Kozma from Greek world order, universe Rev. Cosmas Zograf
Makar from Greek blessed, happy Saint Macarius Zhabinsky (Belevsky), Wonderworker
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Holy Martyr Nikolai
Peter from Greek stone, rock Righteous Peter African

October 6th

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Andrew from Greek courageous Holy Martyr Andrey Syrakuzsky



from the biblical John God's mercy

1. The holy martyr John Syrakuzsky

2. St. John the Prophet (Forerunner, Baptist of the Lord)

Innocent from Latin innocent Saint Innocent Moscow, Kolomensky (Veniamins)
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Holy Martyr Nikolai Pandolen
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy martyr Peter Syrakuzsky

October 7th

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Andrew from Greek courageous Holy Martyr Andrey Syrakuzsky
Anton From Greek or Latin entering the battle opposing Saint Anton New (Monemvasian), bishop
Basil from Greek regal Holy torment Vasily Vinogradov (New Martyr)
Vitaly from Latin vital Rev. Vitaly Kokorev, monk (new martyr)
Vladislav with ancient Slavyansk. owning glory Saint Vladislav Serbian, prince
David with Hebrew. darling Rev. David
Paul from Latin small, younger Holy Martyr Pavel Berezin, Priest (New Martyr)
Sergey from Etruscan highly respectable Saint Martyr Sergiy Mikhailov (New Martyr)
Stepan from the Greek Stefan the crown, diadem Saint Stefan Serbian, King

October 8

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Athanasius from Greek immortal Rev. Athanasius Cherepovetsky (Iron Staff)
Hermann from Latin true, dear German Kazan (Sviyazhsky), archbishop
Evgeniy from Greek noble Holy martyr Evgeny Damasky
Maksim from Latin greatest Holy martyr Maxim Damasky
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Rev. Nikolai Trikkokit
Ostap from Greek Eustathius stable Rev. Eustathius Roman
Paul from Latin small, younger Holy Martyr Pavel Berezin, Priest (New Martyr)
Prokhor from Greek one who is in front of the choir Holy Martyr Prokhor Nicomedia, bishop
Novel from Latin roman The holy martyr Roman
Sergey from Etruscan highly respectable Rev. Sergius of Radonezh

October 9

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Saint Martyr Alexander Levitsky, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Athanasius from Greek immortal Holy Martyr Afanasy Dokukin, Priest (New Martyr)
Vladimir from Old Russian who owns the world Saint Martyr Vladimir Vyatsky, Irey (New Martyr)
Dmitry from Greek belonging to Demeter Saint Martyr Dmitry Rozanov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Ephraim from Semitic Efraim prolific Rev. Martyr Efimiy Zogram
Ivan from the biblical John God's mercy Evangelist Ivan the Theologian
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Holy martyr Nikolai Gusev
Tikhon from Greek lucky St. Tikhon (Belavin), Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

October 10

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Aristarch from Greek the best ruler Holy Martyr Aristarchus Alamiysky, bishop
Victor from Latin winner Rev. Victor, Igumen
Hermann from Latin true, dear Holy Martyr German Volsky (Kosolapov), bishop (New Martyr)
Dmitry from Greek belonging to Demeter Saint Martyr Dmitry Shishokin, Priest (New Martyr)
Ignat from Latin fiery Rev. Ignatius Glubo -Otrachensky (Cappadocian), abbot
Mark from Latin hammer Apostle and Evangelist Mark (John) Alexandria (Babylonian), bishop
Michael biblical who, like God Saint Martyr Mikhail Platonov, Priest (New Martyr)
Peter from Greek stone, rock Saint Martyr Peter Polyansky (Krutitsky), Metropolitan (New Martyr)
Fedor from Greek god's gift Holy Martyr Fedor Epiphany, Priest (New Martyr)

October 11

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander Kalitsky (Kalutian), blacksmith
Valentine from Latin strong, strong Righteous Valentin Cadenin
Vyacheslav with ancient Slavyansk. the most important Flagovery Vyacheslav Czech, prince
George / Egor from Greek cultivating land St. George Lavrov (New Martyr)
Illarion from Greek happy Rev. Martyr Ilarion Gromov, hieromonk (New Martyr)
Kirill from Greek lord Rev. Cyril Radonezh, Schimon
Mark from Latin hammer

1. Holy Martyr Mark

2. Rev. Mark Pechersky

Ostap from Greek Eustathius stable Martyr Eustathius Roman
Rodion from the Greek Herodion hero, heroic Rev. Herodion Ilozersky, Schimon
Hariton from Greek man Rev. Khariton, confessor
Eldar from Greek Iliodor The gift of the sun Holy Martyr Iliodor

October 12

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Holy Martyr John Riga (Pommer), Archbishop (New Martyr)

October 13th

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Saint Martyr Alexander Orlov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Alexei from Greek protective Martyr Alexy Serebrennikov (New Martyr)
Basil from Greek regal Saint Martyr Vasily Guryev, Priest (New Martyr)
Vyacheslav with ancient Slavyansk. the most important Holy Martyr Vyacheslav Zankov, Priest (New Martyr)
Gregory from Greek awake Holy Martyr Grigory Armenian, Bishop (New Martyr)
Leonid from Greek coming from a lion Holy Martyr Leonid Prendkovich, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Matvey from the New Testament Matthew granted by God Holy Martyr Matthew Soloviev (New Martyr)
Michael biblical who, like God Saint Mikhail Kyiv, Metropolitan
Peter from Greek stone, rock Saint Martyr Petr Soloviev, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Semyon from Hebrew. Simeon the one whom God heard Saint Martyr Simeon Lileev, Archpriest (New Martyr)

October 14

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Saint Martyr Alexander Agafonnikov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Alexei from Greek protective Saint Martyr Alexy Stavrovsky, Archpriest (New Martyr)
George / Egor from Greek cultivating land Holy Martyr George Arkhangelsk. priest (new martyr)
Gregory from Greek awake Rev. Grigory Athos
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Rev. John Kukuzel
Michael biblical who, like God Rev. Martyr Mikhail Zoviysky, abbot
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Saint Martyr Nikolai Kuligin, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Peter from Greek stone, rock Saint Peter, bishop
Novel from Latin roman Rev. Roman Swequentor (Constantinople), Deacon
Savva with Aramaic elder Rev. Savva Novgorod (Vishersky)
Fedor from Greek god's gift Holy martyr Theodore Kazan

October 15

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Andrew from Greek courageous Saint Andrei Constantinople
Boris ancient Slavyansk. Borislav glorious in the struggle Holy martyr Boris Kazan
Basil from Greek regal Holy Martyr Vasily Kazan
George / Egor from Greek cultivating land Holy martyr George Athos
David with Hebrew. darling Holy martyr David Aragweta, prince
Dmitry from Greek belonging to Demeter Saint Martyr Dmitry Kazan (New Martyr)
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Holy martyr John Kazan
Cassian roman birth name from the kind of cashier Rev. Cassian Uglichsky
Konstantin from Greek constant, persistent Holy Martyr Konstantin Aragweta, prince
Michael biblical who, like God Holy Martyr Mikhail Kazan
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy martyr Peter Kazan
Stepan from the Greek Stefan the crown, diadem Holy Martyr Stefan Kazan
Fedor from Greek god's gift Holy martyr Fedor Kazan
Jacob from the biblical James walking on the heels Holy martyr Jacob Kazan

October 16

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Anton From Greek or Latin entering the battle opposing Rev. Anton Medvedev
Denis from Greek Dionysus The god of fertility and winemaking

1. The holy martyr Dionysius of Athens (Areopagit), Bishop

2. Dionysius Pechersky (chips), hieromonk

Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Saint John of Caesarea (Khosevit), bishop
Paul from Latin small, younger Holy Martyr Pavel
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter

17 October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Basil from Greek regal Rev. Martyr Vasily Tsvetkov, Archimandrite (New Martyr)
Vladimir from Old Russian who owns the world Saint Besweet Vladimir Yaroslavich Novgorod, prince
Dmitry from Greek belonging to Demeter Holy martyr Dimitry Voznesensky, priest (New Martyr)
Michael biblical who, like God Holy Martyr Mikhail Tverdovsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Saint Martyr Nikolai Vereshchagin, Priest (New Martyr)
Paul from Latin small, younger Rev. Pavel Presti
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Capitol (Damasky)
Stepan from the Greek Stefan the crown, diadem Holy Righteous Stefan Serbsky (Shrulyanovich). king
Tikhon from Greek lucky Saint Martyr Tikhon Arkhangelsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Jacob from the biblical James walking on the heels Holy Martyr James Bobyrev, Priest (New Martyr)

October 18

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Gabriel from the biblical Gabriels God is my power Holy Confessor Gabriel Igoshkin, Archimandrite (New Martyr)
Gregory from Greek awake Rev. Grigory Khandztian (Georgian), Archimandrite
Demyan from Latinsky Damian dedicated to the goddess Damia St. Damian Celebrity Pechersky
Denis from Greek Dionysus The god of fertility and winemaking Saint Dionysius Aleesskandry, bishop
Evdokim from Greek glorious Rev. Evdokim Vatopeda (Athos)
Kozma from Greek world order, universe Holy Cosma monk
Matvey from the New Testament Matthew granted by God Rev. Matvey Pechersky (perspicacious)

October 19

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Saint Martyr John Rybin, Priest (New Martyr)
Makar from Greek blessed, happy Rev. Martyr Makarii Athos
Thomas biblical twin Holy martyr Thomas Dim

The 20th of October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Demyan from Latinsky Damian dedicated to the goddess Damia St. Damian Suzapolsky, bishop
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Rev. Joseph Khucius (Moheevsky), Wonderworker
Mark from Latin hammer Pope Mark
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Saint Martyr Nikolai Kazan, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Sergey from Etruscan highly respectable Rev. Sergius Murom (Vologda)
Julian / Julius roman birth name Holy Martyr Julian Terrakinsky

October 21

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Basil from Greek regal Saint Martyr Vasily Ozeretskovsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Victor from Latin winner Holy Martyr Viktor Frolov (New Martyr)
Vladimir from Old Russian who owns the world Saint Martyr Vladimir Speransky, Priest (New Martyr)
Dmitry from Greek belonging to Demeter Holy Martyr Dimitri Mozhaisky (Dobroserdov), Archbishop (Novomoch.)
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Holy Martyr John Hrenov, Deacon (New Martyr)
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Holy Martyr Nikolai Kuzmin (New Martyr)
Paul from Latin small, younger Holy Martyr Pavel Preobrazhensky, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Nicotin, Archpriest (New Martyr)

22 of October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Konstantin from Greek constant, persistent Holy Martyr Konstantin Aksenov, Priest (New Martyr)
Maksim from Latin greatest Holy Martyr Maxim Antioch
Peter from Greek stone, rock Rev. Peter Galati (Constantinople)
Stepan from the Greek Stefan the crown, diadem Saint Stefan Blind Serbian, prince
Jacob from the biblical James walking on the heels Apostle from 12 Jacob Alfeev

October 23

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Andrew from Greek courageous St. Andrew Totemsky
Anton From Greek or Latin entering the battle opposing Rev. Martyr Anthony Zographic
Basil from Greek regal Rev. Vassian (Vasily) Constantinople, Wonderworker
Efim from Greek Evfimiy pious Rev. Martyr Efimiy Zogram
Illarion from Greek happy Rev. Martyr Ilarion Zographic
Innocent from Latin innocent Rev. Innocent Penza (Smirnov), bishop
Kirill from Greek lord Rev. Martyr Kirill Zographic
Kozma from Greek world order, universe Rev. Martyr Cosmma Zographic
Paul from Latin small, younger Rev. Martyr Pavel Zograf
Savva with Aramaic elder Rev. Martyr Savva Zograf
Semyon from Hebrew. Simeon the one whom God heard Rev. Martyr Simeon Zographic
Sergey from Etruscan highly respectable Rev. Martyr Sergius Zograf
Stepan from the Greek Stefan the crown, diadem Saint Stefan Ephesian, bishop
Thomas biblical twin Rev. Martyr Thomas Zogransky, Igumen
Jacob from the biblical James walking on the heels Rev. Martyr Jacob Zograf

October 24

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Saint Martyr Alexander Gryvsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Philip from Greek horses Apostle from 70 Philip

the 25th of October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Saint Martyr Alexander Pozdeevsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Bogdan from the Greek Theodot given by God Rev. Feodot Ephesus, bishop
Denis from Greek Dionysus The god of fertility and winemaking Holy martyr Dionysius Glushitsky, abbot
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Prophet John the Baptist (Prophet, Baptist of the Lord)
Lavr, Lavrenty lauren tree Rev. Martyr Lavrenty Levchenko (New Martyr)
Kozma from Greek world order, universe Holy Cosmia Svyatogradets (Maumi), bishop
Makar from Greek blessed, happy Rev. Makariy Glushitsky, abbot
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples St. Nicholas-Attiki (Mogilevsky), Metropolitan (Nvomuchen.)
Ostap from Greek Eustathius stable Saint Eustathius Chinese (Bethino), bishop
Taras from Greek confused Rev. Tarasiy Glusitsky, abbot

October 26

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Anton From Greek or Latin entering the battle opposing Rev. Anton Chkondid (Glonistavisdze), archbishop
Benjamin from Hebrew. Benyamin son of the right hand, beloved son

1. Holy Martyr Veniamin Persian

2. Holy Benjamin Pechersky

Innocent from Latin innocent Holy Martyr Innocent Kikin, Priest (New Martyr)
Nikita from Greek winners Rev. Nikita Constantinople
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Saint Martyr Nikolai Ermolov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Trofim from Greek breadwinner Martyr Trofim
Jacob from the biblical James walking on the heels Holy Jacob

27th October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Ignat from Latin fiery Rev. Ignatius New Metimnsky, bishop
Kozma from Greek world order, universe Monk Kosma Yakhromsky
Michael biblical who, like God Holy Martyr Mikhail Lecture, Priest (New Martyr)
Peter from Greek stone, rock Holy Martyr Peter Lebedev, Priest (New Martyr)

28 of October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Athanasius from Greek immortal Saint Athanasius Kovrovsky, Bishop (New Martyr)
Denis from Greek Dionysus The god of fertility and winemaking Saint Dionysius Suzdal, archbishop
Dmitry from Greek belonging to Demeter Saint Martyr Dmitry Kasatkin, Priest (New Martyr)
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Saint John Suzdal (Nizhny Novgorod), bishop
Efim from Greek Evfimiy pious Rev. Evfimiy New Solunsky, Hierodeacon
Semyon from Hebrew. Simeon the one whom God heard Holy Martyr Simeon Konyukhov, Priest (New Martyr)

29th of October

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexei from Greek protective Saint Martyr Alexy Nikonov, Priest (New Martyr)
George / Egor from Greek cultivating land Holy Martyr George Troitsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Evgeniy from Greek noble Holy Martyr Evgeny Elkhovsky, Priest (New Martyr)
Ivan from the biblical John god's mercy Holy martyr John Preseteleev, Priest (New Martyr)
Terenty roman birth name Martyr Terenty

October 30

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Alexander from Greek defender Holy Martyr Alexander Semipalatinsky (Schukin), Archbishop (New Martyr)
Andrew from Greek courageous Rev. Martyr Andrey Cretan
Anton From Greek or Latin entering the battle opposing Rev. Anthony Novgorod (Leokhnovsky), bishop
Demyan from Latinsky Damian dedicated to the goddess Damia Holy Martyr Damian Arabian (Kiliki)
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Holy Catholicos Joseph Georgian
Kozma from Greek world order, universe Holy Martyr Cosma Arabian (Kiliki)

October 31

Name Origin Meaning The patron saint
Andrew from Greek courageous Saint Martyr Andrey Voskresensky, Priest (New Martyr)
Joseph / Osip biblical God will increase Rev. Joseph Volotsky (Volokolamsk), Igumen
Gabriel from the biblical Gabriels God is my power Holy Martyr Gabriel Egyptian
David with Hebrew. darling Rev. David Serpukhovsky
Luke from Latin light coloured Holy Evangelist Luke
Nikolai from Greek the winner of the peoples Saint Martyr Nikolai Sokolov, Archpriest (New Martyr)
Sergey from Etruscan highly respectable Saint Martyr Sergius Bazhanov, Priest (Novomuch.)
Semyon from Hebrew Simeon the one whom God heard Rev. Simeon
Fedor from Greek god's gift Saint Theodore
Julian / Julius roman birth name St. Julian Persian

Video: How to choose the right name for a child? (prot. Vladimir Golovin)

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