Conductive soap: benefits or harm. 20 ways to use laundry soap in everyday life and for treatment in folk medicine

Conductive soap: benefits or harm. 20 ways to use laundry soap in everyday life and for treatment in folk medicine

How to use laundry soap correctly? Unusual properties of soap. How not to harm the body using laundry soap?

What are the laundry soap from and what laundry soap is better than 65% or 72%?

The first laundry soap was made by the French. It contained only olive oil and salt.

In France, the composition of soap was strictly regulated
In France, the composition of soap was strictly regulated

Now, in addition to vegetable oils, agricultural products are added in soap - animal fats. Instead of salt, which helped clean and disinfect, sodium hydroxide is used.

Despite significant changes in the composition, the essence remained the same: neither dyes, nor fragrances, nor unnecessary chemistry.

The interest that is written on the packaging of laundry soap indicates the mass fraction of fatty acids. The higher the figure, the better it removes dirt.

Does laundry soap help in the nostrils from influenza, runny nose?

Many adherents of traditional medicine lubricate the nostrils from the inside with household soap. In their ideas, thus they get rid of viruses and bacteria that cause a runny nose and flu.

Natural mucus - the best disinfectant
Natural mucus is the best disinfectant

You can’t do this in any case. The best disinfectant against microbes in the nose is the mucus secreted by the respiratory tract. The snot disinfect mucous membranes and kill microbes. Our task is to prevent them from drying out. And the laundry soap greatly dries the mucous membrane. Yes, as a result of snot can become less. They will cease to kill and “wash off” the infection, and the disease will unfold with renewed vigor.

Folk remedy for sinusitis: laundry soap

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the subordinate sinuses. It begins due to the fact that the outflow of mucus and pus is complicated from them. If they fail to withdraw them, the doctor prescribes a puncture through which all unnecessary is removed.

The main task is to cause an outflow of accumulated harmful substances from the sinuses
The main task is to cause an outflow of accumulated harmful substances from the sinuses

You can try to remove them yourself with the help of a folk remedy with household soap. You will need 1 tbsp. spoon of each of the ingredients:

  • crushed laundry soap
  • milk
  • honey
  • vegetable oil
  • juice of onions
  1. Put a saucepan in a water bath. Place all the components in it, adding in the named sequence.
  2. Keep on fire until the mass thickens. Do not forget to stir.
  3. Moisten tampons in the resulting paste and lay in the nose. The procedure must be carried out lying. Duration depends on your enthusiasm.
  4. Wait until the outflow of mucus through the mouth begins. Constantly spit.
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure every other day. Paste can be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, heat the composition.

Conductive soap in gynecology: for intimate hygiene, from thrush

Coarous soap can be used for intimate hygiene. It meets all the criteria that doctors put forward for such a tool:

  • it should disinfect well
  • it should not contain dyes and fragrances

But if you use laundry soap for this purpose, remember that it needs to be thoroughly washed off. When the product is on the surface of the mucosa for a long time, it can cause a chemical burn. This applies to any soap. By the way, it is impossible to use soap (household or any other) for washing too often. Doctors say that this should be done once a day, or even once every two days.

Any soap can harm if you do not wash it carefully
Any soap can harm if you do not wash it carefully

From thrush, laundry soap helps as much as any hygienic can help. This disease is caused by a fungus living on the skin. And soap effectively kills not only viruses and bacteria, but also mushrooms.

Triple cologne and laundry soap from

Difficult life situations happen when a person has to learn how to fight the sores. In this matter, hygiene and disinfection are the main salvation.

  1. The laundry is rubbed on a grater and mixed with triple cologne, until the composition is obtained, in consistency similar to the ointment.
  2. They are lubricated with reddened places that have great pressure.
If you have to take care of the lying patient, the main thing is hygiene
If you have to take care of the lying patient, the main thing is hygiene

Conductive soap from varicose veins. Reviews

Some enthusiasts cook ointment from varicose veins from laundry soap, which includes many components, including such odorous as pork lard and onions. Most patients use them to no avail, but cases of a wonderful cure are also described on the Internet.

If you want to use traditional medicine methods, combine them with ordinary treatment
If you want to use traditional medicine methods, combine them with ordinary treatment

Reviews of phlebologists warn: if you hope for a miracle, you can bring the matter to trouble. If you are a fan of traditional medicine, combine its methods with going to the hospital and medical treatment.

Such a method is also described.

  1. Lie, raise your legs vertically, take them on the wall and wait 10 minutes
  2. After that, it is necessary that someone soap his hands with household soap and make you massage, stroking your feet from the feet to the hips

This is a very good method of prevention, but not the treatment of varicose veins. This situation is very useful for the legs and the entire circulatory system. But whether laundry soap plays some role is unknown.

Laundry soap as a laxative with constipation and hemorrhoids

The older generation has a home -made rectal candle from laundry soap - a very popular remedy for constipation. People not only use it themselves, but also put it on the basis that the soap is natural and does not contain pharmacy chemistry.

“Very often on benches it is discussed how long and diameter should be this candle, how often you can put it,” complains the famous children's doctor and TV presenter Evgeny Komarovsky. - But, comrades, soap cannot be used to stick in the ass! If the child has problems with an act of defecation, and you want to help him, then you can use a civilized medicine. It is called “candles with glycerin” and is sold in every pharmacy. The use of soap for these purposes is not just unworthy, not civilized and wrong, but also dangerous. The soap contains a high concentration of alkali, which can irritate the mucous membrane of the rectum, bring to the formation of chemical burns and inflammations. ”

Candles from constipation are easier to buy in a pharmacy than to experiment with household soap
Candles from constipation are easier to buy in a pharmacy than to experiment with household soap

Lactostasis soap

In folk medicine there are tips for the treatment of lactostasis. Women are recommended to cook the composition of milk, soap, honey and onions, and then apply to the chest as a warm compress.

With the help of laundry soap, you can clean, but not treat the chest
With the help of laundry soap, you can clean, but not treat the chest

Official medicine warns nursing mothers: it is strictly prohibited to apply some compress to the chest, except for a simple ice. Any other option can cause not only increased inflammation and fever, but also clogging of pores. As a result, pustular diseases.

But a strong solution of laundry soap can be treated if you suspect the presence of pathogenic microflora on it.

Laundry soap from nail fungus

The soap has not only antibacterial, but also antimicopic properties. It will not be able to penetrate into the nail plate deep and cure all layers of the affected surface. But laundry soap is an excellent means of hygiene in that case:

  • if the fungus is just beginning
  • for prevention, not for treatment (for example, after visiting a bath or pool)
  • as part of complex therapy
Laundry soap is an excellent means of disinfection, but it will not replace the medicine
Laundry soap is an excellent means of disinfection, but it will not replace the medicine

If you are worried about mycosis, you can make a warm bath (so that the nail plate is steamed), and then soap the sponge with soap and rub the problem area. The procedure can take up to 20 minutes.

Compress from laundry soap for arthritis

To combat arthritis use compresses
To combat arthritis use compresses

Conductive soap is used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic diseases. The soap is diluted with urine, make baths with soda and salt, mixed with sunflower oil. One of the most unusual recipes is a compress with kerosene.

  1. To moisten the canvas tissue in kerosene and squeeze well.
  2. On the one hand, rub the compress on the soap, but attach to the sore spot by the other side.
  3. Keep until the pleasant warmth goes into burning.
  4. After that, remove the compress.

Laundry soap from insect bites

Soap is good to use for bites of stinging insects. This is done with the aim of disinfecting the wound. Itching does not remove such a tool.

Ointment from laundry soap from abscesses

From abscesses in folk medicine, a honey cake with soap is used. For its preparation, you will need:

  • 50 g of honey
  • 50 g of soap
  • 50 g of flour

To cure an abscess, laundry soap needs to be mixed with honey

    To cure an abscess, laundry soap needs to be mixed with honey
  1. Mix honey and soap in a water bath. Wait for the mixture to become homogeneous.
  2. Add flour to the composition so that you can form a cake from this mass.
  3. Attach the cake to the place of abscess, swing with a plaster and leave it overnight. By morning, accumulated harmful substances will begin to go out, and the abscess will subside.

Is it possible to wash the dishes with household soap?

Carries are an excellent dishwasher. This is especially true for children's dishes. We all heard frightening stories that ordinary means are poorly washed off from plates, can get into our food and appeal terrible illnesses. All this, of course, has not been proven. But laundry soap is washed off well, disinfects well and can remove unpleasant odors from dishes, for example, after fish or onions.

How to make liquid household soap from a solid?

To make liquid laundry soap, it is enough to grate it and dilute with boiling water to the desired consistency. In this case, the composition must constantly be stirred.

To make a gel, you need to grate the soap on the grater and dilute with water
To make a gel, you need to grate the soap and dilute with water

How to make a dishes of dishes from laundry soap and soda?

If you want to prepare a dishes for washing dishes, you can use this recipe:

  • 1/2 cup of soap grated
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • ¼ pack of soda
  • citrus essential oil (optional)
  1. Mix the soap with boiling water and beat with a blender until thick foam is formed.
  2. Add soda, essential oil and mix well. Air mass should turn out.
  3. After cooling, the mass will settle and get something like a paste. It can be transferred to a convenient container and used for its intended purpose.

Can I wash with household soap?

Most often, laundry soap is used for washing. It is convenient for ordinary bar to blur any spots in front of manual washing.

But, it turns out, it can be used for washing machines an automatic machine.

Washing powder and gel from laundry soap and soda for washing in a machine machine gun

To washing machines is dangerous only increased foam formation, which is characteristic of powders for manual washing. Conductive soap does not have such a characteristic. The only “but”: if such soap is used with hard water, then it will create a layer of remote fat on the surfaces of the machine. To cleanse them, launch a cycle of washing with soda at the highest temperature. Or they just alternate the washing with ordinary powder and household soap.

Washing with household soap will not harm the machine
Washing with household soap will not harm the machine

By the way, it is better to use soap in the form of a gel. To do this, it is slightly diluted with boiling water. The chips of the soap are too large, and passes poorly into the openings of the washing machine.

Bleaching linen using potassium permanganate and laundry soap

Moms of infants adopted a recipe for a bleach from laundry soap and potassium permanganate.

  1. The thing needs to be very densely soak
  2. Plants to dilute in a glass of water until a violet solution is formed
  3. Soak things into the pelvis, and pour the potassium permanganate there. Water should be warm
  4. After a couple of hours you can rinse snow -white diapers

A solution of laundry soap from pests in the garden in the country, from aphids and from a spider mite on cucumbers

Summer residents often pour plants with a soap solution to get rid of a spider mite and aphids. To do this, dilute 150 g of soap in 10 liters of water. If there are not many plants, and they have large leaves, you can not pour them, but soap each sheet and stem. It will be even more effective.

Is it possible to wash the dog and the kitten with household soap from fleas?

Do not wash pets with soap too often
Do not wash pets with soap too often

Carries are a great way to get rid of fleas and thoroughly wash the hair of pets. But do not use it as a constant hygiene. It greatly violates the fat layer of pets, and can worsen the condition of the wool.

Label soap from bugs

Many people notice that the use of laundry soap can make bugs disappear. But they disappear only for a short time. The fact is that bugs do not like pungent odors and scatter. But as soon as the smell of soap disappears, they appear again. It is impossible to destroy bugs of bugs with this tool.

Catching catfish for laundry soap

Among the fishermen there are legends that you can catch catfish for laundry soap. To do this, they cut a piece into thirds, thread the fishing line and catch. There is no consensus among fishermen on this subject. Someone believes that this is a simple bike.

Catching a catfish for laundry soap is one of the favorite fishing tanks
Catching a catfish for laundry soap is one of the favorite fishing tanks

Soap bubbles from laundry soap

So that soap bubbles do not inflate well and do not burst for a long time, the composition should contain as few impurities as possible. In purchased solutions and toilet soap, there are almost always dyes and fragrances. Therefore, if you want to cook bubbles at home, you need to use boiled water and laundry soap.

How to make laundry soap at home?

To make laundry soap, you first need to get a Schell.

  1. 2/3 pots are covered with ash from deciduous trees, and added to the top with water. They insist for three days, and then filter.
  2. Soap is cooked from the finished alkalis. For 2 l, take 1 kg of fat or oil. All this boil for 8 hours, while constantly interfering.
  3. The result is liquid soap. If you want it to thicken, you can throw a handful of salt.
  4. At the same time, the soap will separate. It must be caught and laid in the form. After hardening - cut into bars.

Laundry soap: therapeutic properties, benefits and harms

So, laundry soap is an excellent and cheap home remedy. To understand how simply and safely it is possible to use it, you need to remember its basic properties:

  • antibacterial action
  • antifungal action
  • lack of dyes and fragrances
  • low allergenicity
  • the ability to wash off well
Laundry soap brings only benefit if you use it wisely
Laundry soap brings only benefit if you use it wisely

At the same time, it can become a source of big problems. To avoid them, you need to remember several rules.

  1. You can not leave soap on the mucous membranes without washing off.
  2. It cannot be used for the skin too often, as it removes the protective lipid layer.
  3. Incorrect use of soap can cause skin overdry and even chemical burns.

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