A good owner will not drive the dog out into the street: meaning, origin of the saying

A good owner will not drive the dog out into the street: meaning, origin of the saying

An article about why it is impossible to drive the dog out of the house. Is the owner who did this good?

I know one woman who kicked her dog out into the street. The dog went for a walk and simply did not return home. Was this woman a good mistress for her dog and did she think that the good owner would not drive out the dog on the street?

A good owner will not drive a dog out into the street: a moral aspect

We all read the “Fairy Tale of a Little Prince” and remember the words that we are forever in the answer for those we tamed. Why do we violate these simple truths? The woman who kicked the dog did not want her dog to be missing.

When she opened the gate and kicked him with her foot, the dog turned his head, looked at his mistress and said: “Well, yes, I will leave, but you didn’t even feed me, but it’s cold outside.” To which the hostess replied: "Go, go ... You are tired of barking constant and easier to kill you than to feed you."

In the evening, she prepared delicious food for him and waited for her pet home, but he did not come either in the evening or the next day or a year later. Maybe the woman forgot that the good owner will not drive out the dog on the street? Or maybe she thought that if you kick the dog with your foot, then it would end with a happy end, as in the cartoon “Once upon a time, there was a dog”?

Video: a good owner drove the dog out into the street

A good owner will not drive the dog out into the street: meaning, origin of the saying

They say about whom "a good owner will not drive out the dog on the street":

  • About a good person who loves dogs.
  • About a person who takes care of pets is often better than about himself.
  • About a man who holds his economy tightly in his hands. Such a person is a skilled business executive. It doesn’t matter what size is the economy if he is a leader of large or small production, or the head of his family.

When it is raining or snow on the street and I don’t want to go out of a cozy house to work or to the store terribly, I involuntarily recall the proverb: “In such weather, a good owner will not drive out the dog on the street.”

At the same time, reproach is a person who asks you to go, for example, for bread. In inclement weather, I want to stay at home and a good owner leaves the bad weather with the house with the dog. For example, in order to just walk, go in for sports or in winter to ride dog sledges.

Dog sled races
Dog sled races

Why did people have a special attitude towards dogs?

  • The dog will not betray - betrayal is inherent in human nature.
  • The dog will not lead a mistress or lover.
  • The dog will always support in a difficult moment.
  • The dog will move to another housing or city with the owner.
  • In special cases, the dog will do dangerous work instead of a person.

Dogs that live in cities and villages can conditionally be divided into three categories:

  • Balovnia dogs living in warm apartments and houses along with the owners.
  • Dogs living on chains in courtyards and dog booths.
  • Homeless dogs living where they will have to eat on garbage heaps and landfills.

Dogs from elite families come out in good and bad weather for a walk with their owners. Dogs living in Konura are used to any weather conditions and are happy to have a piece of bread and a plate of soup. It seems the sad fate of stray dogs. They can not always find food for themselves, but if they knew how to speak, then perhaps they would tell people that a hungry but free life is nicer than a well -fed lack of freedom.

Video: In such weather, a good owner will not drive a dog

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