Home ferret: dimensions, color, care, conditions in the apartment, names, pros and cons, reviews

Home ferret: dimensions, color, care, conditions in the apartment, names, pros and cons, reviews

Funny, active, companion, funny, nimble - with these words you can characterize homemade ferrets. But for the maintenance of these animals in the house, in addition to love and patience from the owner, certain knowledge will be required.

The modern world is so multifaceted and diverse that even a crocodile in the bathroom of an ordinary apartment you will surprise few. Therefore, a child running along the street with a ferret on a leash causes only joy and tenderness. And it is clear why, as an exotic pet, the ferrets have been known since the 15th century.

Home ferrets - cute and funny animals
Home ferrets - cute and funny animals

The proof of this is the painting by Leonardo da Vinci “The Lady with the Ekhnosty”, dated 1489-1490, on which, according to many experts, it is a furo-a ferret-albino. However, chronicle mention of the choir leave in the 4th century BC.

Be that as it may, now decorative ferrets - frets and their four variety - are one of the most beloved pets.

What does the home ferret look like, its dimensions, color: white ferret photo

Decorative ferrets are very cute and funny animals, with a maximum weight - 3 kg in males and body length in males - up to 50 cm, in females - up to 40 cm. The length of the tail of these animals can reach 18 cm.

Important: the color scheme of a beautiful fluffy wool is very diverse and depends on the color of breeding individuals: on black to albinos or vah.

In their appearance, the ferrets are similar to a dachshund: a long body and short legs, but they have a specific structure of the skeleton, which helps them climb into incredibly narrow cracks.

Important: you need to be very careful so as not to involuntarily injure a pet who climbed, for example, in the mounting of the sofa.

White homemade ferrets
White homemade ferrets

How many ferrets live?

Probably everyone asks such a question, purchasing such a pet.

Important: in nature, ferrets live no more than 4 years, which is associated with their lifestyle - these small predators often themselves become a dinner of stronger animals.

Domestic ferrets receiving proper care will delight their owners on average from 8 to 10 years. Cases of long -lived Fretok are known - up to 15 years in the absence of a genetic predisposition to various diseases.

Home ferret lives about 8 - 10 years
Home ferret lives for about 8 - 10 years

Do you have a ferret?

Decide Hamlet’s dilemma "be or not to be?" Only one thing can help: understand whether you are ready to be responsible for the one whom you have tamed, give him decent care and a good attitude. If the answer is “yes”, then the ferret will definitely appear in your house.

Home ferret pros and cons of

After the whole family decided to replenish with a new member - a fluffy fruit, you need to know all the positive and negative factors in the acquisition of such a miracle:


  • animal recognizes only one owner, To the rest, even family members, can relate aggressively (bite). To avoid this, you need to train the animal, show who is the main one in the house
  • he digs home living plants and takes carpets, furniture, wallpaper
  • expensive specific treatment In case of illness
  • the ferret is mandatory before bedtime you need to exhaust the games, otherwise the owner is provided with a very, very noisy early rise
Home ferret must be exhausted by games before bedtime
Homemade ferry must be "exhausted" games before bedtime


  • decorative ferret - the most funny, playful and positive animal
  • not a gourmet, you can feed some types of cat food
  • very friendly In relation to other pets - cats and dogs
  • while the owner is missing, the animal he feels cozy in a cage and does not shkotot
  • very household, so if something is gone, you need to look for a Fretka in the "treasury"
  • there is no smellif you carry out daily cleaning of the pet cell
The ferrets are friendly and get along well with other pets
The ferrets are friendly and get along well with other pets

Consider this when making a decision and make the right choice.

How to distinguish a boy’s ferret from a girl?

Usually, the floor of the ferret is determined quite simply: you need to put the pet on the tummy and carefully examine it: if there is a hole near the tail, this is a female, if there is a tubercle in a small distance from the tail, then this is a male.

Important: the floor can also be determined by the size of the pet: the females are almost half as much, and by behavior: the boys are less nimble and active, unlike girls.

How to call a girl and a boy?

When choosing a name for a pet, the owners of the animal experience the same difficulties that parents arise when the baby is born.

Decide what is a defining criterion: zodiac sign, idol, habits, behavior, color of wool or something else.

Important: the main thing, since the ferrets amenable to train, The nickname should be brief, sonorous and laconic: ice, ball, Gray, Wulf, Vinya, diesel, Duck, Lucky, Kasia, Mila, Pronya, Simba, Senya, Tisha, etc.

If the flight of imagination cannot stop on anything, you can use the dictionary for nicknames of animals Svetlana Guryeva, which offers 20,000 options.

The nickname of the ferret should be short and sonorous
The nickname of the ferret should be short and sonorous

How to determine the age of the ferret?

If the date of birth is not known, you can approximately determine its age as follows:

By teeth:

  • in the animal, the root teeth begin to cut through by 1.5 months
  • up to a year upper fangs are bright white
  • by the age of 2, their tips turn yellow and become a little transparent
  • by the age of 4, transparency increases and moves up the fang and other teeth
  • by the age of 6, fangs turn yellow up to the gums, and some teeth are not even absent
The age of the homemade ferret can be determined by the teeth
The age of the homemade ferret can be determined by the teeth

By wool:

  • in the puppy, by one and a half months, the body is covered with gray wool
  • by the three months, their native color begins to form on a soft to the touch.
  • in an adult ferret, the wool is much tougher and rude

By behavior:

  • all young animals are distinguished by hyperactivity and curiosity, bordering on non -blessing, playfulness
  • an adult pet plays much less, sleeps more and thinks

How to care for a home ferret in an apartment?

First you need to decide on the location of the pet: it should be a cell or a specially fenced and equipped angle.

Important: since these almost harmless predators must allow you to move around the house or apartment, it is necessary to close all, even insignificant, cracks and holes, close cabinets, chiffoners, doors to the bathroom and bathroom, window.

During the bridge in the fresh air The animal be sure to plant on a harness.

To make the ferret well sleep, it follows make a house for him Or highlight a special place.

The home ferret needs to be highlighted for sleeping
The home ferret needs to be highlighted for sleeping

The feeder It should be small and durable.

"Toilet" must be cleaned at least once a dayOtherwise, the ferret will run to the cleanest places of the owner’s home, which is unlikely to be happy.

Video: Fight Care (Fretka)

Ferret cells and furniture

Despite the fact that in the cage the ferret usually spends a smaller part of the time, it should be quite spacious: 65x85x55 cm - the minimum size of the pet’s dwelling.

Important: if possible, it is better to purchase a multi -storey aviary for the ferret with a distance between the rods of not more than three centimeters.

The cage should be:

  • house, where the ferret can calmly relax
  • hinged drinker and feeder
  • small hinged gamar
  • litter and all kinds of numerous shreds
Home ferrets love to relax in hinged gamaac
Home ferrets love to relax in hinged gamaac

The tray should contain any well -absorbing filler. Usually used pressed sawdust.

Important: if the pet is for more time outside the cage, you need to put several trays in various places of the apartment.

An important point - the cage should conveniently clean.

How to feed the ferret, what do they eat, food?

When drawing up a diet for frrets, the owners should remember that even the domesticated ferret is inherently a predator and should receive appropriate nutrition.

Plant food can be no more than a quarter of the total amount of food received by ferret.

Important: it is better to purchase in the pet store a feed specially balanced for healthy growth and development, including proteins in an amount of 35-40%, fats-30%and fiber in an amount of 3%.

Veterinarians allow ferret feeding cathedral food, but only super -premium class or special for pregnant cats and kittens.

Home ferret can eat premium cat cat
Home ferret can eat premium cat cat

If the owner wants to feed the ferret with natural products, then this basically (up to 70 %) there should be poultry meat (kidneys, hearts, giblets), fish (15 %) - cod, trout or flounder, cereals (up to 15 %) - buckwheat, millet, Fig.

How many times a day to feed the ferret, how much does it eat a day?

A one -time dosage should not particularly bother the owner of the pet, since the ferret does not eat like a “blind horse”, but eats food exactly as much as it is necessary for active life.

Important: you need to feed the ferret in small portions up to seven times a day, otherwise it faces death from exhaustion due to a well-developed metabolism process.

How many hours a day do ferrets sleep?

Since the ferrets are very active, they sleep quite a lot to restore strength for new games and fun. The ratio of wakefulness and rest is about 1: 2. In winter, the dream is stronger and long -lasting.

Important: the ferret can fall asleep instantly and in the most unexpected place, so that the owner must follow the pet and always know where he is.

Homemade ferrets rest twice as long as they are awake
Homemade ferrets rest twice as long as they are awake

How to wean a ferret to bite?

The ferret is a small nimble predator to which teeth are given to hunt and defend himself. Therefore, biting and biting for him is a norm, an unconditional reflex.

Important: the ferret is excellent to train, and if the dog can be taught to bite, then the ferret, accordingly, can be weaned to do this.

Possessing the arts of educating a pet, you can achieve good results. An unintentional aggression in the ferret occurs very often during the game.

If the animal is bitten, you need to say strictly and loudly "Not!" or "It is forbidden!" And push him away, letting it understand that you are unpleasant for his actions.

If the bites are repeated, it is better to stop playing and subject to temporary isolation in the cage. For many, this approach is clear and the result is not forced to wait.

Homemade ferry must be weaned already from childhood
Homemade ferry must be weaned already from childhood

But animals come across from the category of “tear off and throw it away”, with which you need to be more stringent: during the attack, press the chorene to the floor and hiss on it or shake it, taking the withers.

It is necessary to let go only after the animal’s complete reassurance in order to get the right reaction. After a number of such procedures, the pet begins to understand that biting does not entertain the owner and move on to other mischief.

How to wean the ferret to shit and how to accustom it to the tray?

To accustom the newly -made family member to the tray you need to appear in the house. However, it is impossible to use the voice and punishment, since the baby is scared and will not use the tray for its intended purpose at all.

Important: the owner should be patient, since even the accustomed ferret will be shit from time to time where he likes - nature periodically drowses the fruits of education.

The method of teaching is very effective, when the baby wakes up. In order not to miss the moment of awakening, it is better to accurately wake it yourself and, stroking, hold it in your hands for some time. After the manifestation of obvious signs of anxiety, the animal needs to be lowered into the tray and try to hold it until he does his need.

Pet tray
Pet tray

If the baby did everything as expected, it is necessary to praise it and stimulate it with a permitted delicacy. It is advisable to replace the operation every half hour to consolidate the result.

Important: if the tray is not the only place to refer to natural needs, you need to carefully disinfect the place of “sin”, strictly read the pet without raising the voice, and put in the cage for a while. Next, you need to carefully monitor the ferret, and as soon as it becomes a characteristic pose for emptying, take it to the tray.

Do not forget to clean the tray every day, as this is one of the elementary rules for the content of ferrets.

How to get rid of the smell of ferret: means.

The specific smell of ferrets is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the stimulus. If the animal is scared, it is unhappy with something, or he simply filled the paraanal glands-the unpleasant, difficulty smell cannot be avoided.

These glands of internal secretion usually cleanse themselves, however, in the case of pathology, they can be removed surgically.

Together with the removal of paraanaal glands, homemade ferrets often carry out castration
Together with the removal of paraanaal glands, homemade ferrets often carry out castration

In parallel with this, the ferret is usually carried out. The wounds after such an operation heal after a couple of days, and the animal continues to live an ordinary life.

Sterilization and castration of ferret

If you have acquired the animal not for breeding, it is better to protect it from the desire to satisfy natural sexual needs, which will make the ferret more calm, flexible and save in the future from many diseases.

You can do this in two ways: sterilization and castration:

  • Process sterilization It consists in bandaging seminal cords in boys and removing the uterus in girls. At the same time, there is no influence on the endocrine system of the body, and the animal lives further than a full life, without thinking about offspring
  • Castration It occurs with the removal of the genitals of the animal: the testes in males and ovaries with a uterus of a female. However, with this procedure, hormonal balance is disturbed, which may subsequently affect the health of the ferret poorly
After Surelizatsis and castration, the ferrets become calm
After sterilization and castration, the ferrets become calm

Ferry diseases

At the first signs of malaise, you need to immediately contact a specialist. However, there are a number of diseases that are very difficult to diagnose at an early stage:

  • Dangerous infectious disease - rabies, during which damage to the nervous system of the body of the animal occurs. The virus is transmitted during a bite with saliva from a sick animal, the incubation period varies from 14 to 90 days. At the first signs of light and drilling, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian, but it is important to know that there is no care for drugs for rabies
  • Plague - The most dangerous disease, in which, if you do not notice the signs at the very beginning, as a rule, the animal dies. The main distributor is an ill -long animal, but the owner on his clothes or shoes can bring the virus into the house. Photophobia, purulent discharge from the eyes and nose, apathy, loss of appetite and fever - the main symptoms of this disease
  • Aleutian disease It affects the immune systems of ferrets and is diagnosed posthumously. The following symptoms are characteristic: lack of appetite, apathy, vomiting and diarrhea, increased thirst, dull, groomed wool. The incubation period is up to three months, the virus is contained in the discharge and feces of an infected animal, there is no treatment
  • Flu It is diagnosed quickly enough, and a fatal outcome occurs only in the case of a negligent attitude of the owner to his pet. The symptoms are pronounced: the apathetic semi -thin condition of the animal, sneezing and cough appear, diarrhea is possible
  • The ferrets also get sick hepatitis, salmonellosis, leptospirosis

Important: in addition to infectious diseases, the ferret may observe pathology in the work of various organs and systems. The main thing is to notice the disorders in the well -being of the pet in time and turn to a specialist for qualified help.

Why does the ferret bald itself and the tail?

The reasons for baldness are very different

  • the first - an advanced age, in which dogs, cats, and ferrets, and even people are lying
  • the second - improper nutritionin which there are no necessary vitamins and minerals
  • the third - clogged sebaceous glands
  • fourth - problems with the adrenal glands

Therefore, in any case, you need to contact a veterinarian who diagnoses the cause and, if necessary, prescribes appropriate treatment.

Ferry vaccination: vaccinations

For the vaccination of ferrets and rabies, dog vaccines are used: imported ones are used: Nobivac, Trivirovac and others.

Dog vaccine is used to vaccinate homemade ferrets
Dog vaccine is used to vaccinate homemade ferrets

Only healthy animals can be vaccinated, and patients, pregnant, nursing and females during estrus are contraindicated.

Important: ten days before the procedure, you should save the animal from parasites.

From plague the ferret is vaccinated at month, from rabies -In 3-3.5 months.

Active immunity is produced two weeks after the procedure, so after vaccination it is advisable to exclude for the duration of the walk.

Remember - the health and life of your beloved pet depend on your attitude.

Hare reviews

Victor:For a long time he could not accustom his home ferret to the tray in the cage. What I just did not do: and persuaded and punished. And he stubbornly chose the opposite angle from the tray. When I was already completely desperate, I turned to the veterinarian for help. It turned out that I made an error when arranging a ferret cell. I put the tray next to the feeder, and the ferrets never shit next to the place where they take food. When the tray was rearranged, the problems disappeared.

The ferret will quickly get along with other pets
The ferret will quickly get along with other pets

Olga:My ferret is very playful, loves different holes and cracks. Once he got stuck in the couch. I had to disassemble it to rescue my hut.

Dima:Parents gave me a jin’s ferret for my birthday. I have a lot of fun with him. I just don’t like that Jin wakes up very early and immediately begins to run and gnaw everything in a row.

Video: Home ferrets will definitely not be boring!

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