Breads with breastfeeding: is it possible to, how to enter the bread with a nursing mother in the diet? Black bread during breastfeeding

Breads with breastfeeding: is it possible to, how to enter the bread with a nursing mother in the diet? Black bread during breastfeeding

For young mothers, food is very important. First, we find out whether it is possible to use bread.

During lactation, the mommy should choose products very carefully, since its nutrition is the key to good health and active development of the baby. Attention should be paid to the expiration dates of the products, their quality and make sure that the food is not monotonous, since the balanced diet will strengthen the immune system of the baby. Food should not be scarce, the main thing is to correctly determine what can be eaten and what is contraindicated.

Breads with breastfeeding: Is it possible?

The flour contains a lot of calories and, in order to avoid gaining excess weight, mothers refuse rolls, bread and loaves during breastfeeding. And this is their mistake! Vitamins and minerals contained in these products and therefore bakery products must certainly be on the table are very important.

But if, nevertheless, the mother worries for the figure, then you can replace the bakery products with bread, which are less high-calorie. They are prepared from unrefined flour of low grade. Such flour contains much more minerals, proteins, fibers and starch. Her vitamin composition is richer.

Breads for mom
Breads for mom

The main thing to consider when deciding to eat whether breads during lactation is their type and composition. Unexpressive products with dyes and amplifiers of taste are harmful for both lactation and child health. Such biblies can cause serious allergies, break the stool, provoke problems with the child's digestive tract and even cause poisoning.

If the product is of high quality, then it is not only possible, but even useful to eat during lactation. There are a huge selection of these products on store shelves, so which bread to choose?

Each type of product has its advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account:

  • Wheat bread does not have salt, sugar, yeast and harmful additives, because you can eat them even in the first month of feeding, and after dried fruits can be introduced into the diet, the product with the addition of raisins, or dried apricots, will diversify the menu.
  • Oatmeal contains a lot of protein, they are tasty, soft and really healthy.
  • Buckwheat and briquettes from buckwheat have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. At the same time, the product has a minimum number of calories. In addition, buckwheat groats are hypoallergenic.
  • Rice breads are very satisfying, but there are risky in the first month, since they are heavy for the stomach.
  • Corn breads are also heavy and high -calorie, but gluten is not present in them, because they will not cause allergies and bloating at the baby.
  • But rye products with yeast, salt and vegetable fats in the composition. They can only be introduced when the body of the baby gets stronger.
What kind of bread to choose
What kind of bread to choose

Regardless of the age of the child, you can’t eat bread and biblies with modified starch, and other chemical additives in the composition. It is better not to take roasted bites.

High -quality briquettes should be dry and easily break off. They are made of whole grain and peeled flour.

How to bring bread bread to a nursing mother in the diet?

  • The first to try buckwheat or corn products.
  • When the baby is two months old, mom can enjoy oat and wheat briquettes.
  • Rice products are permissible in three months, but it is necessary to ensure that they do not provoke constipation.

If a woman has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to refuse such food. And certainly do not abuse bread. They must be introduced gradually and eat a maximum of one hundred grams per day.

It is also impossible to completely replace bread with galets. A piece of cut, or bread needs to be eaten daily.

Black bread during breastfeeding

It is made on the basis of rye flour or low -grade wheat with the addition of molasses and malt. A piece of such bread will enrich the body with vitamins and will become an excellent source of complex carbohydrates.

  • It is useful to rye and Borodinsky bread for the digestive and circulatory systems, while it is low -calorie, and therefore simply indispensable for lactation.
  • It is necessary to abandon black bread only in cases of problems with the stomach and intestines of the mother.
Black bread at GV
Black bread at GV

Of course, the bread is not of paramount importance product for a nursing mommy, but they also do not need to exclude them. They will give energy, strengthen the immune system, they have an excellent vitamin-mineral composition. The main one must remember that everything is good in moderation and choose only a product that will definitely not harm the baby’s health.

Video: Nutrition of a nursing mother

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