The baby became bad to eat? How to feed the baby?

The baby became bad to eat? How to feed the baby?

The article refers to why the child eats poorly and what to do with it.

Almost every parent is faced with a situation where his child begins a bad network. It is necessary to correctly identify the cause of such a problem, and then begin its elimination.

The child eats badly
The child eats badly

Why did the child have a bad eat?

The reasons why the child can begin to eat a lot. It all depends on the age of the baby, his health. Sometimes it happens that parents themselves come up with a problem, although their baby feels great, he is full of strength.

The main thing to take care of parents is about to stop nervous and seek help from specialists. The adequate pediatrician will comprehensively study the baby’s health and make an objective conclusion.

The child became bad to eat
The child became bad to eat

What to do if a premature child eats poorly?

It happens that children are born ahead of schedule. If a premature child eats well, then most likely this is because he simply cannot do this, although he will be very hungry.

The fact is that premature babies are sometimes born so weak that they simply do not have enough strength to suck milk from their mother’s breast. They are so quickly tired of sucking that they stop taking breasts, and as a result they do not gain weight.

In this case, it is worth feeding the baby from the bottle. You can also use a syringe or a teaspoon for.

Important: it should be remembered that when you get used to it from the bottle, the baby can forever abandon his mother’s breast.

A premature child eats poorly
A premature child eats poorly

Fulfilling the above recommendations, already in the near future the mother will be able to make sure that her baby began to gain weight, he became more resilient and can calmly eat milk from his mother’s breast.

The child eats a bad mixture: what to do?

Often mothers are wondering what to do with a child who has become bad to eat a mixture. First you should understand the reasons for this behavior:

  • The child gets sick. Pay attention to the temperature of the baby
  • The child is tormented by sore throat. Painful swallowing can cause inconvenience to the child. If necessary, contact a specialist for help
  • Perhaps the child has not yet been hungry. Children with artificial feeding need more time to digest food. Give the child 3-4 hours
  • Sometimes it happens that the child does not suit the taste of the mixture. All mixtures differ from each other in composition and taste. Offer your child another mixture, maybe he will like it much more
  • Sometimes a child can abandon the mixture due to inflammation of the gums from teething. There are many drugs that can help the baby to cope with this inconvenience
  • Sometimes the baby may not arrange a bottle or her nipple. Try changing them, select the right
  • The reason for the refusal of the mixture may be the abdominal pain in connection with increased gas formation or indigestion. Try to prepare the mixture according to the instructions, because Its violation can provoke a named disease in the baby. Invite the baby dill water
  • There are times when the child refuses the mixture due to the improper preparation of it-digestion is disturbed, diarrhea is possible. When the mixture becomes very thick, it is difficult for the baby to suck it - the concentration of dry powder in water is exceeded. The mixture should only be prepared according to the instructions
The child eats a mixture
The child eats a mixture

A child for 6 months eats poorly: what to do?

The taste of breast milk is influenced by absolutely all products eaten by the mother. Sometimes there are dishes with a high content of certain types of spices, spices - not always after that milk will have a baby, and as a result, he can refuse to use it.

In this regard, young mothers should refrain from taking spices and spices for some time.

But, if the loss of appetite in the child is delayed, then it is worth watching the child, identify possible reasons:

  • The reason for the refusal of food may be a short bridle of the baby's tongue
  • Also, the child may refuse to eat gum inflammation when the baby's teeth teething
  • Refusal of food can occur as a result of inflammatory diseases of the rod oral cavity. For example, stomatitis, thrush
  • The reason for the rejection of the breast may be a well -made breast.

If the above causes are excluded, then we are talking directly about a decrease in appetite. Reasons for reducing appetite:

  • General disease of the child. Pay attention to the baby's body temperature
  • If the loss of appetite is accompanied and not a set of baby's weight, then we can talk about the disease of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Dysbiosis
  • There may be problems with the endocrine system
  • Problems with the nervous system of the baby are possible
  • Lack of the established regime of the day. Pay attention to the organization of food. Should give the child time to get hungry
  • Sometimes the causes of loss of appetite should be sought from outside. For example, the room is very dry, hot. Other irritants are also possible
A child up to 6 months refuses the chest
A child up to 6 months refuses the chest

Important: if the disease led to a decrease in appetite, then it should initially get rid of it, and there the appetite will improve.

Depending on the reasons why your child refuses food, parents should choose ways to solve this problem. If you yourself are not able to identify the cause, or to influence its elimination, it is best to contact a specialist in the field of pediatrics.

The pediatrician will be able to professionally evaluate the status of the baby’s health, identify the cause of a decrease in appetite, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

The child eats badly - a specialist will help to figure it out
The child eats badly - a specialist will help to figure it out

A child of 6-12 months eats poorly: what to do?

The main reasons why a child of this age may decrease appetite described in the section above.

But, there are reasons that are characteristic of this age of babies. As a rule, at six months, the child gradually begins to introduce complementary foods. In this regard, the reasons for refusal of food may be the following:

  • The child does not like to eat from the spoon
  • The baby does not like the temperature of the proposed dishes
  • The crumb is not satisfied with the color offered food
The child eats badly - I don't like the color of food
The child eats badly - I don't like the color of food
  • The child is not satisfied with the consistency of the proposed dish. For example, food is not well crushed enough

The only thing a mother can do with such a problem is to cook food to the baby with love, not to insist on its use. If you force the child to eat by force, he may have a negative attitude to food, especially to new products.

Negative attitude to food
Negative attitude to food

The child eats badly a year: what to do?

The reasons why a child of this age can be badly as follows:

  • The onset of the disease. Pay attention to the general condition of the child
  • The period after the illness. Give the baby the baby to recover
  • The teeth continue to burst. Inflamed gums prevent the baby from eating well
  • The child did not have time to get hungry. Eliminate snacks. You can pamper your child delicious almost immediately after the main meal
  • External factors. For example, I want to drink more in hot summer, but not eat
  • Perhaps for some reason the baby's regime was lost. It should be done without fail
  • The child does not like the food that you suggested. He already forms taste preferences
  • The child may bother monotonous food. The baby should be offered a variety of, balanced food
The child eats badly - tired of monotonous food
The child eats badly - tired of monotonous food

What to do to mom in the case when the child eats poorly depends on the reasons for this behavior. Sometimes it will be quite beautifully decorated with the dish offered to the baby.

If the mother cannot figure out the reasons for reducing the appetite in the baby, you should contact a specialist.

For a child, a child 2-4 years old eats badly: what to do?

After two years, children come in such a period when they become very careful and suspicious, they begin to fear everything, including new dishes.

The child is suspicious of food
The child is suspicious of food

This period lasts a fairly long period of time. Sometimes parents have to wait up to eight to nine years of the baby.

Let's figure out what to do with it:

  • To begin with, parents should be patient. The baby will not always want to try a new dish the first time, this can take up to twenty attempts. If from the twentieth time the baby did not want to try a new dish, you should take a break, and at this time you can introduce other culinary masterpieces into the baby's diet
  • At this age, culinary preferences are already clearly manifested. Do not neglect this. Invite your child the right to choose. Ask him, what would he like to eat, but this does not mean that you should follow the baby’s lead and feed him exclusively with sweets
  • You should not force the child to eat. This can cause a negative attitude to food, and especially to the proposed dish
  • Invite your child to participate in cooking. Children are more willing to eat dishes prepared on their own
  • Be sure to follow the mode. The child should know clearly when breakfast, and when lunch
  • Avoid snacks in kids. Give him time to get hungry
  • The child should help concentrate exclusively on food. It is necessary to turn off the TV, remove all extraneous sounds, do not talk with the baby unnecessarily
  • Do not encourage sweets for eaten food. The child should not observe such a connection. It is better to offer a small but healthy dessert after each meal
  • Teach a child to a child’s nutrition by your example. If possible, sit down at the dining table with the whole family, eat food with pleasure
  • You can come creatively and try to interest the baby with a prepared dish. You should beautifully decorate the plate for the baby, come up with the name of the dish, it is possible to even tell a colorful story about it
Beautifully decorated dish for the baby
Beautifully decorated dish for the baby

A child of 5-8 years old eats poorly: what to do?

The reasons why the child eats poorly in five to eight years identical to reasons from the previous section. There you can also find information on how to deal with it.

A child 8 years old eats badly
A child 8 years old eats badly

The child does not eat anything after the illness

As already mentioned in this article, you should not very much force the child to eat, after the disease he has suffered. Initially, the child will not show increased appetite.

However, parents should especially take care of the child’s diet during this period. Preference should be given to products tasty and healthy. The main thing is to cause your baby's appetite.

The field of the disease should offer fruits
After the illness, it is worthwhile to offer fruits

The child does not eat in the garden: what to do?

Sometimes it happens that the child went to the kindergarten and immediately began to eat badly. Let's try to figure out why this happens and what to do with it.

When the baby remains not with his parents, grandparents, but with the teacher, he has a very difficult time.

Adaptation period in the kindergarten
Adaptation period in the kindergarten

Important: the adaptive period in the kindergarten is the strongest stress for the child.

The reasons for the child’s refusal may be as follows:

  • The daily routine in kindergarten does not coincide with the regime that was at the child at home. The child has to abruptly adapt to the new daily routine
  • The Devsadov menu is very different from home dishes. A child at this age can sort hard in food, relate to it wary
  • Not every child knows how to use cutlery, while the rest of the kids skillfully treat
  • It happens that the child does not ask for a well on the pot
  • The child thus tries to attract the attention of parents. In any case, parents will worry about the baby’s refusal to eat, perhaps they will even take away from the garden early. Children feel good
The child in the kindergarten eats badly
The child in the kindergarten eats badly

In order to minimize stress in your baby, you should start preparing it for a kindergarten in advance:

  • Gradually, a month before the first day in the kindergarten, begin to accustom the child to the new regime. Morning rise, food, sleep should be as close as possible to the Devsadovsky
  • You can try to cook dishes like those that are offered in a children's institution
  • Learn the child in advance to use cutlery on your own. Teach the child to the pot
  • Parents should be patient. You should keep calm - children also feel good

It also happens that children begin to eat poorly, the adaptation period is behind. The reasons for this behavior may be as follows:

  • The disease occurs. Watch the baby, maybe something bothers him
  • In the summer, when it is hot outside, the child may decrease appetite. There is nothing wrong with this, offer to drink more
  • Perhaps the baby does not develop relationships with kids from his group. Try to find out, it may be easily possible to eliminate the cause. If necessary, contact the teacher
Problems with peers
Problems with peers

The child does not eat at home: what to do?

Why it happens that the child does not eat at home, most likely the mother herself can answer. Watching his baby, talking with him, mom is easiest to draw a conclusion.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • The disease occurs. Pay to the child’s health, maybe something bothers him
  • The child is sick. Do not force him to eat during this period, offer to drink
  • The period after the illness. Offer your baby's favorite dishes, don't insist
  • Problems with the guys in the kindergarten, in the yard, school, etc. Find out the reason and try to help
  • It's hot outside. Offer to drink more, don't make you eat
  • The child does not like the proposed dish. Do not force the baby to have what he does not like. This can cause a negative attitude to food
  • The child did not have time to get hungry after the previous meal. Eliminate snacks
The child does not eat at home
The child does not eat at home

The child does not eat vegetables: what to do?

Some parents note that their children do not want to eat vegetables at all. Do not be upset, many go through this, over time everything will change. However, you can try to fix this:

  • First, start adding vegetables to all possible dishes where it is appropriate. The child may not like it, but he will definitely get used to it
  • Invite your child to help you in the garden. Perhaps growing a vegetable on his own, the child will gladly want to eat it
  • Serv the dishes with vegetables, decorate them with even crumbs. Beautiful dishes carry children, are of interest
  • Let the vegetables are always present on the table. They must be cut - small pieces, beautifully laid out on a plate
  • Always eat vegetables yourself. Watching you, the child will begin to join.

Important: in families where adults themselves eat vegetables, add them to various dishes, less often the question arises of refusing children to use them.

The child does not eat vegetables
The child does not eat vegetables

The child does not eat fruits: what to do?

Sometimes this happens that the child refuses to eat fruits. Parents should not be very upset about this. As in the case of vegetables, this will most likely pass over time. But, you can try to speed up this process:

  • Parents themselves must eat fruits. The child will not be able to resist if his parents use them with pleasure
  • Fruits should always be present on the table. Let them be available to the baby at any time
  • Finely cut and put pieces of fruit on a beautiful dish
  • Add fruits to all dishes where it is appropriate
  • Invite your child fruit puree. It may contain more than one fruit
  • Put the picture from pieces of fruit. The child may be carried away
Beautiful fruits
Beautiful fruits

What to do if the child does not eat Komarovsky's complementary foods?

  • Naturally, at a certain age, the child should introduce complementary foods. Its absence will lead to a deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid
  • However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, nothing terrible happens when the child refuses feeding, and eats only breast milk. He calls this situation the problem of electoral appetite
  • This problem is easy to solve with extraneous help. The fact is that when the mother is nearby, the child feels perfectly mom's milk, it is difficult for him to refuse him, but it is easy
  • In the absence of a mother, it will be much easier to ensure that the child is hungry

Important: according to Dr. Komarovsky, the feeling of hunger is the only way to make the baby eat food products.

Child with dad
Child with dad

Parents should get closer to their child as much as possible - this will help you to timely identify the problem in the baby, find out the cause of what is happening and easily deal with the consequences of the existing problem.

VIDEO: If the child eats badly

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Comments K. article

  1. Very often, in fact, children have problems with appetite ... for various reasons. We also had that. They asked in a pharmacy what can be given to improve appetite-advisable vitamshki bio (they just have a cool form and the taste is pleasant). Well, so, from themselves, they gave teas with St. John's wort (they stimulate this matter). Now we eat everything for both cheeks)

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