Hormone replacement therapy for women after 50 years: treatment and prevention, list of drugs, reviews

Hormone replacement therapy for women after 50 years: treatment and prevention, list of drugs, reviews

After 50 years, a woman is faced with menopause and all its unpleasant consequences. In this case, it is very important that high -quality hormone replacement therapy is carried out.

With the beginning of aging in the body, the activity of all glands decreases. There is a deficiency of vital hormones. The lack of sex hormones causes menopause in women.

Signs of hormonal failures in women after 50 years

  • The reproductive function of women fades gradually. What are the signs of hormonal failures in women after 50 years? According to statistics, the last menstruation falls at the age of 50-52 years. The period of age -related hormonal restructuring of the body leads to a change in the composition of the blood. The ratio of plasma hormones is redistributed.
  • Complications, arising against the background of menopause, largely depend on the nature of the flow of labor, physical activity, quality of nutrition and other factors.
It is important to pay attention to it
It is important to pay attention to it

Period menopause It proceeds in every woman differently. Preenopause in most cases arises after 45 years. The usual menstrual cycle ceases to be regular. 12 months without menstruation are given in the final stage - menopause.

  • Even in the absence of pronounced symptoms, the course of menopause is reflected in female attractiveness. In most women, menopause is accompanied by symptoms that cause discomfort.
  • Hormonal failure in women after 50 years It provokes weight gain and the appearance of early wrinkles.
  • The attraction to the opposite sex is reduced, sexual activity gradually comes to naught.
  • The woman is experiencing mood change, frequent ailments, lack of interest in active public life.
The mood is changing
The mood is changing
  • Arises insomnia And emotional instability.
  • It is noted cardiopalmus And headaches.
  • Appear problems With urination, pain occurs.
  • The tides with menopause throw the body into the heat and chills. Increased sweating Forces to observe enhanced hygiene. It is important to conduct during this period timely hormone replacement therapy.

Hormonal failure in women after 50 years: consequences

  • Timely hormone replacement therapy Allows you to prevent unpleasant consequences. Avoid obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis and other deviations of the body.
  • To late climax symptoms Referes a violation of high -quality absorption of nutrients. Incorrect metabolism is reflected in the figure, skin elasticity, and psycho -emotional state.
  • They begin to form problems with the cardiovascular system. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis develop.
  • Hormonal restructuring leads to changes in the central nervous system. The aging process starts with a vengeance.
  • Uncontrolled hormonal failure Able to lay the beginning of the development of cancer.
  • Frequent abortions, operations on female genitals and other deviations can manifest itself in the form of health complications after 50 years.

Hormone replacement therapy for women after 50 years: treatment and prevention

  • To balance female hormones, they pass the analysis with the appearance of the first symptoms. The level of hormones is determined by the blood from the vein. A timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid serious consequences in the future.
  • The essence of hormone therapy It consists in drug treatment. Reception of pills helps to restore the lack of hormone estrogen and progesterone, to relieve uncomfortable sensations in the body during menopause.

The duration of therapy depends on the general state of health and the primary symptoms of menopause. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the brightest symptoms.

  • In the absence of complications Hormonal drugs Saw a short course. Therapy is prescribed for 1-2 years. According to international standards, brief the course of hormone replacement therapy can extend to 5 years.
  • At disease of the central nervous system, the presence of osteoporosis, complications in the work of the heart and other health deviations, the course of therapy is at least 5 years. At the request of the patient, therapy can extend for any long period.
  • Hormone therapy in women causes alertness. Patients consciously refuse treatment, fearing their side effects. This position arises due to lack of knowledge. Consultation of a qualified doctor can dispel any doubts.

Modern drugs are created and are available from natural, as close as possible to the analogue, components. Timely therapy of initial menopause will avoid the development of complications, increase life expectancy.

  • Dosage of drugs and the duration of hormone replacement therapy It has no general recommendations.
  • In each case, treatment is prescribed individually.

Before the hormone therapy course, the patient should undergo several types of examinations:

  • An ultrasound examination of the pelvis, the endocrine system is prescribed.
  • A complete examination by a gynecologist and mammologist.
  • Blood test for sugar, biochemical blood test.
  • Examination of related diseases.
  • The main task of additional studies in identifying contraindications for the appointment of hormones.
  • According to doctors, modern drugs have a lot of advantages and allow minimizing side effects.

Hormone replacement therapy for women after 50 years: List of drugs

  • Complex therapy allows to stabilize the menopausal period. Medicines should include progestogens and estrogens. The percentage of hormones is of no small importance.
  • Monotherapy with the use of one estrogen is recommended by women after surgical removal of the uterus.
  • The minimum amount of estrogen has a positive effect on female attractiveness and sexuality. Estrogen dominance provokes many pathological conditions in the body.
  • Progesterone works with estrogen in pairs and should be used in larger quantities. The hormone is responsible for the menstrual cycle, mammary glands, childbearing and other important processes of the female body.
  • Among the main indications to hormone replacement therapy after 50 years protrude hypertension, diabetes, vascular diseases, interruption of the menstrual cycle.
  • Treatment of menopause includes intake of plant drugs. These include flavons, Kestans, isoflavons, lignans. Fitoestrogens are contained in the following drugs - Complete, feminal, menopadinon, Remens, menopause. Plant preparations have a minimum of contraindications and side effects.
  • The recruitment of the vitamin-mineral complex allows to delay the period of menopause. The course of vitamins and acids rejuvenates the function of the body, preventing age -related changes. Such drugs include Calcium D3 Nicomed, Doppelhertz Act Menopausa, compls calcium d3 Gold.
  • Preparations with progesterone are represented not only in a tablet form, but also in the form of vaginal candles, gels. Drugs are considered effective Zhestozhel, Urostar, Progesterone.
  • You can reduce the tides during menopause with the help of medicinal herbs. You can normalize the hormonal background with the help extract of ginseng, eleutherococcus, linden.
  • Treatment of menopause is a very responsible process. You can not choose or change the drug yourself, randomly interrupt the course. Hormonal therapy should be accompanied by regular consultations and examinations of a gynecologist.

According to experts, after 60 years, taking hormonal drugs ceases to benefit and provokes the development of various diseases.

Hormone replacement therapy for women after 50 years: reviews

Reviews of hormone replacement therapy after 50 years:

  • Valentina, 52 years old: “The intake of hormonal drugs has significantly improved the quality of my life. My mood improved, energy added. Constantly galloping pressure normalized. Additionally, I take drugs for liquefaction of blood. I reviewed the quality of her diet, added more products with calcium products to the diet. Having learned about the destructive effect of nicotine on hormones, she quit smoking. ”
  • Anastasia, 50 years: “After consulting a gynecologist, she began to take hormonal drugs. After 10 daily course, I noticed a decrease in the number of tides. The quality of sleep has normalized. There was a desire for an active lifestyle. The condition of the skin improved, the face ceased to itch and peel off. ”
  • Maria, 50 years:“Without visiting the doctor, she began to independently use Omega 3 Doppelgerz. After 2 months, she noticed that I overcome the hills up the stairs much easier. The drug has become my source of additional energy. She began to react more calmly to life turmoil. ”

Video: On hormone replacement therapy

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Comments K. article

  1. Until now, the effect of hormones on the body has not been fully investigated .. Therefore, I immediately refused hormones, the doctor picked up a good non -hormonal drug Lignarius, helps to relieve the symptoms of menopause and even a healthy weight supports.

  2. . Material is presented competently and intelligibly. The benefits of ZGT are undeniable, the entire civilized world has been using it for a long time. If you want to be an old vicious grandmother of a grandmother of 45-50 years, with a red erysipelas, be afraid and further hormones

  3. A very useful article. No need to be afraid of hormones, they really help, I and many of my friends have been accepting them for the 3rd year

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