Honorrhea: types, symptoms in men. How can you become infected with a gonorrhea? Complications after gonorrhea in men

Honorrhea: types, symptoms in men. How can you become infected with a gonorrhea? Complications after gonorrhea in men

Gonorrhea in men: how can you get infected, what symptoms, what to do?

The gonorrhea was a scourge of society for a long time, but today it is successfully treated, especially if you turn when the first symptoms appear. In this article we will talk about the types of gonorrhea and its symptoms in men. They found it at home - immediately to the doctor! Self -medication in these cases is strictly contraindicated.

Types of gonorrhea in men

Before considering the symptoms of gonorrhea in men, it is worthwhile to understand what kind of illness it is and what types of it are. A gonorrhea called a tripper is a sexually transmitted infectious disease that carries severe inflammation of the genitals in men and women.

It causes inflammation of the bacterium of gonococcus, and most often people become infected in the process of intercourse. But it is worth noting that the infection can be “seized” by taking a bath or shower after an infected one, wiping with one towel, as well as in a pool, sauna, and locker room.

Gonorrhea in men
Gonorrhea in men

In diagnosis, the doctor draws attention to several factors of the course of the disease of the gonorrhea:

  • The duration of the disease (the lower the term, the easier it will be treated);
  • A focus of infection and inflammation (the sooner to consult a doctor, the less the risk of complications after extensive inflammation);
  • How the body reacts to the causative agent of infection.

Thus, the doctor determines that the patient’s fees at a certain stage:

  • Fresh infection, which lasts no more than 60 days (3 stages, depends on the severity of the disease);
  • Chronic a disease that lasts more than 60 days;
  • Latent gonorrheabut it happens exclusively in women. In this state, a woman feels healthy, the analyzes are negative, but she is a bearer of gonorrhea.

The gonorrhea is also divided into infected - affecting the genitourinary system in both sexes. And an ascending infection, but this direction happens only in a female sex.

How can you become infected with a gonorrhea man?

So, in order to consider the symptoms of gonorrhea in men, it is worthwhile to understand whether the gonorrhea could be infected in principle. Despite the fact that gonorrhea can be infected both during intercourse and domestic way - risks to catch the infection in the latter version are not so big.

So, you can get infected with a bacterium gonococcus both with protected and with unprotected sexual intercourse. Do not forget that the condom is put on the genitals, and the gonococcus bacterium is also present in other parts of the body.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men
Symptoms of gonorrhea in men

But in everyday life, the bacterium gonococcus dies under the following conditions:

  • Heating more than 56 ° C;
  • Mucus, pus, blood, any moisture retains the bacterium until completely dry, after which the bacterium dies. But in the Gemi retains life for up to a day;
  • Within 10-15 minutes under open sunlight;
  • Antiseptic agents are well destroyed by the bacterium;
  • Within 1 minute after processing with a solution of silver nitrogen.

So, in order not to become infected with gonorrhea in everyday life, use clean individual towels, do not hang them in one pile and do not leave them wet in the bathroom. When visiting locker rooms, saun, do not sit on uncovered public shops, armchairs, etc.

When choosing a pool, see how carefully the health status of customers is being checked. If you were allowed without a certificate from the hospital, then any infected client can also be allowed into the pool.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men

And we move on to the most exciting issue - the symptoms of gonorrhea in men. Remember that if women, gonorrhea can flow sluggishly, or even do not harm at all, and use the female body only as a carrier, then in men the first signs of gonorrhea most often appear within 3-4 days after infection infection. With strong immunity, the incubation period can last up to 2-3 weeks.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men:

  • During urination, acute, or pulling pains, rubbing, burning and other discomfort occur;
  • Elevated body temperature;
  • The urethra area has become sensitive, pain, irritation, inflammation are present;
  • An unpleasant odor that quickly appears after washing;
  • Noticed swelling of the genitals, swelling of the urethra, etc.;
  • With urine and without urine, mucus, pus, mucus with blood is released;
  • With any movement, itching, discomfort, burning and even sharp pain can be felt;
  • Periodic bleeding may come out, including urine;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, in the genitals, including in testicles;
  • Changing the digestive tract. Exacerbation of gastritis, the appearance of heartburn, the presence of diarrhea or constipation, belching.

In the event of one or more symptoms in men, it is strongly recommended to be checked by a dermatologist-venereologist and pass the appropriate tests. Not during a diagnosed disease, the lack of comprehensive treatment can lead to a number of complications.

Complications after gonorrhea in men

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men are important to detect as early as possible, since a protracted disease entails a lot of complications. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to be attentive to your health and, if violations, do not let everything on its own and consult doctors.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men
Symptoms of gonorrhea in men

Important:the gonorrhea is treated only under the strict control of the doctor of a venereologist. Self -medication leads to deplorable consequences!

Complications after gonorrhea in men:

  • Male infertility;
  • Prostate diseases, chronic inflammation;
  • Inflammation of the appendages of the testicles of men;
  • All kinds of inflammation of the seed bubbles;
  • Endometritis;
  • Acute and chronic inflammation of the anus;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the rectum;
  • Violation of the digestive tract due to the penetration of the gonorrhea into the abdominal cavity.

What tests need to be taken in case of suspicion of gonorrhea from a man?

Did you find the symptoms of gonorrhea in men in their body? We strongly recommend contacting a venereologist who will examine and, if necessary, directs for tests.

In case of suspicion of gonorrhea in men, a smear from the urethra to the PCR is prescribed. With a positive result, the doctor will select the necessary course of treatment.

Reviews of men who have discovered the symptoms of gonorrhea:

Reviews of men who have discovered the symptoms of gonorrhea:

Anonymous: Inflammation arose to the sea, and by stupidity I decided that it was irritation. He pulled for several weeks and tried “folk methods”, but when there was no longer the strength to endure, he went to the doctor. And it turned out late! Due to neglect, he was treated, six months and then recruited many more times. Guys, do not be stupid. Itching, hurts - running to the venereologist!

Ivan: temperament sometimes gives complications and you need to quickly look for a doctor. Itching, pain felt a few days after the rendezvous. I immediately went to the doctor, although I do not like this business. The smear showed gonorrhea, and the doctor prescribed a course of treatment. Several weeks and I'm in uniform again. Vigilance and an attentive examination of the body for problems - this is the key to male force for many years.

Video: Symptoms of gonorrhea in men

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