The head hurts in temples - reasons: what to do, how to get rid of the pain in the temples? Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in men, women, during pregnancy, in children: reason, treatment with tablets and folk remedies

The head hurts in temples - reasons: what to do, how to get rid of the pain in the temples? Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in men, women, during pregnancy, in children: reason, treatment with tablets and folk remedies

Read the article about what to do if the head hurts. Why do there are pains? What to do to alleviate the condition?

Every sixth resident of the Earth suffers from a headache in the temple. According to WHO, such malaise is the cause of the temporary disability of people, especially those who work as workers in complex and hard work.

  • Unbearable pain knocks out of the usual rhythm of life, forcing to postpone all things for a while.
  • The pain in the temples spoils the mood, and instead of communicating with the family, I want to lie down and take a pill so that the painful condition goes faster. But in order to drink the medicine, you need to know what ailment is overtaken and accompanied by this kind of pain.
  • What are the drugs for headache? What to do if the problem has already overtook? How to treat, and how to help yourself? To these and other questions, you will find answers below.

The head hurts in the temples - the reasons

The head hurts in the temples - the reasons
The head hurts in the temples - the reasons

Official medicine is known for several reasons why a person can have a headache. Depending on this, treatment and drugs are prescribed. Reasons why the head hurts in the temples:

  • migraine;
  • vascular tone violation;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • infections - angina, acute respiratory infections, influenza and others;
  • consequence of alcohol intoxication;
  • stress, disorders and overwork;
  • in children - complication in adolescence;
  • menopause in women;
  • inflammation of the arteries;
  • inflammation of the nerve channels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skull;
  • pathologies of the temporous-member joint.

The treatment of headache in the temples will be effective if the doctor makes the correct diagnosis. But it is often difficult to find the true cause of pain of such etiology, and therefore it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis. All this is not in favor of the patient, which naturally does not please.

Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in men, women, during pregnancy, in children?

Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in men, women, during pregnancy, in children?
Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in men, women, during pregnancy, in children?

Only a small part of people decide to go to the doctor with pain in the temples. Most are drowned out by analgesics symptom, but the problem does not disappear from this.

  • Some people are afraid to go to the hospital, others are afraid of identifying a serious disease.
  • In any case, any reason for the refusal to visit a doctor is false.
  • Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis.
  • So, why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in men, women, during pregnancy, in children?

The reasons for the pain on the right:

  • head injury;
  • migraine;
  • manifestation of diseases in the cervical spine;
  • head pain in stress;
  • violation of metabolism in the body;
  • violation of hormonal background in women;
  • intolerance to any drug.

Medicine is known more than forty causes of pain in the right temple. It makes no sense to describe all of them, since only the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis, and only he will prescribe adequate treatment, and not a simple elimination of symptoms.

The causes of pain on the left:

  • migraine;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • diseases of the cervical spine;
  • muscle voltage with stress;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • violation of the nervous regulation of the vessels of the brain;
  • spasm of one of the branches of the carotid artery;

If the pain is unbearable and increases, then it is impossible to endure it for a long time. If the headache does not pass within half an hour, you need to drink an anesthetic. In this case, one must also adhere to “three T”: darkness, silence and warmth.

Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in children?
Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in children?

Advice: Turn off the TV, ask the household not to make noise, wet a terry towel in warm water and attach to the head. Such actions will help relax and the pain will pass faster.

Pain in the temples during pregnancy:

  • High blood pressure Due to the stresses of the nerve fibers in the region of the cervical-breed. It may appear due to the fact that the expectant mother sits a lot or stoops.
  • Hormonal violations During pregnancy. This is facilitated by complex biochemical reactions of the body.
  • Old traumatic brain injury Makes itself felt during pregnancy. The problem can persist for many years and manifest itself when a woman is in an interesting position.
  • Migraine - It can last from 30 minutes and longer.
  • Infectious diseases - may be accompanied not only by headache, but also with chills, fever and dizziness.
  • Equal hypotension. A single case will not cause harm to the fetus, but if the pain and low pressure are observed constantly, it is better to consult a doctor.

Also, the future mother’s head in the temples can hurt because of such factors:

  • overwork and insufficient rest;
  • stress or depression;
  • toxicosis;
  • change of weather, if a woman is a meteral.

Naturally, you can’t tolerate a headache, but you should not take drugs uncontrollably the future mother. Therefore, you need to contact a neurologist who will prescribe adequate treatment and prescribe medicines.

Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt during pregnancy?
Why does the right and left temple of the head hurt during pregnancy?

Temporal pain in children:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • migraine;
  • cluster pain;
  • nervous tension;
  • intoxication of the body during acute respiratory infections, influenza or infectious diseases;
  • injury;
  • diseases of ENT organs: otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis and others.

A child cannot be in a motionless state for a long time, for example, at a computer, because of this, severe periodic or constant pain in the temples may occur. The occurrence of cluster pain by scientists has not been established. This may be due to deviations in the trinity nerve or biorhythms of the body. Such pain may be accompanied by tearfulness and nasal congestion.

What is the strong, shooting pain in the right or left temple and nausea?

What is the strong, shooting pain in the right or left temple and nausea?
What is the strong, shooting pain in the right or left temple and nausea?

Such pain can appear sharply and disappear, or can go to the chronic stage. There are several reasons for the manifestation of such pain. What is the strong, shooting pain in the right or left temple and nausea? Several basic reasons:

  • Migraine. Vascular spasm occurs. The concomitant sign of this process in most cases is nausea. Attacks can last from several hours to 2-3 days.
  • Vasculitis. Inflammation of different etiologies negatively affect the walls of blood vessels. Severe nausea and temporal pains can be accompanied by nodule vasculitis and gigantic arteritis. At the same time, there may be a weight in the joints, an increase in temperature, pain in the navel, vomiting.
  • Hypertension. The imbalance of blood pressure leads to the appearance of temporal pain. A large blood flow causes nausea. At the same time, there is a swelling of the face, the appearance of tachycardia, chills and dizziness.
  • Muscle. Stress, depression, overwork - all this leads to the appearance of temporal pain and nausea. Appetite, sleep, irritability and constantly bad mood are disturbed.
  • Intracranial pressure. Pathology is manifested by pain in the entire head, as well as in temples. If you endure this pain for a long time, then nausea and even vomiting appear.
  • Brain concussion and traumatic brain injury. Such a disease can lead not only to the appearance of pain and nausea, but also to the loss of consciousness, vomiting.

The shooting pain in temples and nausea may appear as a result of factors that are not serious pathological in nature:

  • carbon monoxide poisoning, pairs of paint or gasoline;
  • weather change;
  • food poisoning;
  • rocking during trips;
  • thermal or sunny blow.

Such reasons can lead to complications, so it is important to eliminate them in a timely manner.

What is a sharp pain in the right or left temple?

What is a sharp pain in the right or left temple?
What is a sharp pain in the right or left temple?

When there is a sharp pain, I want to get rid of it faster. After all, nobody likes to lie in bed and endure the ailment when you need to work or do some other things. What is a sharp pain in the right or left temple? Such pain, in addition to the above causes with shooting pain, may appear as a result:

  • physical exhaustion;
  • violations of the spinal nerve;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis (mainly in old age);
  • pinching of the nerve in the temporal section;
  • congenital pathology of temporous artistic joint;
  • allergic reaction;
  • development of a brain tumor.

Important: Do not self -medicate! The diagnosis should be made by the doctor, after which he will prescribe treatment. Time loss can lead to irreversible consequences.

What is the pressing pain in the right or left temple?

What is the pressing pain in the right or left temple?
What is the pressing pain in the right or left temple?

Pressure pain is as unbearable as sharp or shooting. It can grow and be accompanied by nausea, pain in the eyes. What is the pressing pain in the right or left temple? The source of the appearance of pain of such etiology should include the following:

  • VSD - manifests itself in young people.
  • Infections - SARS and influenza.
  • Increased upper or lower pressure. In addition, a small difference between systolic and diastolic indicators leads to the appearance of pressing pain in the temples. For example, pressure 120/100 is already a pathology that needs to be treated. Most likely the problem is in the heart, but only the doctor should make the diagnosis.
  • Psychogenic pain - irritability, fatigue.
  • Violation of the functioning of the brain and spinal cord.
  • The use of food with glutamate sodium: smoked meats, canned foods, chips, sauces.
  • The use of sweets in unlimited quantities. Helps to increase blood sugar.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver are organs that are responsible for the withdrawal of toxins from the body.
  • The development of anemia.
  • Active sex life.
  • The presence of helminthic invasions in the body.

A headache speaks of changes in the vessels and arteries. Therefore, it is impossible to delay the trip to the doctor.

What is the pulsating pain in the right or left temple?

What is the pulsating pain in the right or left temple?
What is the pulsating pain in the right or left temple?

The pulsating pain in the temples is manifested in such a way that it makes you constantly think about it, not allowing to be distracted for a minute. What is the pulsating pain in the right or left temple? A few reasons:

  • consequences of stress;
  • the initial stage of migraine;
  • cerebral spasms;
  • inflammation of the tissues of the gums - pulpitis, can manifest itself with a pulsating headache.

Long-term pulsating pain, flowing for 2-3 days against the background of nausea, can indicate a micro stroke and the fact of atherosclerotic changes.

What is the pain in the right or left temple and the frontal part of the head?

What is the pain in the right or left temple and the frontal part of the head?
What is the pain in the right or left temple and the frontal part of the head?

Inflammation of the trinity nerve and changes in the machines of the temporal arteries in temporal arteritis, simultaneous pains in the right or left temple and the frontal part of the head may appear. There is also general breakdown, weakness and sleep disturbance. The pain can move to the occipital part of the head, to the eyes and give it to the jaw and to the whole face. The pain is so bright that a slight touch causes strong and unpleasant sensations.

What is the pain in the right or left temple and the back of the head?

What is the pain in the right or left temple and the back of the head?
What is the pain in the right or left temple and the back of the head?

Different muscle stresses that occur due to stress and cramps of blood vessels cause the infringement of capillaries, which leads to simultaneous pain in the temples and in the nape. What is the pain in the right or left temple and the back of the head? The main causes can be reduced to such diseases and manifestations:

  • All types of overstrain, stress and other psychogenic factors.
  • Injuries, posture disorders, spinal diseases.
  • The formation of lateral vertebral processes, as a result of which ligaments are converted into fabric and can cause severe pain in the back of the head.
  • Hormonal disorders for menopause, before menstruation and in adolescence in girls.
  • The hangover syndrome.
  • Increased vascular tone and more.

If the pain in the back of the head appears, then it is worth determining that the back of the head or neck hurts. If the pain is in the back of the head and at the same time in the temples, then this is increased or reduced pressure. If the pain is in the neck, then osteochondrosis must be treated. This disease can manifest itself in temples.

The causes of frequent and constant pain in the temples

The causes of frequent and constant pain in the temples
The causes of frequent and constant pain in the temples

You need to react to constant pain in the temples immediately. It can signal serious diseases. The causes of frequent and constant pain in the temples:

  • meningitis;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • a brain tumor;
  • aneurysm of the vessels of the brain.

In addition, constant pain may indicate highly increased blood pressure. If you do not take the necessary measures, then this can lead to a stroke.

Tablets and a cure for headache in the temples: List

Tablets and a cure for headache in the temples
Tablets and a cure for headache in the temples

All drugs have side effects and contraindications, so they need to take only a field of consultation with a doctor. But it often happens that there is no time to go to the doctor, and the pain is unbearable. In this case, you can take a pill once, and then be sure to go to the doctor.

List of tablets and medicines for headache in the temples:

Tablets and a cure for headache in the temples: List
Tablets and a cure for headache in the temples: List

Such drugs help with headaches that appear as a result of dental problems, hormonal disorders.

If the pain appeared as a result of psychogenic causes: after stress, depression provoked a disease, increased vascular tone or injury, then you need to drink an antispasmodic:

Headache tablets in temples: List
Headache tablets in temples: List

If the pressure has increased, then you need to take a tablet to lower it and any analgesic:

Headache tablets in temples
Headache tablets in temples

Contraindications for taking such drugs:

Medicines for headache in temples: List
Medicines for headache in temples: List

Important: Before you start taking any medication, consult your doctor!

Folk remedies for temples in temples: recipes

You can get rid of headache not only with pills, but also with the help of traditional medicine methods. These products are simple and they act as quickly as medicines. Recipes of folk remedies for temples in temples:

Folk remedies for temples in temples: recipes
Folk remedies for temples in temples: recipes
Folk remedies for temples in temples
Folk remedies for temples in temples
Folk remedy for pain in temples: recipe
Folk remedy for pain in temples: recipe

In a headache, it is good to hold your head under a stream of hot water (no more than 40 degrees). The vessels will expand from heat, and the pain will retreat. Now you know why a headache arises and how to get rid of it. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Video: 8 ways to quickly relieve headache - how to get rid of pain in the head without pills

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Comments K. article

  1. Why can the head hurt the second day? Sometimes it calms down, it becomes so good, and then in growing and again this pulsating pain ... I already bought all the painkillers in a pharmacy.

  2. To go to the doctor and find the reason, headaches are a rather serious symptom. Personally, the doctor prescribed a Vasobrail course, wrote more recommendations and advice on a whole sheet. And after this conversation, how I began to follow my health, get enough sleep, eat right, play sports and take this drug, I really became better. Headaches no longer bother, and I was calm somehow for my health.

  3. I used to think that I had something with the spine ... such as osteochondrosis or something else and my head hurts. But the MRI showed that everything was in order ... The reason turned out to be much more complex, flat blood supply to the brain ... I took the ginkoma on the advice of the doctor and tried to visit the fresh air more ... Gradually the pains left, which could not but rejoice)

  4. Maybe go to MRI too? I do not often have headaches. I am saved by dialrapid, only this miracle gate relieves me of terrible headache, and quite quickly. It will be necessary to ask the doctor at the expense of the MRI, what he thinks if I should do it or not make it sense.

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