Glucose - instructions for use

Glucose - instructions for use

The article will talk about the main source of nutrition of our body, about carbohydrates. Glucose is a carbohydrate to nutrition of our brain, when it is shown and when it should not be taken.

"Glucose" Instructions for use

This drug has a wide spectrum application, including And in shock conditions, with blood loss and a lack of glucose in the body. In addition, the drug takes part in various processes of the body: increases the activity of redox reactions, takes part in metabolic processes ,activates the processes of detoxification in the liver.

The drip administration of solutions can partially make up for the lack of fluid in the body, is a source of energy for the operation of organs and systems. High concentration solutions can increase the osmotic blood pressure, stimulates the contractility of the heart muscle, and increases the diuretic function of the kidneys.

"Glucose" form of release

Glucose is available in the form of a solution with various percentage content or in the form of tablets:
• Glucose solution 25%
• Glucose solution 5%
• Glucose solution 40%
• Glucose solution with ascorbic acid
• tablets 0.5 g
• tablets 1 g

The solution has the appearance of a transparent fluid, in solid it is a white powder finely critical or colorless crystals. The substance has a sweet taste. A solid form easily and quickly dissolves in water.

"Glucose" indications for use

The general indications for the intake of glucose are:
• low blood glucose content
• infections with symptoms of intoxication
Low -calorie Nutrition with a lack of carbohydrates
• liver diseases with general intoxication of the body
• Hemorrhagic diathesis
• lack of fluid in the body
• shock condition
• as a solution for breeding various drugs

Indications for the use of high percentage glucose solutions:

• with drug poisoning
• with acute infectious diseases of severe degree
Collaptoid states and shock states
• heart failure of chronic shape
• Severe liver pathologies
• Pulmonary edema
• insufficient diuresis
• Solvent for intravenous administration of cardiac glycosides

"Glucose" dosage

If the metabolism of glucose is not impaired, it is administered intravenously in the calculation of 4 to 6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day, while the volume of fluid per day should not exceed from 30 to 40 ml per kilogram of body weight. The rate of receipt of the drug should not exceed From 0.25 to 0.5 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight per hour.
• With intravenous administration of a 5% glucose solution, the speed does not exceed 7 ml per 1 minute, per day, the volume can be up to 2 liters
• With intravenous administration of a 20% solution, the administration rate is up to 2 ml per 1 minute, the volume of administration does not exceed 0.5 liters per day
• With intravenous administration of a 10% solution, the administration rate is 3 ml per 1 minute, the permissible volume is up to 1 liter
• With intravenous administration of a 40% solution, the speed is up to 1.5 ml per 1 minute, and the permissible volume of up to 250 ml per day
• When the drug is administered intravenously incurrectly In acute states, a volume of up to 50 ml of 5% or 10% glucose solution is allowed

When taking glucose in the form of tablets recommended The dose is up to 1 gram per reception.

"Glucose" contraindications

Do not use this drug in the following conditions:
• the presence of an allergic reaction to glucose
• Improving blood glucose levels
• Faring syndrome
• Availability of diabetes
• violation of the processing function of the pancreas after surgery
• condition threatening the edema of the lungs or brain
• acute heart failure
Hyperglycemic coma
• chronic forms of renal or heart failure

"Glucose" to children

  • In childhood, carbohydrates are most actively consumed by the body. They are the main source of energy for the child's body and with a lack of this substance, the child becomes less active. Also, a lack of carbohydrates can lead to sufficiently serious conditions. In addition to poor health, lethargy, fatigue, headaches, a state of fainting may occur
  • The medication The drug is not contraindicated in childhood. Normally, all of us and children receive a sufficient amount of carbohydrates from food. However, there are states in which additional intake of glucose into the body is required
  • If necessary, an additional dose of glucose for children for intravenous administration in the first days of diseases is prescribed up to 6 grams of a substance per 1 kg of body weight per day, then the dose can be up to 15 grams per 1 kg of body weight per day
  • The maximum volume of fluid should not exceed the permissible values \u200b\u200bfor this age and actual weight of the child. The rate of administration of the drug for children should not exceed 0.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight at 1 hour. At the same time, in order to increase the speed of absorption of carbohydrate, children are prescribed insulin at the calculation of 1 unit for every 5 grams of glucose

"Glucose" side effects

The use of glucose can cause the following conditions:
Levozhuleodochkoye in acute phase
• thrombophlebitis in the field of introduction
• Hyperglycemia
"Glucose" Features of application

Glucose can be used if necessary during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is necessary to accurately observe the permissible dosage and duration of the course of therapy in accordance with the instructions of the attending physician.

Use the bottom tool under the control of blood glucose. You should not prescribe glucose in the presence of skull injuries and cerebrovascular disorders. It is also necessary to control the level of potassium and its correction, if necessary, simultaneously with the introduction of glucose solution.

"Glucose" overdose

If the required dose is exceeded, the drug may occur:
• Nausea
• Vomit
• Bloating and flatulence
• digestive disorders, diarrhea

To eliminate the listed symptoms, it is necessary to cancel the drug and prescribe anti -rate drugs, drugs eliminating diarrhea and the best digestive. It is necessary to perform symptomatic therapy.


• glucose Bieffer
• Dexostases
• Tata dexst
• Glucose-Sinco

Video: low blood sugar, symptoms and treatment?

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