Deep, non -healing cracks and peeling of the skin on the fingers and between the toes, near the nail, on the pads, phalanxes: causes and treatment, the best ointments, folk remedies. What to do with cracks on the toes in adults and children?

Deep, non -healing cracks and peeling of the skin on the fingers and between the toes, near the nail, on the pads, phalanxes: causes and treatment, the best ointments, folk remedies. What to do with cracks on the toes in adults and children?

The causes of cracks on the fingers and methods of treatment. Overview of ointments and recipes for traditional medicine from cracks on the fingers.

Cracks on the fingers can cause some serious disease or indicate improper care of their skin, and errors in nutrition. In this article, we will tell for what reasons cracks appear on the fingers, and how to cure them.

Deep, non -healing cracks and peeling of the skin on the fingers, near the nail, on the pads, phalanxes, between the fingers: causes

There are a large number of causes of cracks.

The reasons:

  • Not specific. It is caused not by some serious disease, but provoked by a person. Here you can distinguish improper nutrition, insufficient water, low humidity, that is, the legs constantly sweat in shoes, incorrectly selected shoes, a lack of vitamins in the body. Accordingly, cope with cracks on the legs that are provoked by these reasons is much easier than serious ailments. In girls, cracks on the fingers can occur due to improper care of their feet, that is, incorrect pedicure. Excessive removal of the skin on the legs, which is why the epidermis thickens and cracks appear.
  • Specific. That is, caused by certain ailments. Most often, the causes of cracks on the fingers are fungal diseases, that is, mycoses. The most interesting thing is that they can appear in people both young and advanced. But more often they amaze people aged, due to the weakening of the immune system.

We do not recommend using ointments that fight fungal diseases, eczema and other ailments without consulting a dermatologist. Because these drugs can harm your body. When cracks appear, it is best to contact a dermatologist who will conduct a number of studies, take a scraping, pieces of skin from your feet, send them for analysis. Then it will be known exactly why cracks were formed on the legs. If this is a fungal disease, the dermatologist will write certain drugs and ointments that will fight the fungus.

Cracks on the legs
Cracks on the legs

What to do with cracks on the fingers and between the toes in adults and children: treatment

Of course, if the skin is dry on the legs, there are cracks that do not blood, it is possible to adjust your nutrition, make the shoes more convenient. Below are recommendations that will help to cope with shallow cracks at the initial stage of their occurrence:

  • Use softening agents. After each trick, the bath must be applied to the heels and skin of the toes, between them, softening the cream. You can highlight the cream Healer, green pharmacy. They contain cedar oil and other nourishing components that prevent the skin.
  • Use at least 2 liters of water per day. This applies not only to coffee, it is advisable to drink clean, mineral water without gas.
  • Change shoes. It is impossible to allow the little finger very very rubbed against the shoes and fit tightly to it. It is also not allowed to cross the fingers, due to a narrow, uncomfortable sock.
  • If you have a total dry skin, go through the course of treatment with vitamin A. It is sold in capsules in a pharmacy, it is very inexpensive.
  • Control humidity in the room. Buy a humidifier of air home and work. Make sure that humidity does not fall below 60%. Often cracks on the fingers occur due to dry air.
  • Use special ointments and softening products for the treatment of cracks on the legs.
  • Use baths and decoctions to treat cracks.
  • Use traditional medicine. It can be ointments and compresses, also a variety of decoctions.
We soften the legs
We soften the legs

The best ointments for cracks on the fingers and between the toes: a list, method of use

To treat cracks on the fingers and between them, you can use a number of ointments. Their main advantage is that they are well applied and act directly at the destination. Do not absorb into the gastrointestinal tract.

Ointing Object:

Zinc. A universal remedy, which is often used for suppuration, as well as bacterial infections. The main difference is that it disinfes the surface well, kills bacteria, mushrooms, as well as viruses, promotes rapid healing.

Zinc ointment
Zinc ointment

Salicylic ointment. It contains salicylic acid. It is often used for eczema and psoriasis, as well as a variety of bacterial skin lesions. It can be used when cracks appear on the fingers, as well as between them. Effective from cracks on heels.

Salicylic ointment
Salicylic ointment

Balm is a healer. It has a creamy consistency, contains a large number of essential oils, as well as herbal decoctions. It softens the skin, makes it more tender, and also promotes exfoliation of coarsening particles.

Balm to the legs for the legs
Balm to the legs for the legs

Balsamed. A product that contains lactic acid. It contributes to exfoliating of coarse skin. In addition, the means of essential, healing oils that soften the epidermis and fight with cracks, corns. It is not recommended to use if the wound is blood.


Radevit. The ointment consists of a large amount of vitamins, so it is advisable to use it precisely with a deficiency of nutrients in the body. It contributes to the rapid healing of cracks, as well as the normalization of water-lipid metabolism in the epidermis.


Gevol. Interesting and unusual remedy. It differs in that it does not work to eliminate any specific reason, but helps to normalize water-lipid metabolism in the skin. Therefore, the further evaporation of moisture from leather and its cracking prevents the further evaporation.


Folk remedies for the treatment of cracks on the fingers and between the toes: recipes

In addition to pharmacy products, folk methods can also be used to treat cracks on the toes. The most effective are ointments that are made on the basis of bee wax, extract of plant herbs, as well as eggs.


  • Egg ointment. To prepare it, it is necessary to separate the protein from the yolk. The yolk, in turn, is mixed with 5 ml of apple cider vinegar and 20 ml of sunflower oil. Further, it is necessary to beat all this thoroughly until a homogeneous state. Paste must be applied to the affected places, put on cellophane bags on the legs, and on top of them woolen socks. With such compresses you need to go to bed. Early in the morning, the legs are steamed, cracks and keratinized skin are removed with a pumice. After that, a moisturizer is applied.
  • Bee ointment. It is created on the basis of propolis and bee wax. To prepare it, it is necessary to finely chop the large onion, fry in vegetable oil. Further, the mixture is filtered. It is necessary that the sunflower oil on which the onion is fried is 120 ml. This liquid is mixed with 50 ml of bee wax, one pea of \u200b\u200bpropolis is administered. The mixture is placed in a water bath, and stirred until the components are completely dissolved. Paste paste into a dark container, stored in the refrigerator. Apply at night.
  • Ointment from plantain. You need to grind one teaspoon of dry plantain in powder and add a couple of drops of oil. Next, enter a mixture of petroleum jelly. It is necessary for 1 part of the plantain with oil of 10 parts of vaseline. When the paste becomes homogeneous, damaged places are lubricated with it. The ointment is applied twice a day, in the morning and evening. It is advisable to steam the skin before applying and wipe dry.
  • Onion oil. It is necessary to chop 2 large onions and fry in vegetable oil. Strain the mixture and add a few drops of sea buckthorn essential oil. With this substance, cracks are rubbed twice a day. You can make night healing compresses. For this, cotton wool is impregnated in oil and applied to the affected places. Next, put on linen socks and sleep with these compresses.
Folk remedies
Folk remedies

How to treat cracks on the fingers and between the fingers of aloe and sea buckthorn oil?

Sea buckthorn is an effective remedy for the treatment of cracks on the fingers. With its help, it is possible to soften cracks, as well as promote their healing.

Recipes for using aloe and sea buckthorn:

  • For treatment, before bedtime, steam your legs in warm water with the addition of a small amount of baking soda. Wipe the dry and apply sea buckthorn oil, put on the bag on top, and then woolen socks. Wash your legs in the morning.
  • Another excellent remedy for the treatment of cracks on the heels is aloe. To use it, it is necessary to withstand the leaves for several hours in the refrigerator. After that, a sheet is cut along and applied to damaged places. It is advisable to steam legs in warm water before this with the addition of a small amount of soap. Aloe applications are left for about 2-3 hours, it can be all night.
  • To achieve really good results, it is necessary to use sea buckthorn oil and aloe every other time. That is, for one night you make a compress from aloe, on the second you make compresses from sea buckthorn. The course of treatment is 10 days.
Aloe from cracks
Aloe from cracks

How much to treat cracks on the large, fingers and between the toes?

The effectiveness of the ointment depends on the neglect of the disease, its causes. If cracks caused by improper care of the heels, then you can quickly cope with cracks, as well as peeling in the fingers and between them. If the damage is caused by a fungus, then their treatment with folk methods can be ineffective.

Regarding drugs, the treatment period is selected according to the instructions and is usually 7-14 days. Mycosis is treated longer. The treatment period can be more than 1 month. In order to increase the effectiveness of the ointment, antifungal drugs are recommended for oral administration. These are drugs such as Ketokonazole, nystatin, as well as fluconazole. These drugs cannot be taken without a doctor’s prescription, because the symptoms of the disease can be similar, and their causes are different. If you use folk methods, ointments, as well as compresses to eliminate cracks, then on average, the course of treatment is approximately 7-10 days.

Fingers on the fingers
Fingers on the fingers

Are they allowed into the pool with cracks on the fingers and between the toes?

Of course, if there is no serious damage, then no one will forbid to go to the pool. It is necessary to think that if the cracks on the legs are caused by a fungus, then it will be quickly transmitted to other people, so you should refrain from visiting the pool until you completely cure.


  • Visiting the pool is contraindicated not only because you can infect other visitors. This is dangerous for itself. The fact is that in conditions of high humidity, as well as with an increase in chlorine content in water, the fungus becomes more aggressive, and affects other fingers. Therefore, if you are found cracks in only one site, after visiting the pool, the infection can also switch to other areas.
  • If you are not sure of the cause of cracks, but the possibility of fungal damage is excluded, spores of fungi may fall into these cracks. They often live in showers, pools. The pool is an excellent environment for the spread and propagation of fungal disputes. Because in conditions of high humidity, they live long and propagate well.
  • Many dermatologists recommend when visiting rooms that are rented hourly or hotels, pools use their personal slippers. In no case do not step on the tiled floor with bare feet. After using slippers, wash them with soap and dry them. Only then put in a bag, and before putting it on clean, dry socks, apply to the skin of a common Miramistin. Suitable Chlorhexidine.
  • For prevention, you can use ointments based on ketokonazola and Fluconazole. They prevent the reproduction of the fungus. Thus, you will not become infected. If you yourself are a bearer of the fungus, we recommend refraining from visiting the pool. Before recovering, you will contribute to the spread of infection to other parts of the body.
Visit to the pool
Visit to the pool

Cracks on the fingers seem at all a dangerous phenomenon, but this is not so. Serious infection with a fungus can adversely affect the immune system, as well as violate the work of the whole organism. We recommend that when cracks appear on the fingers, be sure to consult a doctor and not self -medicate.

Video: Cracks on the toes

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  1. Yes, cracks on the heels are a problem! My husband had regularly. Now, we had an algorithm: Aevit is 10 days for 2 caps, baths with sea salt and urels 50 with urea. He exfoliates, moisturizes and has antifungal activity. And you know, now this problem is extremely rare.

  2. There is a very good thing - an Italian natural mittens with copper legs for legs. This is a universal thing: it makes an amazing massage and brings his legs in tone in a couple of minutes. Washes the skin of the legs and removes old skin cells with an unpleasant odor, clogged with mud, then bacteria. Cleans the skin around the nails, between the fingers-a place where the fungus is often formed due to insufficient cleansing. The nails are always clean and look neat. Makes the skin of the heels and feet soft and silk. It is enough 3-5 minutes to wash, clean the skin of the legs and at the same time make a good massage. Very convenient, I have been using almost a year and I recommend it to all my friends. The legs look well -groomed, always clean, the skin breathes, lightness appears in the legs, there are no edema on ankles.

  3. Yes, a clear feature of the fungus, here you need to treat, it will not pass, I myself came across a fungus, oh and an unpleasant sore, treated with mysol and apple cider vinegar, thanks to this therapy, I quickly got rid of this infection)

  4. i treated my heels with baths with sea salt, and then I applied the Swiss Hilfix remedy on the crack itself. It creates a protective film and drag it faster

  5. Hilfix helps me heal the crush faster, I apply twice a day (morning and evening). For 3-4 days, the skin comes back to normal

  6. I have very dry skin on my hands, so often peeling and even microcracks appear. But I am saved by Videstim - this ointment is known for well moisturizes the skin and heals small cracks.

  7. I had cracks on the heels that did not pass and did not heal. I bought a cream from cracks in the feet of Twins TEK. It contains allantoin and vitamins. He regenerates, exfoliates and heals cracks. The main thing is to steam the legs before applying the cream. Then apply the cream at night. In the morning
    The skin is well cleaned with pumice. And so in a week the heels became smooth.

  8. There was time, also suffered from numerous cracks on the skin - both on the arms and on her feet. Stezamet's ointment helped. Now cracks, but I try to systematically moisturize the skin so that it does not crack.

  9. The article was very useful instructive very useful. thank you very much

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