Worms in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Worms in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

If your cat has worms, then you need to bring them out in time, as well as carry out preventive methods. This will be discussed in the article.

Worms in cats - many owners of pets are faced with this problem. And despite the fact that the disease is considered quite common, sometimes many people are not able to cope with it. How exactly are cats infected with these parasites? With what symptoms can “harmful guests” can be found? How can a cat be cured at home on your own? You will learn all this information if you carefully study our material.

Worms in cats: causes

We all know that cats are predators. However, at the same time, these cute creatures are very clean. They love to put their own wool in order, lick it thoroughly. It is at such moments that worms can penetrate into the animal. If you have a private house, then your pet is 100% walking regularly on the street. In this case, the risk of infection with worms increases very much.

In fact, there are other ways through which the pet can pick up the infection.


As a rule, worms penetrate the cat's body in the following ways:

  • If the animal loves to enjoy raw meat or fish.
  • Eggs of parasites can live in the ground. Therefore, the pet will pick up parasites when he walks or play on the street.
  • Also often cats are infected with worms if they appear on the skin of a scratch, injury. Through damage to the eggs of worms, they actively penetrate the animal's body.

Besides, worms in cats They may appear if the animal sniffs or even passes near your shoes in which you came home from work. This invasion is considered passive. When you notice a manifestation of pronounced symptoms, you will have to take urgent measures, start treating your pet. If you do not, then the presence of worms can cause more serious problems, even a fatal outcome.


But do not worry, do not panic, do not run in the bustle around the cat, you cannot help him. If the pet has become infected with worms, you can quickly get rid of them. You just have to find the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner. Perhaps your favorite is some special. Many little friends do not tolerate worms, they have it in nature. Also, the immune system, which was developed due to the early treatment of some kind of illness, can reject worms.

Worms in cats: symptoms

It is very difficult to detect worms in cats at home. Signs can be very diverse. It all depends on the type of parasite, which is present inside a small organism. Very specific symptoms are manifested if the cat is infected with light parasites.

Symptoms in this case are as follows:

  • The animal coughs.
  • The pet rises slightly.

Be that as it may, in the presence of worms, the following signs may occur in cats:

  • The pet has problems associated with the digestive system. It can be a constipation or a strongly liquid chair.
  • The cat is tearing, sometimes even with bloody traces. Sometimes the parasites themselves are present in vomiting.
  • There are worms, fragments from parasites in the feces.
  • There can be a lot of mucus in the feces.
  • The cat is worried about itching in the anal entrance area. Because of this, he can crawl booty on the floor surface.
  • The animal swells the tummy.
  • The cat eats abundantly, or his appetite generally disappears.
  • The animal coughs, it is difficult for him to breathe.
  • The pet is sluggish, quickly gets tired.
  • The coat begins to actively fall out, it becomes bad on the appearance.
  • The pet quickly loses weight.
  • The cat's eyes are very watery.
  • If your cat is pregnant, then it may begin to child birth, or can be terminated with pregnancy.
  • The paws of the animal cease to function. This applies to the case when the situation is too neglected.
In feces
In feces

If a your cat has worms, then you will have to clarify their type, and only after that begin to treat. You will have to visit a veterinary clinic, hand over the necessary tests, consult a doctor.

Today in pharmacies there are many different animal drugs that are intended specifically to get rid of worms. Therefore, you must act purposefully. If worms are found in a purring animal, just show care, attention to the pet.

If you do not cure the cat in time, then it will come to intoxication, which sometimes leads to death. Many diseases that do not have worms do not have similar signs at all. Therefore, due to improper treatment, you will aggravate the situation, as a result of which you will encounter other problems.

Types of worms in cats, signs of their appearance

We offer you the most common types of worms in cats:

  • Askarides. These parasites are more common. The signs of their appearance - the abdomen in the animal increases greatly, the pet is tearing, eats poorly, he has diarrhea. There can be worms in the vomiting of cats. If the worms are in a small kitten, it can still deteriorate wool.
  • Nematodes. These worms tend to attach to the surface of the intestines, after which they begin to eat the blood of the animal. Of course, such a parasite is in no way useful to the body. The symptom of its appearance is bleeding (blood traces are present in the feces). Having noticed this sign of your own favorite, immediately begin treatment because due to untimely help the animal may die.
  • Ribbon. You can quickly find them. If the parasites already have a cat in the body, then the pet will have a rash in the anus zone. In addition, worms will be clearly visible in feces.
  • Heart. Not the most common parasites, however, if worms still occur, there is a risk that the pet may die. In this case, it is necessary to urgently treat the cat.
  • Gastric. It can live in the stomach, bring a lot of trouble.
Many types
Many types

As you already understood, all the symptoms of availability worms in cats Almost identical. The details themselves are able to determine only a specialist. If the problem is quite serious, then the animal may swell the stomach, diarrhea will appear and so on.

Worms in cats: treatment

Only a doctor can prescribe animal treatment when it establishes an accurate diagnosis. The doctor will determine the type of worms, then prescribes anthelmintic agents.

Basic therapy:

  • Destroy, withdraw worms.
  • Stop related signs.
  • Eliminate the risk of body poisoning.

Using tablets

You can derive parasites at the cat with special means. They withdraw almost all types of worms. However, they must be used as indicated in the instructions.

Before treatment, consult a doctor. All because some drugs in the form of tablets have contraindications, side effects. We highlight the most effective means:

  • Kanikvantel Plus. The drug negatively affects worms, blocks the neuromuscular system of parasites.
  • Envar. The tool paralyzes worms.
  • Drontal. The muscles of worms are striking, causing them paralysis, death.


Drops must be applied to the skin, wool, use when the cat does not want to take the product inside. Doctors advise this form of medicines to use, process the walker area for them.

  • Profender. The drug can be used if a cat is found in toxocarosis, depiLidosis and other parasites.
  • Prasicide complex. Drops are allowed to be used in order to eliminate worms in cats. During use, negative symptoms do not occur, the animal feels great.


Veterinarians are also advised to give cats suspension if worms are found. But before the treatment, read the instructions carefully.

  • Prazicide. The suspension quickly removes worms, can be given to both adults and young cats.
  • Prasitel. An effective drug that has a complex effect. Quickly withdraws worms.
  • Pirantel. The active substances of the drug block and parasitize the effect of parasites. However, the product does not affect the larvae that move.

Folk methods

Medicines of traditional medicine also help to remove worms in cats. They are simple, and the components for them are taken the most ordinary.

  • Cut the onion into 4 parts. Put to insist on boiled water, slightly heating it. The time of insisting is 12 hours. Drive the animal before eating. Repeat the procedure for a maximum of 10 days.
  • Take a pet for 1 day with a means prepared on Fenhel or chamomile.
  • Prepare a tool from tansy. Give the favorite the infusion 2 or 3 times a day before meals.
  • Prepare the tincture using alcohol and wormwood. 2 times a day give a cat, but only on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals.
  • Another effective folk remedy is an enema using carrot juice. Make her cat 1 time a day for 7 days.
  • The enema, using garlic, will help to remove parasites. For her you will need 6 cloves. Grind them, pour water, insist for 2 hours. Put an enema to the cat. But during such a method, be extremely careful so that the bowl of the pet does not receive burns.
From parasites
From parasites

Many modern drugs must be given 1 time and only in the morning. At the same time, the product is not given on an empty stomach.

  • If the pet is very infected, then you can repeatedly give it the drug after 2 weeks (before taking, it is advisable to study the instructions).
  • Before treatment, the cat remove fleas and other skin parasites.
  • Medicines for parasites are given to the cat before vaccination in 10 days.
  • The remedy for worms by a pregnant cat, as a rule, is given 3 weeks before childbirth. If the cat is nursing, then after childbirth 3 weeks later.
  • There are no means that can be given to very young animals.
  • You can not increase the dosage of the drug that was prescribed by the doctor.
  • It is forbidden to give a patient to a sick, weak cat.
  • It is also recommended, together with tablets, inject a restorative drug. And after 6 hours, you can still give the animal an adsorbing tablet. This will reduce the effect of poisoning on the body.
  • And the most important thing is that you cannot give animals human medicines.

Most parasites can be transmitted to people. Therefore, if you find them in the animal, carry out prevention to each member of the family in contact with the pet.

Preventive measures of worms in cats

It will not work to completely protect his own favorite from infection with parasites, since the cat who lives in the apartment can catch them, even swallowing the soil from the flower vase. Therefore, in order to avoid this, constantly carry out parasite prevention, use special drugs for this.

The most popular for prevention are tablets. Many such tools contain one important component, others are a set of components that can cure the ailment even without visiting the doctor. During the choice of the product, be sure to keep in mind how old your pet is its exact weight.

  • An adult cat give the drug no more than 4 times in a year. Try to alternate drugs, use 2 products that contain various active components. In addition, tablets must be used 2 weeks before vaccination or viscous.
  • If you have a kitten, then give him a pill when he turns 3 weeks. The next time give a tablet when the cat is 3 months old, then six months. Then give the pet 4 times a product.
Prevention is important
Prevention is important

Also, be sure to use the following recommendations from worms in cats:

  • In order to reduce the risk of infection with worms, do not give a pet raw meat products. It is also forbidden to give fish in raw state.
  • Store your own shoes in a separate locker that closes. On the sole, you can bring harmful parasites that can threaten the animal.
  • Do not stroke the cat if you have dirty hands. Touch the animal when you carefully wash them. Eggs of parasites may also be present on the palms, and therefore they will quickly fall on the cat’s wool.
  • Make sure that the tray and place near it are clean.
  • Regularly do the prevention of the cat, even without the occurrence of signs of the presence of worms.
  • Constantly clean the litter on which the animal is sleeping.

Video: Cat worms

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Comments K. article

  1. The child brought the cat at home, probably lost, as it is clear that he was home, but due to the fact that he spent a little dean on the street .... They bought, fed, will stay with us now .. I am interested in what drug to give from worms? I don't need such surprises.

  2. Barbara, we buy helmimax with our tails, the price/quality ratio suits me completely. There have never been worms, they eat a pill themselves, everything is fine in one word!

  3. I did not give anything to my cat. Sitting at home, but it seems worms appeared, this could be?

  4. Tasha, worms can also have a home cat, and you could bring worms on your sole from the street. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly adhesive animals. We are buying helmimax for this. There were never any problems that I wish you)

  5. And the veterinarian Prazicide recommended us. We buy in the form of a suspension, it is more convenient for me to give it to a cat. It is better than then to remove these reptiles from the body)

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