Hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, hypervitaminosis: what are the differences and similarities, is it a lack or excess of vitamins?

Hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, hypervitaminosis: what are the differences and similarities, is it a lack or excess of vitamins?

Similarities and differences hypo-, hyper-, and vitamin deficiency.

Now there is a lot of information regarding proper nutrition and saturation of the body with vitamins. But in the process of diets, it is quite difficult to fully fill in the lack of vitamins using nutrition. Therefore, additional tablet drugs are administered. In this article we will tell you what vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis are, which they lead to.

The concept and types of vitamins

Vitamins are organic substances that are not carriers of energy. That is, when their decay in the body, energy is not released, but without them human organs cannot function. They are a kind of catalysts, accelerators of chemical reactions in the body, contribute to normal, full metabolism, so that all redox reactions in the body occur correctly and on time. If there is a lack of some vitamin, this necessarily affects the state of a person.


The most interesting thing is that there are water -soluble and fat -soluble components. Basically, the disadvantage is observed precisely water -soluble components. This is due to the fact that they are easily absorbed, quickly washed out and leave the body with the urine. Therefore, most often the vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis of water -soluble components are diagnosed. Regarding the fat -soluble, they can accumulate in the tissues, and persist there for a long time. Moreover, there is a cumulative effect. Vitamins can be spent and accumulated if there is a need for this. Accordingly, with fat -soluble vitamins, hypervitaminosis is most often observed, that is, an excess of vitamins in the body.

Synthetic additives
Synthetic additives

What is hypovitaminosis, hypervitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, their differences?

Avitaminosis - This absence any vitamin in the body. It is worth noting that such a condition happens extremely rarely, because it basically occurs due to constant starvation or among lovers of mono-diet, who often sit on a carbohydrate or on a protein diet. Basically, this condition is extremely rare. Most often, a shortage may occur than the absence.

Hypovitaminosis - This is the most common condition that is characterized disadvantage specific vitamin. In most cases, these are precisely water -soluble components that are quickly washed out of the body, come out with the urine. With a lack of fatigue, headaches, a decrease in performance, as well as an exacerbation of chronic diseases. The emergence of new conditions that are characteristic of hypovitaminosis is not excluded.

Capsules or natural vitamins
Capsules or natural vitamins

It is found in both children and adults, mainly during the off -season, most often in the spring. Because it is during this period of time on store shelves that it is quite difficult to find a large number of available vegetables that can be eaten. Basically in the spring there are cereals, meat, as well as dairy products in the diet. Of the vegetables, mainly those that are stored in the cellar for a long time. Such as cabbage, potatoes, beets with carrots. However, these vegetables are not enough to make up for the deficiency of vitamins. Because fruits are needed, which contain a lot of vitamin A, i.e. carotene and vitamin C.. Often with hypovitaminosis there are not enough water -soluble vitamins in groups, including Folic acid B9  and trace elements. Therefore, foods with these vitamins and trace elements should be present in the diet daily, or use dietary supplements.

With hypervitaminosis An increased amount is observed certain vitamins in the blood. They can be both water and fat-soluble. The most interesting thing is that this condition is no less dangerous than vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis. But it does not occur so often. It is rarely provoked by taking a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits. Basically, the condition appears when a person drinks vitamin complexes and exceeds the dosage. It is especially dangerous when fat -soluble components accumulate, they are not excreted with the urine, and in general it is very difficult to leave the body. With constant overeating, very serious consequences may occur.

Proper nutrition
Proper nutrition

The consequences of the deficiency and excess of vitamins in the body

The consequences of taking a large number of vitamins:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Constant rash
  • Skin diseases
  • If the concentration of vitamin A is exceeded, there is a risk of fractures. Because this vitamin reduces the density of bone tissue and can provoke a fracture of the neck of the thigh, leg or collarbone
  • With an excess of vitamin D, serious problems with the liver, as well as skin color, can occur

Therefore, it is also impossible to joke (exceed the dosage) with the use of vitamin preparations. Please note that in the fall you should not set the goal of accumulating vitamins for the winter. The fact is that they do not accumulate in the body, and if they accumulate, then their large concentration causes ailments. Vitamins are worth it take constantly In the same quantity necessary for the body.

If in the summer this is quite simple to eat a large number of fruits and vegetables for food, then in winter and spring the implementation is somewhat worsened. Because on sale is not such a large number of available vitaminized products. It is 1-3 times a year that doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes. This is best done in March, for 3-4 weeks.

Healthy food
Healthy food

Hypovitaminosis, hyperytaminosis and vitamin deficiency are quite serious conditions that can cause chronic diseases, and impaired health. Therefore, follow your nutrition. Take vitamin preparations if necessary.

Video: Vitamin deficiency

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  1. Nowadays, hypervitaminosis is rare. But the lack of vitamins has almost every second. Immunity falls from this and a cold. To maintain my health, I take the Evalarovsk sparkling vitamin C, order on the phytomarket.ru. The most necessary remedy against SARS and colds.

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