Hyperhidrosis armpits. The armpits sweat strongly - what to do? Treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits with a laser, botox, soda. Sweat armpits for armpits

Hyperhidrosis armpits. The armpits sweat strongly - what to do? Treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits with a laser, botox, soda. Sweat armpits for armpits

With the advent of summer heat, hyperhidrosis armpits becomes the cause of discomfort for many people. It is real to get rid of excessive sweating, for this you just need to choose a method and start acting.

If you walk quickly, travel in public transport, walk on the street with children or just watch exciting films, then often feel unpleasant moisture under my armpits. However, you should not worry, since sweating is the most natural reaction of the body to overheating, physical activity, emotional stress, stress.

Active sports lead to hyperhydrosis armpits
Active sports can cause armpits hyperhidrosis

For a healthy person, such a physiological feature is the norm and this phenomenon is called this phenomenon perspiration. If sweating occurs even when you bent to tie the laces, then this is a violation of the work of the sweat glands and you have hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis armpits: Causes

Factors affecting the intensity of sweating are the most diverse:

  • In summer time synthetic clothing does not allow the body to breathe, so it is better to change it to a cotton
  • It is also important follow food and try to use acute in the heat less in the heat, since spices contain substances that cause severe inflammation of the sweat glands
  • Alcohol - Not the last reason for abundant sweating. The abuses of high -degree drinks know firsthand about increased sweating
  • Hyperhidrosis people with hormonal changes (women - during menopause, adolescents - during formation), with disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems
  • Also, the cause of excessive sweating can be kidney diseasewho cannot cope with the withdrawal of fluid from the body naturally
Alcohol intake is one of the causes of hyperhidrosis
Alcohol consumption is one of the reasons for the development of hyperhidrosis

Important: sometimes the presence of hyperhidrosis in a person makes it possible for a doctor to determine tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, and vegetative dystonia. The main thing is not to be shy and seek help from a specialist.

Hyperhidrosis armpits: Which doctor to contact?

This question is asked 80% of people with increased sweating. The answer is simple: therapist or family doctor will help solve the problem. He will find out the reasons and, if necessary, directs to a narrow specialist.

Therapist will prescribe treatment for hyperhidrosis armpits
The therapist will conduct an inspection and prescribe treatment for hyperhidrosis of the armpits

First you have to take the following tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood
  • blood on hepatitis, HIV and the content of hormones showing deviations in the thyroid gland
  • blood chemistry
  • ECG

Important: if no pathology is found in the results of the tests, a more in -depth study is carried out for oncology. If there are suspicions of diabetes, tuberculosis or thyrotoxicosis, the patient goes to consult directly to a profile specialist.

Hyperhidrosis armpits we deliver many unpleasant moments
Hyperhidrosis armpits delivers many unpleasant moments

Deodorant for hyperhidrosis of armpits

If you find a problem such as increased sweating, at the initial stage it is possible as a treatment for the use of antiperspirants.

Since the active substance of antiperspirants is aluminum chloride, many are afraid to use them.

A deodorant for hyperhidrosis helps to get rid of unpleasant odaphadeodorant with hyperhidrosis helps to get rid of unpleasant odor
Deodorant for hyperhidrosis helps to get rid of unpleasant odapha

But you should know that this component does not “clog” pores, but helps connect with the proteins of the skin of the axillary cavity and narrows the outlet duct of the sweat glands. As a result, the amount of fluid secreted is reduced to normal, but does not disappear at all.

Important: antiperspirants differ from deodorants in that they are fighting with increased sweating, and deodorants only mask the unpleasant odor. Therefore, the parallel use of these two means is possible.

The main thing is to correctly apply cosmetics to the skin:

  • antiperspirants are applied to a purely washed dry and cuts of the skin at night
  • in the morning they use an ordinary deodorant to surround yourself with a pleasant aroma for the whole day
Deodorant for hyperhidrosis is applied in the evening
Antiperspirant for hyperhidrosis is applied in the evening

Subject to this simple instructions, the axillary depressions will remain dry from two days to a week after each procedure.

Among medical antiperspirants, according to user reviews, the most effective are:

  • Odaban It has been produced in the UK since 1971, has been produced in the form of 30 ml of spray with 20% aluminum chloride and has established itself on the world market from the best side
  • Dry Dry Produced by the Swedish company Scandy Line, is produced in a 35 ml bottle, contains 30.5% hydrate of aluminum chloride
Effective deodrant for hyperhidrosis
Effective deodorant for hyperhidrosis of armpits

These funds do not cause addictions, so long -term use is possible.

Hyperhidrosis tablets of armpits

When with hyperhidrosis, antiperspirate therapy is powerless, drug treatment is connected. At the beginning of the treatment, the doctor prescribes sedatives - valerian, peony tinctures or motherwort, since increased sweating can be primarily associated with vegetative disorders of the body.

If this is not the case of the proper action, with narrow specialists, depending on the cause of hyperhidrosis, drugs containing Belladonna and Beauty extract are prescribed.

These include:

  • Bellaspon - tablets that need to be taken after eating three times a day, washed down with warm water. If the disease is very neglected, you can take up to 6 tablets per day. Their action is aimed at calming, "falling asleep" of the nervous system
  • Belloid -tablets in the form of dragees, which must be taken three times a day for 1-2 pieces for the treatment of thyroid pathologies
  • Bellatamal -reduces the extreme excitability of the nervous system associated with constant neurosis, you need to take 1 tablet after eating 2-3 times a day
Bellatamin - pills for hyperhidrosis armpits
Bellatamin - pills from hyperhidrosis armpits

If hyperhidrosis is caused by increased emotionality or frequent stresses, a doctor can prescribe trans-translator tablets to normalize a mental state. But since they are addictive, the course of treatment should not exceed 4 weeks and undergo a constant supervision of a specialist.

Important: it must be remembered that any drug treatment has side effects and it must be carried out, clearly observing the instructions on the immediate recommendation of the doctor.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits with a laser

The problem of increased sweating can be solved by applying a laser procedure that lasts approximately 2/3 hours. The treatment is based on the use of a neodymium laser that destroys the cells of the sweat glands without the appearance of burns, scars, and hematomas on the surface of the epidermis.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with a laser
Treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits with a laser

The procedure is carried out directly at the medical center using an anesthesia of a local nature. After such a session, the patient, ideally, must forever forget about his problem. But in most cases, the procedure has to be held several times, after which there is a complete destruction of about 70 % of the cells of the sweat glands.

The procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • reception of antibiotics
  • infectious diseases in the acute period
  • diabetes

Important: an integral part of the laser treatment of hyperhidrosis is the appearance of a specific smell, but after 5-6 hours it completely disappears.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits by Botox

For some time, to get rid of hyperhidrosis will help the Botox injection popular in modern medical cosmetology.

Their action is based on the temporary blocking of the transmission of the pulses of the nerve fibers, but after the regeneration of conductivity, relapse occurs and everything needs to be started again.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits by Botox
Treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits by Botox

Important: the use of Botox is not a treatment, but a cosmetological procedure.

Video: Treatment of hyperhidrosis by Botox

Hyperhidrosis armpits, treatment at home

If increased sweating is caused not by serious diseases, but by nervous tension, emotional overloads or stress, home treatment is possible.

Closing for some time of sweating channels and general relaxation of the body contribute to baths with the use of sea salt, decoctions of oak bark, oats, sage or chamomile.

Sea salt will help to eliminate the symptoms of hyperhidrosis armpits for a while
Sea salt will help to eliminate the symptoms of hyperhidrosis armpits for a while
  • If there is not enough time for the baths, you can limit yourself to wiping the armpits with tinctures of the same chamomile, sage, oak, as well as boric acid, lemon or alum
  • In the fight against hyperhidrosis help Compresses, which should be applied at night, cleaning preliminary axillary depressions
  • So-called contrast compress It implies alternate attachment to the problem zone of gauze, moistened either in hot or in cold water. The salt solution is no less effective (for 200 ml of warm water 2 tablespoons of salt), applied for 10 minutes to the armpits
  • A necessary condition for the effectiveness of home therapy is correction of the diet. Raspberries, honey, pepper and various sharp seasonings should be excluded from the menu, and make a daily accent on strawberries, currants, apples
Nutrition adjustment is a prerequisite for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits
Nutrition adjustment is a prerequisite for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of armpits

Important: the main thing in the home treatment of hyperhidrosis is a systematicity designed for a long time.

Soda from hyperhidrosis armpits

  • How ordinary white powder available in the kitchen of each person can solve the problem of 90 % of the population of the planet
  • Soda, or in a scientific sodium bicarbonate, is a natural disinfectant that destroys a mass of bacteria
  • It can be applied in the morning to wet axillary cavities, shaking off the remnants, and the dryness of the linen in combination with the absence of an unpleasant odor is guaranteed throughout the day
Soda from hyperhidrosis armpits
Soda from hyperhidrosis armpits
  • Soda can also become one of the components in the manufacture of home antiperspirants
  • Home antiperspirant recipe: You need to combine 60 ml of soda and corn starch, then add 5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa oil and mix everything thoroughly
  • The resulting thick mass must be placed in a vessel convenient for subsequent use and cool until hardened. As a result, a tool is obtained, in consistency not different from industrial

Sweat armpits for armpits

So that the clothes soaked with hyperhidrosis do not put a person, at least, in an awkward position, developers of personal hygiene products offered to consumers of female and male laying from sweat.

They act very simply, but effective: in the process of their use, sweating is blocked, while functional disorders in the work of the sweat glands are not observed.

Sweat armpits for armpits
Sweat armpits for armpits

Napkins have no smell, can be used as many times as necessary. The material of manufacture depends on the manufacturer:

  • in Russian liners " Stop-agent»Pullose -impregnated with silver ions is used
  • austrian manufacturers in their gaskets Purax use sheep's wool that absorbs moisture very well
  • dutch 1-2 Dry Dry consist of cotton

Important: gaskets, depending on the number of sweat and the type of clothing allocated by a person, are small, medium and large. The color scheme is represented by two options: white and black.

These funds have many advantages, but there are, from the point of view of consumers, their shortcomings:

  • the presence of an unpleasant odor in some users
  • inconvenience when wearing
  • high price

Hyperhidrosis armpits: reviews

Oleg, 39 years old: The problem of sweaty armpits has been pursuing me from school years. Every time I went to the board, sweat began to stand out intensively, so much so that the clothes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpit immediately got wet. I was very ashamed, I was lost, I could not answer. Classmates knew about my problem and constantly made fun of me. Now I use Dry Dry napkins. The situation improved, and I began to feel more confident.

Hyperhidrosis armpits
Hyperhidrosis armpits

Ira, 25 years:A girlfriend has been producing Botox for several years every spring. She is very pleased with the result. Botox actions are enough for the entire period of heat.

Svetlana, 28 years old:My work is associated with great physical exertion. Sweat, which allocated every now and then, strongly interfered with me. Deodorants did not save. On the advice of a doctor, I decided on the laser effect on the sweat glands. I went through several procedures. After that, the situation improved much.

You can get rid of armpits hyperhidrosis
You can get rid of armpits hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis cannot be called an insoluble problem. Weigh all the pros and cons, choose a convenient way to treat hyperhidrosis and get rid of unpleasant sweat secretions.

Video: How not to sweat? Modern ways of dealing with later (radio waves, Botox and laser)

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Comments K. article

  1. I have been using Dry Dry mentioned for a long time, and I am very happy with it. And it is effective and enough for it for a very long time, and therefore it comes out in cost quite economically.

  2. Dry Dry is a really cool thing. For a long time I did not dare to buy, in the end I acquired a classic roller version and I do not regret at all. Really persistent protection against sweat for several days, and does not dirty clothes

  3. I collided with increased sweating during menopause. No deodorants helped. Only when Alanin began to take cyclic and tincture of sage-synthesia improved. Now neither sweating, nor other symptoms (irritability and insomnia have still been very worried)-there is still no.

  4. And I use only the Russian remedy Dry ru. It perfectly protects from sweat, and does not spoil clothes.

  5. I used the gaskets for some time. To be honest, they seemed to me not very comfortable, and in the summer at all, if the sleeves are without sleeves, where to fix it. Now I have a different solution to the problem of wet armpits - once a week I process their form gel. Very convenient and the effect is enough for a long time.

  6. And I also really like Dry ru. An ideal tool for sweat. I haven’t found better yet - both in price and in terms of protection from sweat.

  7. I opted for Formagel. It is effective, moreover - quite budget. I smear the armpits once a week and then I don’t bother at all for several days.

  8. Throughout the month, the husband has been using the DRISTION CONTROL. This is our rescuer from sweat and smell of sweat. He really helps. He has a super action. I like that it can be used not every day and combined with other means. The husband uses it not only for armpits, but also for the legs. He says that the legs began to sweat less, the smell almost disappeared. I think everything will return to normal soon and it will be possible to use only an ordinary antiperspirant

  9. In addition to formagel, she found nothing from drugs for hyperhidrosis. It turns out that besides this gel there are no other, namely drugs, drugs for hyperhidrosis. I use it with an interval of ten days, this is enough for the problem not to be a problem. Satisfied.

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