Gibernation and Sleep: What is the difference and what is it? What is the difference between a dream mode and hibernation: advantages and disadvantages

Gibernation and Sleep: What is the difference and what is it? What is the difference between a dream mode and hibernation: advantages and disadvantages

In this article, we will consider how the gibbernation and sleep in computer systems differ among themselves, and we will also learn their distinctive features.

Now almost all the work in the office is impossible without a computer, even studying or the same work at home requires such a device. And, in principle, almost all people have a computer or laptop at home for personal use. Moreover, if not personally each member of his family, then one for all for sure. And when turning it off, we pay attention to the choice of several modes, and specifically sleep and gibbernation. This is about their advantages and differences among themselves and will be discussed in this material.

What is sleep and gibbernation mode: what is the difference between them?

Working constantly at the computer, we worry from time to time that it will overheat, and this, in turn, will lead to its quick breakdown. Therefore, you need to constantly turn off the computer. But we want to inform you - scientists have proven that the computer off after work is not quite mandatory. Only if you just want to save electricity.

  • All modern computers are equipped with an effective cooling system, the operation of which is enough to prevent the machine overheating. On the contrary, more harm to the computer carries frequent inclusion and off. But at least once a day you need to turn off the system for relaxation. And in general, when you leave the house for a long time, it is advisable to turn off the computer to prevent an emergency situation with a closure or something like that.
  • Very often, people work on a computer with several open browser tabs, folders or documents. But when turning off, they need to be saved, and sometimes only one file is subject to saving. Moreover, when turning on, you will need to open everything again. Therefore, such small tricks from programmers were thought out that they greatly simplify the use of a computer or laptop.

Important: the Windows operating system provides three options for saving energy when you do not use your computer. These options include Sleep (Dream), Hibernate (Hibernation) and Hybrid Sleep (hybrid sleep), Which are especially useful for laptop users.

In addition to turning off, the system also has three sleeping modes
In addition to turning off, the system also has three sleeping modes

In various operating systems, you can also find various names of this similar regime:

  • for example, “waiting for the regime” and “sleeping mode”;
  • or "dream" and "gibernation";
  • and also can be separate each of the modes.

What is sleeping mode?

  • If the PC is not used for the set time, then it can automatically go into sleep mode. True, the corresponding settings should also be preserved for this, which most often initially already go specified.
  • Any windows are opened in the left form, and their current condition is preserved in the RAM of your PC. Therefore, when you open the lid of your laptop or move your desktop with the mouse, it seems that you have never left.
  • Moreover, the necessary time to return everything to life covers only a second or two.
  • Sleeping - an energy -saving state intended, first of all, for laptops. It can be said even easier that sleep is a pause in the work of a computer.
Sleeping mode is a pause in the computer
Sleeping mode is a pause in the computer

What is deep sleeping mode or gibbernation regime, or gibbernation?

  • It is also a sleep mode, but a little more complicated than the previous one. Since the computer will be completely turned off in this mode, but at the same time it will save all the files and tabs with which the work was carried out the day before.
  • Saving occurs on the hard drive of the computer in a specially “Hiberfil.sys” file. Turning off immediately after saving files.
  • In this mode, the system practically does not use electricity. The mode is more suitable for laptops, since the full charge of the battery is almost completely preserved.

What is a hybrid sleep?

  • More suitable for computers. Since it combines the usual sleep regime and gibbernation. The advantage of the mode is that all the material will be preserved on the hard drive and simply in the computer's memory. And if you want to restore work, it can be quickly resumed. Even during a malfunction on the electric network. Typically, gibbernation is used by the default computer. Therefore, when clicking on a “dream”, the system goes into the hibernation mode automatically.
  • On your laptop or tablet, a hybrid sleep is disconnected by default, because there is a battery. If your battery is no longer working, and you must constantly connect a laptop to a computer, you can turn on a hybrid sleep on any Windows device.
Gibernation practically does not consume energy
Gibernation practically does not consume energy

What is the difference between sleep mode and gibbernation: the main advantages and distinctive disadvantages

Visually, the situation with any sleep looks like a computer is turned off. That is, the screen goes out and no noise from the processor or fan occurs. They are very similar, but there are significant differences between them. By the way, there are times when the inscription “Sleep” or “Gibernation” is completely absent in the computer shutdown menu. But this does not mean at all that the system does not have these commands. They simply are not displayed, but can be turned on by default.

The main cases when there are no inscriptions about sleep or gibernation mode:

  • gibernation is not displayed through the inclusion of a hybrid sleep mode. In parallel, such modes do not work, only separately;
  • in a computer, the mode is disabled in the BIOS of a computer. For connection, go to BIOS. Methods of turning on the mode must be read in the instructions for the computer, since it all depends on the motherboard of the computer itself;
  • sometimes on the PC video card you need to update the drivers, since outdated settings may not support any dream at all;
  • the set parameters differ from the standard computer transition settings into sleep mode;
  • sometimes you do not see the Hibernation Parameter, because it is hidden by default. You can re -enable it using the instructions.

Important: To enable one of these modes, you just need to click on the multi -colored “Start” circle, where, opposite the right lower line “Complement”, put the mouse on the arrow, and from the proposed options and choose the right dream. That is, you only need two clicks, as can be seen in the lower photo.

Inclusion - this is a common feature between two modes
Inclusion - this is a common feature between two modes

Pros and cons of sleep:

  • Among the advantages can be distinguished:
    • a very quick transition to this mode;
    • moreover, it can even be installed automatically. Therefore, even when closing or debt non -use, the PC will go into it on its own;
    • very quick exit from him. In general, sleeping mode is best suited for time when you will not be far from your computer for a long time. That is, you can take lunch, start the order or even postpone the computer for the night, knowing that you can use it again in the morning.
  • But most people using laptops and tablets forget that sleep mode does not know how to save information in cases where the battery sits down. After all, although insignificant, the energy consumption is still going on.
  • Table PCs are slightly different from each other, since they do not have a battery to maintain work and ensure a smooth shutdown when the power is turned off. You can use the sleeping mode on a desktop PC if there is no risk of interruptions in the supply of electricity. That is, during the thunderstorm, the sleep mode will not protect from the loss of work.
  • It is also worth highlighting that in sleep mode the system is not updated, and temporary files are not deleted. And, in general, the PC does not rest, it is always, albeit in slow, but working condition. Simply put, he is on the alert.
Sleep mode for seconds will return to work
Sleep mode for seconds will return to work

Pros and cons

  • It is quite interesting that the hibernation regime, first of all, was developed only for laptops. The need was that laptops work from the battery. And in the Hibernation mode, the energy of the battery itself is effective. Accordingly, the time of its possible use continues for the duration of the preserved charge.
  • Now the Gibernation mode is widely used on portable computers. The advantages of this mode are as follows:
    • it is not necessary to worry that all data will be lost during the shutdown of light;
    • easy restoration of the previous state of documents and bookmarks, with which they used until the time when the computer moved into the “deep sleep” mode;
    • data is stored in the computer operating system, which is quite convenient to continue working.
  • Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting:
    • the consumption of memory of the hard disk, which occurs in any case. Just a different amount of work covers the different amount of memory. But this is sooner or later, to a greater or lesser extent, but it will pull the speed of your assistant;
    • there is a small percentage of the fact that the work of certain programs or files will be incorrectly restored;
    • a relatively long output from the mode, which is almost similar to the usual inclusion. In general, the sleep regime clearly loses.
But the Hibernation regime has its drawbacks
But the Hibernation regime has its drawbacks

Now you can be reasonable in choosing energy conservation modes. If you use a portable computer, the best option is most likely gibbernation. Since it saves the highest capacity compared to sleep or even the average regime between them. Also remember - with a hibernation or hybrid sleep mode, you should not be afraid of failures in electric networks.

Program developers took care of the stability of working on a computer. The dream, on the other hand, will simply save the previous work as accurately as possible and will help to renew it relatively quickly. Work on your favorite devices in all convenient ways, choosing suitable modes.

Video: What is the difference between sleep mode and hibernation?

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